HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-3-25 ',:. .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Bui lding Divi8ion 726-3753 - SPR~GREUl .iob I.ocman: 948 Darlene Avenue, Springfield, OR 97477 Asa..oorsMap N 17-03-27-21 Tez Lot' 00700 SUbdivision: amsr: Norman Fox 1'IrDns: 746-7430 Zi?: 97477 D."aM.b" Work: Addi ticn Install Solar Resources Int'l Mark IV J:lolrestic Solar Hot Water Systan , .'; : AddnJ.s: 948 Darlene Avenue my: Springfield, OR W n n n ,VmJ RtlnfDdsl UDbi Zs Hama Vatu. Address '. .~. .... H ~. Rcce~'!)t II Building PeJ:IIli.t 4% Plumbing Pennit 4% $ 5.00 .20 5.00 .20 $llr.1iO Si4r.sd: Oats: (lA~ ~-:4CS'-IL Date of AppLiaatian :;ontrdCt~8 _I l-buntain Shq~ Homes PLumbinq Doug Richards Plumbin.e; n""tzoical .'f..hm:i.c:.l Conotructicn L.",u". Lise. II #D7663 Bl Brd:i39016 t'l :J'tLU-lbLl'ti E=:;UOC8 ?han(: 4/82 2i83 3/83 1i86-13~5~ 688-3385 It ill ~1uI nsponaibitity of t}w pnmit haza..z. to s.. that aU insp.otions are r.:ad4 at :1uI prcpa- timc~ t1-.at ~h .:ddr8S0 is rea::a.!l!. f'r'um 01,. ._.t, and .hezt ./1., pernn:. aczrd ... l.>aatsd at; eM j'rcnt of ."" 1""'P""ty, 'BuiUIi.'1{/ 1>!ui:icr. approved pLan shell. NrIIt:Z'in 071 tfM Bui.lding Sit~ at aU t-imss. P!/OCEDUR!: POR INSP!:CTION Fre911!:S'r: CaLL ilia t,...",..;.,.) ._. y""" City do.ignatsd job _.b"", job addre.., typ. of i""?""ticn _r.sqwu1tetLar..tLW,i:'SlLYQJL;.:i.1.Z-bLz!cat4I-IQtiMpJIC.~JQ!l.....~_...'C':....__ tJl' ~ name and phmuJ number. RSquBsta rllclli.t.'sd b.fON 7:00 en "";LL be nruJ. .he "'""" dt;;y. ~... mad., aft"" 7:00 <=I "";LL b. nruJ. ..... =at '-'Orliing day, .o~'.t:rA.. :r"rp~.r'\' , 0: SrrE INSPEC':'!O,V: To b" nru:t. aftR """"""nan, bu. prior. tc ..t up of f...... '0 U!l1:J1:1tSLAB PUJNtJrNC. KLECTRICAL .t . MECHA.'1ICAL: To b. mad4 b.fOl'. any work is ;:QUaNd.. o , D D FOOTING f FOUNOATICN: To b. nruJ. after trfmchoa ar. ~.,__...~i' and foms """ .roctsd. bu. pl'ior to pt1W"'ing ccncre'te. U,YD::I/CF1OU.~O PWM!lING, SEfI!:R. fllTl!'.'1, Df/AIIlAGE: To b. ma:l8 prWr .0 f1.<- 1."""4 trencnss. rmDE.'!FWOR "(It.lJl.~nu; " ,~fEc:lANICAt.: To bs f1r1I:U pnor :0 i1l3tal.Zat1.o1I of fLoor ,,,.,.lo:ticn or do.king, POST ANO B!:AM: To be >mdI: prWr to tnstaLlaticn. of f'1..ourr' insuLat:ion ar dackt:ng. 1f(J.~f(jJl p!.lPmI."lq. ;r,?C':1!!CA!.~ A .HECH- 'ARreAL: No :JOrlc is co be COI..,;;:;;r- w:tt: 1. chess insp.c:ions hau" bflfm 1rrlI1.. and approu&:!.. . FP..EPr.ACI:: Prior to ?lo:cir.g facing ~ariaLs and bGfor. [rarrring insp6C- :ior_ o o D D PRAl.!lNC: Mu:Jt bfl requBatsd. af~QlO approval of 1'OUiJh pLwr.bing. .1"""",- o:zL of .'1f8chani.