HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-5-20 .. RESI[)il.JTIAL.. . APPLICA!flN/PERMIT 225 'North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 o' S(p{p CJ ])4ISc../ #4;1... , , I ctb:2 oL( (/ Job Location: ASGesGors Map # Rcce-:.pt # I) c:;5Q I ,,- I SPRINGFIELD 5PFj~... C) Rb_ O~f/c, , Es: f/j te:;s T= Lot # Subdivision: /7JoU,yrfA...ill/ -Uelw #lahile ~ ' .' , Ot.mer: C /;1'15 ~L)ker l).' Sc:.J1rn i'tt- Address: S'~ ~ 0 .0 A-'.5l.j- . 4-;l.. Phone: City: .5.fR/iVroF/clD :-r9~S Zip: / LXI I I I I I I Np.uJ ' ~t9rA a:.t:' Additien Remode'L :!obi'Le Home ,,7' ~c(-11', sooo ete Sigr:ed: Date: Date of App'Licatien Contractors Genera'L ,l<)t.JJ'V\..t.R Plumbing (.\ ~ _ Electrical r'> t~ ~ Meahar:ica'L l"~ Constl'Uction Lender ,_~ 7 :LCo.'f 6 ~?. 9 7c,f 76 001 II \ 166 Describe fl'orl<: ~S+v~;~ ~ ';;%'4;<:3 (j tP Al"'~ W~ ;(11.. S-2.0 .-Y'~ ~-~' Value Address ~~- Q ,;'> Lisc.# Phone ~ Eroires ^ t^.o<,.1> ....V_l _ S,~e.._ ~ A..eo~ It is the responsibi'Lity of the permit holder to see that a'L'L inopections a1'e made at the proper time, that each ::ddress is readab7.e f'l'Ol'fl the street, and that the permit aard is 'Located at the fI'01tt of the property. ~Building Divicion appro~ed F'Lan,shal'L remain on tha Building Sit$ at a'Ll times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQPEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City designated job nwnber, job address, type of inspeaticn requested ar.d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' Oumers name and, phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ar.l 1..'i'L'L be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am wi'L'L be made the nr-;xt :uorking day. . Reaui~p.d TnSDp.cticns D' SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. .'0 : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAl,: To be made before any , work is covered. ];<1 ?aOTING i>FOUND~TION:' 'TO be nKZde after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring cencreta. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. WATER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi'L- ,'Li1".{J trenches. o O UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: , : To be made prior to insta'L'Lation of [tOOl' insuLation 01' decking. D POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of f'Loor insuLation 01' , , decking. . L{)_ " I Y I ROUGH PLClMBIlJGcJ.j;ECTR,IC;;ij & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOIJered , ~ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approved. D FIREPLACE: Prior to pLacir.g facing, materials and before framing inspec- tion. I vi FRANING: Must be requeeted after V\. approval of rough p'Lumbing, el.ectri- .ca'L & mechanical. AZZ rOOfing , ~' bracing & chimneys, etc. ~~st be 'P :'completed. No work is to be con- ",,~.cealed until this inspection has ~been made and approved. . .'. '..-'- D D [6] o FINAL PLUMBING \~ @ FINAL MECHANICAL \-\ P) FINAL ELECTRICAL Your City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is: cg&o3t10 I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: , ---l To be made after all. insulation ~~ , required vapor ba1'r'iers a1'e in pLace . ,: but before any Lath, gypsum bOa1'd 01' waZZ covering is appZied, and before 'any insuLation is' concea'Led. DEMOLITION OR ,~;oVED BUILDINGS :=J Sani ta1'Y SE!'.Jer capped at pz:.opert':i 'Line , =:J Septic tank pwrrped and fiZle~ with gra~eZ '0 DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after al.l drywall. is in pZace, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. I Fina'L - f>'hen above items are completed ---l and when demolition is complete 01' st1'U~- ture moved and premises aleaned up. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms a1'e erected but prior to pouring concrete. Mobile Hemes =:J B'Locking and Set-up =:J P'Lumbing connections sewer and water ~ Electrical Connection - B'Locking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections ~~st be approved , before requesting e'Lectrical. inspectio~~ ~ Acaessol"d Bui lding "" D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- , crete paving within street right- . pf-way, to be made after aZl. exca- vating complete & form bJOrk & sub- o . "base material in pZaae., .' l I Final - After porches, skirting, decks, -.