HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-11-24 ........--.-----... -.....-....,.-..~.,..._.:__--...-..-~V1MlA _.-=- T;- .-...-- - _~~ __11 r-- '" " l ,. , ---.. , ' " .. RESI~TIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZdJ Oregon 97477 BuiZding, Division 726-3753 . ~~. ~?A<L"~r? 9< ,11 - Ascessors Map # tf Tcr Lot # Sltbdivision: h?~~~0 IRe;;' ~~/~~'~E'A/,'9/~) ~r ;~1/7'3F-;ft~ ~/ Owner: C#~/~.r; hAAlE ::)L~/??// / . Address: '2r5'"//'~~~~)~ < City: ~?/~/~c2:;";' ~~.' 0{ ~' , ., "I)iff Q (/? ~c. VQ=f ~EY /~ ? ~~/4~ M~ Date :;;:::l::::ion ';R-/?-9;;:>" '/~~~~4Q ~~- Contractors Ad.d:ress" , Lisc. # . ,...~~~~' ~. ~.-F'..." .... ;~ . Job Location: ft;O I I I I IXI I I Nm.J Additien Remodel General Plumbing c/W.A.; E'~ Electrical OJ/z,-'V~ Mechanical Constl'Uction Lender # /tJo35 ('& / 33' I 0 5'?-~ -. 1()23~ ,. - SPR'MGFlELD Phone: / ~~ y ~ -. c:..-. ~'" '- - - --=' ~'&j-~~/-? , , ,I~O" Zip: q~7"7:::> 1\).' '. , 'J. '," \,ry . _}~ ......J\ """'~ ~\ Cu - Ir,:J. if -tf J' Signed: Date: Expires Phone It is the responaibitity of the permit holder to see that aZl irwpections a1'e made at; the proper tims, that each ~ess is readaD1.e f1'01Tl the street, and that the permit card is 'Located at the fI'01tt of the property. *BuiZding Divi::ior: appro~ed plan shatz remain on thE Building Sit:;; at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job number, job address; type of inspection requestcd ar.d when you will be ready for ir.spection, Contractors 01' Owners ncme ~nd phone number. Requests recei~ed before 7:00 am ..."iZl be made the same d~y, requests m~de after 7:00 am wiZl be made the n<E;Xt :;JOrking day. Reoui~ed TnsoectionR D' SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of , .foI'TTls. , O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & : MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is ~overed. ~ ' ~ 1\71 FO~ING & FOUND~TION: To be made ~ after trenches a1'e excavated and , foI'TTls are erected, but prior to pouring cencrete. 0, UNDERGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. WATER, I ,DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil.- Zir.g trenches. 0, UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: ,. 'To be made prior to instalLation of /Zoor insulation 01' decking. O POST AND BEAM: To, be made prior to installation of /Zoor insulation 01' decking. D ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- .ANICAL: No work is to be co~ered ,untiL these inspections have beer. made and approved. ' D FIREPLACE: Prior to pl.~cir.g facing materials~and before framing inspec- t. ,.... 'Z.o,,~......, . " D" FRANING: Must be requested after approval of rough plwrhing, electri- .cal & mechanical. AZZ roofing ,,' bracing & chimneys, et~,' rrr..lst be ,:' completed. No work is to be con- ,..., ,,-,cealed until. this inspection has ~,be~n made and approved. ,.......0.-. _ -,- D FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL D FINAL ELECTRI9AL o '4 (3 , , ...". Y~r.Cify De,sigr.a,ted Job Nwnber Ie:)5"7oc~ .' ~.. .. I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: , ---1 To be made after aU insul:;,ti:m ~.d , required vapor. ba1'r'iers. a1'e in place ,: ',but before any lath, gypsum bOa1'd 01' LXlZZ covering is appUed, and before .. ' 'any insulation is concealed. DEMOLITION OR :~:OVED BUILDINGS =:J Sanita1'Y Se'.Jer ::apped at p:.opert':i Zine , =:J Septic tank p:<mped and fiZZed with gr'a~eZ D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaU is in place, but prior to any taping. I Pinal - [>'hen above items a1'e completed ---1 and when demolition is complete 01' st1'U~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is <0 =zJ Blocking and Set-up ccmpleted. , l" " <:;3 ~ P umb't.ng connect't.ons D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After foI'TTls ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up a1'e erected but prior to pouring 'S). -U and plumbing connections rrr...st be approved concrete. before requesting electrical inspection Mobil.e Hemes scwer and water D SIDEWALK & DRIl'EWAY: For alt con- crete paving within street right- pf-way, to be made after aU exca- vating c0111l?let~ & fo1'm work & sub- \71 Final _ After porches, " base matenal 't.n pLace., ' $'~ ~ etc. a1'e completed. =:=J Accessol"d Building skirting, deoks, D PENCE: When complete -- Provide' gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. o o : - All project conditions, euch as the instaLl.ation of street trees, c~~letion of the required Landsc~pir.g, e~c., must .be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. . . ~ ~ ) . .,,' ..' FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspectiqn must be requested after Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have been made and approved. " ,the Final Plumbing '., .... .. " ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTHENT TO BE ~L~DE AT NO COST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 , " SOLAR AjiESS OCC!l'C~ Gro" ~ LOT TYPE I I I I I I ~ I Electrical LaOp.Z# L3 7~? I. /, ' -=?.o 'PP "-/1l-S /IIt:>,'<.3& Mobile Home ~~ ce /q/p-F:. Y ,::?.,S;-c- , . , ' ,1- r-~~Gii/;~ /.;;?Sr. }-- --- 1f/~{,5R JOB NO.~I)O Sq 10 Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. S ()f lotS::JJJeragc g-of Stories TotaZ Height Topography ---- ITEM SQ.FTG Main Garace Ca1'l)Ort Accessoru Foari'J;z:ii S S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE IvatueJ 1.5 x Building Permi t State SUI'cha1'ge Total Cha.....gea lITEM Fixtures . NO. Residential (1 bath) I Iv- Water I '1' ';L/. / . I 1_ _T~MB/~ ;;L-~ Plwnbing Peromi t Sanitary Sewer State SUI'cr.arge Total. Chal'aes ITEM NO. I I I I T-:-:.~ 5J:;;;' 3e'l'Vice I leLc~.: ;~L-~~I Res. Sa. fta. New/Extend Circuits E7.e~trica7. Permit State SUI'~harqe Total. Charc;es lITEM I furnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove I I NO. ' I I I I I Permit'Issuance Me~hanica7. Permit State SUI'cha.rae Total. Chazoop.s -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC".tritu Deposit Storage Maintenanoe Permit Total. Charqes C'u1'bcu t Sidel.Jalk I Fen~e TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ This pel"Tllit is granted on the exp1'e8S condition, that the sa'~c':;cl~at."'..;ct;iOn sha7.7., in all l'espects, gonform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Cz'dinance, regulating the 'construction and use of buildings, ana m.:zy be suspended 01' l'evoked at c.ny time upon vio- ~~io,,! oJ; any pl'ovisions of said Ordinances. .,J ./',~', ' d0~' ,)lIe~~ j'n~8/~~ #6/'ne: ~< Crt: 7 C-$<< t.T~ /5tXJ~,' V";', " ~&:#-. (IJq_'(,,_~?_ ?