=aL. AZ~ rooF"'ing bracing & chimrtcys. at.::. m:.uJt bl aampLstad. tlo wrk is to b" con- cQC.Lsd. wrtiL thi.D iMp-crion has b.... ~ and approvsd. 1_ City 0._;".__.-' .lob _co I.: O INsuu/rIONIVAPOR BARRrrR ~!!:CT:rON: To N rraa. afUr' aLl. iM,a.:ti"n Gt"!d raqw'....c. _ _ """ in ?lo:c. bt 1:.fON any Lath, gypsum board O'l' wII ooufll'ing is appLi.fId, and btlforo any inmdation is etmClltZt..d. O Ol1J'11ALL IIlSPT!CT:!ON: Ta b. ~ aftu aLl. drywaLl. is in pLac.. but prWr .0 any taping. D MASONM: s...L lo...."ticn, ~ . bflamD. grouting Of" vwticaLs in accot"danc. W'ith U.S.C. Saatian 2415, D 'JOO0S'r0V!:: Aft"" iMtGlllo:ticn i. acmpz..tsd. D CURB & APPROACH APE!)f': Aftll:'.forma ar.I er.cted lnI.t pl"'"..or to poul"Lng .::on...--rettJ. O SID!TJALK of ::JRrn:s/AY: Fer aLl. eD7!- ~tfl pavirrg t.ri:thin' streot right- of-IJX:JJ. to be ma:i4I a;"'t.,. aLl uca- vating ccmpu,t" d fom ~1c .j aub- bas. nr:tariaL in ?la.::a. O ["/://CI:: >?urn """'P""t. -- I'roIJi<!. go:;;; or movabLa sections thzoou.gh P.U.!:. D 820238 DEltOi.ITION OR .'tOl7!) 3i/IL;;:lGS :=J Sam.~ BAlD' =;p~ ::t F!Pat"i Zir.. :=J S8ptl.:: tank p-.mrped ar..: t-;z.:.d :.:ith ~aI ---, FinaL - .fllum abav. it:::-rs ar. t::""ApZated --I ar.d when :1ttmC~iti,.,r. i.r ccr.:pt.~. or struc- evr. moutld ar.d ;zorn.us =L4aI"l.C. up. . Hobi L. Hem.1I ::J Bloaking and S..-,p ::J ElZ.wm1ri.ng c07U'.-atiana .- sa.;.r au:! wa~sr ::J E1,(lctri.cc:l. Ccmt.ction .. Sweer.:;, est-up and plumbing .:cm:.cticne n:-..:."t :s ez??rOVsd befor(l reqtulsting .1.s.:=riaai. -::r.sp.c~io:1 ~. AC=flsaortr. Bui:di: I Fin::Z - /lft~ ?~cJ:.s, S~~"f, dscks. ~ at:c. are ccnrp:...tcd. D ALl. proj.i:rt condi~ns. sua.': all ths iMtaLLat-.:on of s:r..t ~.., c~t..r:';',j" of :iuI rflqUirfld Landscc:pi.r.g, ~tc., nlUBt b. satisfiad bctor. tJ-.. St/IteI:;; Fr::Al. .::m ;a r$quss~.ui. CKI FIlIAL PWNBING o FINAL I{!:CHANICAL D. FINAL !:U:CT!IICAL o o FINAl. BUnDINC: 11:. Final Building Inspsct'i.on must bd rBqueatc af";sr ,,;i:. FinaL ?!wr.bing El.ilCt:r'iaal., and HflfJ1rar.icaL InspBctiono 1un1d b."" madtI and. ~sd. ~ALt. MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE. A.DJUSTlfENT ':0 !JE M/lDE "AT NO cas; TO :rry I P;;.. ! of Z .I J I -+_:.dd_;.:...:_....:..-~.: - -.-- jJOb _bar: 1 Zone: I ,Lot Sq. Ftg. : ~ ,f lot Cove1'age l,f of Stories ! Total Height i Topography 820238 ---. Occu.pancl.l Group: lITEM I"tain SQ,FTG Gc:Jo"pe Caroort I ACC8SSoru I I TOTAL VALUE IS,D.C. IVCU.ut':J 1.5 x BuiZding Permit Stats Suzlchazoge Total Chtz:oges lITEM I ND, I I Fi.'rtla'es ..',' ", 1'1 I ReBidm.ial (J 'bath) I I Sa7Iit=y S8JJ81' .1 I ir'atRr I Plumbing Penr.it State Surcr.args Tota 1. Charae8 ITEM Res. So. fto. Nf/1,J;Ertend Cirm ts Temporary StI1"Vice Els:JtM.ca'L permit