HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-8-13 ....;. ~'":.;,"":"::'''':'''.:~.,: .....". 't':..,~:....:-}.:. .::.i:;.':Jo..< ,....: '''''-~;-'.'. .:.' ". ""'-"'_,' .. ,"",. ~.~:;.._...~~~'':'"o,K''''''''''','';''' ....--:;.;.. ~ _Z;.. .. RESIOEtrIAL.. APPLICATION /PERNIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Subdivision: JY7"OLNV7.4....N Ih~".", J'-/?<?l:!/L ~ Address: ;;;2 I c(s j\J, .3 (S 7' -#- / / "'!5;J;k - WI k /JIlH 0 U ,h1~8/~ hbr/lE ~/~&>. r:;;: _ _~H~'t4ffl~~7 C!~~ ?l! ~ r; h~ Value 7~, ~~_f:> Job Location: '-S to ~ (J Ascessorc Map # Ot.mer: Ci ty : I I I I /" 1)(-1 \ Np.w , ! Addi tien Remo.:el Hobile Home Date of AppZicatien :.,'or:~rac~ors /l . _ ~~,"L'.?! -,' .. . '. ..".... - ........-.. -'. a 'Ii .Rece:pt , , I trfJ / c::;- SPRINGFIELD O~ . LfJ7 /6 rJ T~ Lot # &~...c Es7:'~ /~ '" _ -i ... .... __ , " . 11\ I , ' \ \'~ \ Phone: Zip: t~<< Si(Jr.ed: Date: CC- Q...- I 3o.-x f'j Address Lisc.# E=viY'es Phone General. PI. wnbirl{1 7~aJ!d J1A 1-1 'I)...(J~{) -~ ~ AJo-P c..lJA"J Electrical f.feehar:ic.::Z Constzouction Lender . '. " It; is the responsibiLity of the permit holder to see that aZZ inGpections a1'e made at the propel' time, that <::ach :.ddress is rea.::a.o:e from the street, and that the permit caI'd is 'Located at the front of the property. ~Eui~i~ Divicio~ appro~ed pLan shall. remain on tha BuiZding Site at all. times. P.'?OCE:DURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City desigr.:zted job nw.:ber, JOD aCiress, type of incpecticn requested a~.d w~en you wiZZ De ready for inspection, Contracters 01' Owners n4me cnd phone nu~er. Requests received befere 7:00 ~ :.'ill be made the same dcy, requests mc.de cfta 7:(JO am LJiZZ b$ made the n=t :Jorkinq =i:J> Reoui~p-d InsDp.cticnp ~ -. -. ~ SITE: INSP2C'J'ION: To De made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms, '. UllDERSLAE PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & !(ECHA;lIC:"L: To be made before any work is ,~ovared. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring cencret". UNDSRG!?OU;,lD Pr,UMSING. SEWER. [-,TATER, DRAIlIAG~: To De made prior to fil.- ,Zir.g trenches. ~ ~ UNDERFLOO,,? T'LU!.'!3ING (j MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in:;taZLation of floor insuZation 01' decking. POST AND BrAM: To be made prior to instaZZ~"ien of fZoor inskZatior. 01' decki~. 'I ROUGH ?LU!:BI!lC. ELECTRICAl, I) /fECR- ~ ,ANICAL: No :Jork is to De co~ered ' ,until. these inspections have been made ar~ approve~. ] FI!'!EPLACr: Prior to plccir.g facing mcteriaZs and before framing inspec- tion. ~ ] FRA!~IflC: Must be requeated after approv~Z of rough plumbing, el.ectri- cal. & mechani~al.. AZZ roofing bracing (j chimneys, et~. nr..lst be :' completed. lID work is to be con- " cec.led until thiG inspection has . been made and approved. ~ FIlIAL PLUf.aJIlIC :J FIliAL MECHANICAL ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ ,\t) (j) YOUI' City DeGigr.ated Job Number Is: ," C(;10.jcJ 9 I o INSULATION/VIiPOF? BARRIER I.'lSPECTIO!