HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-6-29 o 0 RES I 0 ~ T I A lo 0 APPLICAT./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753_ . ~."". "I Job Location: . . Asses SOl'S Map n Subdivision: CUneI': Addres3: "'..."" City: I lMpw I I Addition I I Remodel' I I Uob-:.le 110m3 Date of Application Contractors . General l Plumbing I Hechanical ~J.~c tri.!~a 1 Jfi:.A',p,..-;:;;r 5 SupeY;"r.tt;ir.1g_Elec t r:i c 1..1 n -~.;'l~'.. ...... . . Rcce~pt ,If -- / 75:'~ I oJ ~"......._~ SPRINGFIELD ~7' . - ~ n{)\"\0" '1'9,5"'/ .Pel/;;~ .V.,\ O~::; ~~ ~ · .;flerl F#'~ ~/'~~A-' , ~-=7.S- Y' '~/S7" .~",.Phone: 7L('/-//./ ./ ~~,'" ~/"f': Zip: 97o/.:/r3 / g9T#~L. /f/L#$ ...13C//P~c;'~ lib - '2'~-9~ Ta:r:Lot '" . . Describe Il'orl~: . Value ;VIA- l/ 'J ~ . " l . Sigr.~d:4~'-I~g~~ Dato: - j- h ~ <9 ~ )0 .. , Address Lisc. Bldrs Bonnl Re~. Phnnp ~'~__:7 . - ......, Expi'C(..s It is the l'eeponsibility of the penmit Iwtdel' to eee that all inspections are made at the propel' time. that eac/a ~ddress is l'ea~ab~e f~ the stl'eet, and that the pOl'mit card is located at the front of the pl'operty. 4Bui!dina Dtvicio~ apPl'oved plan s/~ll remain on tha Du-:.lding Sits at all times. . . P"?OCSDURE FDn INSPECTION nSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recol'der) state your City desi!1nated job nwr.ber. job addl'css, type of in3pec~ic'a requested ar:d 1J.I:en you witt be ready for inspeotion, Contraotol'S or Q.mel'S name and phone numbcl'. Requcsts received befol's 'I: 00 c::l l.'ilZ be made th~ scune :day.. requests made aftcr 'I: ao cun will. be made the ncxt :JOrkin.] day. Y~ur City Desi!1r.ated Job Number Is: ~bOg~ -.- - - - 1'- - - - - - - - ---' - - . '. ,~ . c..........: '~:"':r"" ',.::'..., -v'< '.' ';'j> , . ...~" . -I' , All. pl'oject conditions. ouch as t/ae1~nstatlation of street trees. oO!:'pletion of t;jcj . :,. l'equired landscapir.g. etc., must be satisfied'befol'e the BUILDINC FINAL.can be rsquest3d. Real/ired InsrMct1:nnR D SITE INSPECTION: To.-be made aftel' ezcavation. but priOI' to set 'up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLlJMBING. ELECTRICAL .( . MECHANICAL: To be made before any wol'k is ~overed. D FOOTING & FOUND,iTION: To be made after tl'enches al'e ezcavated and forms./11'e e1'ected. but prior to pouring cenCl'et~. UNDSRCROU.'!D PWMlJING. SSWEll. w'1TEll. DllAINAGE: To be made priOI' to fil- tir.g tl'enc/aee. O UNDEnFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAl.: . To be made prior to installation of [1001' insulation or deckin!1' O POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'ior to installation of floor insulation or deokiTl{j. f\7l ROUC1I PW.'1Bl!JC. ELECTnrCAf.. & MEC1/- ~ ANICAL: No wol'k is to be oovered ,ur:til these inspections I,ave beer. . madtl and appl'ov~~. O FIl?EPLACE: Pl'iOI' to placir.g faoing. matel'ials and before fl'aming ~nspeo- tior.. . o /0 FRA~~INr.: Must be requested after approvaZ of rou!1h plwr.bing. al.ectri.- cal & meclJanical. An roofing bracing & chimneys. etc. must be . completod. No wol'k is to be con- : oea?~~ !m~H thin iniJptianara half ~ J;c~,. mad" arid approilia. - D o o ,n FIliAl. PLUMBI/IG D INSUl.ATION/VAPOR (lA/iRIEn INSPl':C'l'10N: To be made aftel' aU insulation a~.d .'. l'equil'ed vapol' b/11'l'iel's /11'0 in place. .. but before any lath. gypsum board or LXlU covering is applied, and befol'o any insulation is concealed. U DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mado aftel' aU dl'YwaU is in plaoe. bu t prior to any taping. D MASONny: Steel location. bond becuns. grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. U WOODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is completed. D -. DEf.fOLITION OR !.IOVSD BUILDljiGS :=J Sanit/11'Y SeIJā‚¬1' :Japped at P~OPCl'ty tir.e ~ Septic tank rr.mrpcd and fitted with ill'a:1el ,. . I Final - l-/hen aoove items /11'e ccmpletcd ---l and ~hen demolition ie complete 01' strU~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. . . Mobile Homes :=J Blooking and Set-up :=J Plumbing