StatlJ Sur::harq" Total CharCSII FEE NO'1 I I I FEE LOT TYPE Interior Corner Paniumdle CuZ-de-sac x Value $ 5,00 ,20 $ 5.20 CHARGE $ 5.00 S 5.00 ,20 $ 5.20 CHARGE I'!'SM I NO. FEE CElARcr F'urn::l:CQ ETU' S I E:hauBt Hood I Vent Pan I I Woodsto':)e 'I I Permit I3suanca Me::hanic:z l Permi t State SUrchc::rae Tntnl CharORO -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Sea:aoi tu D2TJOsi t I StoraQe I Ma1.ntenmu:Q Permit Tatal Charaes Cul'bcu: si.deJM.lk Pen::s Electrical Label I Mobile Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' $10,40 Page 2 ~ L-COC #: Referer.ce Numbers: TypeICor.st: Bedrooms: I I Enerm; Sources 1 I .ijeat Ii II I: T.r08 I Lot Facss - I Setbacks I P. L. House Ca:raqe INorth lEast ISouth IWeet I Acces8. I I I Water .r!p.l'1tp.7' Range Firep Zace Wo0d3tove ..- Fees I I i I. ,. , I I ,. I I I- I I I I I , . Building Value & Permit This pel'm";t io granted on thB erpresB aondition that the said eonstruction' shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordi=e adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning crdinancs, regulating the con8tructicn and USe of buildings, and may be SUBpended or revoksd at cny ~...m6 upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Iplan Check Fee: IVate Paid: IReceipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No persOTl shaH constr-uct, 1.11Btal.tJ aUer or change any new or mating plumbing or drainage systtJ:1f in -lJhols or in part, unlS88 such person is ths legal possessor of a valid plumber's Ucenss, e:rcept that a person may do. plUJr.bing "Drk to property ,,/rich is mmed, leased or operated by the appli- 'aant. I I i , -' Elect.r~1 Permit WMre State LaJJJ requires tr.at the eZecrtrical. work be done by an EZ.somcal Con:tmcto1', ths eLectrica1. portion of t:his permit SMU not be valid until.. the labe l has been signed by the Elsctrical Contractor. ' . Mechanical Permit . /7 /I1~ P uzn E.rdfl:z.ner lID.e .5- Z. Z-lrL 1 I I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aamp Zeted app 1. ication for permi t J and do I hereby Ct11'tify that at! inforrrcz.tion heztson is true and oorrect, and I fo.aother certify that any ar:d aZl. work performed shan be do':'le in accor- I dance lJith tha Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and tha La:.>e of tha ' .4 State of Oregon pertaining to the work dsscribcd here~nJ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrrzde of any structura IJithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I fta'thar certify that <m.ly contractors w.d e:npliJyses who are in ct:.:mpliance with ORS 701. 055 will b~ used on this project . . l!~J jJL==- S~~ Z 5 MI41e ~ '/.- Date