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Permit Electrical 1999-8-5
w :'e e ., " e " .... ,"'e.'.J'. . '''(,r ,.,." .',', '.~ :':"'...:~:'~~-~" '. ...._~.~ I <:..\,.;\ . '. ~: 'l )>2?;~( . . . . .-:~')~~ . <> }..~.t~:;~ }~t~c~~{::~:, , ,_Y.i'3~',~: ; ,,~h:.':r -'.-' --... '.-,,- '~.,:. ',;,.' :~~:C:~: " ,.t. , . .. ' , " . . z " , a~~~~~~~nd does not require specific land use Zoning l..Oft- Date ~ -5'" -c:; c; 225 FIFTH STRA4lfflOrized Signature ckA.J _ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ~~~l~~~;~;~I~:;;1L?J;.,~~~"~r~~'Jq.;"~ ~. _ _:~_.... ~"i ,ty_~?"?N,~~e:, .,,1'1/ 0 ~ () OEFICE,:,?>~, <71'26....3759, ',..." ". " " . ., " , ,....~ '''.~.~A?..~~,.~'~'';,f;'1~P~,~''.,iff1J'I~~:;tO''!o,1'.\i:l~~l-i'1i'Ja;:u.~'''i'J ~'<,,""""'''' ", n"' II'.',."" ;l',:.C" ' "", 1'l\.)l?:'~'?~li.;YI~''i.'1:l''L ; t'''\'w''''''~'io4q";i;r:,,t~j$' '.." '~l;;;:"",l!' i,~",' "',, '", .." ", " \lli\:',:'1"''''''<'::,f'\.\o' Ji ,:.4'.,\'. '(Yi~fi;",:(a~~]l", ~iiJ'~' "~'.l"i"\:M<1 ;::~; '~'t' "l "~;'::":l';";'J .... !, ..' '" .. ~tr~:.';-';;'" ," .. ,:i;''l$)~ ~";",<.,Ih''''~'':' ,~t.., 'INi(;'~3' ,~'li'f':;~OHP't'~E';~\~t"Ertl;SG"HE,'i'!,t;T';:J, ,B'E:':~OJ.J\" ( "..,9g.'\"l'i.."i< '~. .),..~", -"It..i" '''1 . ."',t', ,-',.}'.fc.l;:'-:"',,", .,.,_..) \-l(~ ,....,-.. .}l,~i t",'.'Vfl'~'; .. ,.V .L.IL~'l:.' ....w .~} 1:IV'~~., l:.;;W, ;1. .~'rh-,.a:"';l\,...\h', tl tdt .J~1,:lf)~ tt';!)-l:(: . ' ..:.1..,....: ":....;; _ ~:A_...:'Ir-.;:~t~'>:~ '1'~".:,~" -<;:'>t. ,I. '. .. J'\' 'l.~~,I\\:- :':.r;,~'1i.:.~~~, :d'70,~/;.'1~~...,'i1~tt'~.(\>j.l."':.,<. '-':'t'l:!'ti~.~ .(l"W~ ~ t.,:~ i~:: -:':1 ~,~~ii I'\~'; 'I\: ~~,:~'r,~~~i:'W{\W<'1Jt\i;:,~ '\~',r.'~ ,~l,.rrr ~~'i(t,,~ '~-, 'h,q 1 '-OCATTON OF--INST''',T4,i'A'!l'!:r.O' N,=J'''''''~~:i!li'''''''~~'''' ,t<,;, .. . "~;': ,. ',' ,','" " '''" ."", ,'\!s,'i', ,', ,'.., ..'. J~'4'Ji.:,' ~,""'7 ',':1'<1' '.' ' .'1 . l."... ':U..d..Il'\..:J.. '. -:--~ "':. --.,., \ - ---'~"".- ........:~-:"< .:.~:'~.l,~_.:\~1,;fi~.:.a:..r~ih~~}lu~al~H~)t\.;:W).,~i. 1'1.~.~~~ ~ I (~:,: ;' , '5 \ ~\ ~ A.l,s"t' A. Ne..' KeSloe!'! tlal-Slng.:.E 0: Hulti-Fam:ly per cive~::n& unit. Service Included: aIL /1 0 If~'t ~ D~SCRIPTION 04!q 17 "'-oms ..:.. L,- . Cost SUi.: JOB DESCRIPTION WnL. ~ ~~_._- PermiMDIICl;en-transferable and eX.E.!..r:~ i f vOTl4IS~EP1MIT~eXf>jm8lnHW~ of iSft~~d6Nm!