HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2008-2-22 City of Springfield, OR Memo From: Address File //I.~ Don Moore 4 ^ ~h'-L- 2/22/2008 Use of BloBased Spray Foam Insulation In attic of 6621 Forest Ridge Dr COM2007-00627 To: Date: Re: In early February 2008, we receIved a request to approve a soy based spray foam InsulatIon to be applied to the undersIde of the roof sheathIng of the subject resIdence The eXIstIng ICC EvaluatIon report # ESR- J 383 for the spray foam matenal speCIfies a maxImum thIckness of 6 Inches Mr, Paul HampshIre of Insoylatlon SOlutIOns, the applicatIon contractor, advised that ICC IS presently re-evaluat/ng the matenal for a thIcker applicatIon. Upon contactIng ICe, MIke Beaton, at the WhIttIer office advised that the re- evaluation was complete except for some mInor paper work He said the revIsed report should be Issued shortly, and he saw no reason to delay our approval of the applIcatIon to a maxImum of J 0 Inches Alan Seymour of the Oregon Dept of Energy advIsed that spray foams beIng used In the proposed manner requIre a vapor barner paInt to be applied to the exposed foam surfaces In the attIc The paInt must proVIde a one-half perm-cup ratIng for the application AccordIng to the evaluatIon seNlce report, the proposed foam matenal has a flame spread ratIng of less than 25 and smoke developed rating under 450, and can therefore be used within the condItIoned space of the bUIlding WIthout addItIonal thermal protectIon when applIed at a thIckness of J 0 Inches or less Mr. Beaton stated that the revIsed evaluatIon seNlce report WIll venfy a tested Insulation R-va/ue of R-3,25 per Inch for the subject matenal. AccordIng to the applicatIon contractor, the roof surface area of the bUIldIng IS 2268 s f., and the total condItIoned floor area of the bUIldIng IS 482 J s f SInce the roof surface area IS less than 50% of the floor area, the rated R-value for the applied InsulatIon must be R-30 or greater, Therefore the spray foam thickness must average 9,25 Inches to achIeve the requIred R-va/u~ The applied foam shall not exceed J 0 Inches In thIckness at any locatIon In order to comply WIth the forthcomIng revIsed evaluatIon seNfce report . Page 1 MOORE Donald e From: Sent: To: Subject: Paul Hampshire [phampshlre@cvcable com] Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2 42 PM MOORE Donald Spam Blobased Insulation Good Afternoon Don, In regards to the lnstallatlon of BloBased spray foam lnsulatlon for 6621 Forest Rldge, the vaulted area lS 2268 square f~et and the area of the structure lS 4821 square feet, so we are wlthin the 50% limltatlon. I wlll be applYlng a 10" thlckness, resultlng In R32.25. Addltlonally, the palnt I will be uSlng lS Ben]amln Moore Vapor Barrler Palnt, whlch states a .5 perm ratlng. Please call wlth any questlons. Thank You, Paul Hampshlre Insoylatlon Solutlons 541-517-2820 phampshlre@cvcable.com 1 BIO~;E~ /NSUL~ TI~_N BUilD HEAlTHY BUilD SMART February 6, 2008 RE Thermal Performance and MaXImum InsulatIOn ThIckness . BIOBased 501 IS a low densIty spray foam InsulatIOn whIch has been successfully used SInce 2003 The real world thermal performance of spray foam InsulatIOn matenal has been recognIzed for over 30 years In the real world, heat transfers through three methods, ConductIOn, ConvectIOn, and RadIatIOn The standard ASTM 518 test for r- value, only measures conductIOn under laboratory condItIOns All InsulatIOn products functIOn due to theIr abIlIty to slow or stop airflow ConvectIve currents wlthm any InsulatIOn matenal sIgnIficantly deprecIate a products abIlIty to reSIst heat flow. Because BIOBased 501 IS an air barner, as defined by ASTM E 283, It WIll out perform loose fill or batt msulatlOn systems under the same real world condItIOns Oak RIdge NatIonal Laboratory, a US DOE lab, has conducted comparatIve attIC InSUlatIOn tests usmg 14 Inch thIck (R-38) fiberglass as a baselme assembly In thIS test, 5 5 Inches (R-21) oflow denSIty foam out