HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-3-21 -~" .,~.:':, ";.',"';1 _ .. RESID~TIALH APPLICA~/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 / i' SPRINGfiELD ,C; hfoo /J ~ It;; 0 A 04 II 1 c:7 , Job Loc.:ztion: Aseessorc Map # Subdivision: tJr>>z i~~ Address: 'It? 3 t/ (0 .F 9A City: 5f'), ~ a:l (C\At' ) \ "'_ } ,-,I '-- Ot.mer: I I I I I ~I New ,1ddi tien Remodel Nobile Home 3-5-~? Date of Applicatien Contractors General :Plumbing i Hechanical Eleetricdl #- 30 7'= Lot # 0 I () ( I q , Phon( ...... /~"-'/---) C1 i-J?f1- <;( kece~pt # I> ~~5, .... " Signed: Date: QI/ , 1; ~ ~ (.-yO; Zip: 7li'fFu tJ;; Value I p) ~ MJ Reg. Expires ,5"<316- 0 ( PhC)np r"J4'l-4fJDK , RA-JJQ { I l::)lortJC;1 5/<(q / //90 (. It is theresponeibility of tlw permit holder to see that all inepections are made at the propel' time. that'eaah ~dress is readab:e from the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ~Building Diviaio~ appl'o~eJ pl.an s~ll remain on thG Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R5:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City designated job nwnber. job add:rcss, type of incpecticli requested a~d when yoi/ will be ready for inspection. Contractors or OWners name and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ~n :..'ill be made the same dcy, requests mcde after 7:00 con wiZZ b:;: made the next wrking day. D o Reauired TnSDP-ctions SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLL~mING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made befOl'e any work is covered. ~ ~ o o D D o rz:J o [Z] o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring cencretG' UNDSRGROUND PWM2INC. SEro/E.'? fo/ATER, DRAINAGE: '1'0 be made pl'ioi' to Fil- Zing trenchec. UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inetaZZation' of . j100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installatien of floor insklation or decking. ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No ~ork is to bo covered until these inspections have beer. made and approvec. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing mcterials and before framing in spec- ti01'l. FRAMING: Must be requeated after approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. Al? roofing. bracing & Chimneys, etc. rTr..lst be ,completed. No work is to be con';' , cealed until. thie inspection has 'been made and appro~ed. YOUI' City Deeigr~ted Job Numbcp Ie: , ',.' ,I ~ Rc; ()/~5 ,<, "JI Ii '11l~1- ~',"II'II,:,,:\ 1,1'1,,1,,\\,,11:>1 ' .fi,ll ~lltll lI';. I -' ,. DEMOLITION OR ,',JOVED BUILDINGS' I' 3_$~it_a1'Y ,11~.J~1,' ,:Japp'e~ ~~, 'p~opei.ty Zir:e ~ Septi:J tank pumped and fiZZed uith gra~eZ I Final - fl'hen above items are completed ~ ar.d when demolition is complete 01' stru~- ture moved and premises :Jleaned up. I Nobile Hemes ~BlOCking and Set-up :lJ Plumbing connections -- sewer and water ""yf"ElcctricaZ Connection - BZocking, set-u;: ~ and plumbing connec,tions rTr..lst ce approlled before requesting electrical inspectio~ :::Kl AC:JesSOl"d Bui lding {}1 Fina l - After porches, F etc. a1'e cOmpleted. skirting, decks, D INSlJLATION/VItPO.1? BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul~tion a~4 required vapor carriers are in place but before any lath. gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made aftel' all drywall is in pZace. but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. fo/OODSTOVE: After instaZZation is ccmpleted. D .. i ... - -, o D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms a1'e orected but pi.ior to pouring ~onlJr'ete. FINAL PLUMBItlG AZZ proJect conditions,$uch as the ~',nstaZZation of street trees, cO,'71pletion of the required landscaping, eta., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be ,.r'aques t:;:d. o SIDEfo/ALK ,~DRIl'EWAY: For aZZ con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after aZZ exca- vating complete & form LXJrk & sub- base material in pZaae. FINAL MECHANICAL I{),'. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the pinal PZwnbing ,Electrical, and Mechanical. Inspections have been made dnd approved., FINAL ELECTRICAL D fENCE: iI'hen complGte -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. cg6~~" ~ ,- ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE ~f.~DE ~T NO COST TO CITY 'pa~7C 1 of ;; u I JOB NO. rtt;t)lf 9 SOLAR ACCr,SS REQ.-. ." I Zone: /..:17$l-M#5 Occupancy. GroupL,~ ;~~ ~FTiipeICor'.st: Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - % .:;f lot C.:;verage II of Stories Total Height Topography I IITP.M . SQ.FTG x Main Caraae I Carport Il1ccessol'1/ 1~77~ I Is.D.c. TOTAl, VAWE (va~uc) 1.5x ~~ ~ , Building Permit State Surcharge Total Char-ges I ITEM NO. FEE I Fixtures#~~~cJ? IResidenti~l (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer I ~t~ / .s~JYl ~/~~-;F" Plumbing Permit State StiPcr.arge TotaZ Char(1es I ITEM I Res. Sa. fto. Naw/Extend Circuits I NO. I FEE ~"'P ",~Service I g,~AVP EZeotricaZ Permit State Suroharge Total Charges ITSM NO. FEE FUrnace PTU' S Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Woodstove Permit Issuance MechanicaZ Permit State Surcharae TotaZ Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~rity Deposit Storage SidewaZk Pe1'2::e I EZectricai LabeZ I MobiZe Home "Jl:,~/~L-GM-~ I r r-b~ i I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ Interior Corner PanhandZe ' CuZ-de-sac Value I I I I ~--- ":29~ -e> ~ 16:~ .. .7S'"r I /5:'?s-1 * CilARGE I ~ tS". lI>,.J> ~. -z:> pf;: -' ~_ cI>'I> . ,,/0, 4i!!P '?-~ 7 ~ So: ~ CHARGE '/S:~ /:5'=' ~ ;?~~ /(w;5~. I 'Y)-5~1 ~ CHARCE I " I, I j, , I .11/' ;( ,. .r, , 1 I', h " I " "3';):-' .... '/ ;)8-- i"-. L-COG-1t, . '\~( Bedl'ooms: I Enerrf.1l SOUl'ces !leat T.1IDe P.l,. North E'ast South rvest Setbacks House Carage Watel' ,'/eatel' I Range I Fil'eplace I I Woods tove I I Access. Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shaU, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieZd, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and m.:1Y be suspended 01' revoked at G.ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I Plan Check Fee: I Date Paid: I Recdpt 1/: I Signed: 9.7S- Plumbing . . Permit No person shall construct, install., alter or change any ne!J er existing pZumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the Zegal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State l,aw requires tr.at the electrical !Jork be done by an EZectrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. ,- Mechanical Permit ~ . A~u~~ ~' Examiner /'. I HAVE CAREFUl,l,Y EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info~ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.tl all work perfoF.11ed shall be do:-ze in accor- , dance with the Ordinances of the City of springfield, and th~ L~~s of the > ~ State of Oreg.:;n pertaining to the !Jork described here:.n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that o:-zly contractors and e:npl.:;yees who are in co.'7IpZiance with ORS '101.05:5 will be used on this project y-</ &;> vate .J 3 r 2- I ~g-~ . ~ q'~;:25,l ~ Signed , Date