HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-3-25 (2) . .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICA:rION/PEP.MIT ,- SPRINGFlEUl- 225 North 5th Street ' ' SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 Sui Zding Division 726-3753 ~~ .;ob l.ocman: 948 Darlene Avenue, Springfield, OR 97477 As..s""r.H:lp ,f 17-03-27-21 Tor Lot M 00700 StdxiiV::"ion: (lJnsp : NvJ,.ucu.... Fox Add:oos.: 948 Darlene Avenue C!ty: Springfield, OR [il.~, n Add!ticn n Remodsl n .'!obiZa Yam:t Plums: 746-7430 Zip: 97477 Describ. Work: - .., S't d)l~7' ~" . '" Rccs~c: .~ .5 )f' ,;)t.J.l . .' Building Permit 4% Pl\.lllDing Permit 4% $ 5,00 ,20 5,00 .20 ,$l~ Install Solar Resources Int'l Mark N Ibrestic, Solar Hot Water System D<rt. a;' Appti<:aticn :"cnrract~8 C6n#Mt M:Juntain Shadow Homes Ptumbing !Xlug Richards Plumbing nscmcat .~fllchar.:ie::.l Consmu:ticn L...uz. Vatu. <illf/J S!or.od: Dt1te: (/./ /Yl-rk ~ ~ -5s--fL I Li.3c.1I #07663 Bl Brd:tt:39016 P 1 :ltZU-lbZTlS AdCrG'83 Er:)'i-l"C9 Phone 4/82 2i83 3/83 Iifl6-fl55" 688-3385 It is :JuJ responaibitity at tits permit holde to ... :hat aL%. inspections ar. r.:atU at .:1uI fl'UPD" time. *041: QC:Ch ..:dd:rBS8 is r.~~oil from '116 ......., a1ld 'Ira: tho p"""';t card is 7..>catod at tM froon. a;' tM prop...ty. f9u.i.!.di..--:g Oi.ui.::ior. ~'ad 'PLan shalZ ~.~~&ha IhliZ.ding Sita at all. t'imsa. Paoa:DrnlE pall rNSl'EC'!'rON ~aUEST: Catt ~~) s_s ~OW" C!1:y .usi{purtod job _.b.... job aMzess. typo of i""l'''''ticn _...mqwz8teci......az:.::W.l:.m....l;~1 J... ...--''] f'or.....iMP:f;C_t:"-C!I...J9.!l~Q~. ar ~ ~ c:nd pho1uJ number. .~Bq'USBts ncoivttd CtlfCN 7:00 c:r.t :.>itt b. """ .he _. dc:;J. l'flquos.. """ aft"", 7: 00 '"" :.>itt bo """ tM =t :.m'lii.iij Day. Ptmui-i. r.."PJ".-f!-t~~, , 0: !r:! ~jj~r:''''",ZO.'!: To ba nr:zd. afttll" =n.m. "". prier. tt: ... up of f01'm1l. o o UYrJERSl.AB PU'MB17'1C. e!....rcTRICAL , MECHA.'lICAL: To b. mad8 a.fore C1IJI work: i.s .:avtu'fld. FOO1'rNC 'FOUNlJATIC.Y: To b. ~. a.ftllr trencnos are ..._____..6d and forms a:t'fl .reotad. bIlt prior to pD1'J"i.ng ...... .... D o UND!:RCP.Oa.-!D P!.llM!!rNG, ~, w'1TEH, DRAINAGE: To 00 rra.:U prioP to fi.i.- tifo.g trmcMB. UNDEF!FWOR !'LW-!BING .t .'.~C!1ANICAC.: To 06 .mac pMor ::0 i1t.n:aLlanon of . fLoor i.....l<:ticn ur- dockUlg, POST AlID BEAM: To b. made pri.ol' to instaLL.::ncn of f7.00l' inBt.:Larion 01" .ucking. ,yqrg '!'!.m~8r~q, ~!"~!'C'.g A ME.CTt- A17rc,l[.: No ::io1"1( 't-8 to oc cOL'uea wr.t:iL thcsa ~nsD.C:Um8 itau. befin rrrui.o and appro11Q..:. Fp.ZPUa: Pl-iQr to pl=ir.g f~ mc:t:e..riaLs and before framing inspeo- tw. o o o o PPA.."ff!!C: Mtut b. reClU13tBd aft.,. "l'l"""'a! a;' zocugh pl.Un-.bing. .!