HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-17 '.. _ '. I. Reoeipt f '<I. "'. ~~ .. RESIDFJialTlAL" APPLICATI"PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 1/.1./ f)FJ-I2Lel/J~ sf. ABDeBDorc Map # \ f} o?-, ~ I) f) ~ TC% Lot Subdivision: Q,mBr: f-IFLE)/ R/JtI/) . AddrBDS: / / .1../ '/) IUl LE"AJF .~-J..- City: ~(J/)IAJ{,...CIIFL1L tfJ/.c QNpfJ n .tdditicn I >< I Remade! n !.fob~le Homo # DoleD PhonD: 7'// -.1 h'tJ1.... Zip: 9?~77 Describe r,'o,.k: U\.9o.JtDLX- q CL\DJt)~ d(f)~ a}~~ ~, ..~_ /1 -19 Value (/:2tJI'J.,,(J Data of Application. Contractors Add~p~s LiRe. Y . General .r: ~1lr~V1 -37/7d rRi::7:-"PAttJHPi>. ; Plumbing i Hechanical I Electrical ISuoervisinli-Electrjcian , tfiJ. /,::S RI.4 U .. Sirmed: DatD: r'\~~ .Bldrs Board R~q. <L0 '>7 I &XD1res '12-11- ,V Phnnp' ') </7-80 t..f' It is ths l"Bsponoibility of ths pemnt holdsI' to BBS that all" inopsotions (D's mads at the pJ'OpfU' timc~ t".at eaah :;ddr.BB is f'oadab:B from tits etreBt. and that thB permit oard iB Located at thB front of tits propBl't!!, .Bui.Uing Dil)i::io~ appl'o1,.'ed plC.n shctl remain on th.z Bu~Zdin!1 Eit3 at all timBs. P,~OCEDUHE FOR INEPECTION H!COUEST:CALL 726-3769 11'ecordsl'J Btate YOUl' City deBignatsd job nun-.bBl', job 'aem-cBB, type of in'pBc:icII "(Jqu.cBtcd ar.d w,I;en you LJiB be ready for inspeotion" Contractors or CU1e1's name and phone number. ReqlUl8ts received beforB ?: 00 C':"/ .'ill bB madB tho BamB day, l'equeBtB made after- 7:00 am will b. made tits nat :JOl'ki... day. . . YOUl' City DBDigr.ated Job NumbS1' ID: .E'sCf ()2j.4lj FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be madB after trenchos are exoavated and forms are sl'sctad, but prior to pouring CCnC1'et~. o UNDERGROUND PLUMB INC. SSWER. W.~TER. DRAINAGE: To bs nn:ie prior to f1.l- l.i.r.g tl'6nchse. 0: UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECNANICAL: To be mads p1'1.o1' to in,atal.l.ation of floor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made pl"iol' to instal.l.ation of fl.oOl' ins~z.ation 01' deoking . I It I /jopeN PL1I!!BIlIG/Er.ECTRTCAC"j& MECR- /' ANICAL: No tJOl'k 1.8 Lei DO COIJered until. those inspections have beer. made and apPl'Ove:1. D FIREPLACE:, Prior to pZacir.g faoing matel'ials and before fmming inspec- tior.. r;v'l FRA}!INC: Must be l'oqueoted aftel' l..::J approv.JZ of rough plwr.bing, alec.tri- cal & mechanical. AI! 1'00fing bracing ~ ohimneys, et.,. nr.lst be .' completed. flo work is to bs con- ; oec.led until thio inspsotion has 'bs~n made ana approvod. D o rn o FIlIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL @ . RL~~i!,l'jL rIJ.J'llZ~'1ti"''3,q O SITE INSPECTION: To btl na:zde after uoavation" but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLU/.fflING. ELECTRIC,IL & MECHANICAL: To bs made be/orB any work is ",ovc1'ed. o FINAL ELECTRIC~L r:;;] INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER :[NSPEC'l'ION: . DEMOLITION OR IJOVED BUIWIIIGS L2.J To bB mads aftel' an insu!ation ana . '. l'oquil'ed """01' b<U'1'iel'B CU'e in plaoe -., SCDiital'y tiSlJBl' aappsd at FCpDl'ty Zi"B but befol'B any lath, rJYpsum boa1'd 01" ---1 . . . - "",n .00v.l'ing i~ oppHBd, and bBfol'B -:1 Septw tank' punipBd and fill.d with ill'<m! any 1.~ulation 1.S oonosal8d. I --=.J rJl DRfIIALL INSPECTION: To be madB. ~ aftsr all dPywll is in plaoe, but priOl' to any tapi...' . O MASONRY: SteBl location, b<Wl beamo" grouting 01' VBJ'tioals in acoordance L1ith U.B.C. Seotion 2415, D WOODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is CCmp!Bt.d. . O CURB & APPROACH APRON: AftBl' ftmI/8 are DNatBd but priOl' te pouri... oona7'8te. D. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Fol' an oon- orete paving within strtlDt right. of-IJCY, te be made aftel' an szoa- vating oonp18te & form wrk I. BIlb- '..bass matsrial in pltu1e. D !'ENCE: WhBn oomplBte -- ProvidB . gates or movable seotions through ~~~ . o ...... '. ] Final - fIhsn abouB it""'B CU'B comp!Bted and when demolition is Oampl.tD or 8trU~- tU1'B mousd and pl'DmiBBB olBanBd up, , Mobi.l..Hemss =:J Blooking and Set-up =:J Plwnbing aonnsat~on8 ...