HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-5-24 .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATIO}i,i.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street. Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .. SPRINGFIELD ~ Job l.ocation: J I ~ I Darlenf', f'7/) 3,), 7;).;).. oct::;M AaOCBOOl':: Map N Sld>ditlision: D.1rler: J-I ele,'l B:x.id /I a.. I DQ yolen e-. SotcA Addres,: _City: ~.., ~ Additicn n Rcmo.-:!el r---l :rob{le Ho~~ Ta wt H P};ona: {!Jf2..-, t11 ~ 11 Zip: Describe Il'orh.: ~ ~ 5!().4-/fCI Vallie ~ Date of AppZicaticll {;ontraccors General Plumbing -Nechanical rC:J.ectrical ~e...c, e1ec...-Ir'Ic.a.J <iLl:>,,~r tSuoervi.9ing Electr,ic i.ln Aroress Lise. II Bldrs Boarel JUJU."',," ,r I). / '3 9 s(" ./ Siw.ed{)uu Dat.: q-J,:)/-j / t'0 I Ro..oC! . gxpires l)h('\n~ It is eh. reoponDibiZity of t}~ permit holder to 800 that all inopections arc mado at ths prope~ timc1 that eaoh ~.80 is l'cada~:~ from the acreot, an::! that the pormit card i8 lxatud at the /J'Ont of tho propel'ty. .48ui!.di:'l!1 Cr,."vi::io:: ap?l'ol..'cd pLan sheLL pemain 011 tIle 8u-ild-illg Sit:; at aIt times. P.7DC.t:DURE FOn IN$PECTION RE.OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (,'ccord~r) tJtate your City designated job nwr.bDr~ J'ob ac!d:rcs8~ type of i'13pac~ic'l r-aqucstcd a.-:d t.1.~en you will be ready fo'f' inspccti.on~ Cont'f'actOJ'8 or CUneI's ncnJO and phone number. Requests recoil.Nld before 7:00 C"I ~~LI bo made thc same dcy~ rO~tosts medo aftcr 7:00 am will b3 made the nc%t worki~J day. 10"" City Deai9,:atcd Job N'~nba Ia:. ~q() c.f9f J?p.md,.t:.d Tn;:rll:("h:r.17.'f O SITE INSl't'r;:"lON: To be: nl1de alter e%caLl.:zti.?lI~ '.~Illc' priol' t:: tJe~ up of forme. O UNDERSLAB PW/.fflIIIG, ELECTRIC,lL & NECHA.VICA{.: To be made beloNJ any work is ~oLlcred. o FOOTING $ FOU.vO..ITICII: To be m:.:zc!a altaI' cI'.mdti!tJ are exe;avated and forma are ONe t.tJd, bu t priol' to pouring ccncl'et.;. U.'\.'DSRG.WU,~ID P:'UN.'!JNC. SS/lF.,'? f/.iTER, DRAINAGE:.": 7'0 be ,W.:1'e P"Lo,' to fil.- Lir..{J tre,lchat:. o o UNDERFWOR PDUNnING ,~ ,1/E:C!I;lNICA~: To ba made p1'io,' to i,wtaLlation of j100r inoutccion or deaking. POS!' AND 8E:AM: To be madc prior to installatiol1 of flool' in:lI:lation or dacki1l!j, nouclI ?!,u.'mr:!c. Ef.F.r:rrr!CA!. .