HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-10-23 r., " . . '\' , .. RESIDENTIAL.. AFPLICAT ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sprir4fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job !.oc:::i.:Jn: ASaeS801"3 .Yap /I St<bdi.;r;sicn: c-..me1" : ~ ._kJdt-A/ A), L. if pr.04/ 1 'f r;, - if !.- i.:2.- ~ Zip: C(7t.f7 ? ~6S3: C:. t'~ : , I IXI I I I I 'lt7"~ JJ' . A~:. t1.cn Remo.:eZ .~!ob-:'le ,~~3 '. . SPRINGFlE1.C -~ tts . ~ .~cce:::Jt &A?~~ " Your City. Desigr.ated Job IVumbszo Ia: O INSUl.,J.TION!VIlPO.<? BA.'?RIER INSP::CTION: To be "..a:ie after aZZ insul..::ti.:Jn cr'.a . . 1"equ~1"ed vapOl' ca::!'!"iers are in p Zace but: cefore any Zath. gyp= board 01' wZZ covering is appZi.ed. and befol'e any i7lS'"~Zation is conceaLed. . D DRY''/ALr.. INSP::CTI()~l: Tc be made after aLL az..:/waZZ is in pZace. but pl'ior to any taping. o ,\fASONt?y: SteeL location~ bo?u:i beams. grouting 01' verticals in accordance with [J.B.C. Section 2415. r./OODSTOVE:: After instaLlation is ccmpLeted. 1 '-19$7) ,(72,'(; \102_ ~~3~ r _ , ',_ __ _ , J _ A ~ 1'. -, uD,escribOork: , ,J- /HM ~ ~ x...V~ T= Lot tJ () \\35< DecCa of .tl'PZicati9.~ /o,a-3-1?cj VaLue $ AddreS3 t{Fo :.:on:l'~C':or8 Cenemt Plwnbing EZectr.cc:Z : , T , , Si.gr.ed: Date: j()-~3- ~ ,'.fe::hm:ic=l Constl"'..tcti~ l.t:ndqr . . ........ , Lise. # E=ircs Phone i. 1/ I: is :he 1"esponai.bi1.i.:y of the pe~: itDZd.u- to see :hat at? inapectiol'l8 are r..ade at :he proper tim~. that ,,"coh ::ddress is re"":,"':"~.1 ;"rotn tM street. end that the pernrit card is ~ated at the front of the property. -3ui!.di!".g :r:vi:io:-: C?;rol:ed plan sr.c.ZZ rer.ta.'n on th.; Bu~Zding Sit:; at aZZ times. , P.?O~!JUP.~ FOR I.'lSPEC'!'I~!l R~~tzST,' ALL726-3769~d.u-) state your City desit]7".ated job nur.:ber. job ad6ocss. type of in:;pea~icn 1"3<iUell~ed a:-.a :.I.~en you :Ji.LZ be re . - ~"_~?""~tractcrs 01' Ol..'n8:'s name .:nd phone number. Requ&sts receil.'ed CefC1"6 7:00 C':'I :."az be ncae th4: same dc-:/~ reques:s :nc:ae eftc." 7: 00 a:n will. ba made the nat :JOrking da-:i. , tYo/ 0 7 7 l ~emJi~~d Tr.s~p~ticn3 O . s:r;~ l:'l~PEC':' !J.'/: ~o be ncee e:z:cava~:an. aut pl"l.Cr 1:: set l":7rms. o o o o D o o D after u? of lmD::RSr.AS p:'l':.f3r.'lC. El.~C':'!'?IC,1!. ~ .'.!ECH.J.:Il::.U,: ';'0 De macie bejore any uoric is .:ovcred. FOO1'r."lC ~ FOU:!D.1TIC.'I: To be made aj'ter trenches are e::cc:vat.zd er.d fcr:ns ere erected. out pri"r eo pourir.g CC71cret... !J:!!)r?fG.=?O~.'D ?:'L?CI;iG. S~7.t!. ';/.1Z'~:~, D.~.:.-.'//..CG: To be ma.:e l'r:.or :;0 .-'i~- lir.g trenches. [JUCE.,?CO!'CC,q !,W,'.f3r.:C ~ !,fEC!fANrr::.!-: To be mae.e pr-i.::r ~ in.n::l.Zat~on ot f1.<Jor ir.suZ<:eion or deckir:g. - P'JST AND 3~A"": To be ",.aCe pl"';::;r to instaLz.:~ic71 of j7.00r il'l8lOlation or dsckint;. .