performed the fiberglass assembly by 14% Due to the Increased performance of spray foam InSUlatIOn, the attIc temperatures were also slgmficantly less than the IdentIcal fiberglass assembly These two factors allow for a more economIcal applIcatIOn of spray foam and SIgnIficantly reduced energy consumptIOn In the bUIldings In whIch It IS Installed 1 've attached a copy of thIS test report for you to revIew SectIOn 5 3 of the current verSIOn ofESR-1383 states, "The spray applIed foam InsulatIon shall not exceed a maxImum thIckness of 6 Inches (152 mm) and a nominal densIty of 0 5 pcf (8 kg /m3)" Due to an error In the verbIage whIch was used, thIS sectIOn IS beIng revIsed In a new ESR report whIch WIll be publIshed very soon In order to assess a product's surface burnIng charactenstlcs, flame spread and smoke development data are collected through the use of an ASTM E-84 SteIner tunnel test ThIS test has some lImItatIOn to ItS deSIgn concernIng spray foam InsulatIOn ASTM E-84 allows spray foam msulatlOn a maXImum test sample thIckness of 5- 6 mches It IS the lImItatIon of thIS test whIch generated SectIOn 53's lImItatIOn to 6 Inches ThIcker samples may be approved based on large scale testmg BIOBased InsulatIOn has conducted ICC recognIzed full scale AttIC and Crawl space tests at South West Research InstItute m San AntOnIO, TX Based on these results, new publIcatIOns wIll lIst the followmg reVIsed thIckness lImItatIOn BwBased 501 w spray foam insulatIOn has a flame spread Index not exceeding 25 and a smoke- developed Index not exceeding 450 when tested at a nominal thickness of 4 Inches (J01 mm) In accordance with ASTM E 84 (UBe Standard 8-1) Thicknesses up to 6 Inches (J52 mm) for wall cavities and 10 Inches (254 mm) for the ceiling or roof cavIties are recognized based on comparative attic and crawlspace tests By workmg WIth an authonzed BIOBased InsulatIOn dealer and a LIcensed HV AC contractor, the appropnate thIckness of BIOBased 50 I can be selected to achIeve the deSIred energy performance and comfort that homeowners and green bUlldmg deSIgners demand If you need addItIOnal infOrmatIOn regarding thermal performance, surface burnmg charactenstIcs, or current bUlldmg code standards, feel free to contact me Smcerely, {Jhf~7&~~-' Chns Porter BUIldIng SCIence / Codes Manager Attachments 1315 N 13th Street, Rogers, AR 72756 . 1 8008035189 - www blobased.nf?t R&D Services Large-Scale Tests of Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam Insulation Installed below Roof Sheathinf! Introduction A series of thermal tests that mcluded two types of spray-applied polyurethane foam installed on the bottom side of roof sheathmg have been completed usmg the Large-Scale Chmate Simulator at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Loose-fill fiberglass installed on the floor of the attic test module was also tested in this project. The thermal tests involved both winter and summer conditions for each of the three attic insulation systems that were studied. The three systems were tested with the same thermal boundary conditions, inside temperature and outside temperature, to facilitate comparisons of performance. This research was carried out in the Large-Scale Climate Simulator (LSCS) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The LSCS IS a unique hot- box facility that operates in accordance WIth ASTM C 1363. [1] Material R- values for the insulations included in the study were determined using a heat-flow meter apparatus operated m conformance with ASTM C 518. [2] Research Plan The base-line insulation for thIS project was loose-fill fiberglass insulation installed on the attic floor to a depth of 14 inches. The insulatIOn label for the fiberglass indicated that this depth of insulation provides R 38 fe.h.oF/Btu at 75 OF. Two spray-applied polyurethane foam systems were tested in the same attic module as the loose-fill fiberglass. The first was low-density open cell polyurethane foam with a nominal