~ MF:ClI- AN/CM.: No ~rk. i:J Co be; cOI.'el'cd ur.til. t}ICSO illspectio':!J hatJl.? bcer. made and app!'otJe?', FIREPLACE: Prior to pLc:ci':a facing matal'iaL:I and befol'/! fmming inopee;. tior.. FRM~INr.: Mu:;t be rc({ucoted after approv.::L of J'ough plwr.bill!J, aLectri- cal j: mechani.::al. Al.! roofing bracing t chimneya. et~. nr~st be : compLeted. !10 ~rk io to be C011- ; caeL6d lmea thio inspection has . b€~n made and app1'01.'ed. [:J [:J =:J o D INSUr,A'UON/VM'OR HARRIER INSPECTION: To be ,rude after aLl inuuLati:m ar.d . rcqu:'l'ed vapor 1;aPriers aT'O in pla06 but 1;ofore any lath, gypswn boa:rd Or wall oovering is applied~ end bofo~9 any inouL.ation is concealed. DRYIIA/,I, INSPECTION: Tc b. mad. arte,. all c1l'ylJaLL io in place, but pdor to any taping. O MASONny: Steel location~ bo~d borons, g1'Outing 01' verticals in accoI'llance lJith U.B.C. Section 2415. D o WDDD.c:rO'lF.: ccmp ll.!t cd, /lftol' ina tal.Zation io DEIIOU'l'IOII OR NOVED BUILDIIIGS ~ Stini~CZJ1Y SflUeJf oappod :it p~op&rt!1' tir.o '::J S.ptia tank pumped. and fiUad IJith ,,"a1.1 I Final - rthon abovo items are ccmplatcd ~ ar.d when demolition io oOrnpZato or otl'1tJ. turD mov~d and premises oLeaned up. Nobile /lcmas =:J Blocking and Sat-~p =:J PZumbina connect~ons .- scuar and ua~er ---, EZcotrioal Conneotion - BZooking. sat.u~ ~ and pLumbing connootions nr~8t te appro~ed before requesting Gloo~rical in8pec~ion ::J AoaessOl""J Buil~ing ] Fin:zl - /lftl1r p:)rc1:Bs~ skirt~n9, etc. are oompletcd. decks, o CURO .< APPROACI/ AP.WN: Artc:' forms are ore~ted but p,'ior to pouring .::on"rete. Slm:IIAT.K ,{ DRIt'fo.11AY: Fa" all con- .Cl'ete paving lJithin at,'oce right- of-way, to be rmldo after all e%ca- vating cexnpLete & form wrk & cub- . base r~terial in ?L.a:Jo. o o . !'F.N(;f:: ~'1ICr. co:npZde -- Provide gate!> or mouable aootiona tllrough P.U.E.. D .All. project c~ond-itions, sllc.l: ao t}IO 'i.nstallat~on of s't-I'act trDes. co::rplotio'f1 of t;l~ . . ,.eqllircd Zandsccpil:g, etc., mu8~ ba satisfied beforB tho BUILDING FINAl. c:an .be rzquo8t.2d. o FIliAL PWI-:OIIIG o FIIli1L 1.fF.':J/A:/ICM. o FINAL ELECT,~IC/.L Ip o PIN.,i~ OUIl.f)fNC: 'J'he PillaL Building blOpootiol1 t1TlIot be roqueated of tar t}lC Fi,l:zL PllUnbitla Elcctl"-i~aL, ant! MccJUlr:ical IllSpcctio~o hava beBn mads and approLlO1d. o 'M.L f.lAII/lCLES AND CU-:ANCUTS IIU:'T /II: ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!IENT TO BE !!1DE AT NO COST TO CITI I Pa!,. of ~ I JO(J NO. I Zone: Lot Sq. Ft.{;. % or to t CJlJerag< K 01 StOr1.6B Totol Height: . Topography I I rTF.M I ~.hl:11 1c.:J'nr;r. Icarnct.t l"ccclJtloJ"1/ ,I SQ. FTC I :'1 I i TOTA~ VALUI: Is. D. C. '1.5 % (UCt.UC) .." Building Pdnm.t .Sta ts SurChargB Total Charges I ITI:M I Futures Reeidontial (J bath) :;anit.1ry St1IJCl' Wctr.r I PIlDllbing Penr.i t StatG SurC".fU'!/6 Total Charon I 1TI.11 I nm'l. Sa. ftn, IN~/E%tend Circuits I Temporary Servic6 Eloctrioal Permit Stat" SU1"charae Total ChaJtCtJ8 I ITSM I FuJ;11.'1ClJ nu's I f::chauo t 1/00.1. I Vent Fan IIIoodstOV6 Permit ['8ucmoS Mechanical p(lJ'fT/t:t Stato SW-ohtZrac TlJ to l Chart1~lJ' NO'1 I I I I NO. ~ I I 1 I I Ne. I FEE I 1 I I 1 I -- I:NCROACHMl:NT -- 1.')1!