HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-3-3 - Subdivisio',: -;:.. . . SPRINGFIELD ... ;:# ~5 7'= Lot /I n~ rrq - -. I Ol.h,p.r: /'\ /~{)A-d I Addrall:;: Ci ty: I I I I 1')(1 N"~I \ , ,iddition Remodel ,~!obi 1.e lIoma )r/5 -fr Date of Applicatiell l'I;mw: '1 L/I- 00b3 Zip: DS;"JA~ ()J(~ 0) m{f' d- '5) f;jf). rlJ Vallie Add,'en:: J,i:;c./!. :;on tl'ac Cora _ /Yltf- f-/~- -S'~ ~~~J Gcncra I Pl.umbillg f.l.ec trica l f.fflchar:icd Conotruction Lender " /:'ce/~:i't ,~ , l~? ~'2/ " , l, .. Si(Jr.nn: ~' ~ -'? -tfCf I Date: /:;xpil'/JS Pho"e It io ~lrc reoponoibi1.ity o[ the permit holder to sea UllIt al.!. i"apactimllJ CU'C made at ti,e pl'opel' tim,;, that c::cll ::.ddreo:; io raa:!ab:t! [rom the otraet, and that the permit card io locatar] at the [ront of the propel'ty. A!Jlli!di~l!l D~vi:;io~ apFrovad plall elu.:U I'amain Oil tll<Z lJU'~ldi.I/U ::,'i.t;; at aU timce. P.'?OCSDU!~E FOR INSPECTION RSQ,uEST:CALL 726-3769 {rcaordel'} ut'ate YOUI' City deaiO'~'1ted .ioe IIumber, job a(!6'esa, type of i'::;pecticll requaoted m:d w,~en you wiLl be ready fol' inopcctiol', COlltrllctore 01' OLlne:-o luzma .:"d r-IrOl:e lIumber. Requcate received eefel'c 7:00 t:':'l ,:.,'iZl be made the Game dcy, requeGta mcde aftel' 7:00 am, will be made the next :.J01'killij day. r'?emlired. IIIOlJl'eHcml ] SITE INSPECTION: To be made excavation, !mt priol' to set [orms. '~ after lip of UNDF:R.'Jf.AB PWf.mING. ELECTRICAL .e Nf:r:IIA.YrCAc.: To be made before any lJOl'k ia aovered. Zl FOOTING ~ FOUND,iTION: To ba made after trencheo are excavated Ulvl ,1fdrme are erected, but prior to pouring cencret~. UNDSRGflOIl,'!D Pi.UM.'lINr:~ SEro/f.fl, W.1TF.fl) OHAINAGF.: To be made priol' to [il- Zir.{/ trenchec. ~ ~ UNOE!IF'LOOR PWf.l8JNG .( NF.C!lANJCAC.: To be made priol' to inctallation of f!oor incuLction 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to illotaZLaticlI of floor in8kZation or deckirl{j. ROUGI/ rw.'mmG. F:U:CTRTCIif.. .( UEClI- ANICAL: No wol'k i8 to be cJoL'p.!'ed lII:til tllCse ilwpcctior:8 have bear: made !,IIld appl'ove.:. FI!?F.f;r.ACE: Prior to plceir.{/ facin~ mctar'ial.G and befol'e framing innpec- tior:. FRA1~JNr:: Must be reqlleoted a[tel' appl'o~al of rough plumbing, electri- caL & -mechanicaL. AZZ r'OofiTliJ bracing ~ chimneys, etc. nr~st be completed. No LJOrk ia to be con- cecled untiL thio inspection hao 'bcen madc and apPl'oved. ] ] ] ] YOUI' City Peeio,:atad Job Numbel' Ie: D INSIlf,A'I'JON/VIIl'(l!? ll/ill/{J/,;R .r.'J[;['..:r:r TON: To be made aj'ter aU illeulut'i:m a,':d requ:.red vapOl' l:(tI'riel'o ro'e ill pll'lc:e cut cefvl'c allY lath, gYP31UlJ bCaI'd.ol' wlz. covering is nppZied, and beJ'OI'e any irwlllation ic conceal.ed. 3 7({)( ~5 I [)f:miITIm! OR ;~:OVE,: ;.,UILDI;:GS =:J Sallitw'y 8c:./el' capP,eel :::t p:oP;;I't,i lir:o :=J Septia tarlk p:<.