density of 0.5 lb/fe. The second foam system was closed-cell spray-applied polyurethane foam with a nominal density of 2 Ib/ft3. The attic module and the thermal conditions were the same for all three tests. Test Facilitv The LSCS at ORNL is a hot-box facility capable of testing 12xl2 ft assemblies wIth heat flow either up (winter condition) or down (summer condItion). Horizontally oriented test assemblies are positioned above a conditioned enclosure (metering chamber) that represents the interior side of the buIlding envelope. The metering chamber contacts an 8x8 ft. section of the 12xl2 f1. attic module. The test module can be many shapes including a typical shingled roof construction with 5/12 pitch such as that used in this study. Figure 1 contains a photograph of the test module before the roof sheathing was completed. The photograph shows the loose-fill fiberglass on the floor of the attic. The 8x8 ft metering area is partitIOned from the rest of the attic space with extruded polystyrene board stock that forms a wall around the metered area. Figure I. Photograph of Attic Test Module without Roof Sheathing The exterior side of the test module, the region above the roof, is a controlled region that can simulate either summer or winter conditions. The metering chamber is instrumented to measure either the heat added or heat removed from the metering chamber to maintain constant temperature. Figure 2 is a photograph of the enclosed test module. Figure 3 shows asphalt shingles being applied to the roof. Figure 2. Photograph of Complete Attic Module without Roof Shingles Figure 3. Photograph of Roof Shingles being Applied to the Test Module The LSCS has a computer data acquisition system that records temperatures and heat flows at selected locations in the test assembly. Heat- flux data and temperature difference s are used to calculate thermal resistance. The analysis can be characterized as one-dimensional steady-state measurement and analysis. The test module was an attic section with a floor area of 144 ft2 bordered by nominal2x10 inch framing. Trusses with nominal2x4 inch joists and 2x6 inch rafters were set on 24-inch centers. The floor of the attic was Y;-inch thick gypsum attached to the bottom side of the joists. The gypsum was/as a result/the ceiling of the metering chamber. The ends of the test module were enclosed with Y;-ich thIck plywood. The rootf sheathmg was also ~-inch thick plywood. All joints and spaces were either taped or caulked to eliminate air exchange between the attic air and the exterior of the module. An extension or chimney can be seen in Figure 1. This extension was fabricated from rigid foam board insulation that was instrumented to determine honzontal heat flow from the enclosed region of the attic. The horizontal heat flow was included in the analysis of the thermal performance of insulation systems. Test Results The results for thermal testing done in accordance with ASTM C 518 and ASTM C 1363 are summarized m this report. The thermal performance of three insulation products that were included in the project were determined as a function of temperature by R & D Services, Inc. using ASTM Test Method C 518. The thermal performances of three systems each including one product were determined as a function of temperature using the Large Scale Climate Simulator at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The LSCS operates in accordance with ASTM Test Method C 1363. Matenal Measurements Usinll C 518 Loose-fill fiberglass insulation at density 0.44 Ib/ft3, low-density spray-applied polyurethane foam at density 0.60 Ib/fP, and high-density spray-applied polyurethane foam at density 2.6lb/ft3 were each used in the attic test module at ORNL. The apparent thermal conductive ,ka, and the thermal resistively, R *, of each of these products was determined. The results are contained in Tables 1, 2 and 3 with equations for ka as a function of temperatures below each of the three