--J etc. are completed. o PENCE: When complate Provide.. gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. ' D o - - All project conditions, euch as the installation of street trees, c~~letion of the required Landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectiorw have been made and approved. ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT, T~; BE ,}L~DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 J JOB NO. <6rbSCjo SOLAR ACCESS Occupancu G~ LOTTYFE Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of lot Coverage # of Stories Total Height Topography Interior C01'7ler Panhandle Cul-de-sac ITEM SQ.FTG x Value Main Garaae 720-? .~c>'4!I Ca1'''Oort Accessoru S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (va~ue) 1.5 x Ci..i.'::ft.: G REQ.- L-cod~ Type/Cor.st: t, TUDe I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North East South West Access. Bedrooms: I Enerau Sources Heat Water Heater Range Fireplace Woodstove Setbacks House Carage -'." . , , --' Fees I. , Building Value & Per"mit 'This 'permit is granted on the expres~ condition that the said construction shall. in aZI respects. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield. including the Zoning Ordinance. regulating the construction and use of buildings. and m.:zy be suspended 01' revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ord~nances.' ' '. ...... ,. \ ' * ~o...-()C> I - ~-D3 -). ,'&3 .03 , * CHARGE J , I -;(4; J~ ':2'Z-Sl:> I 1/5~ I I ~~~ -L-/ I /.738 1.?9 .~8 , ~ I, I ~ l I I I I I r I f I I I I I I / '-(1 t-f R I :J.n I- ~L/ I I _, ~ I : I ~~- 72~. ~/I ~ Signed ,. Building Permit State SUI'cha1'ge Total Charges I ITEM NO. FEE I Fi:r:tures I Residential (1 bath) ~ J' Sanita1'y Sewer Water Plumbing Per'Tr.i t State SUI'cr.azoge Total Charaes lITEM NO. FEE CHARGE Res. Sa. fta. New/Extend Circuits I Tempora1'Y Sepvice ~)Zf </~~I/I Electrical Permit State SUI'charqe Total Charc;es ITEM NO. FEE ClIARGE Furnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove I I I I I I I I Permit Issuance Mechanic.:zl Permit State Surchal'ae i\ Total. flharaes (' -- ENCROACHMENT -- I, I. . Secr.lI"Ltu De"Oo:nt I Storage Maintenance Permit Total Charqes Curbcut Sidewalk Fen::e El.ectrical Label I Mobile Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * Plan Check Fee: '5,;;(." Y:3 S- -C/-f f ( I 'If{ I') CC Pe r m it ~ Date Paid: Receipt #: Sign.ed: . " /- ;. .' '. Plumbing No person.shaZI construct. install. alter or change any neW 01' existing plumbing '01' drainage system in whole 01' in part. unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned. leased or operated by the appZi- .,' cant. I * Electrica I Perm it Where State LCllJJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit /Z?Z-- I~~M~ YL~JE Examiner - ,. /' r S-7& ,. uate .' ....,; -...... I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all in.formation hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any ar.d aZZ work perfo:rrned shaZZ be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the L~~s of the * State of Oregon psrtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be rmde of any structUI'e without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar-d enployees who a1'e in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ..5 /f/'b8? Date - ~ , 1--- PL,U I PL_t>..~ SC.I\.LE: '/a"=. 1/ G2.M.AC2~, eJ,-,,&N S EQ1=>.... Chris fpphe.r V .::,c.!,<,>/,t/' LOCATEDH AT' SC2(PO D,q/s'r' ":42- SF>RI;\/~F/~LOI ORe;;, .,. '. ----..--.-. -' .._._..~_.._'- ~" I.J':) FilH ,., ..- .---- I ~ -/-- ~ EL' " \ 0.7:l I, I-- ___~ Ir-- ~ ~, J N -J) ~ '-=<-'~ - .. 1(:-- ~.~ SEe ATTACHMEt IT FiRST PAGi j. ..' - ,- d I (/, -j ../" I \0> y/ I ,.' ~' \ // / f /....--r- . 10 PU'::;, , -..-----.. / /' / I I ---- _/ Ii LJ~ "j r " '" " ' "" '\. r'" , , i'" , , " , , , ',' \'::" I, - - _.~ - -- I .L It .1.... @@ I) PROFjy'SE D GA R6~B :::- \ S\'l~. / (~ ,/ ~ ' > SLA8p,\ ! / O'.'J~ ,~.rJ "\,,"",, \.."'}L e'e \ \ " \," , \ @ , 5 SFIBAC~ ~ , " \ L 1 " E..L., /r-=-..59"0 , :1, , I I -I " .L ,I .~. , \) ,I o C\J I' ,f" ____-/ PI..JE., ----,---- / "" SEr'bAC-"'" I (, ~,;-, c:;G:. ~f' \-. K ./ .----- ).. .//---- / / ./ .--- / , , \ " , " .. '\ \j ,~ ~' 'i , \ '~--€5--1 \J FORCH I 'j I ,\1 I , ~...~ ,.l. I , // ---------- ' ..1-// ---- I I -- .1 ; ~O. /U"'.~ I~/ \ X~ /~Jr.' is'L../1 I ().'I5 , / .---' ./ SE:' /r- = ...... 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