HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-2 " Rcceipt # I 3, '7 :;.,[ .. RESID.ENTIAL" APPLICA.N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ,Job Location: .~/of} ~ (<CO 2.0+11\ Assessors Map /I Subdivision: O!.mer: ~ ~~ - D\k'IV~~ Address: City: I I I I II IK1 New Additicn RemodeZ :.fobi Ze Home It- --('1-~ Date of AppZicaticn Contractors , General :Plumbing i H~chanical Electrical SPRINGFIELD , " ~. ~'1 ~ S~~ ~q Ta:r: Lot /I N ~ ~ B u L'l~,.. ~ urr (J;:. of- S IJ 1-. ,; Phone: zip: Describe r>'or": tlVtlf t)vV <;t~A~5. c::::s ~ .. ~ e>f'" - ~ VaZue -::::? 2, / --;i 7': ~o Lise. U ,Sldrs Board .5t 1~ t-q 0 .~~~ 4.. IU .-a-~ f~ ~ Address MiA .s~ ~-~~ L.,-r, (A'l ~-8'1 ..,' . " l' .~.." '.:~ , " ";1 " Sigr.ed~ 'V Date: V v/7/~ I , I Re~; Expires Pnonp SupervisinLE)ec tr..ic ian It is the responsibiZity of the permit hoUier to see that alZ inspections are made at the proper timel tr.at each ~ess is readab:. f~ the street. and that the permit card is Zocated at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Divi~io~ approved pZan s~ZZ remain on tha Building Sits at aZZ times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job nwr.ber. job address, type of inspec;icll requestcd arod when you wiZl be ready for inspection, Contractors or O!.mers rlCme and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ~ r..'iZZ be made the same day, requests mc.de after 7:00 (Un will be made the next :.JOrking day. Reauiped TnSDecticns O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of , forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. f""Vl FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be made ~ 'after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to poul'ing concret..,. UNDSRGROUND PWM3INC, SEI.fER, WATER, DRAINAGE: To be made priolo to fiZ- Zing trenches. ~ O UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: , To be made prior to instaZZation of floor insuZation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaZZation of fZoor ins~Zation or deckirl{j. ROUGH PLUMBING. El,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAl,: No work is to be covered ,untiZ these inspections have beer. made and approve~. FIREPl,ACE: Prior to pZacir.g facing materiaZs and before framing inspec- tion. FRAMING: Must be requested after approvaZ of rough pZwrbing, eZectri- caZ & mechanioaZ. AZ! roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. ~~st be ,compZeted. No work is to be con- , cec.Zed until this inspection has 'been made and approved. o D D Your City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is: ~ ~-:?B , ,,' \,1",\11" 'j',"'\\'I"'I\ \liV f""''rI''':,IiI",~'IW''II!'':',j\','i''r{'.\\I'I',:III~ 11I1"! ' ,/,\;'\ " ',\"! D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: . DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS '; II ' To be made after aZZ insul:.ti:m ar.d , ' " required vapor barriers are in p Zace' " -:-:--, Sanitary se:.1t"r oapped at property Zir:e ': but before any Zath, gypswn board or .---J ' - LXlZZ covering is applied. and before ---, Septio tank p:urrped and fiZZed with gra:JeZ any insuZation is conceaZed. -:..J DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made aftel' aZZ drywaZZ is in pZace, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: SteeZ Zocation, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After instaZZation is compZeted. ~ D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms are erected but prior to pouring ~onapete. I FinaZ - mIen abqve items are compZeted ~ and when demoZition is complete or stru~- ture moved and prcmises cZeaned up. 'Mobile Homes ~ BZocking and Set~~p :Il PZwnbing connections -- sewer and water ~ EZectricaZ Connection - BZocking. set-up ~ and pZwnbing connections ~~st be approved beforc requesting eZectricaZ inspec;ion ~ Acoessol",j BuiZding ~ FinaZ - Aftcr p~rches. skirting. dec~s, ~ etc. are compZeted. D - - - AU pl'o.fcct conditions, lJuch as the!:'lstalZation of street trees. (]o..