- B&fJBl' and IJatSl' --, Eleotrical Conn.ation .. Blooking, edt-up --.J and pl.umbing oonneotions m:lst 1:. apPl'ol).d beforo requesting .lsa~ri~aZ. 1-".paotion =:J 'AOCBBBO"'J Buildi... . ] Pin:zl - AftD1' paNh'B. .kil'ti.... dBoks. ete, CU'e oomplBtod, EJ ." ~ ..:...':;:-....._~... .... ",. '~"." ') .'..' I 'ALL 14ANHOLE:S AND CLF.ANOUTS /lUST BE 'ACCESSIBLE:. ADJUST/rENT TO BE: MADE AT NO COST TO CI'!'! I Pa?D 1 of ~ I I :'Alt pl'ojeot oonditionB" ouoh as tha instaLlation of stroet traBS, oo::TpZotion of tiJ. . '."1'Bquired landscapir.g" etc." must be satisfiod belo,.. ths BUILDINC PINA4 ,!,!"..be ".queBC3d. FINAL BUILDING: ThB Fina! Building ItiBpBDtwn ;""t bB I'BqueDtsd aftBI' thB Fi",,! P!umbin1 . E!Botrioa!, and MBoha"ioal rnapeotwno hauo beBn madB ond app'Ml1ld. '---.- -- .'.~ . -' \ - JO 13 NO.~o9o/'? I Zona: Lz)~ Lot Sq. F~, S of lot C""erage .'1 of Storiss Total Height. . Topography L -CO c:' soLJ',(l ACCESS REQ.- OcCU/Hl1laJl C. /.?-? '. LOT TIP!: . " I Lot Faaes ., Interior ".'''' . I P.L, INorth lEast ISouth IWest Type/Co.st: ~8 . Bsdrooms: I I Ener(7lI So,~rc!aG J I Ileat Access. j I WataJ' .t!nat,." I I Ranga I I Firenlace I I Wood" tove .11. I I NO. I fEE 12"",.~. '72-?e> I I I I II I :?:<-;-spl I /./'3 I I '2 '3-6:5 , A -- ENCROACHMENT -- j . i SCC".4l'it'l Dat?93lt. . ~'1 .' I Stor~:q(J "-'. ~'I'\JIilf't"'- t. l '1""'~"t I'""... ":', r " ," ," .,"...... I Main tenanae I Permi t , .' I J ITEM I Main I Caraes I Carool't '" I Aaasssory I I IE8C'C::~F- ~";~..t- I SQ,fTC TOTAL VAWE I S evc:t.uc) S.O.C. 1. :t: .... Building Perrrrit .State Suraharge Total Chal'ges IITol1 I Futures I Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary SerJer I Wr.1;p." NO. " I I I I I PIlJJllbing Pern:i t State Szatcr.arge TotaZ Chaj.aes I ITEII I RGB. So. ftc. I Now/Extend Circui ts I Temporary Service I Ele~trioal Permit StatB Surcharae Total Charces lITEM I Fuf'naca ETU' S I Exhau.s t Hood I Vant Fan I WOOd8tO:J6 NO, PeMnit IS8uanDS Me~hanicat. Permi"t State Sw'c1ziuocc ....Tnt,.,l r.f!:y::r,olln- I I Cu1'bcu t I Sid""" Zk Ipcmae I Elea trica Z Labe I if!: I Mobi lo Home I I Total Charq08 _I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: A Ti;re Comer /.1" SethaakG House ' Cal'aqe ,,/ Panhandle ','.' CUI-de-saa Paes J( I Building Value & Permit Value '.. This pemit io Granted on tho o%p1'ess condition thn.t tile said conntl"uction shall, in all reopcctD, conform to tile Ordi,lt.u:cc adoptt?J Ji!J tJw City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning ONlinancc, regu.Lating the CCIIDtructicn and- use of buildings, and may bi) suspended, or~_ revoked. at.a1:y time upon vie- lation of any provisions of oaid 'Ordinanceot '.. .'. ,.... '. .'.' II I /2vr:>," 1'1 " I I. I I A ~., ": '." \", _' '1 ", 'l >, ."- , (\.t .', :.>,'., ... "\ ... . . - ., 2,<9.50 I,o~ -:2/. 5-:3 I A IPlan Cheak fee: I Vate Paid: IRecdpt H: I Signed: J;:.$ . ..:3..=) FE!: C/lARGE Plumbing Permit -,. " > No pereOn" ohall conotruct, inotaU~ ~atter'~or challgn any nalJ cr e:::isting plwnbina' or"dra'inag6 syete:n in whole 01' in Part, w:lcGB such pel'son is the legal pooseSRO!, of a lJaUd plumber's licenoe, except tr.at a pe:'Gon rr.ay do plwnbing bJOrk to propnz:t1!, whiqft_~i~ o:.mod, ',leaped oroPfratf}d by the appli- cant. "*..-.,. - , I I I A CHARGE Electrical Permi t Whe1'O State LalJ requires tr.at the electrical wOl'k be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of thia permit 3hall root be valid until the label has been nigned by the Electrical ~ol1tl'aator. fE!: CIIARCE Mechanical Permit I I I L I I I I I A .vl".... <<~-.., '""r~7,xam1-llel'. /' ')-/~-~ VQI.l] I I l I I I ~- I .... : I\~~~~_~~~~~ ~~.\ w I A - Signsd - ~ /,te /'l I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appl.ication fo't' permit~ and do hereby certify that all i:-:.fo:oma.tion hereon is trup. and aor't'cct, and I fUrthe1' certify that any arn all work per/oJmed ahall be do~e in ac~o't'- dance with the Ordinances of tha City of Springficld, and th~ UT~G of tho .. State of Oregon p~'t't.1.ining to the work described heroin, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be m:lde of any BtructU1'2 fJithout p~rmio;Jio:1. of the Building Di- vision. I further certify t~at o~ly contractors ar.d e~pl~yeBs who are in compliance with (JRS 701.05:3 will be used on this pJ'oject