HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-3-31 -' I~' .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICMION!PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 728-3753 ~ ASDS800rs Map , 7309 Daisy Street, Sprinqfield, OR 17-02-35-34 Ta Lot # McKenzie Hills - Lot 34 97477 3300 .rob f,oc:z.t1.an: SUbdiviaion: _sr: Ha 1 Isenberg Addrs..: 7309 Daisy Street City: Spri ngfi e 1 d, OR Qy~, Lx x I Additicn n Remodd n ,'!obi1.a 80ma Phons: 726-1599 Zip: 97477 Ducrib. Work: Add 16 X 20 storage addition to existing house. Dats of Appti<>zticn :;an:ra.crora 3-30-82 c.m.rat Fox Hollow Buildina PLumbing E;tsctricat Own e r Nacitar.i.c.::L Conatruatic71 LII71dno Vatu. $6.000.00 . ",', ,1 " -. I AtidzoG88 Rees';,." A ~s~ II) Bui 1 di ng Pennit 4 % Electrical Permit 4 % Electrical Label '35' z. a $36.00 1.44 15,00 ,60 .20 $53,24 Si.{rr.sd: Dato: ~ ~- ~/-.f 2- Lise. II E=a:'r~8 Phone It is :h. l"flaponoibi.7.i.ty of tM p8l'mit hotdco t;ct ... that aLl inspilC'tions aro madtz. at ~hs prcpar time, tJo.a't each. ,;dd;rSS8 is rsadab!. frcm tho str..t, and that th4 p_ t aard is ~sd at th4 [rant of tho !'J'OP""ty. 'Buildi.ng (}t;l1icior. awr01:sd plan shaLl. NIllIa'in 07'1 ths Building Sit~ at aU t'i.mfls. - 12.(.,-;:'7(,,4 PftOCEDURE POR -411~~r..L.4rON REQUEST: Catz. _ u _ ~) stat. yuwo City dssigrurt:ati job 1UDI".ber, job at!dzocss, eyp. of il13p.cticn , 1'6qU#stll4 ar.a 1J...sn YOll. ~l1.~ b. rflGdy for inspcct'".:on, Can... _.......... or Cl.Jrun"8 nc:ms and phtm8 number. R.~8t8 rectli.:uui tsfOf'fl 7:00 cr.l . "';LL b<I nruis tho IKlIIIe dc;J. ~sts nruis at- 7:00 Gm "';LL bs nruis tho ..- =~ day. ~~""'"Y.fl'_"""'~:r.7'I" , 0- : 'SIT~ mmrf:ro,v: To b. nad.- afUr ~ but prior to S" "l' of frmrra. '0 UNDP:1lSLAB PWJf!URC. ELECTRICAL .f MECHANICAL: To oa naa. oafor8 a7IfI wrk is ~dl'ad. ~ o ,0 FOOTrNG ! FOUNDATION: To bs nrzd4 aftllr trtmahDs arB crctDXltlUi and forms aN ,reot4Jd. but pJ*'iar 1:0 pouring ccncrd.. UND!:RCFlOU."!D P!.UJeINC, ~'''' rJ'.1TE.~. D.ruIHAGE:: To bB nrz.:t8 prtcP to f'%.1.- hr.g trfmcMB. ~ IJl/D~FLOOR rLWSrNG & 'IOC!lANIOAL: To b. mr:u:s PzoWl' to l.n3tal.l.a:t:t.On of fLoor ."""lation or dseking, POST AND BEAN: To bfJ trr:Uk pM.cro to instal.l.att.cn of f1.oor" insulation OJ' dsoki."'J. ~ _~~,r~:,.I'~\~ .W;CH- APICAL: Nc '..JOrk ~"- ~_ _ t. _')t:~cd. lD':t'L Z. thcBe insp.a~ haria bfltm nrzd4 and appl'OIJ"". . FTPZPl-AC!:' PM.or to pl=ir.g facinq _......La and bsfors fr'ami.7UJ i.nSPDC- e:ior.. g o [ill PRMaYC: Mu:J'f: ba 1'tIt1tUlDtflti af~U' approval of :rough- pl.Wr.bing. ~lBCt1'"'i- cat of mschaniaaL. All roofing bracing ~ ch"imrwy.. ,t~. m-",.t b. compLeted. .'10 toXn"k is t;o b. con.. a4U:Lw:l IDI'tiZ thi.a inst'BOticn has b.." nrzd4 and appl'OIJ.d, r""" CiCli Dong.aud Job _"" Is: ~ INSULATION/VAPOR g~I!R msP!:C':'IOll: ~ To b. nrzd4 at_ aLL inwt..