HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-5 .. RESID~TIAl" . APPLICA_/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieLd, Oregon 97477 BuiLding, Division 726-3753 , , Job Location: 7-=3/~ ZA-.?SdI? ~?"'" r / - f'7jJ?F6/7/ ~<; L/--?f/,2:> ??::>,.;- ~.c5 7' Phone: "7 <../;> ""' 2:"'7 ~ - .:;. , ?ff~- O/?'. Zip: C3?'7f.) 2" W/P0' M/-;:>7~~ 73(g~ AODeOGOrC Map /I Subdivision: Ct.mer: Addrc:J3 : City: QN",' n Addition n Ramodel n :wbile Homa Data of Application 1/ .'9'.ie9 Contraetonj_ ,General /pJ':>7'":).&.c e:s- i Plumbing I Heehanieal EJ,~ctrieal I SiwetV_1,l\in'gl E-lelctr~ci[ln T"", Lot H Describe rl'oJ>k: ~/ye:=V#7 Address %' vaLue~;il~ <.....e> Lise. II BIdrs Hoard Rcce:pt ii /, Sigr.ed: Data: ~J.~ ' . /;///-q-~ , , Re'c. Exoires Phnnp It is tho r6oponoj.bit~ty of ehs permit. holder to 8e~ t;h~t aU inDpections arc roradG at ~lIe propluo ti.m~, tJ:at ~ach ,:;ddr08D is rea:Iab~6 from ths stf'eot, and that tho permit card is locate~ at. the frorzt of the property. "'8uiz.di~ Divicior: approved plan shall remain on tha BuiZdin(l sit,; at aZl times. , ' , PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rc'corder>) state !lour> city designated job n107:ber, job address, type of in:;poc:icII raquestcd ar.d W!:en you 1Jil.l be ready for inspcction,' Cmttractors or C~.mors n.GmO c.nd p1lOne number. Requssts recoived bofero 7:00 (;':1 ~ill be made th~ samo dCy, requests made aft~ 7:00 am will be made the next ~rki~J day. : f?1!'T!~1:~p.A T'l.,tt~...&H"np, O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excauation, but prior to set up of forms. ' O UND8RSLAB PLUMBING. 8L8CTRICAL & , : MECHANICAL: To b9 made before any work is aoucred. o FOOTING '! FOUNDATION: To be made' after trenches aro excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concrete. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. W.1TER.J DRAINAGE: To be m::L:te priol' to fil- 1.ir.g trenches. 0, UNDERFLOOR PLmfBING & MECflANICAL: , To be made prior to inutal.lation of f100r insuLation or decking. ", O POST AND' BEAM: To be made prior to instaL~tton of floor inauLation or decking. . ..;, O ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH-. "- ANICAL: No work is to bc covered .until these inspections haue beer.~, made and approued. .. ,:" D FIREPLACE: Prior to placir:g [acing matel'ials and before framing inspec- tior:. o O FRA1-~ING: Must be requested after approual of rough pZwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing bracing d chimneys, eta. must be : completod. No work is to be con- . ...: cealed until thin inspection has ~b6~n made and approved. Your City De3igr~ted Job NumbGr Is: O ,INSULATION/VAPOR BARRI8R IIISPECTIOII: To be made after all im;ul~twn a~.d . '. raqu'irea vapor barriers are in place but beforo any Lath, gypsum board or wall ~vering is appliedJ and before any irwulatwn is concealed. , " " O .DRYWALL' INSP1::CTION: To be made 'after- all drywall is in placo, .but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, boitd beam3, grouti,lg or verticals i" accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation iu ccmpleted. O CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are created but priol' to pouring aonere'te. I I rv1 SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWAY: For all con- ~ crete pduing within stl'eet right- . tof-wc.y~ to be made after all exca- ~~atina qomplete & ,form work & sub- 'basQ1material in place. , . ' ,: , ,- o 'PENCE: 'lI'her: complete -- Provide gates or movabls sections through P.U.f- ~"7//9/ DEMOLITION OR ;',;OVED BUiLDIiiCS ~ ,san~;Q1'y sO',.,e1' capped at p~Opt;rt;i lir.e :=J Septic tank pur:pcd a:1d fiLZo:~ tJith I1ra;;o1. I Final - r\'hen abcvo ito:1ts are completed ~ and .whon der.lOlitior. is complete or stru.:- ture moued and Pl.;;mises cleaned up_ I Mobile Hem6s =:J ,Blocking and Sat-up =:J ,Pl~ing connections -- scwer and IJa ;61' ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ---l and plumbing conr.ections nr~ot tB approved before requesting eLectrical inspectio~ , ' ~ IAcces:iorb' Building ---, Final - Aftor p~l'cr.es, skirting, docks, ~ etc. are completed. 0: \ o o o o o FIliAL PLUMBIIIG "" All project;'ccmditions, such. aD the !',notallation of. s'f;l'eat tr6es, (..'o::rplativn of tne required landscapir-{J, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be raquest3d. o FINAL M8CHANICAL o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building InGpc(~tion mUs't be requ60tad after tllO Final Plumbi113 Electrical, land Mechar.ical Il1spectionIJ hava been made and appl'olJ,;d. 1'1 ' FINAL 8LECTRICAL . ' . .... /tALL J.fANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BF: ACCES:JIB[,F., AlJ.TUSTlfF:U'!' TO Be f.:.