tables. The 'test specimen for the low-denSIty foam was a nominal one-inch thick slice cut from the core of a four-inch thick piece of the insulatIOn that was collected when the foam was installed in the LSCS test module. The test specimens for high-density foam were nommal one-inch thick slices cut from the core of a four-inch thick section of foam that were approximately 34 days old when tested using C 518. Table 1. R* and ka for the Loose-Fill Fiberglass used in the Sorav-Foam Proiect A verage Temperature (Op) ka (Btu'm/ft2. h.op) R* (ft2.h.oP/Btu.in.) 45.00 75.06 105.11 0.3943 0.4511 0.5066 2.536 2.217 1.974 ka = 0.001868T + 0.310443 (1) Table 2. R* and k~ for Low-Densitv Sorav-Aoolied Polyurethane Foam Average Temperature ka R* (Op) (Btu.in/ft2. h'op) (ft2.h.oP/Btu.in.) 64.25 0.2680 3.731 75.06 0.2767 3.614 85.86 0.2856 3.200 96.66 0.295+ 3.100 ka = 0.000843T + 0.213577 (2) Table 3. R* and k~. for HiQ'h-Densitv Snrav-Annlied Polvurethane Foam Average Temperatures ka R* of (Btu.inJft2. h.oF) (fe .h.oF/Btu.in.) 64.27 0.1415,0.1430 7.067,6.993 75.09 0.1460,0.1473 6.849,6.789 8589 0.1509, 0.1520 6.627, 6.579 96.69 0.1561,0.1570 6.406, 6.369 ka = 0.000441 T + 0.113698 (3) System Measurements Usine: C 1363 Three attic insulation systems were tested in the LSCS for both winter and summer condItions. The systems and the test conditions are listed in Table 4. The thermal test section was 8x8 ft. and 64 ft2 in area. Table 4. System Tests Usine: the ORNL LSCS Test Element Test ID Temperature Loose- fill fiberglass on. floor of attic (depth 14 in.) la Ib lc Id Low-DensIty foam between rafters (depth 5.5 in.) 2a 2b 2c 2d High-Density foam between rafter (depth 4.0 in.) 3a 3b 3c 3d Interior Temperature External (OF) (OF) 69.99 69.98 69.96 70.06 0.20 0.09 30.12 109.93 70.02 70.01 69.99 70.03 -0.21 0.00 30.15 109.87 70.03 70.02 70.01 69.97 0.10 0.23 29.99 109.95 Heat flux and temperature data were used to calculate thermal resistance and overall heat transfer coefficients for the twelve cases listed Table 4. The results are shown in Table 5. Table 5. R and V-Values for the Twelve LSCS Measurements Test Number R-Values U-Value Insulation Ceilin2: - to- Deck Air-to- AIr Air-to-Air Fiberglass la 17.7 19.2 22.2 0.045 Ib 17.7 19.3 22.4 0.045 lc 29.0 31.2 34.5 , 0.029 Id 20.2 21.6 23.4 0.043 Low-Density Foam 2a 14.7 13.9 16.9 0.059 2b 14.7 14.0 17.0 0.059 2c 13.6 13.2 16.0 0.063 2d 12.1 12.2 14.6 0.068 High-Density Foam 3a 3b 3c 3d 22.8 22.7 19.8 18.1 20.1 20.0 17,9 17.0 23,7 23.6 21.3 19.4 0.042 0.042 0.047 0.052 The insulation R-Values in Table 5 are calculated from the measured heat-flux across the Insulation and the measured temperature difference across the insulation. The results have been corrected for the presence of framing. The framing correctIOn is negligible in the case of the attic-floor insulation (loose-fill fiberglass) while the correction is significant for the foam installations since the foam regions are in parallel with wanl framing for their entire thickness. The ceiling-to-deck R-Values are based the temperature differences between the top of the gypsum that forms the floor of the attic and the bottom of the plywood that was used as roof sheathing. The air-to-air R- Values and U -Values are based on the difference in temperature between the metering chamber and the climate chamber. Table 6 compares the material R-Values for the three insulations determined from the LSCS (ASTM C 1363) measurements and ka measured in accordance with ASTM C 518. The kaand R-Values are at the average insulation temperatures determined in the LSCS. The thickness of the ' fi~erglass msulation was 14 mch~s,)h~ th!ckness 6fthe 10w-dertsityJoam was 5.5 inches, and the thickness'ofth.e-high-density foam was 4~0 inches. / j[ - - - -. --. . . The hIgh-density foam was 3'4 or 35 days old at the tIme thermal resistance was measured using ASTM C 518. The high-density foam was 20 to 30 ' days old during the LSCS test. The thermal resistance for