/I/O 37,/-8? \. - -<#J~ 2/6"/ >~/O. _e> ,I If<r7#1~3"S- I ',5~1~ " IO:5~ ~ _ -, P,l!Jmbing . ,*,. , " ..1"., .l!o';person"'shal~ constPuq,'ft,orinstal!, alter 01' change any new 01' existing , e;;': p7.iunJ;in(J. or,q;.ain~ge system "in who7.e or in part, un 'less such pel'son is the "';;(t::'.";' I" 'legal. possessor 'of a va7.id plwnber's 7.icense, e:ccept that a person may do . I plumbing work to property which is owned, 'leased or operated by the app7.i- /~60e:> cant. I_~ s-: e>~ I. ' ' (aID '1" 2- -f1 I~~~I~ ' I ~--5PI-"T to I ~:3~ ' I 52-501? I I __---J I~'c-~ "'" ,~ /1 //c:;:;~ I pZ/ 9-/~ '9::::> ! I 3D~ ~ 1c:>2~b t I /-s"?? \J :3/~:S(::J It>"") 1 I ..... ........ , \ . Intel'ior Corner Panhand7.e CuZ-de-sac x Va7.ue '_. , , FEE CHARGE FEE CHARGE FEE CHARGE I I I I I I I ~ ~o;J- - REQ.- l-COG~ . u~ TypeICor.st: "' ~ Bed1'ooms: Enel'qu SOUI'CeS Heat Watel' Heater Range Firev7.ace Woodztove Tl/ve r I I I I I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P.L. House' Garage Access. INol'th , East r South\., IWest - '\. \ Fees' -- Building Value & Permit losc/f- lP7.an Check Fee: &;'.50 IDate Paid: B~ O-R"::> 'J - IReceipt #: 7~p '"33 . I Signed: ~~ ,), Pe r m it I -' ., , ' / Electrical Perm it Where State LaLJ requil'es tr.at the e7.ect1'ica7. work be done by an E7.eatrical Contl'actor, the e7.ectrica7. portion of this peromit sha7.7. not be va7.id until the Zabel has been si~ed bu the E7.ectrica7. Contractor. Mechanical Permit I .. J I r I f ~ d~2~~ ;r;f:aminel' - /' r . 8"/7 "2i':::> uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed app7.ication for permit, and do hereby certify that all. infozomation hereon is tl'ue and correct, and I f'.trthel' certify that any ar.d all. wOl'k pel'fornled shan be done in accor- dance with the 01'dinances of the City of Springfield, and thi L~~s of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wOl'k described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY win be m:zde of any struCtUI'2 without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contra~tors ar.d.e~l.oyees who a1'e in comp7.iance with ORS 701.055 will. be used on this project ~ .... 11, 8~/?--8; Date 'I ~. . : - .~. ... : . " '. ~......\.",j- .....\' .....~..""..~,4.:.0...,......~. '" , ' . - ,-If ,..\;. 'h_t nO_A HOMES, Inc, 11250 S,E. 82nd AV... PORTLAND, OREGON 97288 ... . SAL~SPERSON DuB !-~~\.'C(lD BUYERS ~'j 11\.1 ~;'''!'l(}F::E:: r::. :~CH:,~:;', ':1 ADDRESS ::>0.1.9 NAMt t '.:....i:.- C!:EC()i~ Sell.r 89'''.10 1111 Ind Buy.' egr... 10 purchas. the property de.cribed he"ln on 1M I.rma 'nd condition. set forth below: SERIAL NO, ;~ :~ pcr~'.i'L/'.;':l~ t \" MANUFACTURED MO YR AP"~:'>:'(IMATE WiD;::" IlEN~~,~; BRAND _ MANUFACTURER \.. C'_ ':l'r;(.;r:. ::~: J..VE~'~CI';,E:// HUONO--:-'-'- NEW :,' . USEO_.. INSURANCE: The insurance coverages listed immediately be~ow are requlrad by Saller il Buyer purchases under a Retail In. tall. ment Contract. Buyer may choose the person through who this insurance Is obtained. If obtained through Seller, the po. cy term. and premium. .hall be as set lorth below: / Coyerage Amount $ o Fire and Thelt,CAC (~mos) $ o Flood Coyerage (_mo~) $ o Vendor'a Single Interest (_mos) The following Insurance coyerages may t? obtained through Seller II Buyer desires. for the polley te~s and premiums set forth below, They are not reqUlrld, o Credit Health and Accident, ( mo.) $$ o Credll Life (,--mos) o Mobile Homeowners- Includes fire and thelt, CAC, flood and liability coYe~~ges (_mos) $ / I o Please obtain the ~verages indicated above. I /'" , o Buyer doe. riot desire to purchase the coyerages indicated aboye from or through Seller, BUYER ./ TOTAL COST OF INSURANCE ORDERED , o $ BUYER DATE DATE s TRADE.IN: Year Make 'Size Model /"'-;~;;al~N~, Registered t" 4 /' ,6elance..9w~ ~\V'- Address ~ City ,.. Trade.ln Allowance $ Less Payoff Net Trade,ln Allowance $ DELIVERY ADDRES~ REMARKS: See Exhibit A. a pnrt of this agreement. DATE .L:" >: ., .. ~, PURCHASE CONTRACT OF iJ.l/'.!':.. :.. (..:Il; .