~DE AT /.'0 C}ST TO CI'!'Y I Pat;a 0121 I JOB NO, lzmw: Lot Sq. Ftg, ~ of lot C:JVoroage !I of Stories Total Height Topography I lITEM /"bin I Gr.Paae I Caf"OOl't IACeeSSOl'U I SQ.FTG I I I I I I I Is.D.c. TOTA~ VALUE cuatuc} 1.5 :r Building Permit State Surcharge Total Chn:roges lITEM 1 NO. Fixtures I I Residential 11 bath) I I Sani tarw SeLJer I I Water I Plumbing Permi t State Surcr.argo Total Chal'(1(.?8 117'1.1-1 I Res. Sa. fta. I N3LJ/Extend Cil'cui to I Temporary Sepvice I NO., I I I I I I EZeotl'ical Permit State SUl'cha.l'qe Total ChaPc;es ITEM , NC./ FEE Furnace PTU'S Exhaust Hood I I Vent Fan I Woodstove I I Per>mit IS8uanca Mechanical Permit State Su:rcharac Tntnl Charrrp..!J -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secur-itll DeTJOsit Storage Maintenanao Permit Total ChaNcs . -;]- - I Lot Faces - 1 I P.L. NOl'th IElIst ISouth IWest " L-COG-.'(;, 'Bedrooms: 1 EnOl"q,u SOUl'ces I !leat Access. ~ I Watol' Hp.atnr I I Range I I Firevlace I I Wood. tov. II I t Occuvanc~ era:. WT TYPE SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- FEE FEE Curbcut g I ~ ~F/,~~,,__ Sid_lk Fe~e Electrical Label Mom Ie Home 'rOT/IT. AMOUNT DUE: ~ x Inter>ior Cornel" Panhandle Cul-de-sa{: I I I I I " " Value CHARGE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHARGE CHARCE r I , . //.701 I I I I i I Type/Cor:st: , TUDe Srthaaks House r Cal'Qq~ I I i 'I I. Fees I I I I I I I , . I I I I Building !Value & Permit' This permit in granted on the express condition that the ~Bdid~con8truction shall~ in aZl re8pect~JI conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieldJ including ;the Zoning CTdinance, r>egulating the construction and use of buildings, ,ang may,be Buopended 01' pevoked at 'any time upon vio- lation of any provisions lof said ()rodinances. l; , ' , , I, I' i II " " Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReadpt #: I Signed:, i , , I, II " I!, / ' " , '! I I I I I I I I I I. Plumbing Permit No perco>> shall const"~ct, install, alter OT' change any new OT' existing plumbing. OT' drainage 8yste~ in whole 01' in part, ur.less such papson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~80n may do plumbing work to property which is owned~ leased 01" opeT'ated by the appli- cant. . Ii, jT F " Ele<:trical Permit I I I I , . Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical wol'k be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electricql pOl'tion of this pe~it shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. J I' ' Mechanical Permit . ~;-C_'?'T~___ --:::> ~~iner ~,.'/ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application foT' pePmit, and do hereby cel'tify that all infoPl1JQtion hereon is tT'Ue and correct, and I further ceptify that any ar.d all IJQl'k perfom/ed 8ha'Ll bs done ini accop- dance with the Ordinances of the City of SpPingfield, and tha Ld'..:s of the State of Oregon p~ptaining to the work desCPibad. hepein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rmde of any structure tJithout permission of the Bui~dil1g Di- vision. I fupthel' certify that o~ly contl'actors and enpZoyees who ars in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project //:"'7~5 UO". " .... /1- 'j - PI 81:un~d D..'lte '- " . . , " GRANT OF EASEMENT N'~~6~e~is agreement is made and entered into this ~ day of gatee~, 1989, by and between LARRY F. MODRELL and nWANEE L. MODRELL, husband and wife, herein referred to as "Grantor" and ROBERT K. NASLUND and KRISTI L. NASLUND, herein referred to as "Grantee." R E C I TAL S : WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner of the following described property in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot 31, McKenzie Hills, as platted and recorded in File 72, Slides 19, 20 and 21, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Lot No. 17 02 35 34 03000 Tax Acct. No. 1190568 herein referred to as Parcel I. WHEREAS, Grantee, is the owner of the following described property in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot 32, McKenzie Hills, as platted and recorded in File 72, Slides 19, 20 and 21, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Lot No. 17 02 35 34 03100 Tax Acct. No. 1190576 herein referred to as Parcel II. WHEREAS, Parcel I and Parcel II are adjacent to each other on the western boundary of Parcel I. WHEREAS, Grantor has agreed to grant to Grantee an easement over a portion of Parcel I for the purpose of constructing a driveway and for the purposes of ingress and egress across the driveway from parcel II to the public roadway. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREFORE in consideration for the mutual covenants herein contained and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of Easement: In consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by Grantor, Grantor hereby conveys, deeds and grants to grantee an easement over and across the following described portion of Parcel I, to-wit: 1 - Grant of Easement '"7 3? S- , , , . . The North 10 feet of the West 8 feet of Lot 31, McKenzie Hills, as platted and recorded in File 72, Slides 19, 20, 21, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. 