the fiberglass are based on an area of 64 fe while the foam values are based on 70.7 ft.2 The ka-values in Table 6 were calculated from Equations 1,2, or 3 as appropriate. The variation of R with temperature is qualitatively correct for the foam test. The low-denSIty loose-fill fiberglass insulation exhibited signIficant reductIOn in thermal resistance at low temperature due to free convection. Table 6. Material R- Values Determined bv Two Methods Test Number Insulation Temn (OF) R (C 1363) k~(C 518) R(C518) 14 If la 38.01 17.7 0.3814 36.7 F1l5tXdCAS f Ib 38.03 17.7 0.3815 36.7 lc 51.75 29.0 0.4071 34.4 Id 88.97 20.2 0.4766 29.4 - , . " , , 2a 32.61 14.7 0.2411 22.8 0" /A;w d6<.JJ. ~ 0// 2b 32.73 14.7 0.2412 22.8 W-JNS 2c 48.49 13.6 0.2545 liD I~ 2d 93.00 12.1 0.2920 ,> ' 1 ~~8 _ ,'/ ~ . , /' ~ ~ 4/( 3a 32.89 22.8 0.1282 31.2 3b 33.01 22.7 0.1283 31.2 fft-obt),[, 3c 48.79 19.8 0.1352 29.6 ~ 3d 93.07 18.1 0.1547 25.9 Attic Air Temoeratures Observed in ORNL LSCS Proiect AttIC aIr temperatures were recorded for each of the 12 measurements at locatIOns SIX mches below the peak of the attic and 12 mches below the peak of the attIc. ThIS was done usmg thermocouples suspended m the attIc aIr space The temperatures are m of, Test No, Intenor Temo 6-mches from oeak 12-mches from oeak Extenor Temo , 1a 6999 7,75 7,75 0,20 1b 6998 7,54 C,7.44 0,09 1c 6996 32,73 32,72 30.12 1d 7006 108,14 107,75 109,93 2a 7002 6031 60.42 -021 2b 7001 60.33 6047 0,00 2c 6999 6404 6418 30 15 2d 7003 78 28 77.78 109 87 . 3a 7003 61 39 61.45 010 3b 7002 6144 61.56 023 3c 7001 64.80 64,90 2999 3d 6997 77.10 7672 109 95 Summary Thl~ research provides a comparison of the performance of roof-deck appVed spray-applied polyurethane foam insulation with loose-fill fiberglass insulation installed on the attic floor of a test module. I . The R-values determined from LSCS measurements for loose-fill fiberglass were less than the material R-values measured using a heat-flow meter apparatus. The differences at low temperatures were most likely due to free convection, The loose-fill fiberglass provided about 50% of the thermal resistance measured by the heat-flow meter apparatus. . The low-density open-cell spray-applied polyurethane foam installed below the roof sheathing provIded about 64% of the R-value measured by the heat-flow meter apparatus. The thermal performance was consistent over the range of temperatures investigated. . The high-density closed-cell spray-applied polyurethane foam installed below the roof sheathing p~rformed at about 70% of the R-values measured by the heat-flow-meter apparatus. The air-to-air V-values for the high- < denSIty foam were less than the corresponding V-values for the fiberglass msulatIOn for winter conditions. The air-to-air V-values for the hIgh-denSIty foam were greater than the V-values for the fiberglass insulation under summer conditions. References [1] ASTM C 1363, "Standard Test Method for the Thermal Performance of Buildmg Assemblies by Means of a Hot Box Apparatus", 2002 Ann~al Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.06 (2002) pp. 739-769. [2] ASTM C 518, "Standard test Method for Steady-State Thermal TransmIssion Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus", 2002 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.06 (2002) pp. 156-167. David W. Yarbrough, PhD, PE May 8, 2006 . / ... ./NSOYLATION /' SOLUTIONS ~ ( '\ Paul Hamps.,....j c r.(;Rtt1.'idQ.Qfi . Owner \I: 92010 Goldson Rd Cheshire, OR 97419 . l ~~~!i~!!~~ Phone, 541-517-2820 Fax: 541-998-3430 E-mail. phampshlre@cvcable.com il- IBBB IiBiiIJI Featuring energy efficient soy based spray foam insulatIOn tH/lf~ ~L~-7(;)N Cl/ W;51l(/~r:cC- fiNt1tt2',~. ;eev/$aJ ;lAL,,~l~R-1383 Issued January 1, 2006 ThIs report IS subject to re-exammatlon m one year 'i ~ J;S REPORTTM ~ ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. www.icc-es.org BusmesslReglonal Office . 5360 Workman Mill Road. Whilber, Calrfomla 90601 . (562) 699-0543 Regional Office . 