~pZotion of ,tne . required landscapir:g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING PINAL can be 'requested. ~ PINAl, PLUMBING o PINAL MECHANICAl, ILl FINAL ELECTRICAl, o D SIDEWAl,K & DRIVEWAY: For aZZ, con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after aZZ exca- vating compZete & form work & sub- base material in pZaoe. @ FINAL BUIWING: The Final BuiZding Inspection must be r~quested after the' FinaZ PZwnbiPl{J , ',Eleatriaal, and Mechar:icaZ Inspections have been made and approved. ", ': . D PENCE: f.lhen complcte -- Provide. gates or movabZe sections through P.U.E. .' , . *AJ.J, MANIIOl,ES AND CU\ANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBl,E. ADJUSTNENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa!1C 1, oj' :! o , JOB NO.g~~~.:rg'SOLAR ACCES,'S REQ.- Zone: L..D;zi'-./;;?# 5 Occupancy Group. ~~/CF#~-.. TTypeICor.st: Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE . I Lot Faces - I % .:;f lot C.:;verage Interior I P.l,. II of Stories Corner Worth I Total Height PanhandZe East South I Topography CUZ-de-sac ,West I ITEM , SQ. FTG '. VaZue x " Main I GaraGe I Carport I Accessorl~ /' . ' / ~J'7JVc'-<. TOTAl, VALUE ~= Is.D.c. I (VaLue) 1.5 x :22.?~ Y . l.:?~a/ ~ /:5: ~ I ..?S- /5: ?S- ~ BuiLding Permit State Surcharge TotaZ Char-ges .1 ITEM NO. FEE CHARGE / /~: .-;;;> F4Xtl!1.,.'; ,~('".'Z> , ""T Residential (1 bath) San.itary Sewer I ::?~ ese::> ..?,<):'" - ?.t>w -e 7?P. -.;;;> , ?..-50 i I ,77'... s-c::> ~ l>'ater I 5J"2SR~~~~~~. PZumbing Permit State Surcr.arge TotaZ Charoes' I ITEM ' , ,., ~ - .. ,- .-'. NO. 1-"'FeE" --' _.,,- -CHARGE- .. I 'I I 1,1 R' S I 'f,tl I' I hi" 1'!1,I}Y~yM:1~'(~~~mi~~~ I~r '~'W;i/)~~~\;ll~ ~~~,~\~~:l~\\jil' 11!.:."P'H~:fr Service I '6 ~ ~ /'/ p:> , ;~...~ /!;:.LJ€C7 _;~R' V EZeotrical Permit ~ CSZ> I ~~;; · State Surcharge Total Charges' . ITSM CHARGE NO. FEE FUrnace PTU'S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I i Woodstove , Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State Surcharqe, TotaZ Charaes I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~ritY'DepOsit I Storage I Maintenanoe I Permi t I Total. Charcres eurbau t; SidewaZk I...enoe I Electrical LabeZ Mobile Home ~/!Jt:2FW~~- I ' / :.;;-- /e::> . I ~ ----- /~.~ I'rOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * $6~&.<c6f ~ u L -CO G-1t Setbacks House Carage . Bedrooms: . --r Enerml Soarces I Heat Access. I I I I I T.1IDe Wate!' Heatel' Range Fireplace Woodstove Fees Building Value & Permit, This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shaU, in all respects, conform to the Ol'dinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be ,suspended 01' revoked at allY time upon vio- Zation of any provisions of said'Ordinances. ' PZan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Recdpt /1: !Signed: 9.~ Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install., aZtel' or change any new or existing pZumbing or d1>ainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legaZ possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a per-son may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State l,aw requires th.at the electrical work be done by an EZectrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit slwll not be vaZid until the ZabeZ has been signed by the Electrical [;ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~ ~ /2 purxaminer /C:?-~/'~ ua!e ,.. /' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted appZication for permit, and do hereby certify that all inforomation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aH work perfor:ned shaH be do:1e in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfiel.d, and th& ~~s of tho ~ State of Oreg.:;n pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wilZ be made of any structuva without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~Zy contradors a"d e7lpl..:;yees who are in c~71pl.iance with ORS 701.055 wiZl. be used on this project j...{j 'L lj Sign8d Date