HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-8-26 .. RESIO.TIAL.. APPLICATION /PERlIIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieLd~ Oregon 97477 BuiLding Division 726-3753 . ?cce::7t - (~b-k 1-J;JU SPRINGFlELC / ~ ~~~Lj f7~a * c;l d. Lot # (J Co / ( Y ~ ;j\W' ~~~ fV\ C- C~ ~c~ . ~~d-<2;J ':::t-LLdO\-! " ! Phone: 1210 3q 7 q ~ tL-Lld I .'ob Location: A8lJeSIJOl'S Nap # Subdivision: Ot.mel' : Address: Ci ty : n I I ifd Neo-J Addi ticn Reno.:el ,'!o::,-:. le Ho,~!J Zip: v Jm dJ)~oic g;;~Cl- Wl~d,o f'^-'M ~- U ~ t!L - ,;{/d-b -W~ C'. d ../L(1?':e : Data of Applicaticn <7S- 2D r'lb Value l cr', goo Data: ...Qr.-:r::=:O:1d Acici........ess E~ircs .:.-.:':or:.: u....sc. .9 s~-~ :M~'6--.=-L~ ~ ~ --e....~ S-l~ '\.1 () 0-(' ,Q-r 4'~ f" \ ~ -- GeneraZ Plu.-r.bir.q :::lec tl'ica], ,'..fc=r.ar:ic.: Z. Constr-..u:tion L::ruiel' -, 7Y-7'LMo8 CJ-.l.l uJ lJi\t~~,: !; is thE' l'es~Dnsibilitu of the permit ho~er to see that all inspections are ~ade at the propel' tim::. that ::=ch -~n~ess is l'e~~n~:. 'rom the 8tl'e~t, an:i th;;t the peMmt card is located at the fl'cnt of the property. ~Bu:.!di~=-9. Diui:;ia~ a?;:l'ot.~eci plan siu:.i.l l"'e~.2in O~ th;: Eu:~ldinp ~-:..t$ co; all times. ;"':~C::,,::O.:."':: FC':? I:'.'S?2~7'IOtl ,'?2DU::ST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City .:i.esigr-==ed .70b nur.;ber, ~~~~~s:ca a~d u~en ~ou wi~Z be reaay far irasp=ction, Conrrac~crs or vw~e~s r~~e ~r.~ ;r~r.e r.~cr. ;iZZ De maae the same dcy. reauests maae af=~~ 7:00 am will D~ ~ade the next ~orkir.q ~~. =?t1C"..J.i ""'(:1.'1 !rsr.('t~t~c'!';.c:: ] S:-:E I:.-'S?~-;-:_"']:,1: To ba made after excav~t~Qn, but pricr t= set up of forms. ~ U:1Dr.iSLt-E PI.U.'.!3It/G. EL:::=TPIC,iL (1 ~'.:ECH.~::I;:':':".: ';'0 be macie Defore any worK is ~ov::!red. J F[)OT,U;C !! FOU:'lDATIOll: To be made afte;' rrencnas are excavated and fcrm;; are erecrad. but prior to pou~ir~ ccncre=~. ] U!!!);:;RG!~OU:,'!) P:'U!,2Il:C, S~f,r2R. f.,1,1TER, DR:'IlIJ.C2: To De maie prior to fi Z- lir.g z;renches. ] W!DE!IFLOO,'? PLlj,'.~r.!G Ii ,',,'EC!!ANICAI.: To DO maae prier ro instaZZation of f700l' insul~tien or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be madc prior to insz;all~ticn of floor ins~lation 01' deckinq. ] ] RO~'C!{ ?[,IF.:3I::::, ELECT.r.:ICA:. f, UECH- AVICAL: hO ~ork is to DC covered ur.ril thcse inspections have been made and approve~. FIRF:PLACE: Prior to materials and before tion. '] p lacir.IJ framing facing inspec- ] FPA'1Iflr;: Must be requested after approv~l of rough plumbing, alectl'i- =l & mecnanical. AZZ rOOfing bracing ~ chimneys. etc. ~~st be ,completed. !Jo work is to be CDn- , cealed until thilJ inspection has "'been made and approved. ] FINAL PLU!,!BI/JG ] FINAL UE~HA.'JICAL ] FINAL ELEC':'RICI.L ] o ,7..00. a~~"'ess, "'...,',.,e 0 - . n~~e~ . cr: _ ___ .4 ~..w~ _=~ . Requ~s:s recei~2d cejcrc 7:Q~ ~ Your ~ity Desigr~ted Job NumDcr Is: Q(df),C:;r;?