HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-9-17 SPFD DEV. SER, . ..., .,NGFIEu:i:, .... .' The tollowing prOJec t ":quiro' ~~eciiic larid u.. . zoning, and doe,S no r. . i 'epproval. r ~ . Zoning V ' , , 225w ill STREET D31~ C1 . \ 1. CUi . ~ ~I:.ECTRIoo. PERKIT Mf~<:ATION r) .. :~~i~:t'~~~~~,,9:~~~~~1\WZedSlgrmtur?., .CitY/Jb~NU;be~ ' ,~'to~ \1 ~ llS_ OFFICE: ' 726-:F59' . " . . ,_ ..' . . - .. . ., .. -.. ; -:" ..-:: ~'_ 3: COIiPLETE 'PEE" sCJi:EJ>uLif'iiELoV . . 08/30/98 10:48 728 38890 11 . LOCATION OF. INSTALI,A'ITON . Ny G,.,.k.......~ .tMt' '0 'LEGALDES~T~ON, f.l~ ' {2;}....tt'^ Jhk,tt.",rol ~ ',JOB DESCRIPTION . I .-k~.d.A'1.i. <:., l\"s.M,i4~,/ t/~mM- b~ ' Permits are rion~transferable and expire if work is not started vithin .180. days . of issuance or if work is s~spen8ed. for 180 days.. ' . . ' . ..' . . I . 2. "",..'-\ACTOR INSTAI.4,TI9N ONLY, . '. ~~\,~j{ts'tLtd-"-k> Electrica1' Contract'or~,,_':-'~,~ . 'Address (I \ Q tJ l.-, -M.W'-cJ~(.s" City piJ.l..j.... Phon~'Z?,-cs,,' Supervisor License'~umber ~~7~ /tJ I/?6 Constr Cont!;',. Nl.\mber . Lt ~34s' ;iiJh6 , .P",' Expiration Date Exp~ration Date .. ,. Signature of Sup~iBing'Ele~trician, , ~~ (i:?;--"-~hJJ>>) Ovners Name..Gl.D1Q.I' r6 n}o..,v5 . D. Address \ \'\ ~ ' . G.~+Q....Q' ...~.. Phonel4:\ ;'~ TALLATION. J '" . City. The installation is being- made on . property I own 'vhieh is nOt intended for sale, 'lease or reilt. . . 'Owners Signa~urel , ;,.,., q-Ih-O~ RECEIl"1' II: .' ";2. ' . ... RECEIVED BY: t 0" " ',' 1i!I002 Nev Residential:"Single or. Hulti-Family per 4vell~ unit. 'S ' I 1 ~ d ,j, ", erv:lc,e nc. U4e. I. ~.' - ". TfJ'''/' ~ '. Items Cost , A. ,B. 100~ sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion .. thereot Each KanUf'd Bome,or .Modular. '.Dwelling , Ser~~ce or F~eder Service~ or Feede~s Installation, Alterations' or, Reloca.tion. .. .200.amps or less 201 amps, to 400 amps . 401 amps to, 600 amps' 601 amps tll" 1000 amps Over ,1000 ampslyolts:' . Reconnect, Ollly . .Sum' $ 85.00 S 15.00 " $'40;00 ;' $ 50,00 $ 60,00 . S100;00 . . $130.00 . $300.00 $ 40.00 c. Tem!><irary Serv'ices"or'Feeder", . .Installation,: Alteration or Relocation 200. amps'"or leSs 20t amps to 400 amps Over 401 .to 600 ,~ps Over ~OO amps or 1000 Branch Circuits .' I . . . . $ 40.00. $ 55.00 $ 80.00 volts see "B" above 'N.ev, Alteration. or. 'Extension 'Per Panel One Cireui t .' Each Additional. ' Circuit. or vith Service or Feeder Permit . . $ 35.00. $ 2.00 Miscellaneous. (Serv.ice/feeder not includ~d) -Each. installation'. o. . . PUlnp .or irrigation' $ 40.00 , Sign/Outline'Lighting' $ 40.00. Limited Bn~~gy/~s $ 20.00 Limited. Ene.rgy'/Comm <X. $.36.00. ~. E. 5. SUBTOTAL OF'ABOVE 5% StateSul'charge . .' 3% Administrative Fee. TOTAL . .. ;. ;;?(',<!JO '1'.'1;0 "'::.._>........ '. l' P'r')// .' . .2,7 ,';;d,/ . 36,~ . ,." . \ ' . .