HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-7-2 .. RESIDIiIIIlTIAL" APPLICAT1.PERMIT 1. l.:. 225 North 5th Street ' Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753_ . -.... ~, r -~, .- I,.r......,... . ~\",..... "J " , Job Location: 5fW;O ~Lf ~ ~51 . ASDeSOOl'~ Map H 1 ~ (') d. n 4 I I Subdivision: , , QJnCl': ~'Ce.i.5fJ , \ Address: '5fD~(J fJI:H,iLf ST- -tt 5/ City: jP/lIItJt-,REl.-^ , 0/2.' , ,'. Phone: 74-l- o~4-~ 3#2.//:< I Zip: q 7478 SPRINGFIELD " " 61 .... 1 \.~ ' ' Ta Lot H 6 (~) t 7 " ".,..",.........'~. .:..~~ ._-.... .... Rcce:pt .. IJ(,,~~ 1.Q.,cr1D .... .' ~ I .' , . ' . I ,,-- 5':;" .6:.r,'I'. ;2 " , " . .{ ':, , \. I J .-:-~ .,..... > Deocl'ibe /"01'1<: ~,' ~d ~ . . 4' ~9~N/MJO ~6E,--foJ'''r . ' valu'f6"Lf~I,: ~ Lisc. II .... I )4 1J.P1J , I Addition I I Remodel' I 'I !lobile 110m3 Date of Application 7 -~-qo, Contractors , General ~'Plumbing Hechanical ~J.~ctr:i.!:.al I SUllel;'Vr.t!;jr.lg LUec t r:i cia n It is the l'eoponoibility of tho pennit ho~el' to see that all inspections are made at the pl'Opel' time, that Qccl\ ~ddreso is l'ea=abZe fl'Om the stl'eet, and that the pel'mit card is ~ated at the fl'Ont of the propel'ty. ~Bui!dina Divicio~ appl'oved plan shall l'emain on the Du~lding Site at all times. . P.'IOCEDUP.E FOn INSPECTION nE:QUEST:CAll 726-3769 (l'ecol'del') state YOUI' City deoign:.rted job numbel', Job addl'eeo, type of in3pec~iclI rBquested ar.d w.':en you wiZZ be l'eady fol' inspeotion, Contl'actOl'e 01' OI.Inel'e name and phone numbcl'. Requests l'eceiIJed befol'o 7: 00 c:I I.'ill be made th~ eamedcy. l'equeets made aftel' 7:00 am JJilZ b:z made the nc%t :JOl'kirIJ day. ' "', .., ...' Sigr.;" Q;,,,.~ Date: 7.~ .f;il~ L. Address Blurs nonnl Re~. Phnnp YOUI' City DeDigr.ated Job Numbel' 10: Requil'ed InepectinnR I'vt' SITE IN~PEC'I'ION: :o.bo made a.r;~l' ___ 0 INSULATION/VAPOR 8ARR~ER IHS~ECTION: ~ excavatloon, but pl"J.Ol' ,t.o- oot 'up of To be made aftol' all lonsulahan aro.d . forms. ' .', l'cqu-:'l'ed vapol' barl'iel's are in place O UNDERSLA8 PLlJM8ING. ELECTRICAL of .,' but befol'e .any ,lath. !!ypsum board 01' . MECH,I,VICAL: To be made befol'e any L1Cl7.7. .CO\lOl'lo~g 10~ apphed. and befol'B wol'k is ~ovel'ed. any lonDulatloon 100 concealed. - . - - - - ,.- - -- - -. - - --.. - -- . . " . , A7.l. pl'oject conditions, ouch ae the 1~netatlation of etl'8et tl'ees, o(J!:lplotion 0'1, t';i~ ,,' l'equil'ed landsccpil'!g, etc., must be oatiefied befol'e the BUILDING FINAL ,can be l'squoetad. d FOOTING If FOUND,1TION: To be /Ttlde ,~ aftel' tl'enCheD al'e excavated and Go- fOl'ma, aJ'e el'ected. but pl'iol' to poul'ing cenCl'et~. o UNDERGROUND PWM.'JING. SEWEr? W.iTEr?, D!MIIIAGE: To be /Ttlde priOl' to fil- lir.g tl'encl\ee. -' 0, UNDbERFLOOdR PL~MBI.vG ~ MECllIAINIC.AL: f To e ma e pl'1o01' to lonota atloon 0 flool' inoulation 01' decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'iOl' to installation of flool' insulation 01' decki"!J . O ROUGlI PWHBTNG. ELECTR!CA!- & MEC"- ANICM,: No wol'k is to be covel'ed ,ur.til these inapectione have beer. made 'and approved. . . . D FiREPLACE: 'PM.Ol' to plccirq faci~g . matel'ials and befol'e framing 'inspec- tiol'!. ' M FRA~!INr.: MIlot be l'equeoted aftel' .: ~ appl'Ov\11 of l'OUgh plwrbing, el.ectl'i- , ool & mechanical. An roofing , bracing & chimneys, et~. must be ; completed. No LXJl'k ie to be con- I oea?