HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-8-24 r/ i '~1-~'./ . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-5755 Jab !.oea.tiQn: 72c.;Q DAISV ASDeSa01'3 .~!ap II Subdi:J-:.sion: O'~"er: DON V\n'~~c.I4r-l { Address: 77-<-/9 Of:lISV I City: ..sPe..INeoP, c;:LD ri n 15(1 n '16',' Tc.: Lot II kc.7J-\y 77tl-l-kHUJ Pr.ar:s: Zip: q7 C/77 D~acr';be ilork: AdC.'~ ticn p\OD ,","'OT~Q, ~' eJ~u1f' "'To e)C 5 L7 '^',5 0 ecJ<.. Remade l ,'.!ob":" Zs .~O!':!3 R~zq-k3 Dcrta of AppZicaeicn (,:on;l"Gc:;or8 C611aral /JSfJE"/'J tJ(}-{) 0 PLumbi"'] ELectricaL K~~ Ne=har.ic.:: L . Const~~cti~ tcndqr \. :\.:-Add....es3 _~{,7S IANltJMSI7j/ 3/3=S'l ~(UaeN(? 011, " ) 278'2. Cc5N1Il/:} L ,;2..O-/~S(!"/ /2-S'l.f GiAc:.,.=NE L ./ . '. 00 VaLue \ . DOQ, , ' CflnP7 . Rcce:~: ';l / plfnO I $iqr.ed: ~ Q-, 7.U-B Date: Lise. .; t~ircs 1-8'-1 Fhone y-gS-063 q 3</ ~-77-9) " , .. . !t is :h. responaibi!ity of the permit ho~Qr eo 8ee~that ~l~ inDpections are ~~e at =hs proper =im~~ trAt &cch ~8SS is 1'8~~:. from th. streee, and that the permit: ea:rd is l..xated at: ehe front of the property. ~eui!di~..g cr;vi::io~ approt.'ed pLan sr..c.Z!. 1"'er.tain on :112 Buit.ding Sit;; at aLl. MilS. P!?OCE!JU.r~E POR !,'lSP![;'!'!')l/ RECU.:ST:(:,tJ..Ll72S-37S9(:c,:-.n"de2') stc.:l.:e yo:,u. C~ty dt3:>igr..:J.ted job n':.D7:bel', job acc..."'Css, eyps oj in3ps:-:icn rsquestcd a.....d :.;!:.en you :.;iH be :ready fOT' ir.spccr--;on, Con~ac::crs ~'t' Ot.,'n8:"S 1U:'nS cnd phone nu:~%bC1'. Requilsts recsi:.:Bd ceJ"'crfl 7..00 .;:': :..'iZ1. bs rmde tk~ same dt:y; requests mcti8 aft;;:!' 7:00 c:n !Jill be made t,t...e ru;:t; :.JOrkin:; da-:i' UNDERPWC.'i PUJ,~Sr.:G !.f!C!!A,llIC":!;: To be ~ade prier ~ in3taL~t~on_of !toor insulation or deckin.g. PQST AND BEAM: To bs made Dr.:or to . 0 installation of flool" ins:.o~:ion or decki7lfi . -~p",n:"'''1. i'l~~...~t;:ir."_q O SIT!' lNSP!C':lON: To be made excavation, ,:,ut prier tc se: !Cnrms. o al;f1l' u? of UNDF:FiSr.,tB ?!..L'M3I.'IG. F:L2C":'.f?IC,;r. j ,'.!ECH.J.;'iC~L: ';'0 be made before any ~rlc is ,:ovcl"ed. o roOTING ~ POW!D,~TIO:l.. To be ,~da aft8l" tl"encnes ~e a::c(:1)at~d and ferms al'e erectad, but prior to pourir~ ccncret.. U".'Di!:RG:~OU.'.'D P~UlC;"JG, S~-rR. ;,>'.l~E.::'. DRAl,'lAGZ.. To 041 r.r:.:e prior ;0 .:~i i:- Ur.g :l'er.cr..es. [J o o ~ o .,:?O(.1GH ?nj~~I:.rc. F:!.E!:':'P!C:':' -l .~EC.9- ANleAL: No :JO!',",: ia :0 bc COt:e!'ea w:~i ~ :hcs<2 ins~ec;-ir;r.s ;...::v.e .;eer. made and =?pr'7'.J6d, F;:~E:?r.ACE: :"2-;01" to plc.:r..r..g feeing mc:t:tlr'ia~a and bejol'e lraming in spec- tior.. ~ FP.A}!lNC: MUDt be l'eq-.J.s:3ted af:tlr apPl"ov,:! of l"ough pl.WiiJin.g, alec:M.