~,,~'r;;: ?':.~~f3r...'G. :!S~~!'~~:. ~ ,'.fEC.'1- A,vr,:.l.!.: .'10 ~!'i: is ::0 be co~'e!'eci. ' ~:~L ehcs~ ~r~~ec:i~s ~~q ~e~ made =r.d =??M:J~':::. FI?E:?!.AC::: mor:o pZc::."..g fe::inq m.c:~eriai..J ar.d bq'ore ;rr::r.ring inepec- tier.. .COp.A...~r."';: ,'.fu3: be reC'..Iaa:.zd al';cr G?l'rcv~~ of rough pl~~ir.g. eLec:ri- caL & mecr.ani.:3L. AZ~ roof~~ b . I. .. L l'~~r~ ~ cn~~ys. et:. r.r..lS~ ~e conmLe:cd. ;'/0 ~r< ~s to oe con- "1 _J t.Z..}: ..- _. . . cec::..GU un ':, ." .t..G \.nSt'6CwwC11 r.as . b6~ ma.:.z and al'PMved. ':' CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:- forms are ere:te:i. but prior to pouring.. ~~rete. o SIDS"..!ALi< d DRn'G''/f.Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.Yi to be ma:i.e after aZZ exca- vating :cmpZete & fo= work & SuD- Dase m.c::erial in pZa:e. DEf.:OLITIO!! OR .~:Ov:::; 3UILDliiC;S :J Sani tar''' S8'..1er ~a??ed ::t ~opJ:rt':I l.ir:e :J Septi: tank p'.i17~d aro.d f~ned with ,;r:i-~e. --, PinaZ - _>'hen c1Jcve i.te~s ere c~:'mZeted ---l cu:d :.Ihen :!er.teEri.cn is compLete or st:ou.:- ture moved and pr~ses cleaned up. D :'!:NeE:: Wher: compL.;te -- Provide gates or movabLe sections tr~ough P.U.E. . NobiLe Hc:r.es ~ Blocking and Se~-~p =:J PZumbi~ connect~ns, -- s~er and water ---, EZectricc:Z Connection - BZocking. set-up ---1 and pZumbing connections /T("~st :e appl'~1.'.zc: before requestir~ eLectrical ~r:spectio~ =:J Acaessory 8ui~~ng . --, Fi"..::Z - ,1ft~r F:Jrcr.8S. ---l etc.: are c~I.~Ze=~d. e1drt~r.g, deay.8. o - - o - ALL project cor.diti::;ns. JUC~ as the ~ns~aLZc:tion 0; street trees, ~~~lc"ian of tne required Zandsccpir.g. etc., must be satisfied oefore ei:e aurr::r::c :'I.'!AL ~an !Ie 1'3quest:;d. :=J FI.~'A:' pW.'..'BnIC :=:J n:I/..(. :.!E:,'iA.'IIC.ll. :=J :I:IAL :::'::C':RIC:'l. .=:] o -r'IAl. a'Tr r not.. p' L" .,J' r . b . '. .h co' ''''7 .. ..- rJ wD.NC: <"e -:.na .oU1.....:.,,~ .ns?ect1.on .~t e requeate.:1 =,-~er ~ e . :.na~ C'~ur.:()T.~ ::Lear;roicaL. and Neanar.ic::L Ir.spear;i:Jns ;laVa ceen made and c:pprolJzd. 'A:.r. :.!/..,'lP.C!.~S AND Cl.EANOUTS .'fUST 3E .4CC::SSI3l.S, .4j)J~'S;.'~::,!, ':0 3~ g.1r:~ !!:' .':0 C'':ST T'J cr:'Y I ?=-;<J ! oj 2 / I JOB NO. ficfo,77/ SOLAltccES S I ,.,.........,. .......-.t,;. ....,.,~J.=C7'.~J -;r~=,: ?=q e 2 - L-COG'* REQ.- I :.ot t-::.ces - I I ? L. I Hous~ 1tI0r~~ lEas;:; IsO'.- tit IWest .7'.'~e/f'O--s. . _::.::' l......,. '". 3~d.rOOr.-:3: :.ot Sq. F':.;. I: ~f ~t C.7lJerag~ it f - . .. 0 .::.t.n-.es l1'ot:al :fright Topo~hy r ""'" ....v:::o -'-'. .--- I I I I I I I I I I j I ~ I$:~O !':'!.'./ I I I I I I x 5'.F:'C .~k:::71 I 'A::'.:::ce I.;.:r::cl"':; 1.~cccss':J:":J ., I I I :'~!.~~ VALr.:~ IS.D..C. 1.5 = I ~.C: ~;<CJ BuiZd~r.g Per:r.it State Surcharge Total. cr.a.