~~ !1n~H ~hilJ iniJpSmll31l llalJ a 1ic~n mad" aria cippJiOilia. - - .. . D FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MEClIANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICI.L n % FINAL BuiLDING: 'The Final Building Inepection must bO'l'equeoted aftel' tha Final Plumbi~3 Electl'ical, and Meohar:ical InspectionD Ilavobeen made 'and appl'olJod. . , O DRYWALL INSpeCT!ON: To be made , aftel' all dl'yLkJll io in place, but priol' to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamo, grouting 01' vel'ticale in aocordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: Aftel' insta,lZation ie completed. , ' D CURB & APPROACH AP.'lON: After forms are ol'eated but pl'iol' to poul'ing ~on"l'e te. D SIDEWALK & 'DRIVer,,,y: Fol' all con- Cl'ete paving,within etl'eet l'ight- -~ of-rJtiy, . ,to be made after all e%ea- " . ,.vating complete. ~ fol'lTl r.K)l'k & sub- , ~se matol'ial".,in pla:1e. o PENCE:r.'hen complete -- Pl'ovide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. ' )h. p' .. .,.(~" ~A ._L ..n 000 9~(~ DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sanitary eeuel' :1apped at P~OP~l'ty l1.r:o ~ Septi:1 tank p-.mIpcd and filled with t/1'a:JoI , ' . ] Final. - Ithen above items are cempletcd and wIlen demolition is complete 01' otni,,- tUl'e moved and premises cleaned up. " . J.lobile Homes =:J Blocking and SDt-~p =:J PlumbinJ connectione, -- scwel' and water ---, Elootl'ical Conneotion - Blocking, eet-up ~ and plumbing conneotions ",...lst 1:e appl'oIJed befol'e l'equesting electrical. inspection ~ Acaeesol",j 8uild~ng --, Final - Aftol' p31'Oheo, skil'Hng, decks, -.J eto., are oompleted. ~ .. l, ~Ar.r, l,/IiN/lGl,r.s ANn Cf.F.ANOU7'[; ~/II!:'r m: ACCr.:J:JlllU:. AnJUS7'!If:N'!' TO m: /.I.4m:' AT NO r~lST TO CT'!'Y 11':1!7~! of :! o , I JOB NO. Cj00~Sl.o SOLAR ACCESS Zone: JV\ Occupancy G. Lot Sq. Ftg. ' IDI/.S, LOT TYPE S of lot Coverage ~/4i:J .dl.5 Interior' g of Stories , '" Corner Total Height Panhandle Topography Cul-de-sao REQ.- L-COC'"'t Type/Cor:st: Lot Faces - Lv,.;,,, - Setbaoks House Carage Access. . Bedrooms: I Ener".l/ Sources I fleat I Water Heater I Range Fireplace WOod3tove , .:~( . ...., ~ < T.I/[1e P.c,. North East South r/ist 15 , , ~.\ ~ '4' J '}", .~\ " . .' . ~,-' Fees ;-'.._ ITEM SQ.FTG x Value , i. ,- ~ \. ...:.",.,:.} ;. . Building Value & , Permit Main Garaae Y~:l ) y,IO C,aO[ },::Jr, This permit is granted on the express oondition that the said construction shall. in all respeots. oonform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance. regulating the censtruatien and use of buildings. and may ~e suspended or re~oked at cny time,upon vie-; la, t. ion of any provisions of said Ordinances. \ ' '.. ". . ," ',.- ' ' l . ~,~\ . CarvOt't AccessorII -., O\Q\!{\ t\R - O\tU('~UJ>. ~D~' '. TO~C,VAWE I~l/ 1.5 % (vat.ueJ I II/A :~ f' ',', .... .' . ., ",', ' \ '. !.. \', I ~ '. , . , ~ ..' "\ \ !',"....l . I ._\.. .,,' .. ,) . . } . " ~ . ".- . " fl ..:. .\\... ' \ , ...." IS.D.C. ~ Buildin(J Permit State Surchmoge (; :2 ,iJ;'o :-.'?t Y 3 ': \ ..,,:,:- 0" , I b5."g ~ / .,' '.\'., . ".\. l ~~ ~ \ \ I:, ~\,.- " "'\ ,I ,,~I, ~- :.) . J ". 