/j D ~2:SCLATIO!lltl~?(l." FA""F'? I!!S??:C7'IC:,": To De maie after aZi"'i;;sul~ti.:m a:-;,; reauired VaPor carriers are in place but cefore any lath. gypSW71 DCcird. or walZ covering is appZied, ard before any ir:suZation is concealed. - DRYfiALL It.'SPE:CTION: Tc be made afrcr aZl 6>y!.:aZl is in place, out prior to any taping. ]E:..~::LIT:O:'/ i......~ .~:J!t::= EUILD:::-:S ~ Sanitarif se".Jer cc:pped =t p~op;;r~d Zir:e ~ Septi~ tank p~~~d ~~ fiZZad ~~th ~=~~: I Final - f,'hen abeve ite:7;s are cc~let;;:i -1 and when :ie~cZitior: is co.':~~e:e 01' S~:""...~- tUl'e mcved ani premises cZe=ned. up. o o MASONRY: Steel location. bond baam3. aroutina or,verticals in accoraa;ce with U.B.C.'Section 24n. . f..'aoi Ze Hcr.:es D )Z] Blocking . XI Plumbing ~ Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u? ~and plumbing connections m-~st ce G?Pl'~~e:i b .t' . 7 ..' , eJore request~ng e~ect~ca~ ~nspec:~o~ After installation ~s and Set-up WOODSTm'E: ccmpleted. connections 8 :::war ar.a L1c::er D CURE & APPROACH A?!~ON: Afte~ forms are erected but pr~or to pouring .::on.::1"e te. o SIDF:WALK & DRI:'EfIAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-way. to be made after aU e..:rca- vating complete & form work & sub- base material in place. ~ Accesso1"'d Buil~-:.ng . '~1Ull - Aftcl' p~l'cJ:es, /~ ~~c. are completcd. 8k-:.rtina~ decks, D ~ENCE: ~'hen complete -- Provide gates 01' movable' secticns through P.U.E. o D - All pl'o,ject conditions, lJuc,': as the ~:nstallat-:.on of street trees, cO....7plotion oj' the required landscaping. ctc.. must be satisfied before the B/JILDn;C FINAL can ~e 1'3questcd. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l'equelJted cftel' the Pinal Plun:bir.g Electrical. and Mechanical Inspectio7UJ have been made and appl'ovi!d. "ALL UANHOLES AND CLEANCUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBr.r. ADJUS;!!2.'J'!' TO BE !~1[)E loT '.'0 C'~ST' TO CI':'Y I !':::::e ' of 2 JOB NO.<t~O 581 :OI'lC: )f///lS pop SOLAR ACASS R'EQ.- " Occur:ancu GrO'..I~C::E _,hbme LOT TYPE Lot Faces - I I I'~~.~I I /99~ 4 I :?4~za~ I ,5~3.30 , - I / c:>. oz::> . ~C> /C/. 9'~ I- I I ::2~,~1 /,5: ~ I liv~/~ ..~t)? I /s. o~1 Plu:~b:.r:g Per-r.:it ! {: C). 0- I -:;?"1 I ~2 ..c:3C>1 . :..at Sq, F~. ~ ~f lot CJUeraq~ ,; of 5tol'ies .'otaL Height :'opogr~hy :-:::.'.1 S:i.F'1'C '.!.::in I , I ~"2 MCSfi/a /t!~l~~ TOTAL VALUE r:<::race :Q~crt ';ccessor:J .5.D.C. I VCl.uc) 1.5 ::: Building Permit State Su:rochJI'ge Totd Cha:oges ~-:~;'..' =-=-=~es I ,vO. I I I , I I I I I FE :"esicizr:tia Z. (1 bath) . . ..::"':':..