connections -- Dewar and wa~el' ~ Eleotrical Connection - Blooking. set-up ---.J and plumbing conneotions rrrolst 1;0 approv{Jd befol'e l'equesting electrical inspeotion =:J Ao~eSsol'li lJuild-:.ng --, Final - AftOI' p::rrches. skirtin!1, deoks, ---.J eto. /11'e oompleted. ~ 0'1, FINAL MECIIANICAL o FINAl. BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be' requested aftel' Eleotl'ical. and Mechadeal Inspections 11QIJa been made and appl'ovl1d. ..... "'. , . \....,:,r ;,' ::', FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APpnOACH AP!WN: After> fol'rr/s are created but pl'iol' to pouring "on"l'e te.' D SIDEI/Al.K & 'DRII'Er/AY: For all. con-, orete paving ~ithin street l'ight- .o!-r.x:.y. to be made afte1' all. exca- 'vating oamp-Ieto & form WOl'k & sub- base material'in plaae. . D PENCE: When complete -- Provide gates or movable eectiono tllrough P.U.E. ' t/lo Final Plumbin.3 4Af.r, '.I/1NIICI.ES ANI) Cr.F.ANOU7'[J MII.':'r flI;' ACCF.:J:JJ/lT.F., ADJIIST!If.'N'!' TO 8/;' N.1nJ:' /!T NO ft'ST TO Cl'!'Y I P:l!l(! , of :! o , , JOB NO. Zona: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ of lot C::;verage II of Stories Total Height Topography ITEM SQ. FTC Main Garaae Carport AccessorII S.D.C. TOTAL VAWE (vat.uc) 1.5 3: Building Permit Sta te SUI'charge Total. CluJ"rgea ITEM Futures '" "- , , Residential. (I'bath) Sani t..'try Sewer Water Ptwnbing Permit . State' Surcl-.arge' " ,..' ," ."..... ; . Total. Charfles lTf:M Res. Sa. fta. Naw/EXtend Circuits Temporary Seroice 'Ete3trical Permit State Surcharae Total Charges ITSM Furnace l!TU' S Exhaust Hood Vent' Fan JlOodstove . ~." Permit Issuance' ' SOLAR ACCESS Occupancy G~ LOT TYPE Interior' Corner Panhandle cut-de-sac x Value NO. CHARGE FEE I' NO. CHARGE FI<..'8 NO. FEE CHARGE I /~' ;t;?/Y " . . 'Mechanical. Permi t /7// #. , ' '. State SUrcharoe Totll,l Charoeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC'olrit" Deposit Storage Maintena~e Permit Total. Chamcs eurbcut SideL1alk " I. Fcn~e .. ~ . '. 'Electrical Label MoMle' Home: I 'tV."... r. ..aUU/AI", n"r;-... - -OJ - - . ' REQ.- L -CO G-1t Type/Cor.st: . I EnerfJ.1I Sources !/eat Water !I(!atp.l' Range Fireplace WOod3tor:e TIII'e Bedrooms: Lot Faces - . P.L. North East South West -- Fees Setbacks House Carage Access. , Building Value &, Permit This pennit io granted on the express oondition that the said construction shalt. in all. respects. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpriTl!Jfield. including the Zoning Ordinance. regulating the ccnstruaticn and uoe of buildiTI!Js. and may ~e suspended or revoked at ~ny time upon vie- tation of any provisions of said Ordinances; .' " 4 4 Plan Check Fee: Vatc Paid: Receipt n: ., Signed: . Plumbing Permit No person shall construct. instatl. alter or chaTl!Je any neW cr e:isting ptumbing or drainage syste~ in whote'or ~npart. unless such person is the tegat possessor of a valid ptwnber's license. e:s:cept that a pe:oson may do ptwnbing ~rk to property which is owned. teased Or operated by the appti- , cant. <' " 4 , Electrical Permit Where State Law requires that the electrical. work be done by an Electrical Contractor. the etectricat portion of this permit shalt not be valid until the label. has been signed by the Electrical. Contractor. " 4 Mechanical Permit , , /~,~ ~ ,::;>S' /~~~4 d~P~-.~~ '}ffdjYE=1-ner- ( ~ -, ~ I lMVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed appUcation for permit. and do hereby certify that all. information hereon is true and corrcq~. ,and I further certify tha,t any' ar.d alt work perfor:ned shalt be done in accor- dance :.1ith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield. and the Ltr..;s of tho 4 State of Oregon p8rtaining to the work describcd herein. and tllO.t NO OCCiJ- PANCY win be made of tIny structure without permis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors roui e~pt::;yees who are in comptiance with ORS 701.055 wilt be used on this project ~-:5?~ uate ---- ...-t.-/ . .~ ~ w~ C .27--70 Date SiGned . 4