'I. Plan Check Date Paid: Recdpt n: Signed: Fee:7; L.1 0 ,~3 J J Cj Ie; () IJ~,3 /9rA , Permit 'Total Chal'ges ITEM ' , ' NO., FEE CHARGE Plumbing Futures to, .~' ~, \ .'~' . to. ",: . \ . Residential. (1 bath) " ; No per!1on..o1u;z_ll...coi!struct. instal!. aUer or change any ne'" er e:::iating pl.umbing'o~larainage systGW in ",hole or in pdrt.: unless such perDon is the l.egal possessor of a valid plumber's l.icense, except that a person may do pl.umbing work to property ",hich is,olJned. l.eased or operated by the appli- , cant. Semi tary Sewer I Water Plumbing Penr.it State Surc1-.arge " " Total Charf1es ~ , lTEM , NO. I Ft:E CHARGE Etectrica I Permit Res. Sa. fta. Naw/EXtend Circuits Temporary Sel'Vico Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor. the eleotrioal'portion of this'permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. , 8leatrioal Permit State Suraharae Total Charges ~ ~ ITEM NO.1 FEE CHARGE M ec h ani c a I'P e r mit " Furnace l!TU' S E:xhauot Hood Vent' Fan " " WoodotolJe ,'.., . " :., "-1" Pe~t Issuance' , , Meahanica 1.. Permi t . ',' State SUroharoe' '.' . Total Charoes '~ . I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~rity Deposit Storage pA;~1U- ua?/U;~~ Total Charqos I. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the oompleted appZif!ation for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and corre~t, ,and I ; further certify that any ar.d azz. ",ork perfor:ned shal.Z be done in accor;-', dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield. 'and the Ur~s of tho ~ State of Oregon pertaining to the work deocribed herein. and tInt NO OCCU- PANCY rJill be made of tIny struoture without p3rmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only' contraators ar.d e~ployees who are in compl.iance with ORS 101.055 will. be used on this project Maintenanae Pemit Curbcut Sidewalk Fcn:Je' I Eledtrical , /, Label Mobile' Home ", v a~ - -;7 Sign3d .. I 'lV.rrA r. AAJI111A/'fI n""...4 . ~ \.., , '7 ~5'-9C) Date . ~) ...--::. \........ ...:... ~ . ~. . .' C(N)~~ Address: . ntQ \ 00 ill i Issued "by: ~ Lf1), ), Date: Permit ,No: ,STATEMENT: ',INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS 'ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law; ORS 70f055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the, following statement before the building permit can be issued. Ucensed,Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration' under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement 'will be filed with the permit. . \" Fill in the applicable blanks,andinitiaL box 1 and either. box 2Aor 2B: 1. I,X / I I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A. , I My general contractor is' , 'Contractor registration number _ I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on: the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR -- B. I ,'Cj I will be my own general contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. If I change my mind and Clo hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. UAl,rVJ W /j , stg7la~~rEh>~'j:f' Applicant "7 wr).C;o Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD, · 0244J 10/24/89 . ' f)lJU~ ' .,. , ~ . COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE LJ CO:Y T.~; :~PLlCANT @s .~