-tion """ ~-Hd uapmo b~ ar. in place but bsfors any lath. gyp.... beard or LDz,z OOUt1M.ng is appl.i<<l. and b.for. any insulation is ctmCflaz..d. o DRYIIA1.L mSPl!:GT'!ON: Ta bs nruis ~ a,ttU' aLl. ~lz. i:s in pLao,,~ but prior to any tapi7UJ. O NASON1!Y: St..t l.oa4tion, bond , bcm3~ gr'C1U:i.11g 01' verticals in aaaordarrcs "';th U.S. C. S.ati.on 241~. O ;/oODSTOV8: Aft"" inlltatlation ';s acmp~et~.. O CURB & APPROACH AP_~N,: AftB':' 'forms CI:N "Noted but p!"'ior to pouring .:on...'"Nu. O SIDEflALX & DRIVF.1IA!: For aU con- crete paving ~chin street right- Of-WC1b to be mad. aftt1l' alZ e=ca- tnrting o~lst. & l~ !.Xll"k & zub- base nctBl"ial in plaaG. O E'ENC!:: """" camp"'t. -- Provids gat;; or :novable sscticns throou.gh P.U.E. o 820264 DE1<r!WTIO.Y OR .'<<ll-,;) 3VrL,,:/GS :J Sam.:ary 8111JC' :::::;pee. ::t ~C"t":I tir.s :J Septi.:J tank. p-.;mplld a:-..: fitt.<<i :J,:-th Jra:Jst :J Pinal - .r."hlm c:b..-vs it:.':'ts azos ccr.rpl.tsd ar.d 1J}urn dsr.tC'Z.it-!.or: is cG:r.:?14:" or struc- ture movad and prCfria.6 .:~~ up. Nobil. Rems. ~ Blocking and. S,t-:.l? :J P1.wrtbing C07lMct-::ans -- 8QJGr ard /Jater --, EZeotrical C,,"nBoticn - Blackir4, "dt-up --.J and plumbing conr.doticn" m-..;3t .:. a;,.;rrovIlG b~forc requsstf.ng eZll.l:riaa~ ir.spso:ion =:J. Ac.:s.co~' 8ui:.di~ :J Fwl - I.ft..r4?:rror.es, sJdni~, decks, lite. arll carrp:.~t.d. o AlZ proj6c:t conditions, sue!: as the ina'talZat-.:on of S:Net tNllB, c~lJ~ of :iw l"fIqUi;,..d Za:ndscc=pir.g, etc. ~ must be satisfiad bOrON :J-.. 3IlIWI.'"::; Fr:!AL :an :s r3qus.t:zd. '0 FIliAL PWNBIl/G o FI.VAL I~NICAL [ill FI.VAL ELECTRIOAL ,0 @ FINAL aUILDINe: The Final Building !nspsction must ba requeotlid af";.r ~i-.. Pin.2L ?!wr.bing Elllc'tr'icaL, and .'1echar:.i.caL 11'I8psctiono kava be6Y't mads and apprcvad. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEAllOUTS UUST BE AC:ESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO SE M/J.DE'I.T NO COS': TO :r:y I F::';6' of.2 , -, "_.~~;:b.:~;";-.: ,-.-.--:---.- I Job llumber: , ;Zane: 820264 R 1 I ,Lot Sq, Ftg, : ; ~ of !.at Coverago l,f of Storiee ! TotaZ striuht !Topography lITEM I I,'.bin I'Caraaa j Caroort IAcceB80l"t1 SQ,FTG 320 S.D,C, TOTAL VALUE {vc.I.U~1 1.5 ::: Building Psrmit State _oharge TotaZ Charue. I ITEM NO. J Fiztures I ResidsntiaZ (1 bath) Isanita.ry StllAJ8r II/at"" I PZumbing Psrmi t StatB Su:rcr.a:rgs Total CharaeB I ITEM NO, Res. Sa. fta. Nw;E:r:t87Ul Cirelli t. 2 Te:mporoary SeruiCB I ElB:ltro1.cal permi t Statll Sureharqfl Total Chazocll. I.lTEM