--:pcd and fiZlcd lJith ura:;d I Final - I''/Icn a~V.~ ite:n8 al'e cemoleted --.J al:d when jemcl~~ior: io complete 01' at:'l..:- ture moved alld Pl'.::miaea cleaned up. Mo}>i Ie I/emee ~ Blocking and S.::t-~p )( I PlumbinJ connectiono -- O~OI' and water 71 Electrical Ccm:ection - Blocking, sot-u;: ~ alld lJlumbing eom:ectiono nr.;ot tc ap;>l'ovlJd befm'c raqueet:'lIg electrical. inoi'llctio::. , ~ Acces:;ol'!i Bui ld:.n!1 'Vl Final - Aftar ;:':Jrc1:ea, ~ etc. 111'0 c~pl.e~~d. okirting, decko, DRl'I~Al0-JJlSl'l;'f.I'!f)N: Te be made aftm' IIl1 drYIJIlLLin in place, but prior to cny taping. O MASONRY: Steel locatiOIl, bo;td beam:;, !IT'OlltillfJ or verticalo ill accordance with U.B.C. Section 241f. ~ D lo/OOD.'?rm'f..': Aftel' ilia tallation ie ccmpletcd. ,/ D - AU p1'oJe(Jt eOllditiollfJ, ,)/le!: ao the l"'lIntallatioll o[ Iltl'aet traes, ,:o,"plot::.:m of the required laJltlncr.pir:g, ete., muot be oaLialicd before tl;e BUILDING F[;'!AL call !Je r3ljueetsd. ~ FIfJAl, PWMBIJJG ~ FIN"/' f.IE~lJIiNICAl, ~ FINAL F.U:CT!IICI.L :=J ~ cunn .~ APPROACll AP!(()N: Afte;, forma CU'e Cl'ected hut Pl'ior to pourillg aOllare te. o PiNAL BUIl,DINe:' TIll! fillc1l Buildill!1 !najleol;ioll roUGt be requeoted after tile filiaL PlumbillJ Elcctl"ical, alld Mechar.ie'll IlIepectiollo have beell mada alld approv.!d. O SIDF:r/Af,K .e DRIt'f:r.;;.Y: POI' all COII- Cl'ete pavillg withill stl'act l'ight- of-IX!!, to bc made aftel' all exca- .,vating compll?tll & form lJOl'k ,e zub- ,ooze material in plnce. , O ,:'F.NCF.: k'ller: coml'l.;te -- Pl'ovic!a , (Jatea 01' movable sectiono tlll'ouO': P. U.E. o - AAl,f, UANIIOf,F.S AND CU-:ANOlJTS UlJST nF. ACCF.S.'JIBLF., AD,lUST!!;:;,'J'!' TO m: MAnF. AT NO {'~'S';' TO CI':'Y P:::l('! of :1 / I ' I JOB No.~9DI25 I ;',mc: LJR, ~Atb 'I' ' Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f lot C~verag~ N of ::tOI-ie3 'J'ota l !!eight 'fopo!irapIIY L-COG , SOL ^ n ACCESS i{ L,., n:f: I :VO. I /0'1,:1\ f'~:l-/1 Intel'icl' COI'ner Pan]uwd la Cul-de-Ilar: x Value nCdl'00m3 : OCc;>Jmancy GrOlIat:i!!2:?A~c:.d~~ 'fiiJ!e/C0I7:; t: DOT TYPE.' , . r r,ot f'ace3 - I Setback:; I P. I" /lOIwe I (:m'W/II 1,c!(.'f?Il::. INol'I,h It:,,:: t k;OI. th 1"(,':Jt I r',"f:N 1,I/ain sr..P'f'G Gr:rar.e 'CarVCI't I/lcccesor!l I ~fip'.4S TOTi1{, l'AWF. S. [). C. IVG ~uc) 1. 5 x ? ~ d"7t::> , , Buildinrr Permit Sta tc SII1'cll,1rge Tota l Chll:'ge3 ~-e Ir5/.crs ~ I />~ - -;;;5' 15":~ ~ C/lAm;g I [,J'F.,If ~1H"_9 #Ci!PA'v? I Reaidrmtial (] bath) I 8ani t:try SelJer IIJr: tm" I NO. ' I / / ~~/7/~#~ I l'l:nnldng !'(!/'I:d t State Surcl:m'u<'1 -'!:E!~I?_.CJE.r:':!