2. Use of Easement: Grantee shall have the right to use the easement for the purposes of ingress and egress from Parcel II to the public roadway, construction and maintenance of the driveway, and such other related uses as Grantee deems necessary to conform with the uses specified herein. 3. utilities: Grantor further hereby declares, grants, conveys, and creates the right to use said easement for the installation and maintenance of utilities as may be needed to serve Parcel I. 4. citv of Snrinafielq: Said easement is further made for the purpose of complying with the Municipal Code of the city of Springfield and the City of Springfield Zoning Code regarding division and partition of land. As such, the City of Springfield shall also have the right and standing to secure judicial recognition and enforcement of the rights granted by this Declaration, and this easement shall not be affected or negated by title or the merger of title of the dominant and servient properties in a common owner. 5. ~aintenance: All costs incurred in maintaining the driveway, together with the other property which comprises the easement herein granted shall be the responsibility of Grantee. 6. ~asement to Run with the Land: The easement granted by Grantor to Grantee and described hereinabove, shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. 7. Duration of Aareement: This agreement shall continue in effect until terminated in a writing, signed by the parties hereto or their heirs, successors and assigns. 8. peliverv of A~reement: Delivery to Grantee by Grantor of this instrument is hereby acknowledged. 9. preach and Remedies: A failure by either party, their heirs, successors and assigns, to perform any of the conditions or obligations specified herein, shall constitute a breach of this agreement. In the event of a breach, the nonbreaching party shall have the right to pursue any and all remedies available, both at law or in equity. 10. Waiver: All the rights of the parties hereunder are cumulative, and no waiver of any breach of this agreement shall effect any subsequent breach. No exercise or partial exercise of any remedy shall be construed to preclude the exercise of any 2 - Grant of Easement . . . . other remedy or of the remainder of any such partially exercised remedy at a later time, or of the same remedy at a later time. 11. Effect of Agreement: This agreement contains the full, final and exclusive statement of the contract of the parties hereunder. No warranty, express or implied by either party arises apart from this writing. If any part of this contract is adjudged invalid, the remainder of this contract shall not thereby be invalidated. 12. prenaration of contract: This contract has been prepared by Hamilton W. Budge, Jr., of Naslund, Budge & Ford as attorney for Grantee. Grantor should seek the advice of their own attorney in regard to this contract. 13. Liti~ation Exnenses: In the event this contract is placed in the hands of an attorney for enforcement of the provisions contained herein, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement from the other party a sum equal to all legal costs, including but not limited to, costs of trial, any appeal therefrom and costs of execution of any judgment, including reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by said prevailing party as a result of the breach. 14. Numbers. Genders and cantions: As used herein, the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular. The masculine and neuter shall each include the masculine, feminine and neuter as the context so requires. All captions used herein are intended solely for the convenience of reference and in no way limit any of the provisions of this contract. 15. Grantee shall defend and hold Grantor harmless from any and all claims, demands, and causes of action brought by any third party against the Grantor pertaining to said easement. Executed in duplicate at first above written. Eu.en~~ on the d.y .nd ye., i.tum0.i'IODRELL ,/'" -:i)~ ,'\..Il \)ClC\ $.. C~\t'.Q.~\) C\ DWANEE L. MODRELLI . - @r9w~ :J/ ,K)~~?~/~ ~2ff.(tL. NASLUND STATE OF OREGON ) . . County of Lane ) ss. A4i/e...~ 9 " , 1989 Personally appeared the above-named ROBERT K. NASLUND and 3 - Grant of Easement . .'1 '<l.. . . KRISTI L. NASLUND, husband and wife, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: I'. ~ -' , It- (1/NA'-~i ~ , 0 ary Pubhc for O(eg6rt - . My commission expires: d-2']. r iI STATE OF OREGON ) . County of Lane ) ss. -.YJM i. , 1989 Personally appeared the above-named LARRY F. MODRELL and DWANEE L. MODRELL, husband and wife, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. Before me: .fUV for Oregon expires:~-II~I 1'..- ~ .: ~ -'" :.!.;. , J.. ~ " 4 - Grant of Easement " ~ , " ,- ,.