HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Application 1989-6-12 , > '.. c._J, ," , . '-,,"') , .) '~-' . . I/l,/q ... CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ,.. PHONE: (503) 726-3759 SPRINGFIELD HOKE OCCUPATION APPLICATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY i 1/ r'.j2/ f}A 0/" /? e S ./ d t!!' .A.r c.e..- > en en to:I en en o ~ .. EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOS~L ~ U/64 7iJ eOA/a?V'__/ /l en :x > ~.-f'..4/?/ C-: o . ---L!V5j/Ve,'SS /A/ ~y G' /J/e/'?'ge,,7 ,A~~ACAecT' ~ ..#Y j;/J/te" --rA ~~E- /AJc9vLd be "~/?'p_ f?&u/e .//1'7 o-f./"fd,.,(dS -.... b u j- /R. J#/Y /e?Y ~LL/A-'.9 +//I//J~~c/l'/fD~C/tY"rJ '.c/s. ~ <:) N \ ~ , I -, " I ' , . \ \)J VJ l . t. t I, \ ' APPLICANT NAME o1/e".LLeA-/~. .-~ b//?/ke.,p . L/9S4/ (D/9/SY .5' .p~//V/'F/k.;L~' ,/J~ r ..-/- 5?A ./"'1 e.. /l r:; /9- ./ rl // Q .)"" . . ~- ADDRESS ~ > :><: r-< o PHONE: '?fC7-9??7: o . *' N ..., c..... 0 to:I 0 Z to:I c: H ~ Z ." G) > > H r-< 0 z 0 . ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :!C 0 0 to:I > > ~ ~ ~ ~ to:I to:I 0 > en ." () c: r-< () O:l ~ to:I :!C ." H ~ ~ to:I ~ 0 to:I 0 6"'(;' ~~.l ~ \);) ~~ O:l ~ () ~ o ..., ~ o to:I r-< ~~ o ........... c: '-J ~ \AI ~ ~ ><: I * mINER NAME ( S ) ADDRESS PHONE: OVER > ~ () to:I () () to:I to:I ." H ~ < to:I to:I o 0 O:l O:l ><: ><: 1 to:I () to:I H '" ~ z o . t ~ . . w. .. .f~ .-.J _ """.. '" .~ .....~ ""--; HOKE OCCUPATION AGREEhJ!...h THE APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE OF THIS AGREEMENT CERTIFIES ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF OPERATION: 1. EXCEPT FOR THE ONE NON-ILLUMINATED 1 1/2 SQUARE FOOT WALL SIGN PERMITTED IN SECTION 16.080(1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THERE SHALL BE NO DISPLAY WHICH WOULD INDICATE FROM THE EXTERIOR THAT THE BUILDING IS USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING. 2. THERE SHALL BE NO OUTSIDE STORAGE OF MATERIALS. 3. NO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PERMITTED EXCEPT THAT WHICH IS COMPATIBLE WITH RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. 4. THERE SHALL BE NO OFFENSIVE NOISE, VIBRATION, SMOKE, DUST, ODORS, HEAT OR GLARE NOTICEABLE AT OR BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION. 5. A MAXIMUM OF 2 WORKERS MAY BE EMPLOYED AT ANY GIVEN TIME BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7 A.M. AND 8 P.M. IN ADDITION TO FAMILY MEMBERS WHO RESIDE AT THE DWELLING. 6. THE OPERATION SHALL NOT CREATE HAZARDOUS TRAFFIC CONDITIONS OR UNDULY BURDEN ON-STREET PARKING AREAS. 7. IF THE PROPOSED USE REQUIRES A MODIFICATION TO THE DWELLING OR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OF A NATURE THAT IS NOT TYPICALLY FOUND IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, THE PROPOSED USE SHALL BE CONSIDERED INAPPROPRIATE AND THEREFORE INELIGIBLE AS A HOME OCCUPATION. 8. COMMERCIAL AUTO REPAIR, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TUNE-UPS, ALIGNMENTS, BODY-FENDER WORK, PAINTING AND DETAILING, AND UPHOLSTERING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. 9. NO MERCHANDISE OTHER THAN WHAT IS PRODUCED ON-SITE SHALL BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC FROM THE PREMISES. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT IF NEIGHBORHOOD COMPLAINTS ARE RECEIVED, THE NATURE OF THIS HOME OCCUPATION YILL BE RE-INVESTIGATED. IF THIS HOME OCCUPATION IS FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THE USE SHALL BE TERMINATED UPON NOTIFICATION IN WRITING BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY OTHER CITY CODES OR ORDINANCES. 6 -/;;:L ~r? DATE .--/ -" /f- .-- APpt CANT'S SIGNATURE APPL CANT'S SI~ATURE ~~ - - - ~~. u . _ . t ~MC(~dvu(/a/} AUTH~IZED SIGNA~i'- PLANNING AND D~VELOPMENT ~PARTMENT ",. tJ::> pe;r..- '6YLS DATE ~;?~-P9" DATE ~ J.j:! . . .. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING I BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 June 26, 1989 Mrs. Helleen I. Walker 4954 Daisy Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Subject: Home Occupation Permit Dear Mrs. Walker: Enclosed is your approved Home Occupation Permit for ceramic work at 4954 Daisy Street. The approval of this permit is based upon compliance with the following CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: In addition to the conditions listed on the back of the application form, the following conditions need to be met: 1. Contact Mr. Ralph Shaw of the Building Safety Division for approval of the kiln you will be using. I have enclosed a copy of the Uniform Mechanical Code regulations for kilns for your review. Mr. Shaw will inform me when the kiln has been reviewed and is approved. 2. Thereshall'b~ no retail sales of ceramic merchandise from this location. I undeistand from our conversation that your intent is to sell your craft at various events. Please contact me if you have questions about this approval of the conditions of approval. Cordially, 4~. , Cynthia L. Harmon . Development Permit Coordinator . . 