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Permit Electrical 2008-2-27
V.l'6\7rVQI .,"'w 6. ~ YV .. ..... ~~_.------I I ZON 1J)'l.,- ",,'T1.~S ~----= DATE ~C1l'- SOUllCB _~\~ l:!'l A-jjoTt15TUJtT . 9P1UN.....U;.j...D. mt".~ . I B:(54J)7'Z6-''7SJ .I'AX. (S4')~ ELEt,.!JtdCAL PE}(MJ.f :V.FJJC~:nON CIty lob Number \. \, '"'0' UUU' w.taUadoa, AJtel'anon or RelOUlnoa 200 Amps or less 2()1 Am9s to 400 Amps 40 1 ~s to 600 Amps Expiration Dato J 01/1/.0 OYer 600 Amos or 1000 V 0115 se~ ''B'' llbOve. ~t.:.~..:'tI;..r".l! .'r~ .,' ~,_...,... ~.t'" ,,,.. ,\., , r"\'Ir'" , ",,"::ll~" . :-'~1 ' ., -i' ~7~~R.\~~.~~:::;.;:r'~~,:~j#~~~ Own., r-;am22c. "\ r\t\, \,W' \ ~~~,~~: ;:er PmJl~~",.. T'r.,~.rt "".' ,..:~ .:.:0 "{.'--' VI~" ".. d- ' ~ r 11' .:f-"; .~.,. .:. ., ,'.. ')"...rW1d~"~j~IP.i.~\I Addte \.k'4- .. I.. ,. ;,"C"."...ol4l."" ". . .....'" .,,; ...c".=r.l.J......,..; ""',,; ..\~:.at"",; "'" ~f 0 (lS'/.. .::J. '14'Wb OWN):a IN~ALLA.1"IOJ'lI The instll!laad"'ll is braDS lnade on pr.,pCltty 1 ~WIl which N QT~ ante11ded for air:. lca,~e or rent ~i~l EXl'lRE If 'THE W )RK :~~ED_UNDER THIS PERM\T IS ~~ COMMENCED OR IS ABANUUNI:U FeP- ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. , IUpKUon Request: '126-!769 ~'~~-.\~~~I.""'''!Z.::.<I..,~' . -~,.''"'-l''','~f;}t;,''.\''. ,'Ij ,'jIi:\" L .. ~ . ....~ !il~ I.:, ;;~'" ~~.. ~~t\ I~~;; r __, _ . . .. d\l ~ fi" ~ ~ , ../,,,-,-, ~\ _.. ....,.,. -.. ,....... "'~. J'~ -.llII.~-':>'" . ,. . f\D~~5~~ ~~~{ ,W fA:, Perm'''' are DoawtnaS{c:.l'alld upJ:;;; 'orit is .... e1Uted dr.. 180 ~YI of !$sauce or if ~oril ill SUspCJIded 1'., ,1Il1J days. Eledne&l CO/I'IlT1c:tct . ,.,.,rr;78,r City .Mll.._CktK PbcaC (;S'~~~'l1 S\1C)eMSQf Llcense Numb<< ~ ~5'7 . : ~ EJIlll1lltlOIl Dale , 0 It /1 () Cotl$17. COIl1l'. Numb" -.J 0 t, '3 !.!t_---- '\tw> -p,--,I Date f\",,,,,,\<r,...,., ~l> ',...Ift-...." ,'I''''.''''~.~ .~r/'1f(~"(JI,,.:tI "'''''''''i'n'''-'.~ 1"''''''' I~ ~"-?fo."f'\ J. ',:IJOM f.:II~a-.o.~nrlE.~~~":. .)li:j~~,(,?"~:.ij::S\~~l,,,\ _~~.. ....{.._...t iI'i1)f,l ......w.;:.... ./,,/ '.,....:;... ..\..~....r/Jh'~ 1-__ 1f' \l.M\'~.J.J::i!J,'...:r'l~/l.t:i~\ ..J..~ "'~J.1{ ..!jf..... ,.... -~ t<;" It.. :, N~\ [. 11"'I.~."\.I>\ I. '~r;" . .......l'iI"\".~ "ltoI"'/'i"":'- '_"'-1- t...... !. I ,\ "\}f~~ ';'B;_~Ih!;,"~i"ij.'''~~~,j'ilr j~""~rJ; , ,;Iltlo',....,.I1H,;, .~,.' ~<~~~!":~,.p; I , "'J .. \; ~{."""" ~1~;~...... "..,.,..... J.LW.. . Ii ,j"r.-.l<1..-......... -. ~........ Servte8 laeJuded WOO sq. ft or less Eac;h add~oDal100 sq. ft or potUon thereof each Mu\ltal::t'd HolDe Of Modular Dwelling ~'1ifIce Dr 'eeder $11 7 00 $ 21 00 $53 00 'f. flr. ~;., ::~!".,,~P' ,./,,':"11", i~'UC' I'ii,r' :""iY',~, '1.','. .;~'" .,':' ~"I~;_ 'iI -=",~~il),~;':~~~~:'lllt._..!&eal"!~#'d:;, ~_~ I'_~ _J'!"i..... u;. ~ .14'1..... ..~"'.1t ..1..~.;N~~~....I-::~.J;'.. '/.i[~ . 200 Amps or leu 201 Amp to 400 AIlllps 401 J\mJW to 6CO AmPJ 601 Amps to 1000 Amps Ova 1000 AmpsNolts ~c:t Oo.ly ___ S70,I)O $ 53 00 _____ $13800 SllO CO $413.00 $ SS.OO C ~".-'t(.~\ ~~~~n ~.,,; '*"'~'~~'.:".,~..."~'''rir.~,<'''(\7''r',~\';ioT' ri1"/'r~..\.l'\ .,;" \;.-\~~ . " ' j r ied.as .., '- :\i~;" t,~f' !\~\ ,::/1 I rio' I/If l 1~1 ~..H,../I, ..._ \ :001 ... ,. t ,.., .~I1_""fll''''I.VJ: :..t;;:"~""Jtl__1J.,... I'.......'. ~ll\ ",' i~i.~ 4~...... S S:I.OO $ 16.00 $11000 Pump Of IrnpUOD SignlOutliDc LiglltiD& Luni1ed Enr:r:,yflUsid.entlal LlIrntEd El)Ol'IY/Commuclal S 55.00 S 55.00 $2&00 $ 50.00 Mln~~.~ penD~~,,~~~~~..~,~,,~~. ~::::.~urmutt' 4. ~1IJ 'J. ~ "lV~.~fl~tr:,\r"i~~',~~I";'~"I<,~:n~,~,r,.~: · ta ..'l.t.....- uul ..1."1......,' .~,.,(..a., :t"/lt~''ltI~~~1l1 .~I.\,\~~...J~t\ I ~- .?4'/. SbIIe Sun:\",O" 10% Adrmnutrllllive Fa ,% Te;lmololY Fee TOTAL ~",. Oregon law requires Y s wl' ~~r<<iP1 - d~ folloW ru as &Wt!~m~ e rules are set forth Notification Center. ThOS hOAR 952-001- \n OAR 952-001-0g~~~h~~\~I~S o~ the rules by 0090., You may 0 !\lote. the telephone ca\\mg the cen~r. ~~n Ut\\ity NotifIcatIon number for the. ~e8_100_332-2344). Center \s ,-