HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-7-18 . .. RESm.T1AL.. APPLlCATION/PERHIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Bui!ding Division 7{36-;J75J . ..lob Location: ~ 'Z'lg 'De{ \ ~'1 6 Il-~2.3:S.3-r Asa8S00zt& Map Subdivision: <-c:::.t- . , ~rt./ . To: Lot 6 ~:2 ~ t:?c> Q.mer: '5TtC: V E Address: 7:?c..JRK'err CitlJ: ~~, n Additicn. !Xt Renodel n .'!obiZe Hoot! ,~( \. 6AoY'e ~d pa.ta of Application '-;<6- 'U Phone: Zip: Describe fl'ork: . Rcce;'" 'B ~bZYS ,'- ~g :,/J~_ --/~ ~n;;~~. b I' I '7- .- /"c:A.C e. ~.-, V ~ ~ V II - , . ...... t<-o\d..-t ~I ~ Co vJ"-t ...... et 1"-M,' ~. ;J .;? ",qr.ed:~~~ Datc: / ?- / I? -Ii'.b o n:SL'LATIONIVAPOR P.4.r?RIER I.'.1S?ECTIC:,1: To be made after a L 1. insu L=ti:m w.d rcqu~red vapor carriers are in place but cefore any lath, gypsu"7I board 01' U2lZ. coverin.g is appl.ied, and before any in.:ouZation is concealed. .. D.QYWALL It.'SPECTION: Tc be made after a l Z drywa Z l is in place.J but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel 1.ocation, bon.d beam3, groutina 01' verticals in accordance With U.B.C. Section 2415. o o WOODSTm'E: After instaLlation is ccmpl.eted. :,:ontI'c.c:ors General $.)\4.. (~-f.,v...c-6.':"" Pl.u'1Ibinq Slcct'1"ical Ne::;..ar.ic,:Z Const~~ction -Lcndar !: is tn" 1"esr;onaibility of tho permit holder to see that alZ inapections are r.:ade at ,the F1'oper timE:, that c:acn .:ddrOS3 is 1"ea.::a:,:a : from the street, and that the pel"Trri t cCU"d is located at the f1'Ont of tr.e property. "atd.!di~-!j Divicio'!': approt:ed plan sh:;U '1"e~ain or; th.; BuiLding Si,ts at aU times. // .L)d~O Value Acia:.-es5 W.s 13.............. t..... l'kj""" '1"901 2'{J..~l Lise. F! E:::r.irl!s ;-,-;01:':: 'lpl</"" '11r.,- '117' ?:~CC::!)~;PE FOR INSP~CTIO!l RE"QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.:ned ,job nto:':'bel'.. job a:iC.rcss.. t2';::e of' ir.3oec::icn ~=au=s=ca a'!':a u~en you ~iZ.L be reaay for inspection.. Contrac~a'1"s 01' Owners ~e end ~r~r.e n~cr. Reques:s recei~ed ce;cro' 7:0D ~ '_'ill b6 made the same day.. requests made aftc:r 7: 00 a7l lJil.l. bc made the next :.)()rkir..q'd.::'i-J'. Your City Deoigr.ated Job Numi)(ir IG:..a60 '199 3J?OU(....P'1 T.,.~r'U',.1;.(r.r'.!~ --, S:?E" I;"lS::~';-:::J:.': To be made after .-.J e:ccavatiDn.. but prier to se: up of forms. I ?~DER~LA~, PL(}~'3I:'C. E~EC'!'P'~C,jL & ..-J ,'.l:.C}!A..IC"...: .1.0 De maae Delor-e any work is o::ovcred. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUi'lD,lTIC!J: To be made afte~ trencnes are excavated and form;l are erected~ but prior to pou~r~ ccncret~. W.'DZRG.f?OU:,'D P:'W.'BIllG, SEWE:~. r\~1TER. DRAIIlItGE: To be m:z.:ie prior ~o fiZ-- lir.g trenches. ] ] ] UllDE.'?FLOO.1:? PLW$fllG & NECHANICAL: To bo maae prior to in.nal.l.ation of floo~ insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pT'iOl' to installation of f~r i'l1SkLation or decki7lfi. ROUGll PLl/?!BJ;'.'G. ELECT.'?!'CA'!... I: MECH- ANICAL: wo wol'k is to DC covered untiL these inspectior.s have beer. made and ~ppl'Ove::!. FIREPLACE: ?riOl" to placir.g facing mc.terial.s and before framing inspec- tior.. FRA.'~IlJG: Must be l'equeoted aftel' approv.1.l of l'ough plwr.bing.. electroi_ cal. & mechanical.. AU -roofing braeing ~ chimneys.. et.:!. m".lst be . completed. /10 L)Ork is to be CO'I1- ~ cealed until. thio inspection has 'be~n made and app~ved. ] ] & o CURB & APPROACH APRON,' Afte~ forms are created but prior to pOuring ao~rete. SIDEWALK ,.I; DRI:'E1vAY: For al.l CO'l1- crete paving within street right- of-wcy.. to be made after al.l erca- vating complete & form work & sub~ base material. in pZa.ae. JE::DLITIO;',1 c.~ ,~:,:n:~; EUiLn:::GS ~ Sarli :a:r~ se'.Jel' capped =t p:o_opo:l'~ l.ir.e I --.J i I ~ Septi~ tank J7~~~d ar-d f~l~ed uith ~a~~Z J --, PinaZ - liher. cbcve it"'~s are c""'Plst<.:: , -.J GY.d when :ierxLition is co:::;;i..e:c or st:""..~- I tu.