900 Montdalr Road, Su~e A. Birmingham, Alabama 35213 . (205) 599-9800 Regional Office . 4051 West Flossmoor Road. Country Club Hllls.llhnols 60478 . (708) 799-2305 DIVISION' 07-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section' 07210-BUlldmg Insulation REPORT HOLDER BIOBASED SYSTEMS, LLC 1315 NORTH 13TH STREET ROGERS, ARKANSAS 72758 (479) 246-9523 don@blobased net www blobased net .\-...... EVALUATION SUBJECT: BIOBASED 501 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 10 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the follOWing codes' . 2003 InternatIonal BUlldmg Code@ (IBC) . 2003 InternatIOnal ReSidential Code@ (IRC) . 1997 Umform BUlldmg Codeā„¢ (UBC) Properties evaluated . Surface burning charactenstlcs . Thermal performance (R-values) . PhYSical properties . Attic and crawl space installation 2 0 USES 2 1 BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation' BloBased 501 Spray Foam insulation IS used as a nonstructural thermal Insulating matenalln bUildings of Type V-B (IBC) or Type V-N (UBC) construction, and In structures 'constructed In accordance with the IRC The insulation IS for use In wall caVities, floor assemblies or ceiling assemblies 3 0 DESCRIPTION 3 1 General BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation IS a spray-applied, semlngld, low-denSity, cellular polyurethane foam plastiC Insulation The foam plastiC Insulation IS produced In the field at a nominal denSity of 0 50 pcf (8 0 kg/m3) by combining a polymenc Isocyanurate component A With a resin-based component B The BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation components (A and B) shall be stored at temperatures between 600F (160C) and 900 F (320C) 3 2 Surface Burning Characteristics' BloBased 501"Spray Foam Insulation, at a maximum thickness of 6 Inches (152 mm) and a nominal denSity of 05 '------ pcf (8 kg/m3), has a flame-spread Index not exceeding 25 and a smoke-developed Index not exceeding 450 when tested In accordance With ASTM E 84 (UBC Standard 8-1) 3 3 Thermal Performance (R-Values)' BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation, at a nominal denSity of 05 ,pcf (8 kg/m3), has thermal resistance (R-values) of 3 830F ff h/.Bt!j (067 OK m2/W) at a 1-lnch ,(21)_4., mm) -thickness: 677 'F ft2 h/Btu (1~19 'K m2/W) at a 2-lnch (254 ,mm) thickness, and 13 0 OF ft2 h/Btu (2 29 OK m2/W) at a 4- Inch (254 mm) thickness 40 INSTALLATION 4 1 General BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation shall be Installed In accordance With the manufacturer's published installation instructions and thIS report A copy of the manufacturer's published installation instructions shall be available at all times on the jobslte dunng installation 4 2 Application BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation shall be spray-applied on the jobslte uSing a volumetnc posItive displacement pump to combine the A and B components at a one-to-one ratiO, as specified In the manufacturer's published installation Instructions BloBased 501 spray foam insulation shall not be applied In areas that are exposed to a maximum ambient temperature greater than 1800F (820C) The spray foam Insulation shall be applied to substrates that are clean, dry and free of frost, Ice, loose debns, or contaminates that Will Interfere With adheSion of the spray foam Insulation The spray foam Insulation shall not be applied In electncal outlet or Junction boxes or In direct contact With water or SOil In junsdlctlons that have adopted the IRC, In areas where the probability oftermlte Infestation IS "very heavy" as determined In accordance With IRC Figure R301 2(6), and when foam plastiC Insulation IS used With wood construction, the foam plastiC shall be Installed In accordance With IRC Section R320 4 4 3 Thermal Barner' BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation shall be separated from the Intenor of the bUilding by an approved thermal barner of 1/2-lnch-thlck (12 7 mm) gypsum wallboard or an eqUivalent 15-mlnute thermal barner complYing With, and Installed In accordance With, I BC Section 2603 4, I RC Section R314 1 2/ or UBC Section 2602 4, as applicable, except when Installed In attics and crawl spaces In attics and crawl spaces, BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation may be Installed where entry IS made only for service of utilities and shall be Installed In accordance With IBC Section 2603416, IRe Section R314 2 3, or UBC Section 2602 4, as applicable An Ignition barner consisting of either 1 5-lnch-thlck (38 mm) minerai fiber Insulation, or a ~ REPofns . are not to be construed as representmg aesthelles or any other attrlblltes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be constrlled as an (lj<S'~ endorsement afthe subject afthe report or a recommendatlOnfor Its use There IS no warranty by ICC EvaluatlOn Service Inc, express or lmp/zed as to any fmdmg or other matter m thiS report, or as to any product covered by the report COPYright @ 2006 Page 1 of 2 A,ltS4.1ocl~Prq_ 1'ItlW;Jct...1Il11fK:Arl()\j. 3 .., ""'" fJvU.;:a A!l ~ , IP'S /(,IV/bf\, T " , Page 2 of 2 o 25-lnch-thlck (6 4 mm) wood structural panel, particle board or hardboard, or a 0375-lnch-thlck (95 mm) gypsum wallboard, or a corrosion-resistant steel having a base-metal thickness of 0 016 Inch (04 mm), or some other approved matenal, shall be Installed In a manner so that the spray foam insulation IS not exposed The protective covenng shall be consistent With the requirements for the type of construction required by the applicable code Ventilation of the attic or crawl space shall be prOVided In accordance With the applicable code 5 0 CONDITIONS OF USE The BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation descnbed In thiS report complies With, or IS a SUitable alternative to what IS speCified In, those codes listed In Section 1 0 of thiS report, subject to the following conditions 5 1 The spray-applied foam insulation shall be Installed In accordance With the manufacturer's published installation Instructions, thiS report and the applicable code If there are any conflicts between the manufacturer's published installation Instructions and thiS report, thiS report shall govern 5 2 The spray-applied foam Insulation shall be limited to Intenor use In Type V-B construction under the IBC, to Type V-N construction under the USC, and to structures constructed In accordance With the IRC 5 3 The spray-applied foam Insulation shall not exceed a maximum thickness of 6 Il"1ches (152 mm), and a nominal denSity of 0 5 pcf (8 kg/m3) 54 The spray-applied foam Insulation shall be applied by contractors certified by BloBased Systems, LLC 5 5 The spray-applied foam Insulation shall be protected from weather dunng and after Installation 5 6 A vapor retarder may be reqUired by the code official In extenor walls In accordance With IBC Section 14033, and In extenor walls, 'floors and roof/ceilings In accordance With IRC Sections R318 1 and R703 2 5 7 The spray-applied foam insulation shall be separated from the bUilding Intenor by an approved thermal barrier ESR-1383 complYing With, and Installed In accordance With, IBC Section 2603 4, IRC Section R314 1 2, or UBC Section 26024, as applicable, except when Installed In attics and crawl spaces as descnbed In Section 4 3 of thiS report 58 In Junsdlctlons that have adopted the IRC, when spray- applied foam Insulation IS Installed In bUildings of wood construction, the Insulation shall not be Installed on the extenor of foundation walls or below floor slabs on grade or In contact With the SOil The spray-applied foam insulation shall have a clearance above grade and exposed earth of 6 Inches (152 mm) or greater 5 9 The use of the spray-applied foam insulation as a structural component or nailing base has not been evaluated and IS outSide the scope of thiS report 510 The use of the spray-applied foam insulation as fire- blocking or draft-stopping