HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2005-6-29 , i . . , ' AUtllOl'lzed , 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)72l>-jbM' '~" , ~~~~~~~(~A\UCATI~~ (P!J.-Oj!05 ,ik ':'~ . , 1 3. (cOMffLETEF.EE;ScfiEli!"iLE;B~t;q;WJl:iJ~~"i\ll __-_......"~,,,.,,.<.,""'''4''''''....'''.,~,.,,1.~..'.,.''''',--~-. . ", ,~~, '. ,;1:"~'.., ,',,,.\ 00 sq. ft. or less ch additional 500 sq. ft, or rtion thereof P't t r bl d' k i Each Manuratc.1t\'i:!,j,H1orm,l=e'or erml s are non- rans.era e an explr wor s " not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Modular Dwelling ~rViMldr SHA~~ ~X~~H~ If5J.~g. WORK Suspended for 180 days. Feeder AUTHORIZED UNDl..l1 II "" r"EKMl1 IS I~U I i:F'CONT,AA,';;:;';;'1N:sTpi'r'417rON:VNhWI B. ~,il'=1i1llIrfii', ij!'f~~".;:iill"'i:t[;i'li:qAifiWtillh7-,;r;/Rje~1itioi1k1 2. !;r~'~otr~~""""'_N'~'"_""~~~'~''''~'''''ffi,d!l li\i_"~"-mJV"'l:llfu'i!ff~H3'D~""~"""'~'" ="^"'~'''''-clJ Electrical Contractor N.." Way E1..etrie. Ine. 200 Amps or less, \ $ 63.00 10'0., ~ 201 Amps to 400 Amps \ $ 75.00 \ I';:, s.v 401 Amps to 600 Amps $125.00 601 Amps to 1000 Amps $163.00 Over 1000 AmpsN olts $375.00 Reconnect Only $ 50.00 1. ""j;6CA'!!!l/N:6'EINST.A'1ii'4ifION.'t.-Jj. 4A:tG?"!~'" f\' LEGAL DESCRIPTION \1D~ O\SlX) J~~q~-t ~ills -~""~~"WMti..,~,t>';-li"",~"':'M.i"',~:r"~'!'t."'>f~'''.'Ii.-W;:''~''~'':lV:''''-~'l,,";~!;1!/.,l.&-- , A. ~Ne.!", J!.eslde.ntl3l""SlDgle'orlMull1-Fam"Yjp_e.~!.!!~elhl)g)lDl!.,:" <, Service Included $106.00 Pump or irrigation $ 50.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 50.00 Limiled EnergylResidential $ 25.00 Limiled Energy/Commercial $ 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges ~~~,,,,~~;~y:~,,,,:,!~-":-.~.ft;~;;:'''f.:Ff:'';1:~:;'~'~~'''-'' .';;~;lf~~' ~(j6{J) 4.'SUBTOTAL'OEA'BOME' \ ;.~ ~"v.~iill, ",' ~~~~, ,'iW:~~;""'''~:}1/'1:!'fI:f'Wk-'j1.Y"k'x:E'''''i'ro''':;''''<Jl:'~,:l~I..~'m;*' ','~f:..ij1 . Q 7% State Surcharge 2."3.31 ~'==> D'\O% Administrative Fee :" :3 3J n.n"~ ,\SIt)' TOTA~~~,e,",~.,,__,,_"^.,~.:lD/ ~~ Address P.O. Box 21503 City Euaene Phone541-686-2365 Supervisor License Number 32825 Expiration Date 10_01_7007 Constr. Contr. Number 20-145C Expiration Date 07-01-06 a:Jisin{;Ztl - / Owners Na~ ~~ Address ~O ~V r? City r JJ()~ nL.. Phone f\~ lo.w.3 . OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: InspectIon Request: $ 19.00 C Vk~hSia.:~~";J}, "^S'^,l';l'H.'1P., ..,,;:.~,I1:utl',- ";;,F',.~~~d' ':;.c;~~,' ':$~~_" 'J:!l{,~'" 'il>'\~~~,','-'1 ';!'i1j:~'~,'~"", . ;!;e~I!!P.~I1lJy.l..~.:ry!!,:~s;o_rf,:tte. e~ft~ttl'-"': ,~;t<l ..:t~;sr-.~~~~>;"~'J Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 Amps or less $ 50.00 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 69.00 401 Amps to 600 Amp~ l~'" .on, 'ir~l:P91OO to D O~B~~~>~~~~iii~"~"~t\:i,~~:L~~i~~,bl,r..'r,,,,,,n!'i<i . ._f~ncn Ire ~'~~W'~"~~~f,t;{!.:~,,o::Il..;~~;;;'n "-, New A\\~I(311Pb!OIi:Exadsil,t~1Pe~bp~*2: ~ the rules by One Cir91jt)O. You may obtam cop. tt:rttJXbne EachAddiW~I'~itclllt'Of.W1i1\' (iii' l\ln1ificati~rI'\SCJ> Service or F;~.~ercPennithe Oregon . ~~J) .00 ,~ . llL.m~~, '-, 2-2344. ~ 3l'\t"II~ 1-890- E ~Mi:;:rit:J~'j;.~\;:'.,~(Sv.::-. ..!!'"'~'-I. ;,j"'d$.;~~,,~#;'t';,1'~I'~Jd-.l[."d'" .')"ft:......E' .;;!.,~:~h'^lc:~~I--I"'iI"~~~1 . , s~.,,~~~i J,~g.!~~,~~~..,~~~:,!!.q.!.i!!!~,J;I__~n jj~.d!~!!s.ta.~~~~~~ . . CITY OF SPRIr"'ul'mLlJ . BuilmifglewmbiDaWm. ;r.Qdtim~! - ~,~,~ I...