-e moved ani pr~3es cl~~nei U? I Nobile Hcr.:es =:J Blocking and Set-:.Lp =:J PLumbing connections s~er ar~ water ---, El.ectrical Ccnr.ection - Blockir~, set-u? ~ and plumbing connections n;~st te ap?r~~2~ before requesting elec:ricaL ir.spec:io~ ~ Acces$ol"'.;I' Building --, Fi11.2l. - I.ft::r F'~rcr.es, --.J etc. are comple:cd. skirting, decks.. o o PENCE: When complete -- Provide gates or movable' sections through P,U,E. o All. pr~icct conditions.. auch as the instal.Zation of street trees, c~~l.a:ion of the required Zandscc.pir.g~ ct~. ~ must be satisfied before the Bl.'ILDIlr"G FINAL can be rsC[Ucstcd. ] FIlIAL PWNBIIIG ] FIliAL f.lE~HAIIICAL J FIliAL ELE:CTHICAL ] @ FIliAL BUILDING: T'hc"'Final Building Inspection must be requelltcd after the Pinal PZumbina El.ectrical~ and Mechar.ical InspectiontJ hava been made and approv.d. o -ALL UANHCU:S AND CLEANOUTS }fUST BE ACCES$IBLE..' ADJUS7'!/E,'lT TO BE /.!.1DE !.T'rio. ("~ST' TO CI:Y I ~:2Fe ! of 2 JOB NO, .207'1c: Lot Sq, Ftg. ': t)f lat CJUerag~ '! of Stories :otal Heigh: Topography :':'!:.'.f I S~.FTC :'-fain .~a~€ Car::crt .-lccessoru ~~DEZI . $.D.C. TOTAL VALUE' I UCt,uc) 1.5 = Bu.iLding Parmi t State Surcnarpe Total Cha.,....!1e3 :-:'D'..' _:"i::~es ~esid.mtiaZ (j oath) _~c:r.i=:1r:.J Sez.-'er \-'c~cr' Plu:::=i~? Ped t Eta:;; S:.a>cr.a.rge Tct:::.. C'r::::-occs .- ~ " I::,.,. i ~c. ft::. .~/E=:er~ ~ir:~i:s '~cr~~ Service EZe~=rical Pe~it St:::te S!C'~;..arae Totel Cr.:;.."'ces 7"':'" I ;;C. I I I .~~r"::ce ETU'S =r.au.st Hoo.: ent Fan ':Joastove Pe~:"t lssuanc<! Mecr.a.nic:::l Permit State Surchcl"ac Total ChCrrar::; E,",'CROACHJ..'Et.'T X!".Aritu D;:~c:;it ;o1'aoe :intp.nar.cc :~t Tota 1. C'naracn ~":'C"..It :de'..J.2lk '11ee :cctrical Lebel :bile Home ','TAL ANOU.":':' DUE:" SOL A Rc:~ 'MIi., S OacucanC:J . .............:. LeT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CuI-dc-sac x I/aluc 1:10,/ . I I I I I /(a:.?~~t I - I I I, J f<r. d_c : ~I 'J9. 761 Cr:ARG~ I I I i I I I I I I I FE~ ~...-.....:- I I I I I I I 1 ~;;r..-'~':' .. "32. II , _ ',(f REQ,- L-COG~ . Beriroor.:s: T;pe/Cor.st: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth , lEast ISOlOth IWeRt I I Erzern:; SourCAS I Heat I I II II II T;/~(' Setbacks I House I CaraGe I I I ll'.ccess. Water Hl"atl'!" Hanpc FircDi.acc WCoQ::;tot:e . F8es -- Building Value & Permit This pe1'm"~t iD granted on the express condition that the sf1:id. con~truction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce ~dopteJ by the Ciey of I Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crd~nance, regulating the ccnst~~cticn and uae of bui1.dings, and m:zy be suapended aT' revoked. at cr.y time upor: vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. /Plan Check Fee, I'<.~ Date Paid, 7-/J2.gt:; /Recdpt #, .8// ?~ I I Sig"ed, /{,./--? .-IJ____~ _ _ ,J_ Plumbing ~rmit ' No percon Dh~ll construct, instal!, aZter or change Gny new cr c=istir.g plu~bir4 or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, ur.Zess such pcr~on i~ the. Zegal possessor of ' a vaZid plumber's license, except tr~t a pc~son ma~ de . pl~bing work to property which is ow~ed, Zeased or operated by tr.e cFpZi- cant. Electrical Perm it wnere State Law reouires tr~~ the electrical work be do~e by C~ SZe~tri~~Z Contractor, the elec~rica~ portior. of this perwit sr~ZZ r.o: be ~~~~ u1::i~ the ~el r~s b~en ~icnec by tne ElectricaZ ~ontr~ctor. Mechanical Permit I I. t I ~:1.'~ ,~=.ne,. /" c . Z;/B-~ I , . I I I I I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the compZeted application for permit, end do hereby certify that all iy;fo':'r.'.ation hereon is true and correct, cn:i I further ccrtify that any ar.d aZ1. !Jork performed shall be dO:1p. .,'.~ n~=or- dance :.n.th the Ordin:mces of the City of Springfictd, and the Lt:..:s of the State of Oreg~n pcrtaining to the work cescribed herein, end =i~: NO CCC~- Pl'.l/CY wiU be rrnde of any structur.z without p~rmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further cel'tif~ that O:1Zy contractors a:~d c~pl~yecs who are i~ compliance with DRS 701.05~ wiZZ be used on this project /-/L:X/, fute -