~'rid, D.ooJit I ,. ;;".";;;"',\""',. Starago I "'(J1:'lt.mlan.:e I Parmi t Total ChaT"(1ce I CUrbCII:: ISid_Ik I Fe'lcn &ldctrical Label Mobils Homs ':,., . "1101.',- " \',.010 ~ ; ":" I' 'J>, SOLAR~CESS Occunancq ~P: LOT TYPI: Interio~ ", Corner '. -, Panhandle Cul-de-oac x ValulJ I I 1 I I I I I '. FI:I: C/lARr;E FI:I: I I I I i I I eHA ReF: I I ~~,S-O I I 1 I 1 1 ~~.S-O 1 I /. I ~ 1~.3.~ 3 .' C/lARCI: 1 I I I I I I I"".i..,,,: .,.".,.,.._ R EQ.- L -co eft T,;"</Cor.o t.. Baero!')I;;:j: I Lot Fac<" - I I P.~. jNor t/l Ir.aot ISouth r{nnt Sa thack.n floune l r.m'nqt? I I I I I CIl:lrml '<;o:o'r:I!n I I !/<ot t.CCCl'llJ. I I WaLe}' .'If!atrr' I Raf1r;n I Fil'r:{llf1(",~ I Wood:; tot:q " I Tllt'C Fanl1 -- I I I 1 I I I , . I I I I. Building Value & Perm it Thin rr.nrfi.t 1:0 (}I'untr:d 011 tllQ f?:l:prnfln cOnriiU"'1 UVlL tilt! ll.lid, <.'OIlr.t"UC"tio, I1hal.L, ill flU "fwl,ccL::, COIlJ'oI'rl1 Lv the (}/,(UIl,II:I:r: ::rior,t.:.l h!/ thr: ci.~!f of Sprinafidd, l:IICLu(]::l1g the ZoIlLI1(} C)'d~lII11IC:I:. ,'r.:/uktill:1 tll,: c:cll::tru,;l.LCII and linG of buildillg:;, mut m..y b(.\ G/U:l'clIdod 0" l'ClJOJ.:CC ,Ii t;1:Y t~,."<: IIPO'; Ul( latioll of allY prOUL.'Lm:n .of flair! 'Ordl:,:mIClH1. IPlan Chack Fr.r.: I Catr; Pa~d: I/lccdpt II: ISi(!~1(Jd: Plumbing Permit No pt?rcoll ohnll COIIOtl'uct, ino~alt, aLtar 01' change C;1I!J nalJ el' c=iatiJlrJ plumbinG or dJ'aina(To 8YO(.C.7J 1:1t :Jllolc or in part, w:lca:; :lI.cll pcrGol! to tha legal ['oonasoor of a uaUd plwnbcr'G liccn3c, (.'xccpt t/:et a pr::-:iOl1 mau do plumbbl!J work to prop("'/.!! IJhic11 io ow'nad. leaGed or oj'cl'atl!d by thl: appli- cant. . Electrical Perm it W}wra StAta [,(II.) rcquiJ'c.? t1:at tJU] electrical 1.101';': b.1 donG by all t:lr.::tl'Lcal. Contractor. tlla eloctrical portion of t.hiJ pel'1l1it oJlI~ll. r-:ot be UQU.c ulItil tho labal hno bean (J1.gl1f1d vy the Electrical .:.Olltl'nctor. . Mechanical Permit . ['tall t:,rr.milICf' UaL.: I. I J/AVE CAm:FUDLY EXAMINeD tho complatad application for p4rrnit, and do !Iorcby cortif!! tllat all i~fo:-'matio" 110raon La trwl arid correct, and I further' c{J"f'ti[y that any ar.d all. IJOrk pOrfOf":tlad nJtnU b6 dO:1fl in accor- dance :Jith the OJ'dinancao of t}lO City of Sprinafidd, and th~ k.JS o{ tho Stat.a of Orca"" p~rtuillillrJ to tho work dencribcd hero:"l, end that NO OCCU- PANCY l,}iLL be nude of allY lItructu)';] lJitho:..i.t pal'miCJ:1i.o:1 of tho !iuiIdinG Oi- uioiolt, I fUl'th(!r cflrtifY that o:1ly contl'aetorfJ a;;d c:71pl.:JyaG:R wl:o are i'l cOi:lpl~anco with eus 701. 05~ wiLl bo used 011 tJlin Pl'oj:zct .~~~~o SLnn3d ~ . , r S~~_ 07'_ fuec