~:. I:. !.' NAMI::: ZIP g t' ::~.::, PHONE :~ :),:1. -~'... I MODEL PROPOSED TRANSACTION Buyer agrees to purchase the property described herein lor the Cash Price plus Total Olher Charges stated below, payable In full prior to deliyery and wllhln 30 days of Seller's acceptance hereol, Buyer may, with Seller's approyal, purchase the property under a Retail Installment Contract, which Seller may assign to a third party with the following financing terms: ~... J.... .. 1. CASH PRICE $ ~.J J',', . " 2, DOWNPAYMENT Deposit $ - U .- Add'l Cash By L':j S -(;.. Cash Downpayment Trade.in TOTAL DOWNPAYMENT 3, UNPAID BALANCE OF CASH PRICE (1 minus 2) 4, OTHER CHARGES: la) Official Fees: (1) UCC FIling Fees 12) ;., Ib) Title and Registration CDMV) S 1 [; : l' U Ie) Trip Permit IDMV) $ -c'- (d) Insurance $ - (0_ (e) 1-1/\ -~}- (f),'-J:\ $ -n_ TOT AL OTH ER Cf-IARGES C i. ~ C;'..: . ',.:\: 5, UNPAID BALANCE (3 .. 4)....,.,'...... S 6, PREPAID FINANCE CHAllGE ,.."""" S 1 ~. ~... .L . \. .' 7, AMOUNT FINANCED (5 minus 6)""..., S e, FINANCE CHARGE, f:,~," :"\-,,,r, 9... s ~~}("'b.~Ii.I: 9, ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 3 . :, ~% l r:: 7 ~ ~. .. j. 10, TOTAL OF PAYMENTS (7 .. 8)..,.......$ ;J '.. . ..J... 11, DEFERRED PAYMENT PRICE (1 .. 4 + 8)" $ t, I.." S;, ..:; l' 12, ACCRUAL OF FINANCE CHARGE, The tlnance charge may begin to accrue on the datEnhe Retail Inslallment Contract Is signed, 13, The Total 01 Payments shall be payable in 1 7 <) monthly installments 0' S;~ 5 iJ ....::;each. and one final installment 0' $:~ ~ Ii . ':::.~The firstlnslallment may be due within days Irom the date of the Retail Installment Contract, and each subsequent installment may be due on a like day of each month thereafter until all installments are oaid. 14, LATE PAYMENT AND DEFAULT. In Ihe eyent any Install. ment Is not paid in full when due or within 10 days there. . alter, a lale charge equal 10 the lesser of $5,00 or 5% 01 the amount delinquent or unpaid may be assessed, In the eyent 01 default, the holder may haye the option to declare, with, out notite or demand, the entire unpaid balance immediately due end payable, les" unearned finance charges, In any legal proceeding to enforce the remedies 01 the holder thereol, Buyer may be required to pay reasonable attorney fees, court costs and disbursements Incurred by the holder therein. or in any appeal therefrom. 15, PREPAYMENT, In the eyent of prepayment, there shall be a rebate 10 Buyer of the unearned portion 01 the finance charge. which mOly be determined by applying the annual percentage rate to the actual outstanding principal balances for the periods of time such balances were actually out, standing, II less than 63 monthly payments are scheduled, the rebate may be determined ac~ordlng to the Rule of 78's, aUer deduction of a $15 aCQuisition charge. It may be pro- vided that no r.efunds of less than $1 will be made. 16, SECURITY INTEREST, The holder 01 the Retell Installment Contract may, pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code, retain title to and a security interest in tho mobile home; a securi!y Interest In