- ca~ & mecr.ar.ical. All '!'Ooring braair4 ~ chimn~ys, Bt:~. ,~~se be corrrol.e:cd. ;'.'0 :JOri( is :0 De can- . csa'lad until thiD insoecticn r.as 'b6~n made and approved. lour City. Cesigr.ated Job Numba llJ: o n;S;)L~'!'IONI'IAPOR BA.9RIE:R lNSP::CTION.. To be n:ade after all insukti"n a:"..a required vapor can-iers are in place but before ar.y lath, gypsur.r board or wLZ covering is c:ppli€d, ar.d before any ir..G"oolla:ion ~s aoncealed. X'yl ClClG . DE!:OLITIO,V OR :.:aT/!; 3UII.DliiGS =:J Sani taro:} se'..)el" capped :::t rn:.op.rt':i l.i~8 --, 5 . . d'~ .". '.,' . ~ e~rt1.c tanK p-...,:,:?<i: tr.".u J~H~C l,,'t...11 ~":B;, :J Pinal - j~?ten abcve ite,"!ls are c':''m:!l.at.d ar.d when deMCl~tior. is complete or st~~.:- ture moved and ?r~~es olQaned up. Nobi i..e HC.i:f1S :J Blocking and 5~t-~p :J Plumbing connections 8~er and ~a:.l" ~ Electrical Ccnr.ection - Btocki~4, set-up -.J and plwnbing connection8 nr..:st ~e appro:.:.:! befol"c request~n.g elec:rical. ir.s?ec:io~ ' =:J Ac:essol"",1' 3u.i ?..:i~ng ~ Fi~~l - Aft~r ;orcr.es, ~ etc. are c~le:.d. skil":iI"'4, de:.v.s. D.9::-..IALL I:ISP~CTTO.'l: Tc be .~e after a~l drywaLl i.s in place, but prior to any capir.g. MASONRY: SteeL location, oond beam3, arou:ino or vertiocls in acao~e :.ri;h a.B.C. Section 2415. O '..IOOiJSTO"/!: Aftel" installation is _ _ _ccmp~t3t€d, .... _ o o o CURS !1 APPROACH AP.f?CN: Afte:- forms are areeted but prior to POU1"";ng .:on...'Tete. SIO:::';ALK & JRn"F:'It'AJ: Por all. con- crete paving lJiti:ir. street right- of-tX.y, :0 be mad6 a;~tar a!! e:::ca- vatir.g c<mpLete d fom W::lrk & zuh- base Ixterial in 'p-la.:ze. o All proiec: aor.di:ians, ~"ch as ~he ins:cLlation of s:raet trees. ~~~La;~n of :rte ....cquired :.....'"1'lli:::ccpi.....1J, ;;cc.. .'r.Ust be satisfied before r;roll 3fJIrDI::C :'I.'!AL ~cn .;e :osq".J.9s:cd. 00 FI<'lA~ PLi)....'SDIG ",----, ~ FI:IA! NE~H.4."'ICAL 00 FI:IAL ::L~~RlC":L ,[] @ PIt/AL BUILDING.. The Final SuildiTUJ !r:s?ec:ion '"':'...tst b9 requQDted =:~:al" :he .~ilUll nw:bin.; Elec:rical, and Necha:-:ic=Z Ir:SpBc:ionD lu:va been mc.de ar.a approved. o f'ENCE: Whe;>': comoL.te -- Provide gates or movable' sections through P.U.G. .ALL N~,'/P.CLES AND CLEANCU'!'S ,'.'US':' BE AC::SSSI3CE, .4.D,jC'S'i'::2.'lT ':0 3E .~~1CE ::1' ::0 ;.~:ST ':'1) CIT'! I :;)""~e ot 2 o I JOB NO. 8'~1 qq{o;OLA'-CESS !z~c: !.:at Sq. Fo.;. I: jf !.:;:' C,J".)gl'C:::. 1# of Stories .. I" . ! " . h- l.o..a _.n.q... I rOPO.-rc;; hy I:-:::.'.{ I.'.l::in !~.,:c. I ,::::r:'cr~ I l..iC::!CS8~:"'1 I I I I S.D.C. I I -... ,G I I I I I :''?T.~!; i:':C:.:J.CJ 1.5 = Euitdi.,..g Peme Stata Su....:zh.:rrge TotaL ~.a...-ge3 1!j'~.'1 I FL-n.ores I Resid~tiaL [1 bath) I Sanit.:u'-! StnJel' Ilfctflr i ~/H. Pl:.unbi1'.g Perd.t Stat~ Surer..a:t";e TotaL C'''.c"!''.1es I :!!,'.J 1.~I:.J. SJ. f";;.:.. I N.,.,/E--eend CirC'J.i:.1 j Temporary SerJice Gteotricat Permit St.::.te Sur::narce Total O.cI'ces l.tl'r.'