HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/2008 Work Session City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 2008 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, January 28, 2008 at 6:30 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken and Councilors Lundberg, Wylie, Ballew, Ralston, Woodrow, and Pishioneri. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Attorney Matt Cox, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. I. Arts Commission Applicant Review. Youth Services Librarian Carrie Schindele-Cupples presented the staff report on this item. The Arts Commission will have three vacancies on its board. We advertised for two position openings due to a term expiration of member Judith Macomber and a resignation by Janelle McMahan. At the January 14tb meeting, Don Durland also announced his resignation, creating a third opening. The Arts Commission has received five applications. All five applicants attended the January Arts Commission meeting and were interviewed. In response to the news releases of December 5,2007 and December 26,2007, the Arts Commission has received five applications to fill three vacancies. The Arts Commission reviewed all applications and met with five applicants during its regular January 14tb meeting. The Arts Commission recommends that William Miller, Karl Kreutzer and Sandra Dominguez be appointed to the commission, with terms to expire December 31, 20ll. Mr. Miller is an artist and carpenter who owns Millrace W oodworks in Springfield and is passionate about building the arts community in Springfield. Mr. Kreutzer works as an engineering technician, and is experienced with fundraising and arts advocacy. Ms. Dominguez is a former member of the arts commission and eligible to serve again; she holds an M.A. in Arts Administration. It should also be noted that Ms. Dominguez turned in her application after the deadline; the commission asks that she still be considered as a viable candidate due to her extensive experience and desire to work for the community of Springfield. Ms. Stasney is a working artist and energetic member of the Springfield community. Her desire to work with youth arts makes her an excellent candidate. We will contact her and encourage her to apply again when there is another opening on the commission. Mr. MacFarlane moved to Springfield in the last year and is interested in many types of art. His desire to serve the community is appreciated and the commission may contact him in the future . as a potential volunteer. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes January 28, 2008 Page 2 I I I I The Commission believes all applicants are eligible and qualified to serve on the Arts Commission. The Council is requested to review the Arts Commissions' recommendations at the Work Session..Council is requested to appoint three candidates at the Regular Session on February 4, 2008. ' Councilor Lundberg acknowledged the quality of the applicants. Council consensus was to move forward with the three recommended applicants for appointment on February 4. 2. Hansen Pavement Management Status Report. Public Works Director Dan Brown and Maintenance Manager Brian Conlon presented the staff report on this item. The Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for maintenance, operation, repair and preservation of the City's infrastructure. In FY06-07 Public Works Maintenance Division purchased and began implementing the Hansen Pavement Management System (PMS) Software to improve our ability to effectively manage the City's street infrastructure. A summary of how the PMS is being utilized and evolving is presented for City Council information. One of the Public Works Department's fundamental transportation objectives is to maintain and improve the street system through strategic pavement preservation. The Hansen PMS is an asset management tool to provide guidance in planning and developing our preventive maintenance and capital repair strategies. Another important benefit of the PMS is increased ability to more accurately forecast current and future funding needs. This becomes critically important when representing the cost to effectively manage the street system, moreover with meeting the challenge to acquire adequate funding sources to meet the future preventive maintenance and repair demands. The City is faced with major challenges funding pavement preservation and rehabilitation projects and avoiding growing the backlog of streets in need of major reconstruction. Optimizing the use of those funds dedicated to street preservation becomes evermore important. The Hansen PMS will playa crucial role in developing effective and credible preservation and rehabilitation strategies required to properly maintain the street system network. Mr. Brown noted that in order to receive certain federal funds, cities must have a pavement management system in place. The Hansen system met that requirement. Mr. Conlon introduced Glenn Witzik, Data Management Technician and Stacey Kintigh, Street Maintenance Supervisor. Mr. Conlon explained the Hansen PMS. Pavement management was specific to pavement preservation. The major component of the PMS was the Street Segment Inventory. In this inventory, each street was evaluated block by block. Street data was collected by Maintenance staff by doing field inspections of the street work. Comprehensive condition inspections were performed every two years. He explained the inspections and what staff looked for. He presented a power point presentation and referred to a slide showing a page from the Hansen Pavement Management System. The enhancement of the system helped staff to organize and document the streets by class type and condition. He explained how this system allowed staff to forecast street decline and enabled project planning. It also enabled the City to be in a better City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes January 28, 2008 Page 3 position when applying for Federal funds. He discussed other values that would be added into the system in the future for making better decisions. He referred to a chart showing the cost of the existing streets, by type of street. The total number of miles of street identified was 200 miles, with a value of approximately $350M. He felt that was an inflated cost and would be closer to $300M with overlay. As they got better with the system and better values were applied for the types of repairs done, the estimate would be more refined. He referred to additional charts in the power point presentation. Mr. Brown said there were not only 200 miles of streets, but 200 miles of sewer, and 200 miles of drainage ways. Mr. Conlon showed other charts from the system showing the different types of streets in.the city and their composition. He explained how the system worked and the types of information that was entered into the system. He displayed a chart showing the condition of Springfield streets. He noted the high percentage of streets that were in fair to very good condition, but said it was a challenge to maintain those streets at that level. The outputs from the Hansen system would allow staff to prioritize the preventative maintenance treatments. He referred to a chart showing a life expectancy curve of streets and noted that by applying preventative maintenance such as slurry seal, they could put off reconstruction, saving a substantial amount of money. Mr. Brown explained further. Mr. Conlon commended Mr. Brown for starting the slurry seal program twenty-five years ago as it had saved a number of Springfield's streets from needing to be reconstructed. He explained the cost difference between slurry seal, overlays and reconstruction. Mr. Conlon referred to several charts that showed conditions for each zone in the City. He noted that this syste~ had been beneficial to the Public Works staff and he felt more confident in the projects they chose to perform. Councilor Ballew asked about new construction and the maintenance of those new streets. Mr. Brown said it was Council's decision whether or not to take over jurisdiction of streets from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) or Lane County. The other new streets built in subdivisions would either become a City street or a private street. Councilor Ballew suggested setting up local service districts to help maIntain newer streets. Mr. Conlon discussed the benefit of the bond measure that was passed ih 1995 that allowed maintenance to turn around four miles of streets. Mr. Brown discussed the crack sealing process. He said Mr. Conlon worked with Lane County and Eugene to convince them to also do the crack sealing and slurry sealing. They are now doing both. Councilor Ralston asked if every street segment had been inventoried. Yes. Mr. Conlon said they were updating the data and it would all be up to date soon. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes January 28, 2008 Page 4 Councilor Ballew thanked Public Works for keeping the streets clean during the recent inclement weather. Councilor Wylie asked about the new de-icing product that was put on streets to keep it from icing up. Mr. Conlon said Maintenance would be giving Council a report on that soon. He said the City purchased a de-icing machine this year. The County, ODOT and the City of Eugene had been using them for several years. Maintenance felt that with the trend in hillside development and the roundabouts, that it was a worthwhile investment. They just started implementing the de-icer a few weeks ago and were very happy. ODOr had really helped the City with obtaining the magnesium fluoride. Councilor Wylie said it had been put on her hill and was working great. Mayor Leiken suggested notifying the public when it was being put down because it looked like ice at night when the car lights shone on it. He suggested getting the word out with Niel Laudati. Councilor Ballew asked how many zones there were in Springfield. Thirteen. Mayor Leiken thanked staff for the good work and for keeping the streets safe during the recent snowfall. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 pm. Minutes Recorder - Amy Sowa Attest: Am~~ City Recoroer