~... - PERMIT NO: cOM2002-01241 ISSUED: 1012712004 APPLIED: 10/24/2002 EXPIRES: 11110/2005 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone \ 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 4446 FRANKLIN BLVD 2 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703344401500 Eugene TYPE OF WORK: Commercial Miscellaneous TYPE OF USE: Alteration Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Repair I remodel of existing str~~t"'~~ i'~~sO - DEMOLITION of house at east of property 012505 DB.Gary Karp';Plariner.Site Plan Review Journal 2001-07-0143. Issued Foundation Only 12-30-02periDbM!lfiB'.HALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK .._ '........,-.~-......, '..'r-..r..... TII/{'> ~rna"lT lr'> flinT nv"'\J'..L......~ .....'~......_.. ....-. -....... "- .--. Owner: BRING RECYCLING Address: PO BOX 885 EUGENE OR 97440 COlv';MENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 1 BO DAY PERIOD. I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Designer > Electrical Engineer Plumbing Use Initials Contractor BRING RECYCLING COMMON PRACTICE BUILDING DESIGN NEW WAY ELECTRIC 1NC KEATING ENGINEERING VOS PLUMBING INC , EGGERT MADSEN License 119422 Expiration Date 01117/2007 51088 06/27/2007 Phone 541-746-3023 541-683-9863 541-686-2365 541-687-8608 541-485-0551 541-687-8608 41805 04/0412006 # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: B BUILDING INFORMATION I ~nENTION: Oregon law requires you to # o~ St~n~ :w n lies adopted by the O~~"tility Height ofS'tructure. t Those rule"o. "u.t fflm: hi -..:tif'-::!tlon lJen er. S""'!I.:-t: ",t::.. ... Type ~q~~at: -001-0010 through l!Jl1.~tjJ'Lddl!qor: WaterType~ 952 "Sq~t~asement: r -M You'may obtalD caples oS' ,.(!;' U<,,~ UL Range-Type: N 'th ft ~t[\Cj\a~\'(!:e/Carport Energy Path':'l9 the center. ( ate.,. PSq8Fi:.dl4~~' SprinkledJBuililingf the OrenOIi' Utllltyo"'l:~U~~~I'LQad: "'~~'M;O LRnn/<1?-23441. I DEVELOPl\-u.JU ",~uRMATION 1 44,867 3,000 VN REQUIRED PARKING Frontyard Setback: ) Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: Total: Handicapped: Compact: I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Sidewalk Type: DownspoutslDrains: Notes: Paeelof5 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Description Type of Construction ; Estimate Estimate Foundation Only Estimate Estimate Use Bid Amount ,. Fee Description Plan Review CommlIndlPublic + 7% State Surcharge + 80/0 Administrative Fee Temp Power 200 amps or less + 7% State Surcharge + 8% Administrative Fee Foundation Permit Planning Final Occy Inspection Plan Review CommlIndlPublic -Mechanical Issuance Fee-, + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Building Permit Fixture Minimnm/Adjustment Mechanical Plan Review CommlIndlPublic SDC Transpo Admin SDC Transpo Improvement SDC Transpo Reimbursement Vent Fan + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Demolition Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Building Permit Plan Review/Com,lnd,Pub Hourly + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add Perm ServlFdr 200 amps or hiss Perm ServlFdr 201 to 400 amps . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: cOM2002-01241 ISSUED: 10/27/2004 APPLIED: 10/24/2002 EXPIRES: 11/10/2005 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 I Valuation Descrintion I $ Per Sq Ft or muitiplier $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 120,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 Value $120,000.00 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 $131,000.00 Date Calculated 02128/2003 05/10/2005 10/28/2002 Total Value of Project Fpp<. PiiILI Amount Paid $69.81 $3.50 $4.00 $50.00 $7.52 $8.59 $107.40 $11 0.00 $431.05 $10.00 $69.88 $48.91 $555.75 $98.00 $33.00 $-69.81 $0.42 $6.88 $1.56 $12.00 $9.00 $6.30 $45.00 $45.00 $4.50 $3.15 $45.00 $90.00 $33.30 $23.31 $195.00 $63.00 $75.00 Date Paid Receipt Number 1200200000000000130 1200200000000000221 1200200000000000221 1200200000000000221 1200200000000000474 1200200000000000474 1200200000000000474 1200200000000000474 1200200000000000751 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200200000000001496 1200500000000000110 1200500000000000110 1200500000000000110 1200500000000000110 1200500000000000634 1200500000000000634 1200500000000000634 1200500000000000634 2200500000000000854 2200500000000000854 2200500000000000854 2200500000000000854 2200500000000000854 10/24/02 11112/02 11112/02 11112102 12/30/02 12/30102 12/30/02 12/30/02 2128103 6/11103 6/11103 6/11103 6/11103 6/11103 6/11103 6/11103 6/11103 6/11103 6111/03 6111/03 1/25/05 1/25/05 1/25/05 1/25/05 5/17/05 5/17/05 5/17/05 5/17/05 6/29/05 6/29/05 6/29/05 6/29/05 6/29105 Pa2e 2 of5 Status Issued 225 Fiftb Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax . 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Total Amount Paid Fire Department Review Initial Review Initial Review Plannin2 Review P1annin2 Review . 03/20/2003 03/18/2003 10/25/2002 12/23/2002 10/28/2002 $2,196.02 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: cOM2002-01241 ISSUED: 10/27/2004 APPLIED: 10/24/2002 EXPIRES: 11/10/2005 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 I Plan Reviews , 04/11/2003 03/20/2003 10/28/2002 12/23/2002 10/30/2002 APP GRG Plan Review: Job # COM2002-01241. Remodel of mercantile store. M occupancy classification (no cbange). Type V-N construction. 2939 square feet. Shell plan. Provide 2-A:IO-B:C fire extinguisher every 75 feet oftrave1 distance (Springfield Uniform Fire Code 1002.1) Provide or maintain address numbers in contrasting color visible from the street fronting the property. (Oregon Structural Specialty Code 502; Springfield Uniform Fire Code 901.4.4) Provide battery back-up emergency egress lights. Emergency egress lights accessory to exit lights are acceptable. (OSSC 1003.2.9) APP LLH If further partitioning of the floor plan is to be done, an inftll submittal plan will be required to verify exit widths and distances. Held for application. Not received, processed plans so not to hold up applicant. lh APP LLH APP GMK EMM Development Agreement Signed Site Plan Review not complete - Gary Karp Planner - 2001-07-0143. No occupancy untO Final Site Plan and Development Agreement are signed. Check with Gary Karp 726-3777 for Final Site Inspection also. Pa2e30f5 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD- Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: cOM2002-01241 ISSUED: 10/27/2004 APPLIED: 10/24/2002 EXPIRES: 11/10/2005 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 . Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Pbone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Plannin2 Review 03/20/2003 03/26/2003 APP Public Works Review 04/14/2003 04/24/2003 WE Public Works Review 04/24/2003 06/11/2003 APP PJO , Public Works Review 10/28/2002 12/31/2002 APP PJO Public Works Review 12/27/2002 WE PJO Structural Review 11/23/2004 1112312004 10 JMP Structural Review 05/10/2005 05/10/2005 APP JMP Structural Review Structural Review 10/28/2002 12113/2002 12113/2002 12113/2002 APP 10 DLM JMP Structural Review Structural Review 06/04/2003 03/20/2003 06/09/2003 04/21/2003 APP WE JMP JMP, SUB Review 03120/2003 04/02/2003 APP JF Needs Site Inspection by Gary Karp when this building is complete. Call Gary at 726-3777. If more than 50 cubic yards of fill, grading or excavation will be required for landscaping on site a Land Drainage and Alteration