=.::~-! Ser.:er '-"'-n _vt:. Sta-:;e Su:rocr.a:rge '!'~'tt:~ Cf:::rccs . ~ :..:.: I ;;~. I I I , C(~ #~,~ '-0. ~=. f'.:=. .~/E=:er~ ~ir~~its ..... ._..... _;.. Service Ele~-:;rical Pe~it St::.te Sta'~;..a:rae Tota l Cr.a:r'ces -:~" I;;:, I I I . -- :'-....r.:::ce ETU' S =r.aust Hoo.:!. ,mt Fan :'ocsto:Je Pe~t Issuanc:J Me~hanic::.l Perorni t State Su:rocharae Total Chara"!{O Interior COl'71er PanhandLe CuL-de-sac x Value P.L. North lEast ISou th IWent Sethacks House Caraae . I I Il.eeess. I I L-COG~ T"pe/Cor.st :, Be::.rooms: Enern:J Sourcl's !l'eat I. T~/~(' I I J Water .'!catc'!' Hanpc FircDLace Wooa:;to~'e -- F:Jes Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the sdid.conatruction shaZl. in all respects. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance. regulating the censt~..Ictien and use of buildings. and may be suspended o~ revoked at cr.y time upon vie- Lation of any p~ovi3ions of said Ordinances. ---- Plan Check Fee: 6, Sc Date Paid: 25 ---;;;f b -, b'f::, II: 6-&090 ~ CL Perrnit Rec<:ipt jSigned: - C;-:liHC~ ""'...-.....;- I I i , I i I .I 5: 0-(;> , -Of> I,. ~ . "3(0. ~ / r 4:::>1 d/ .261. ................ .....;:/~-......: ,~ I j I I I I I - l I I I ! I - I I E/:CRQACHME!.'T I I I I bile Home~p .lb-~iSc::d '35 ~ I p~~ 4'''-Q:,r r-c::<:::: I I F~/":n ~~e ! 6.S~1 :-~r. ANOU.'/'J' Dur:: ctf ~;3g: r~ ':.""...lrit:.J Dz:::c=i: ":Jrc.ae ....:.r. tenar::1r '.. '=-z. _ Teta l Charncs _...=~...l~ de'..J.:I lk ",::!p. cctricQ Z Label Plumbing No person shall construct, instalZ. alter or change any new cr e=isting , plumbir~ or drainage syste~ in whoZe o~ in part. unless sucn person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except tr~t a persen ma~ de pZumbing work to property which is ow~ed. leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it fvnere State Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK be done c~ an _ Con~rac:or~ tne eiec=ricaZ por=io~ of this pe~it sr~ZZ r.Ot =2 ~= the Zabel has been s~gnec by the Elccrrical ~on"rcc-:;or. e~tric= ...:..= U1:::: \ IV\echanical Permtt ;} ii>-:2&'-86, - L'ate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true and correct, and I furthe~ ce~tify that any ar.d all work perfoMlp.d shall be dO:1p. .:,., n~~or- dance :.lith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th= Lc:..:s of tl:c State of Oregan p=rt~ining to the work described hcrein, end ti~t ~o OCC~- PAnCY will be made of any structur:J without p~rmissio:-z of the Suilding Di- vision. I fUl'ther cc~tifiJ' that o:-zly contra~tors a;:d c.'71pbyees r.:!:o are 'l.n ca~pliance with ORS 701.05t wiZl be used on this project (C1~ l0!t /Ie.. ~<'.~~" iJ g--2tb -?-0 D.:1.te Signaa " .