has not been evaluated and IS outSide the scope of thiS report 5,11 The spray-applied foam Insulation components A and B are produced In Rogers, Arkansas, under a quality control program With Inspections by Omega POint Laboratones, Inc (AA-657) , 6 0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data In accordance With the ICC-ES Acceptance Cntena for Foam PlastiC Insulation (AC12), dated February' 2005 70 IDENTIFICATION The A and B components for BloBased 501 Spray Foam Insulation shall be packaged In 55-gallon (208 L) drums that Identify the manufacturer's name (BloBased Systems, LLC) and address, the date of manufacture or the lot number, the product name (SloBased 501 Spray Foam), the product type (Component A or Component B), the Installation Instructions, the denSity, the flame-spread and smoke-developed Indices, the thermal-reSistance R-values (when applicable), the name of the Inspection agency (Omega POint Laboratones, Inc ), and the evaluation report number (ESR-1383) - ..,'" 7 - -- - ......-----....- -- ------ j / t, ( '. . . t , . ~ ~ '- .\ ~ I ,SENT BY: MOSHOFSKY TRUSS; Mo~~~~~r.!~~~~E~; T~I 541-461-0880 Fax' 541.b89-9041 Don Moore City of Springfield Building Oept. 2/6/2008 Dear Mr Moore, 541 689 9041; FEB-6 ^q 6:51PM; PAGE 1/1 This letter concerns trusses supplied to 6621 Forest Ridge Dr. for Swearingen Construction Our company supplied these trusses. These trusses were designed for a 15 psf top chord dead load. Thl~ contractor is installing a compostion roof, which requires a top chord dead load of at most 10 .pst. . According to ESf; -1383, Section 3-1, the foam Insulation being added to these trusses weighs no more than O.~ psf. The trusses are clearly able to hold the weight of this foam insulation I J , Sincerely, ~ / /7 A -~._~ \ ,.. I //, 11 c.__ ~ _ -;? ------.. --_.--..- ,J / .-1{ A. ~/ David L. lIett General Manager ARTISAN ENGINEERING, LLC 325 West 13th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401-3402 Phone 541-338-9488 Fax 541-338-9483 www.artIsanenglneenng.com February 1, 2008 Paul Hampshire I nsoylation Solutions 92010 Goldson Road r Cheshire, Oregon, 97419 frrtes Re: Structural Approval of the Soy-Based bray-On Insulation (Biobased 501 Spray Foam) for use at the Stein Residence, 6621 Ridge Drive, Mountaingate Subdivision, Springfield C/ 1-b 2-7 Dear Paul: Per your request, I have reviewed the ES Report, ESR-1383 issued on January 1, 2006 and the proposed Building Code amendments for using the soy-based spray-on insulation product Biobased 501 which you plan to use at the Stein Family Residence, located at 6621 Ridge Drive at the Mountaingate subdivision in Springfield, Oregon. I understand that the local Building Official is requiring my approval as the product has not yet been adopted in the Building Code by the State Building Codes Division. We understand that you wish to spray the product on the underside of the roof sheathing and the rafters of the three-story residence rather than have the Contractor install standard batt insulation in the ceiling. The attic space will be unventilated in order to increase the efficiency of the building insulation. As such, the insulation will be the most effective when applied to the roof sheathing and rafters. We have no concerns about the effect of the product BioBased 501 Spray Foam on the structural systems as long as the Conditions of Use delineated in the ESR in Section 5 are adhered to. These conditIons mentIon the means and methods of Installation, the vapor retarder requirements, and the locations where the product is and isn't allowed. We are basing the entirety of this approval on the ESR 1383 and assume that it is the most current Report. Please call if you have any comments or qUestion~U PROFts ~~ G\N~ ~ Sincerely, 4.:.7 /.~ ~~ ~ ~I . _~ '" v 16568 'r 1"'", Timothy A. ~olden, P.E. Pnnclpal, Artisan Engmeenng, LLC \ ~OREGO~,,", J lh~18,~~ IJtOTHy \N\)\.~~ , EXPIRATJON DATEQ fa B I' R - 3,2:1 lillY, y'z Ih'/?,#/'k,