.f I f'o..a-"::Col ?TV'S I E::haua t Hoc.: I Vent F=n. I I iloodstc-';(J r'.:~::!:::r..:.::r~.;. He::;..ani.c::.1. Pel"m'it Sta";;e Sur::hc:!'ac 'I",~~,~l. ChIr-::'~UI -- 2;/CRCACHNE,'f'!' -- 1(0 '.... 0 . l..e~~#..~ Z~C3~t StOl"":t!6 .Vc:inten-...,....:,cz Pc~t To-:a1. O..c.rccs I C'.a"';C''''~ ! Sidll!..Ja1.=<' I :e"'~e , i!1ec~ric~l ~~bp-t I ! ,"!obi Za noms I :'?TAL A.',.l()u:rr CUE:" , CCtZ'J.=ar.c-J 'J~::": !.CT :'Y?E Ir::.,n"ic:r COl"'te:' Pan;..aruile Cul-de-sac X ~"a Zue ,AU.,,'E i J if I ()()() M I ,. I If) ()() I ,Lib I 10.401. 'i.';., I I I I I FEE CP.ARCE ~OI> /~..... .~I /~~I. 1.'10.. F::'; / ~/. I I C.~'~_='Gc /a4>~ /(:;>, - ..p /~St>1 . :.'C.I ::";0:;0 rrt'~,..::" ......M..O.__ I I I i I I )~/c70 I ?::aa 2 . \ '. ~ I 1 -.1 R EQ.- L-COC->:r ---'~ T~"pe/Cor.8:: 3eez.oor.:s .' Lot Faces - I I ~ner(7!J Sources I i -,ea' I Access. I ! ';later Pp'o,,;:?r J I Range I ! P-:. reo Lc.c:e I I lIooa:; :Ol,;e II T"~e 2.[" INo?'t"ft IEas'C 15",,6. Illest Setbacks I House Caraes I I I Fees Building Value & Permit This pernrU; i3 granted O'ft thee:rpress condition that the s~id. constru.ction shall, in aLZ respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce ~pted by the City of SD"("1;r.afieZd, inc!udina ;r..e Zonina C'rdinar.ae, reaul.::::il~a che acnstr"~cc~;cn ~ u;~ of buiLdings,Var~ m~y be'"su:;pended or I'~vokeC;t any time upor. vic- lation of any pr~visior.s of aaid Ordir.ance~. I P7"1:n Check F1'!2: i Cate Paid, IReceipt #, IStg>:ed, Plumbing Permit -; No per~on chaZZ construct, instaZZ, aZter or change any rAW ar e--isting plumbing 0'1' drainage system in whole 0'1' in part, unless such person is tr~ legal pO'sseasO'r O'f a ~aZid plumber's licensB, except ;r~t a pe~son may do pZur..bi.'"'1g work to prO'pert"~ which is O'lJned, leased 0'1' O'perated by the appZi- oant. ,. 1; )_\.. Electrical Permi t Where State Lc::.J requires tfo.at the eLectr>ica.L :JOrk be done "by an !Ze~rncaj; Contractor, the elec:r;cal portion O'f thi3 pe:omit shall roOt be valU! until the ZabeL has been 8i.gned by the Electrical ~O'ntractor. Mechanical Permit , ~~ef~?~-, I I HAVE: CAREFULLY !XA.'-fL'IED t,'l..e completed application for ;ermi:, c:nd do hereby CeI'-t:.f"y that all ir:fO':'l':"atiO'n hereon is true ar..d corrcc:, a1ld I ll,~!'theI' certify that .:.my ar.d all v;ork perjor:ned 3hatL be da;'le in ac:::'O'l'- dance :.lith tha Ordin....--nces O'f" the City of SpringficLd~ and t:hz l.a:.;s O'j th3 4 State of Oreg~n psr~in~ng to' the work des~~bad herein, and tr~t NO OCCU- n.NCl :.JiZZ ba .-rr.z.:ie of any structure without pa"l'r11is3ion ,jf the EuiZding rr~- vision. I further cel'tif~ th.at o~Ly contra.::tors ar.d e::rpl.;yees who arg in compliance with ORS 101.05& will be used on this proj3ct g.:?SI-.e~ ua;;e _ iJ~2~ Sign3d . . - ~ ?' -:;> y.:L5 r Da"te