HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-8-14 '. ... :":.....~:-.. ,....~...; ........ 'L: ',-:'.\.' .::.;:....J>..~ '. I" ........-l";_. ,,:' t.. ..._.._.. _ ...... ....~;._...-:c;..,~.~';"\._"'......,.,.<!'~ .~....:,o;.. ~__:.... '-,...:.,.~. '.. '.' "il _.'.. Rece-:.pt SPRINGFIELD .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICATION/PER/lIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Sf.o~O D~ J ~8--:r 1~"01.-0Y-ll- ( T= Lot # la IICf Job Loc.:ztion: Aseessors Map # Subdivision:.~O_7~/A/ 06'1N .)l/76B/~ .(k>.;ont!= /l l..,.?TS J: ~ ':?/ , ? L..r' t' ~ =:;- / fMu;; '1/lf-l/v/ . ;l57/~ II~ Ot.mer: Address: Ci ty : I I I I IVl . I NP.lJ AMi tien Remo.:el Uobile Homo 1J8--f,1 Cont:ra.=t;ors Date of Applicatien 8.T~""~;' Phone: Zip: {f;;;M-M ie , /J11-! .k;t- ~ {/~ /Yl~~/<e fh-."v;6" -l';,..'9'Yg fi6n-h&7~." ~~ "'....71k> #r~alue 7~ /'28. Coe>' AdQ..~ess Lisc.# General c;...-z~ () !Lei /)1 CJhJ' (J. Plwnbir.g /'~D r- SA &--C..-1".c Electrical ~I A../--€' - 0..4/1 ) Mechar:ic::.l COnstzoucti011 Lender ~/.I!, //---. .-' f.-~- .,......-.. -'. ,/(W2Cj '" r , ' '. , _ ~~,~ cf: ~V if ,,\-1 ~ : 'd /">/7 ....1-gr.e: U-- Date: Y"" /t.( -- g '7 EX'i)ircs Phonc 7~7-S/aog It is the responsibility of the permit hoLder to see that al.Z inepections are made at the propel' time, that each =ddress is re~:~ from the street, and that the permit card is 'Located at the fI'01tt of the property. ~Eui~ing Divi=io~ appro~ed plan shcll.'remain on the BuiZding Sits at all times. PROCEDU!?E FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nur.;ber, job ac.c.ress, type of in3pec:;icn reques~ed a~.a w~en you will be ready for inspection, Contracters 01' Ow~ers ncme cnd ~hone number. Reques:s received befere 7:00 ~ :.'iZl be made the same dcy, reques~s mcde afta' 7:00 am will bs made the ncxt :.JOrkin;i day. Reoui~ed TrsDp.~ticn~ ~ -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ - ".- :=J ~ -~ ~ SITE INSP:;CTION: To De made after excavation, but prier to set up of foms, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & l(ECHA:1ICAL: To be made before any work is aovered. FOOTING Ii FOUNDATION: To be made after ~rencnes are excavated and toms are erected, but prior to pourir.g cencret~. UNDSRGROUHD PWM3ING. SE:rofER. W,1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi 1.- ,Zir.g ~renches. UllDERFLOOR PLW.'BING <') MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3tal~a~ion of j100r insuLation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to insta~l.a~ien of floor ins~Zatior. 01' decki7l{; . ROUGH PLU!!BIlJG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to bc,covered ,until. the~e inspections have beer. made ar~ approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir~ facing mcteriaZs and before framing inspec- tion. FRA!~INr.: ~~st be requeeted after approval of rough plumbing, el.ectri- cal & mechaniaal.. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, eta. ~..Ist be ;' completed. !lo work is to be con- ~ cealed until thie inspection has . been made and approved. .' Your City Deeigr.atcd Job Numb€r Ie: O INSULATION/VAPO,9 B,4RRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation ~~ .', required vapor barr'iers a1'e in pLace , , but 'before any Lath, gypsum beard 01' wall covering is applied, and before any insuZation is concealed. DRYWALL IllSPE:CTION: To be made after aU drywaU is in pLace, but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beam:;, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D D WOODSTOVE: After instalLation is cempZeted. 81053'( DE:.fOLITION OR ;~:Ol':;::; BUILDI:.'CS ::=J Sani ta1'Y se'.Jer capped ~t p~opcrt':i Zine ~ Septic tank p~~ed and filled with gra~el ---, Pinal. - r.'hen above 'ite.-ns a1'e ce:rrr;leted ~ and uhen demolition is complete 01' st~~- ture moved and pr~ses ol.eaned up. Nobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Sat-~p ~ Plumbing connections -- scuer and ua:;er ~ Elcctrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections ~~st be approved before requesting electrical inspection ::3J Acoessory Building - , vi Final - I'.fter pord:es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. D - FIIlAL PLU1,!BlllG All project conditions, ouch as the install.ation of street trees, ca~lction of the required Landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquest.::d. FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL BUILDING: The Final. Building Inspection must be requeDted 'after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical InspectionD have "been made. and approved. FINAL ELECTRICAL D CURB & APPROACH AP.'