~;_ azL d :r.echani..:aL. AlZ roor""ing braci'1flJ ~ CJri.mru:y8~ fit.::. ~t be camt:1L.tcd. ,'10 loOrk is to be con- CtIC."wd unt:i Z ChiD insDection has b.... """ a1ld crpprovod. rOW' C!ty Dorig7latod. Job Numb... r., O INSrJU..TIONIVAPO_'tl ~R r.'lS?~C'!'ION,: To be nad.8 aftilr c1LZ. Ur.m.IZ--t~ ~ NqV';,..a. vapor' ~ .... in plac. . bt b.f~ any L::zth. gypszmr board or uzlt couflZ"ing is fZl'Pt.Ud. and b_j'oN any insu14ticm i. ctmC81Zl4d. O DRnlALL j.JI':U-L.l...J.':"IJR: To 0. rrr:tUI c1ftu aU d:rywa.LZ. is in pLace. bu. prior to cny taping. O MASOlfIIr: St..t l.octrti.on. bo>td . ba.arn.3. grou.ting ~ TUIl"'ti.ct:.l.s in acctn"da1rc. !.lith U.B.C. S_ation 2415. O iIOODSTO'1E.: Aft.zo instatIatUm ill ccmplo'<I%. .' ' . O CUHB & APPRCAC11 AP_f?ON.. Afta:o forms are u".Q~od but P1"""m t:o ~"9' .;on...--rstfl. O SIDE:JIALX ~ !JRI'mWA1: FCI' an c::on- eNt. parnng within. Stzo8Q:t right- of-wcy, to be ma::i.a af'tw aH uca.- uating carrpwte & frrr:n r..mo1c & :ub- ba$Q nr.:tmaL in ?LaofJ~ O :-Ella: :.'hoP: """",tots -- ~ ga;;; ar movab1.li 84Ctions through P.G.!. o 820238 DEJ.fO;...ITIO!1 OR ."IOt'!!' 3illZ:::ICS :J Sam~ BalII:!' =:;p.c. :t rr.:'P&:'1:"i Zir.. =:1 Sop"'" tank f'~od a:-.c ;'ttZod ~";t:h ;poa:Jot :J FinaL -.!iMrc c:D...""Va ittrs ar. ccmplsted ar.d wha7a der.tCli~';"r. i. oor.r;;l.4:a or struc- t&a>. movfUi and ;r~u :z..~ up. Hobi.!;. Hems. ., , =:1 8!.ockUlg a1ld S"-"P , =:1 Plumbing como.4Ctians - 8Cj81" ~ wa:Bl' , --, Etcatrict::.l ccmurctiml - al.ocTc:.r-3. .et:..u? --.J a1'ld pLumbing .xmr.lltnicns 1l':'".l3t ~. Cf??rOV6ti b.fare requ...tirrg .w.::r-r:caZ ir.spac-::io:1 =:1. Ae="sSOZO'i Bui.:d:.~ :J Fwl .. Aft~r.?~f:.8, skirril'lf. decks. ate. are cawp:.sud. o ALl p1'Cjsct condi.:i.ans. suc.&:.as tluJ i"staLZat-.:o" of 8~.t tro.... c~ZJ::i.:m of :iuI rsqu:il"fld l.a1tdsct:p"i7-.g. etc.. I7lUSt b. satisfiod before tr.s BUILDI.'":: Fr::AL :an :. 1'3qtUSr::zd. m PINAL PWNBIlIC o PIIIAL :.rr-HANICAL o ;I.'AL ELEC'!'l/rCAL o @ 7INAL BUILDINC: T1:e Finc1L 8ui.Lding !7lBpsot'ion must ba l"ft1Ueats:! at":J1" :r.e .C'i.n:zL ?lumlTi.ng E~c~at., and .'!ecirt:u:icaL Inspsct'i.o1tD kava aeem madII curd appl"otUld. " "ALL UANHCLES AND CLEAl/OllfS Hl/ST SE AC~SI3['E. ADJUS7?fENT ':'0 9E .'t.1DE "J1T .'/0 C~s: TO:rn I P::;;s- of 2 I Job ,'/umber: 820238 Oocu.oancu (:Ttm.l.~~ , : Zona: I !Lct Sq. Ftg. : ~ of lot C""eroag< ! I of Stariss o i Tota' H,;,ght 1:'41:'4""~.Jty IITEU I.\trln I Gmof1C1l. Ic=rt IACOB880M1 SQ,FTG TOTAL VALUE Is,D.c. luat.U~J 1.S % Building PSl'Mit Stats SUrchargs Tota' CIfmogss 1 ITEM I NO.' FEE I' Fi=turos ,'-" '''. 