~THis~~mlfdNffi 180 d~s:'~~: ' COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR 2. C~y~~TION ONLY .E. Electrical' ContractorDlE&oN ELEallC SERVICE '. . Address \JO ~ _~~~ City~ q'~~Pho~e ~4-~ \ CdiL ' Supervisor License Number~ ~ ' .- ," ,: 1000 sq.ft. or less u -, '--Each addftiQn.al 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf' d Home, or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder' S 85.00 S 15.00 S 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or,Relocation: . Expira .ion Dc. te' Ii? - I - 0 I , " 200 amps or less S 50.00 201 amps to 400 amps S 60.00 401 amps to. 600 amps, S 100.00 601 amps to 1000 amps $130.00 Over 1000 amps/vol ts S 300.00 Reconnect Only S 40.00 . '.U - "i"1W;dl.\l.iIl~::'YOUtO lA-1Taie'Jifp~~ 1. 'j' r~.rv 1 nes cJH:lgf>,f-j'gtt~ fo\lownsmA.lDitlPYf1C! bXI l~f&-J ~Pll serfc#tiil oca t i on Notification Center. Those hOAR 952-001- in OARQJ6~'.J091 ~ ~~~g s of the rlllee>brO . 00 0090. Wucml!Y OOtaff0@Ora~p.:.s: 4-I^p~n~ 55.00 ca\ Hgr\tft9~e~r6~tEJD,~~ i;"'-~'fisati8n 80.00 nun reff@@Ie.a@pl!)QrolIiUiW~b 4 'l'ts see "B" above Cente.r is 1 ~800-332-234 . D. Branch CHcm ts .- > I. ,Ii I I . Nev, Alteration or Exter-sion Per Panel " ,/s I.#'- l,.f)l.' " Constr Contr. Number ~ ~~OO C~l Expiration Date ,"q ~7Lf -00 ; Siznature of Supervising Electrician ~ fJ~~~,-IC!()~'k Oiolners Name ~ Va.J \\C> .0. Address ~ :i ty S 17 r 0 Phone ~- n.:tJk, r OVNEE INSTALLATION S 35.00 I One Circui t Each Adcii tional Circuit or with Seryice or Feeder Permi t, .,:..1".: ,s." 2.00 -j '" The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale. lease or rent. . ~ , . ~. - -, ' E. Miscellaneous (Ser~'lce/ feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting , Limited Energy/Res ,'~~ ,'.i" l:;i,~ted Energy/Comm .',.l~r.:'.' '.~ ..;~:-,,~~, :..,~,.' ~;,,'5~",' SL""ULAl:. OF' ABOVE ..>~" ,-;\%.~tate Surcharge ~)i> 3%,:ldministrative Fee .(,::",~,....~;~~"" , ...w.t.i:'~: ',....."".~,..~,., .a.u~-' ,":~~IrEt{, _~:E!J;~~" .~(, ':; '. , .' . ~. . .; ", not included) 'ners Signa ture: ! S 40.00 S 40.00 $ 20.00 S 36.00 . DATE: ?il S-/1'7 .,',>\' RECEIPT f: .' ,4' O!~ &" /'J.;i;.y{{, ,,' ~',,:, 'lED BY: q/""),;..;J/.".)!.ii~0; _;'...~~)~: r.' " ""'_. ", ~'A'''t,.;,..,.' .'," l<...,... ,..'.,'. ,,..,,'~:i . -, ,y, - . " .=-......,.'.,~.!,..... , ~..~-- r>.....~~:.1.i.f~- ~ '._' ,,_ '._ - .~~. -~~. _~, 0-0 ~ '"4~ (OS _~c;c: 5b ) .{' " . ';;J,:.,," ...;,.'--