any and all equipment, parts, appliances, furnishings, appurtenances and f~rnlture therein. InCluding alter.acqulred property In which Buyer acquires rights with. in 10 days after the Retail Installment Contract is signed: and a security interest in any premium refunds or claim proceeds under insurance policies relating thereto. $1 0,; _ f.C $ _1'1_ .1100. (j["; $ 1 G~2'" ')0 s - ~" .... $ $ -~ - -.f: - IF..O(l -, - SEE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. ThiS Contract shall not be a binding Contract upon Buyer or Seller until it has been executed by Buyer and accepted by Seller. Soller's acceptance shall be by Seller's aUlhorlzed signature below. and dolivery 01 a copy 0' this Contract. with Seller's aulhorized signature attached. to Buyer. Such OeUvety.SMU, be deemed completed when such copy Is placed in the U.S. Mall addre8Sed 10 Buyer at tne add'ea, set forth. above. with postage propald-,horeon. ~. \:' , --- ,/ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Buyer(sl acknowledge(S' thai the terms and conditions on the r8~erSe 'slde of this Contract are binding upC)n the parties. Buyer(s) warrant{s) that Buyer(s) has/have read both the Iron I and reverse sides of this Contract, and agree to Ihe terms and conditions on the rewerae side 8S if they were printed above Buyer(s)' slgnalUrels). Buyer(s) hereby acknowledge(s) receipt 01 a copy ollhe loregoing. " , \ I., ,'" ' , 1 ,., I.... j '\. ; ~ It:. i:' ,'.' / . SELLER IACCEPT,ANCE;: ' , NOTICE TO BUYER Do not sign this contract before you read It or If It contains any blank space, except that If delivery of the vehicle Is to be made to you efter this con. trect Is signed, the serial number or other Identl. fylng Information end the due date of the IIrst In. stellment may be IIlIed In at the time of delivery. You are entitled to a copy of this Contract. You have the right to payoff In advance the full amount due and obtain a partial refund of the finance chsrge. I' '. " i . . 1.... DATE PNT REY, 'lISO ", ..'-..'--...., IMPORTANT Except as otherwise provided In this Contract, SEllER H EREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS All WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN. ClUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER. CHANTABILlTY AND FITNESS FOR THE PARTIC. UlAR PURPOSE. Any warranties on the property sold hereby are those made by the manufacturer(s). This Contract contains the entire agreement be. tween the parties and there Is no other agreement or understanding of any nature concerning the same that has been made or entered Into or will be recognized. ~. '. BUYER(SI' D~TE DATE ... ~. ..... .. -- -...-. .-- ..-... .,-~..__.__._- ..._-:-'~.__._-_.._....- . .......~ . . :; '-...~ .:-... , r " --....... ',. , " \'1.;,,,,,,,, . '~~"': ....... ......... ,..;.; "':'h: '., .' ~..'.... .'" ..... .~~~:,~/!~.;':.:t-J~~~t~~~~r~~~}t;.:;,~'.;;l~J*~~~"t~~.i[I. ~.' I'.~. '.':: .. " .'; .... ':,. .:~.~"':: ~_":.' \.' ':"J ::-~r:"(:: I. y -".' . '. ,\ ....,..".\ .1'.... ",. '. . .," :~' .;'1"'. " :...... ... '" . i,: ':, . ',,' <'~' :::',\'~::, :::,J ,~:':;; :;~....~;{i, :'~ ;~ :, ,.:" F'~rol: 't.:'~I-h,r;. '.,,~: i.~ \". ,..:f...:.:....'1...(.,~~:~. ':1;~'.~~':'''t:'' '''':~~.1i'' ,\. . .,~.t~'~.r-::OI,"'~"."''''~ I;' "':~"\i-.t..:':"( ....:. ..;...f,I.?r.... ~\'U;;;::'::; ....., i';:" ,:_}.:....:t...v:.. ..;:~..;..'",:.:. 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