-ges I rm-If -~.:. I E'L-tures I Resii;mt~Z (1 bath) I Semi.t..::roJ Se"..Jel" I i.cte!" .. I I NO. -~ f"" I I I I Pl:.unbing Perd. t State Surc1o.a.-;e TctaZ CIuz-:-oes ITE:.j :iO. I --- . -- !'les. Sq. f~a. NaJ/E--t;end Cil"C'J.i ts I I I' I Tempcl"crry Service I Ele~tr-ical Permit State SUI'c;..arae Total O.L:J"ces Ir!.'.! I :IC. :'C'"~ .-- f'o.Jn"..:ce ?!''l' S I I E=haust Hood. , I Vent F=n I iI:x,asto;Je I I Permit [:;=3 Me~;..anic:::l Penrie State Surchc:r~1(: Tatd J::J:Cl".;'eg .1 -- ~t'lCRCA.C.:J,~!E:!'1' -- I S'ecr.u-;t-J DI1=03it StOl"-::.qe &~!:il1e€1".:.::r~tZ I Pc..~ t I , I C!.Lr:'C'J. t I Side:.Jalk f :e"~e 1-.. ..'1 .: I,.ec ...z-..ca:. L.':':J€ '" I. ... . ! .\foCi ~e n:;me To":r.l ~.cr':1es :-'2' Al. A.!!OU.'lT cUG:- r . .l':tel"1.Cl" Conter Panio.cndlCl Cul-de-sac "aluCl I I I I I I C,=:ARCE I I I I , I I C.::';_~Gc , I I I I I I j I I I I I I , / s: (/""() , I I I 1(,:,0 I / $"". {, 0 I - l I, I j I f I I I C.r!;JJ?QE r-I ~~er~~ S~~r~es l' I I i I II I I I I Tr.r:a ~ . . .;8:.:t2CKS :iea~ I Access. I I I. I I ::a.rc.ae I I I :Jatar' .'!t:!~';:ar' Ranqa :-:.re'O;,c.ce ;./ooa.:; :;ot:e Flum . . , I Building Value & Permit This perrrr.:: i3 grc:nted on the e:t"pl"ess condition that the said. construction shall, in all respects, conj'crm 1;0 the Ordinance :::.dopted by the C~:y of SDring;ieZdl ~nc!ud~na ;ne 20nina Crd~~ae, reauZc.=i~a :ne ccnst~A~:icn ar.d use of buiZdings, "and m:y be"suspended or r~vcked ~t cr.y time ~;or. vie. Zat~~ of any propisior,s'of ~~jd OrdirAnces. t .. - Plan Check Fee: Cate Paid.- - Rec~ipt #: S~~ed: Plumbing Permit I I I No person shall construct, instal~, a~ter or change any r~w cr e-mistir.g plumbing or'arainage system in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor ofa valid plumber's Ucense, e:z:cept that a person may do pZumbing work to proper1:':I which is owned, Zeased Ol" operated by the appt.i-. ca:nt. /> . ./ , " .. Electrical Permi t I I I I, I I.. Where State LazJ requires_,trAt the electrical work be done by em Elet:trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall. roOt be valid until. the label. has b;;en signed by the E1.ecf;zH;caZ :;'ontractor. Mechanical Permit ". ... , P"Lan E:ar.n.ner uar;a [ HAve: CAREFUl.LY EXA.'aNED the compZClted applicatio7'l for pe!"llTit, <::7ui do hereby certify tluzt aZZ i~fo~ation hereon is true and correct, COld I tJ.1"ther certify that emy ar.d aZZ /Mork perfor:rred shaZZ be done in act:or- da~~e ~th the Ordinances of tr~ City of Springfic~d. and ~hz L~~s of t~a - State of Oreg::;n pzrt=~ning to the work described herein, ~.d that ~O accu- PI..'lCl ~lZ be :ra.:!.e of c.nu struct-J.1"a without osrrrr.:s.3ion ~f the 3uirdina Di- rrision. [fUrther t:erti'f:i th.a.t only contrac~ors ar.d e.,,:?l.;yees 1.;10..0 =e in compliance ~th CRS 701.055 will be used 071 thi.s projzct . Data J /d"d23-?Y