NO. I F"urn::I:Cd F!TU'S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Fan I I Woodsto1JS -I I Permit I3BUa11Cll MS:lhanic::l permit State SUl'cha:rae 7hta l Chtrral'flJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- lsa~~t~ Dsnosit I Storage I Maint~e I Pcrorit I Total Charoaos I Curbcut I SidBw Zk IF~S l Electl'ical Label l MobilQ HomQ I i I ,I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:- . OcCUOO7lCW Group: R3 LOT TYPE -A. Interi<Jr Conler PanhandZe CuZ-de-eac X VaZue 18.75 $6.000.00 I 1$6,000,00 NA I FEE FEE FEE 35~ B. tin.nn 1.44 $37.44 CHARGE CHARGE $1S.nn $15.00 ,60 $1S.fin C!IARCS I I- I 1 1 ?n I I I I $53,24 I- ... .,." _'_.__' ____u" Page 2 Reference Numbers: . L-COG #: I Lot Faces - I T-,jpe/Cor.JJt: V-N I I Access. j : I II II Bedrooms: Enerau Sources Heat Watel" N"'.at~ro Range Firep lace Wooa3tove T../'Oe P.L. rlorth F.:ast: South ,West Setbacks I Hou.e Caraoe ..- Fees I I I 1 I, I- I I ,- Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the e:z:press condition that ths said construction' shaz:z.~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield~ including ths Zoning Crdinance, regulating the construction and use of bui'Ldings~ and rrrzy bs BUBpmuied or revoksd at cny t"":.me upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ancBs. Plan Check Fee: ~ 1 n Rn Date Pai.d:i_ in-R? RBc&ipt #: I Signed: Dan I I I I I- I I I I I 1 I I. I I I I I I Plumbing Permit No person shaz:z. construct, i1lBtaz:z.~ az.ter or change any 7ZA1 or uiating plumbing or tbuinage syste:n in 'wholQ or in part, unless such person is ths legal. possessor of a valid plumber's license~ BZCept that a person my do plumbing work to 1'~ ....1'.... :":J' which is mmsd~ lsased or operatsd by the appli- 'oant. Elect.r:.lS91 Permi t lIhere State LalJ require. that the eZect1'ico.L work be done by an EZsct1'ico.Z Contractor, the electrical ponion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the ZabeZ has been .igngd by the EZectricaZ Contractor, ' Mechanical Permit j - p~ EiJA~ 3-31-82 Vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tha completed application for permit, and do hsreby cwtify that aU inforrrr:tion hereon is true and cozrrect~ and I fUrther certify that any ar.d aZZ work perfor:ned .han be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of ths City of Springfield, and the La:Ns of tha State of Oregon per~ning to ths l<<)rk described her~n, c:nd that NO OCCU- PANCY will be ro.de of any structure withcr.lt parmission of the Building l)i- vision. I further certify that rm.ly contractors and e:rrpli;yees wht? arB in compliance ~~th CRS 701.055 will be used on this project ~1~Jl~. ~ '3/. ~ fute ,