HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-11-26 . .. RESIDE'-IAt" .. APPLICATld7f'!'f>ERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp'f'ingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . rob wC:ltion: 35'62-- e. f4-r>e-~.... N 1'1(y~\~t) IBGCs30r.: Map ~di1Jision: ::'t.mer: CWI L/v P7_r. -/ TaLot u (')f)I)O/ 9(J..,..~ ;,...~U/ Ph'f /U~G'7C1Y ) Zip: q 7'1'7 "1 tddress: 3n z. C. ~ity: S~/I"fm tYII.- IN'''I ~iticn :, Remodel ~ ,"lobi le 11om;J Date of Application /1-2(, -1t) Fe~:~~~tor~l ~ Jrl 011 Jdress flumb ing iechanical fJ,.:ctrit.:ttl -s~ LupeIj,,~~;,..lg Electr~ci3n Describe (.'01'1,: L?-r 6::... /'''~ l0a ~~VI- -f- Valu.'.JP~, (!"'1rZJ.-- . Lise. /I BId rs ~ iCCl.iPt .f 191<!:rJ;~ . ........ , ~, .... p'" ..,.... .... 4 \ Ic/~~ j__, -;1 .'~ siqr:ed: Data: ~a- '1/~'Z-C- tJ/J Boa rd Re<:. Exp:!..'ces Phnnp Your City Desigr.atcd Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VItPOR BARRIER INSPBCTION: To be rrrlde after all insulati:m a!".d '. roquil"ed vapOl' barners aPe in p laOB " '. but befol'e any lath~ gypsum bcarod Or wlt covering is applied, and beforB any inaulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: Te be made after all drYLXlll is in plaoe, but prior to any taping. D MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, gJ'"Ou:in!] or vel'ticals in acoordance uith U.B.C. Seotion 2415. O WOOVSTO'IE: Aftero installation is ccmpleted. D CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: Afte'/" forms are created but ploioro to pouroing .:w~r6t6. SID,r;;r/ALK & DRIt'E{/AY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-IX:.Y~ to be made after a'll exoa- vating complete & fonm uork & cub- ba::6 material in pla::e. rt is the l'esponsibility of the permit holder to 86e that aU inDpeotions are made at the propel' tim&~ that Dc:oh :ddress i8 rea.:!abZe rrcm the stroeBt, and that the permit card i8 located at the fl"Ont of the property. t8ui!di.'1g Di.vi:io'!': approL'ed plan sJu:.ll remain on tha Bu-:.lding Sit:: at all times. '!}OCSDUP.E FOn INSPEctION R~aUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recordel'J state youro City aesigPUlted job nU11'.ber~ job addrc8S~ type of in3pec~iclI 1qucstcd a~d when you uill be ready for inspeotion, Contractors or Owners ncme and phone number. Requests received befel'e 1:00 ~ :ll be 11Ude the same day, requests made after 7:00 cmr L1ill b3 roode the nczt :JOrki"B day. QO/44/ ~ " . SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be made aftel' excavation, but p1'iOl' to set up of forms. . UNDERSLAB PLllMBINC. ELECTRICAL & Nc,'CHMIICAl..: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUND.iTION: To be made after tI'6t1chos are excavated and forma aJ"e erected~ but priol' to pouring cencret~. UNDSRGHOW!D PLUM2INC/ SEIlER. W.1TP.,~, DRAINAGE: To be ma.ae priOlo to fil- lir.g trenchee. ] ] UNDE,r?FWO,~ PLmaJINC & MECHANICAL: To be made prioro to in3tallation of floor insulation Of" decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instalLaticn of [lool' insulation or deck.ing . ROUGn Pl,l/!!Rl!IC, Er.F:CT!?!CAL of UECll- ANICAL: No :JOrk is to be cOL'ered ,ur.til thcse inspeotions have beer. rmde and approve.:!. FI.t?EPLACE: PriOl' to plc.cir'.g facing mcter'ials and before framing in spec- tior.. .c'RA'~111r:: Must be l'equeDted after app"ov.:Jl. of l'ough plwr.bing, alectri- cal & meohanical.. AH roofing bracing & chimneys, et~. nr~st be . completed. !lo wrk is to be con- ; cealed until thio inspection has . been made and appJ'"Oved. ] ] ] Il' o D PENCE: . Wher. co:npl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections throug~ P.U.E. DEMOLITION OR gOVED 8fJILDI:1CS =:J Sani:ary Be-Jet" aapped ::zt pl"opcrt:; lir:e " .... "'III"".,,,.jllltf'b":'''''''\~''~11 J.~~i~j,.