4 -., " -'II 1904-1905 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 1985 EDITION 1905 alloccupam'ies using healed makeup air from the oulside. Such equipmenl shall nol supply an occupancy containing sleeping quarters. (b) Exhansl. The design of lhe installation shall include adequale provision to permit makeup air he;llers to operate at raled capacity hy providing properly designed rdicf openings or an inlerlocked power exhaust system. (c) Approval. Each appliance shall be approved by the building official for safe u~e or comply with applicable nalionally recognized standards as delermined by an approved lesting agency. (d) A-ir. All air handled by such equipmenl, including cillnbuslion air, shall be broughl in from oUlside. . (e) Plans. The installer shall submil plans showing the, prilposed inslallalion, indicating lhe location of the hcatcr and such accessories as may he required 10 ensure'lbe proper and safe performance of its function. (f) Fillers. All air passing through or over lhe burners shall be t;ulside air and sereened or filtered 10 prevent leaves. papers or other ohjecls from being picked up from lhe outsidc. ignilcd and discharged inlolhe healed space. (g) Cle3rance. Such equipment shall be installed so as not to raise the temperalUre of surrounding combustible material more than 90or. above ambienl. surface area oflhe kiln. The hood shall be conslrucled of not less Ihan O.024-inch (No. 24 U.S. gage) galvanized slecl or equivalent and be supported al a heighl of between 12 inches and 30 inches above lhe kiln by noncombuslible supporls. 3. Gravity ventilation ducts. Each hood shall be connected to a gravity ventilation ducI eXlending in a vertical direelionlo oUlside Ihe building. This ducl shall be of Ihe same conslruelion as lhe hood and shall have a minimulll cross- seclional area of not less than one fifteenlh of the face opening area of the hood. The duct shall terminate a minimum of 12 inches above any portion of a building within4 fect and terminate no less Ihan4 fect from any openable windows or other openings into lhe building or adjaecnt properly line. The duel opening 10 the oulside shall he shielded, Wilhoul reduction orducl area, 10 prevenl entrance of rain inlo lhe ducl. The dUCI shall be supporled a.l each seclion by noncombustible supports. 4. Make-up air. Provisions shall be made for air 10 enter Ihe room in which a kiln is inslalled al a rate at leasl equal 10 the air being removed through lhe kiln hood. . S. Hood and duct clearances. Every hood and duel serving a fuel-burning kiln shall have a clearance from combustible conslruclion of al leas I 18 inches. This clearance may be reduced in accordance wilh '(able No.5-I.!. (I) Exterior Installations. Kilns shall be instal fed with minimum clearances as specified in Subsection (e) I bf lhis seelion. Wherever a kiln is located under a roofed area and is parlially enclosed by moie lhan lwo vertical wall surfaces. a hood and gravily venlilation dUCI shall be installed 10 comply wilh Subsections (e) 2, (c) 3 and (e) 5 oflhis section. Small Ceramic Kilns Sec. 1905. (a) General. The provisions of lhis section apply to kilns used for ceramics thaI have a maximum interior volume of 20 cubi.: feel and are used for hobby or IHlllcolllmercial purposes. (b) Installation. Kilns shall be installed in accordance wilh Ihe manufaclllrer's inslructions anuthe provisions of this code. (c) Fuel-gas Controls. Fuel-gas conlrols shall comply wilh Seclions .'iO) and .'i06. Standing pilols shallnol be used wilh gas-fired kilns. (d) Electrical Equipment. All eleclrical equipment used as part of. or in connection with, the inslallations of a kiln shall comply wilh the requirements sel forlh inlhe Electrical Code. (e) Installations Inside Buildings. In addilionlo olher requirelllenls specified in this seclion, interior inslallation shallmec\ the following requirements: I. Kiln c1ear:lOces. The sides and lOps of kilns shall be localed a minimulllof 18 inches from any noneombuslible wall surface and) feel from any combustible wall surface. Kilns shall be installed on noncombustible Oooring consisting of al least 2 inches of solid masonry or concrete extending alleast 12 inches beyond lhe base or supporting members of (he kiln. EXCErTION: These clearances may he reduced, providcd Ihc kiln is installe<.l in accordance wilh ilS lisling or 10 an.cptahle conclusions of lesling rcrOrlS suomil- le<.llo the buil<.ling official. In no case shall the clearance on the gas or electrical eonlrol side of a kiln be reduced 10 less lhan30 inches. 2. Hoods. A canopy-type hood shall be installed direelly above each kiln. The face opening area of the hood shall be equal to or greater than the top horil_onlal . /\". ; ,. . Y' ) . . 140 141