11 Rssidsn."", II bat:hJ I I Sanitary SellJQ1" II/at... I Pl=bing Ps=it Stata Surcr.argB TotaZ Chc.raB" IITEN IRllS. Sa. 'ta. 1110. i I I i FEE NAlIE:l:ttmd Circui ts TempoNry servics EZe:!t:M.cal Permit State Sur:!harao Tot:al. CharcBS II'!'~ I Pu.rn::Ctl P'rll' S E::haust Hood i/o.1 FEE I I I I I Vent Fan WoodstcroJB Perrm. t I3suanc~ Me::hanic::l Permit StatD Surchc:rae '1''7t;n7. Cha:rq'!(J ,. -- ENCROACHNENT -- I SfJe".I.ritu Dzoosit I StoraqQ I Mai.nt~a I Permit I Tctal. Chal"COS I CUrbcu: I Si-dsw.!k j..r;o~B f ElBctrica Z. LabQ 1. Mobil" H::me I TOTAL AMOurrr DUE:' . LOT TYPE Interior Corn... PanhandZs cut-<is-soc x Value . $ 5.00 ,20 $ 5.20 ,. CHARGE I $ 5,00 I' I $ 5.00 ,20 $ 5,20 CHARGE CHARCE $10.40 Pt:lJo 2 . I 1 I I I I I ~ L-COC #: Referer.cs flr.onbers: 'l'"roe/Cor'..Bt: Bsdrocms: I Ensrcu SO"..aaces I .q.at . I Wate1" F!1ta.tp'fO I Rang. I I Fireril.acB Wood3toV6 If- T.roe I Lot Foc.s - I S.tbacks ' I P. L. HOUS8 Caraoe Access. INOl"~h lEast Isouth IWsst mO Fees __ Building Value & Permit Tlr<s pe....t io grantad on the _ss condition that ths said construction shatz. in atz respsots, conform to ths Ordinanc. adoptad by ths City of Sp1'ingfu'Ld. including t:hs Zoning Ordinance, Z'sgu1.ating ehB construction ond "". of buildings, ond m:zy b. suspendsd or revoksd at <my t-:m. upon vi.e- lation of anyprooisicns of said Ordinanc.s. lplan ChtloK. Fell: Cate Pa-'.d: IRsc8ipt #: \Si,rlad: Plumbing Permit No pf1l'scm Dhalt construct.. instaz.t.. az,tsr ot' changs a:ny rzA, or uisting p1.umbing or drainage systB:tJ in whoLe or in part.. rmls88 BUCk person is ehs legal. poSSBSBor of a valid pltmrber'9 license.. B%CSpt that a psrson may do p'lI1I'.Mng work to _srt':! ",lri.ch is CloJ7I4d. teasad or operatad by ths appli- '"""t. / I . I, Elec1rjssl Permi t 1Ihsr. Stats LaIJ r.quirss that the .,.O'tricat ""rk b. dons by an EZsot;ricat Contractor.. ths 8Zsctrical pcnrtion of this psrmit eMU not be valid until. ths labet has been si,rlad by ths Et_~. :._t Con_r. . Mechanical Permit . /7 A/~ Plan ~ner va.. I (, I I I ( . I I I I i I tl;; I . .Y - 2. ? -8"'~ I HAVE CAREFULLY E~ ths compt.tad application for p.....t. ond do hsreby certify that aLl. inforrrrz.tion herson is true and corroct.. and I fur'the1" CBl't'ify that any ar.d all. work pS'1'formsd shaLL be 00':'16 i:t ac:::or- done. with the Ordinanc.s of ths City of Springfield, ond tho Laws of tho Stats of Or9go" p:zrtaining to the LJOrk dsscribed her".:.n.. end that no OCCU- PAllCY :.Jill. be r.rzds of any structura: without parmissi<m of the Buildir.g Di- ui.aion. I fUrthm- certif':;J that G:1.ly contractors ar.d e:np~Y8e8 lJhc? aJ'"S in CGmpLUmcs with ORS 701.05S L1iH be used on this project . ~1:~j ~L=- ZS fI1~WL- Dats