~ =:J Septic tank p-.:v.Jpcd and filla~ L1ith ~1"f:l:Jel I Final - rthen a~"'Ve ittr.!rs aPe ccmpletcd ~ ar.d when demolitior. is complete or Btru~- ture moved and pr~mi3e8 aleaned up. Mobile Hemes :J Blocking and S.t-~p :J Plumbing c~nnection8 -- SaJer and lJa~er ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, se~-u~ --.-J and plumbing oonnections ,",~st ts apPl'oved beforc l'equesting elec:rical inspec:io~ :J Aoaessol'11 Build-:.ng --, Fi1l3l - Aftl!ro p31"01:es, skil't'in!1# decks, ---1 etc. are completed. D AU prooject c071ditions, oue.': as the i.nstallation of st,'eot trees, "oo.-:Tploti..:m of tite roequired landsoapir.g, etc., must be satiofied bl!fONl the BllILDINCFINAL can be r3quest.zd. :J FIllA G PLUMB IlIa ::J FIIIAG NECIIANICAG ::J rINAG EI.ECTNICt.G :J D (j) FINAL BUILDINe: The Final Buildin!] Inspection must ba requested a/tel' the Pinal Plw1fbina Eleotl'ical, and Mechar.ical Inspeoti.ons ha.vo .bee!,! made and appl'O~~d. " , , \ ItAU, UIINllor.F:S liNn CLF:IINOUTS JtrI.'?T nF: ItCCES~[[lLF:. AD.ll/~T!fg,'lT TO BE trADE AT fJO C'JST TO CT'!'Y I pa;~(?' J' 0[2 I JOB NO. CfQJ1jJ SOLAR A I Z<mc: Occu Lot Sq. Ft;;. S "I lot C-"'erag& N of Stories Total Height Topography I lITEM I Main Ir:.r:rf'ce , SQ.FTC !l.J1o jtJ,/O fgrDOl"t AcceSDoru . S.D.C. TOTA~ VAWE ft/G:&.UCJ i. S :r: Bui UIina Pe~ t State surcharge Total. Cha.:-gB3 lITEM I Fi:z:pures ResidentiAl II bath! IND. Sanital"Y Sewer I Water- I plumbing Pend t Stats 5urcr.a.rg8 11n~1 Total. ChaM08 I NO. I FEE " !l!!. 5f!:' ~~'?" Haw/EXtend Circuits I Ttmporary Service i Ele~trical Permit State SurcMl'ae Total Charqes ITSM 1 Furl'Ulce !!TU' 5 I E=haus t Hood I Vent Fan NO. W:xxistOV6 Permit IDsuanca Mechanic3.l pemit State Surchal'l'C To-eal ~rae:J I -- ENCRoACHMENT -- I SeC"olritlJ Deoo3it I Storage I Hain tena"~e I p~rmit-___ I ;otal ChaT'(1C8 I Cur~cu ~ \ Sidewalk I Frmcc I Electrical Label I Hobi 18 lIome BWoP ~% PLAiJ r../Ii:{L -; I TOTAL A/:IOUNT DUE:' LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-do-sac x Value I I 1 II f311.1#l' FEE II/A I q'}~.15P 4.~3 191,/3 CHARCE CHARGE FEE CIIARCE q2-PO 6Q. /3 247.1~ . -,"~ L-COG"" REQ.- Tit e/Cor.st: N Bedrooms: I Enertlll SOiJrces I I Heat 11 Water .fl(!flt~,. I Ra'I!JC I I Fire~lacc 1 I 1I0od"to"e 11 . T:fN1 Lot Faces - Setbacks I House r.araqe Acc(!'as. I P.~. INorth lEast Sou th IWeet FeeG Building Value & Permit This PSrm1.t io granted on the express condition that the said construction shaU, in all roespects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Cr<!:.nance, regul.atil1g t119 ccnstl'Lh:'ticn and use of buildi11gs.. and m::y be sucpended or revoked at ar.y tUne upon vicM tation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , 1 I- Iplan Check Fe.: 6"'). /3 , Cate Paid: !Recdpt N: ISig..d: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct.. install.. alter or change any new cr e:::isting plumbing or drainage syst6n in whole or in part.. ur.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license.. B%cept that a person may do plwrzbing work to property which is OJJned.. leased or operatfld by the appli- cant. I- .. Electrica I Perm it Where State LaIJ requil"es t1-.at the electroical oork be done by an Ete:ztricat ContractorJ the eLectrical portion of this permit BhalL r~t be valid untiL the labeL has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. - Mechanical Permit 1 1 1 I- f 1 p~~~- 12 (sA'fJ ua!e '7 ' } I- I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL ir:fo;"mQ.tion herson is tl'US and corl"cctJ and I fU~thdr certify that any ar4 all wol"k pd~fo~dd shall be dO~d in acao~. danae :.ri.th the ordi.n:mces of tits city of Spr1."!Jfictd.. and th. tAr..;. of thtl seats of Orsg:Jn p~rtaining to the work described herein, c.nd tha: NO OCC~ PANCY b1i.!! bs nnde of any etruatu", without psmie.ion af the suildin~ Di vi~ion. I furthel' certify that o~ly contra~tors ar.d e't1pl.:1YS(;B /Jho are i, compliance ~ith CRS 701.05~ /Jill be used on this project - ..9ff~ 1--3-1/ Chto ~