?ON: After foms a1'e ereoted but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK <') DRIVEWAY: 1"01' an con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y, to be made after all exca- i1ating complete & f~'I':7I u,o!'k Ii s~b, base material in pLace. "ALL MAl/HOLES .AND CLEAljOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!!ENT TO BE, ~~~FJE loT ,,,.0 C:)ST TO Cr:y I P:l~e ! of 2 D D ~ENCE: K'hen complete -- Provide' gates or movable sections through P.U.E. , -' D , JOB NO..8'?J 53 g SOLAR WESS : Zone: lJQ Occupancu G1'Cl'..I::i: !Lot Sq. Ftg. LeT TYPE :~ ~f l~t C~erag~ Interior I :!! of Stories I '''' t l U . h : .0 a ..e't.g t ; I Topography' I i !ITEM I IMain SQ. FTC , I I Gc::rac,~ I Carvort ~:Zf!? lib I I I I IAccessoru I I ~~h't:i~ I , TOTA[, l'ALUE IS.D.C. lva~uc) 1.5 x Building Pernrit State Surch,:rre Total Charoges ITEl.: NO. FE A.;:;or._ o. fh,.1?/I~P / ResidentiaZ (1 bath) Sanitard Sewer I f :Jate!' Plwnbing Ped t State Surcr.Q1'pe Teta! cr.c.!'aes 1:lE;'.! :/u. I . . - ,-- .'?es. Sa. Ftc. N~/Extend Circuits I I II II I T~"'rt~y -Service J/,~A" t:..J? Electrical Permit St::.te Surci:JaI>ae -. Total Cha.1'ces iTE/-! "," I F~-"~ .-...... -- F'u1'n:zce ETU' S I Exhaust Hoo.: I Vent Fan I iI~odsto'Je I I Pernrit Issuance Me::hanic:;,Z Permit Statc Surcharae Tote; 7. Chciraca -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sc~~ritu Deposit Storage "~ain tenar.::e ?ermi t Tetal Charoes :'urbcut ,id8't.Jalk ::'e.n=e =:lect1'ical. 10bi le Home ':'::..-,t::' hX;]i.J:_1' DiJ::.: '" I 'S-~ ::r;':~~~~7j 5'~.6bl :2-$.?1 Dr .331 ~ Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Va lue "5""2$0 I I I I I I I I I I Is.. -e> I I: --::<,o..,.e> ,1-' /,5"". -- I I ~O. dC!. '::2 ~ 5e> 5""7. [;?::> ~ I I I 1/.5:~1 II,s cn!S I I --=s'6'. pc:> I /.~C> I ~/- ,s-~l ~ CHAF.CE " .....',.. ",,;lr.:.U2 CHARCE I I I I I I I I I ,I I REQ,- ~ L-COG . T;,;pe/Cor.st: Beqoor.:s: Enera:; Sources Heat Tu~c Lot Faces - I I P.L. North lEast ISOt<:th IWest Setbacks House Cara(]e Watcr' Heat!'!" Ha'l?c FirepZac(' WOOCl:: to!)!? I I I Access. I I ,I' Faes Building Value &, Permit This pernr;t iG granted on the express condition that the said,construction shall, in aZl respccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning CI'dinance, regulating the censtl"'..Ictien and UGe of buildings, and m.:zy be sUGpended'or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any pr~visior.8 of said Ordinances. " Plan Check Fee: '"3~. 73 lj-)4-S? I 6'1).:2. q CC- Perrrdt Date Paid: IRecdpt #: I Signed: Plumbing '.'. No person Ghall construct, instaZ!, alter or change any new 01' e=isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole 01' in part, unless such perGon is the 'legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plumbinq work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appZi- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr~t the electricaZ work be done by an E:lectrical Contractor, the eZectrical portion of this permit shall not be 'Jalid until the 'iabel has been signed by the EZectr'icaZ ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~ . .~~r -/d5--'9 g, /f.g"/ J.lat:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'-1INED t,l-ze completed application for permit, and do I hereby certify that all info~ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor.ned shail be do:-ze in accor- I dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, a,td the'L~~s of the ~ State of OregQn pertaining to the work describcd herein, and that NO OCCU- I PANCY will be made of any structure without parmission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that o:-zly contractors a;:d e:!7pl.~yees who are 't./l I compliance with ORS 701.05t wiU be used on this project , I 357- /.7S I , . "-, V / \ I I I Label I Z/&:>c-s~ cF' W;?A!E I . f--/~ ~t::> I I, 6~7. 73 f ~ ;:: ~~r , '0