~-~ $6z:> -:2t:/. ~ ,..r- c:::e> //) - v - ~ ..e:>e> 7C::>. ~ ~..50 / ;5":-SC::> A (,'11111,";/'; I :'/'/-.'M I Rell. Sa. fta. N~/F.xtcnd Circuit:; ~"p.... ..... ,,'-Servicc ~?J.P , r.le::trical Perm1: t St:::te SW':::]l/1.rqe '1'0 ta l Chm'r.cll , [,J''-.W N(.'. FtJrl~1ce -'.'TV' S f:=hmtlJt /lood Vcnt Fall. ' I W:,ocl:: t O;JI! Pel'mi t f:;IlU,1nc',~ Me:::hanic.:z l Parmi t State Surclu:I"'C Tot9l. CIJ!J.r!J!J:J I -- /:.'/lCIIUIICIIMt:N'j' ISC(:'..Iri tll Dcpo:Ji t I Storage /1:: -r:> ,tC~ ;?~ <<"t:J I , (~~1 5~5b I A - C!lIWe/l' Maill t.Cllall'~I~ Permit I ;, To tr.r l CI/flI'f/C:J I Cur!.wut SidmJ.:l lk .~I?~I::r. I Electrical Label I Mobile lIome ~p ..2?~~' I :r~' I I .. .... ........._ .....r... 35":c;:sl!!> I.?~ I 5/8. ?t:? ~i I I II II II F.nerf/II Soarcce !Ieat IJatel' ,'Ica tr.I' HC/IIfjC 1,"I:l'cl'l,w.? IJoo"~ to!:c T:/pe P:!f!t: Building Value & Permit This pel'1ni t ill gran tcc1 011 tile expreeD condi tion tha t the :;aid aOl13 tl'UC: t'ioll 3]Ull l, ill a 11, r~llrccte, '~OllfOl'1n to tile Ol'dinal:ae adop ted Ii!! tIle Fi ty of :;]II'I:n:'1 rie lrl, ,inn !urlill!l the 2011 illg Cl'dilll1llca, I'CUU la t illg t]re cell:; t l'U,' ticn ami u::e oj" Im.ile/in!!':, awl In,::y be G1wl'ended Ol' revoked at r:1:Y time /lror: vic- lation oj" (lilY pl'ov'i:J'iOl::J of :wid Ordir:alll.:ee. . Plan Check Fee: 9..7--5"" 'I /.'ntc r(l'id: '=3,'~ - W I liecdl't II: I?, 3 d- ~I I ,r;ig~:ed: (E (/ I Plumbing PerrrAit No I'er::on ::Ilflll COlWtl'IWt, ilwtal!, a!ter 01' cllall!]/! l.1IY lU!lJ Cl' e:ieting I'lwnb1:ng 01' dl'tlinage :;y::t;e:n ill ..,Ilole or in part, w:lees ouch pcrllon ie the legal poeaelJllol' oj" a valid pllllnbcl,le Ziccnee, except that a pe:>eon may do plwnbing wOl'k to propel'tYIJhic:ll ie oW/led, leased or opcl'ated by the appli- cn/lt. Electrical Permit I{]/cl'e State [.aLl ref/Wil'e:; t]:at tile electrical lJork be done by all Slcctl'ical Contractor, the elec!tr'ical por-tion of thi:; pelmit e]lall. root be valid u'ltil the label hac been :;i!JllCd by the Il'lcctl,ical ~ontractor. " Mechanical PermLt . ~~~~~ ?y/:;C(:;'/1-ner' / Y' 77:-f!!f5'~ Ua~e I 11.1 VE CARgFV['~Y !;'Xi1NJNF.D the completed application for penni t, alld do hel'eby cel'tify that all. ir:fo:mation hereon i3 tl'ue and COl'l'ect, and I {:erthcr cel,ti{y tlrat mlY ar..d aZl LJork pcrformed a]laZl be dO:1e in ac::or- d(lIla,? :.lith the OI"'[ill:lII,~c!G oj' t]re CUy o{ Sprina{icZd, and tlr:: La;.;s of tile . :jtfltc of (}I'C~pll f'.".'I'/;Jl:,liIlU to tire IJOl'k c!ellcribed !rr.re-::Il, Gnd that NO OCC!J- I'I:NCY will be mcl.'ic of Clny Gtl'/lctlll','! IJithoat p:nmi3;Jioll of tIre !Juildill!( Di- vi::ion. I fl/l'tlzel' cel't-ifii tlz:It o:1ly contl'adol'lJ al:d e:npl~yecll wl:o are in co:::pliallce lJitlz (}IIS 701.0{j[; IJill bc /llled on tllill Pl'OjSCt :::IAJ!~ iI /?!.~ ~d 'fu~;~ ,4