Permit will be required before work commences. Memo to Bring regarding new and existing building areas. FOUNDATION ONLY Need info for building footprint and plumbing Rudy Berg submitted revised structural engineering details due to change to rigid roof insulation. Called Rudy to tell him of acceptance and gave field copy to Tom Marx for delivery to the field. Rudy Berg submitted an AM&M request to modify the one hour walls by adding insulation under the interior gyp. board. Foundation Only Per Gilbert Gordon: Okay to issue permit for Building 1 only. Any new construction will need to meet water supply requirements. Liz Miller said to check with Gary Karp 12116 if we can now issue the permit. Faxed request for 16 items to be addressed to Rudy Berg on 4/21/2003. See attached., Pass energy code review To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. , Rpfllllirlflolri I~ Temporary Electric: Approval required prior to Utility Company energizing pole. Footing: After trenches are excavated. Foundation: After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. Epoxy Anchors: To be done by Certified Spcia1lnspector. Provide Inspection results to City Building Inspector. Pa2e 4 of5 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO: cOM2002-01241 ISSUED: 10/27/2004 APPLIED: 10/24/2002 EXPIRES: 11/10/2005 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 225 Fiftb Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Shear Wall Nailing: Before covering sheathing with finish materials. Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. Walllnsulation: Prior to cover. Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. Roofing: Prior to installing any roof covering. Drywall: Prior to taping. Firewall: Located and constructed according to plans. Roof SheathinglNailing: Before covering sheathing with finish material. Structural Welds: To be done during construction by State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test results to City Building Inspector. Final Fire Department. After all requirements of the Fire Department have been met. Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. SUB Insulation Vapor Barrier: To be called for at the same time as the SUB framing inspection. SUB Framing: Following City Framing inspection approval SUB Final: After all required energy inspections have been requested and approved. Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete. Septic Tank Pumped: After septic tank has been pumped and fIlled. Please provide the inspector with receipt and verification from company performing pump and fill. Sanitary Sewer Cap: Capped within five (5) feet of tbe property line and capped with an approved material as required by the code. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do beTeby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Owoer or Contractors Signature Date Pa2e 5 of5 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ 541-726-3759 Phone . 8"~IU!!"!."!,~,',_C'~ _ __ .", WiL' < !. ; ""Ii! ,Rty of Springfield Official Receipt .velopment Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2002-01241 COM2002-0I241 COM2002-0 1241 COM2002-01241 COM2002-01241 , Payments: Type of Payment Check ;. , " ~~. . : ~ 1 6/29/2005 RECEIPT #: 2200500000000000854 Date: 06/29/2005 Description Penn ServlFdr 200 amps or less Penn ServlFdr 201 to 400 amps Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By BRING RECYCLING Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk 15820 In Person Payment Total: Page I of I 10:05:50AM Amount Due 63.00 75.00 195.00 23.31 33.30 $389.61 Amount Paid $389.61 $389.61