/: ' To be made after aZl insulati~n ~~ , required vapor bar.riers a1'e in pZace but before any lath, gypsum board or wZZ covering is appZied, and before any inauLation is concealed. DENOLITIOH OR ;,:OV:;:; BUILDI;,'GS =:J Sanita1'Y se'..)er capped :::t p~op;;rt':i Zine ~ Septic tank p~~ed ar~ filled with ;ra~~Z " D I FinaZ - I';hen abcve ite::7s aI'e cemoleted ~ and when demol.ition is compZete 01' stru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. DRYWALL INSPE:CTION: To be made after aZZ dI'ytJaZZ is in pLace, but prior to cny taping. o ~MSONRY: SteeZ location, bond beam:;, grouting or verticc.Zs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. Nobile Homes u After instalLation is ~O ~ Blocking and Sat-:.tp ~~ ~ Plumbing connections s~er and water CURB & APPROACH AP,:ON: After> .forms --iI El.ectricc.Z Connection - Blocking, set-up a1'e erected but pr't.ol" to pour't.ng 5). ~ and pLumbing connections nr~st ce approved concrete. : before requesting electrical inspectio~ WOODSTOVE: cempZeted. D D SIDEWALK & DRIl'EIo/AY: For aZZ con-C ,crete paving within street right- ~t of-wcy, to be made after alZ exca- vating compZete & form work & sub- base material in pLace.' . )(1 AccessoY",,' Building ~5' ~ Final. - I.ftcr porches, ~ etc. are complet;;d. skirting, decks. D'~ENCE: K~en complete -- Provide gates 01' movable sections throUgh P.U.E. ' D o " All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co~lation of the required Landscaping, etc., must be satisficd before the BUILDING FINAL can be request$d. t, . . FINAL BUILDING: The Finai'Building Inspection must be requested c:.fter Electrical, and Mechanical InspectiornJ haVc been made and approved. the Fin.:zl Plumbing "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fE!I'!'\TO'BE";~1DE I.T NO C'~ST 19 CITY 'p::ge' of 2 JO B No.r/lD 5 11 SOLAR AAE S S REQ.- Occur;ancu Gr..M~~ ~E" /:;? LeT TYPE r LotFaces - . L-COG~ , I I I j I I I I I I I ~_~C; I I ~-=? J,q..t I ~(f/Y," I/~.- I 1-:?=3'Z ~O ~ #~ . I 17. $"'0 I . ~f;!. ,_)- /8.525 I I /.~ 4>'::> I ~ I (.ZC? -~ I I /<):c- I , ~-~ I z.6b I 52. 50 I * I I I, /5.~ I /s~1 I~~l I - /,s&>I~]~ I ~51-SO' * ::cme: M~ ~ ",PQD Lot Sq. Ft~. ~ ~f L~t C~cragc ,~ of Stories Total Height Topogr:::phy Intericr Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac r""~'.f .o... ..... SQ.F'TG x Va lue ,\fain . Caract:! Carpcrt ,4cccssor:, ~T/~ S TOTAD l'AWE S.D.C. eva....::) 1.5 ::: Building Permi t State SU1'ch.'l1"re Total Cha:-gea :TE/.: ,.,n I loLl. I' I I 1/ I II I (..... ,,-- r,w'i:-....:' ~-- n_ , -- =-.'--,YJ;I.l; ~{f"LlP ,iesiC.:::r:tia l (1 bath) 3c:r:i.t..::1;J Sewer :\'ate!' Pl b. D '.. un: -:.,r.g ... e~"'.... State Surcr..c.rpe Tete! cr.c:r'na.~ ~i':..'.: =?c.~. Sc. ft=. I ::J. I \,,00,..-:0.._'_ " /.... :d '"' 't .iGlJ 6.I=",er: ....t.1'C"'..l" S ,~-:""'....~ S~rvice ( I (I Ibe:>KOP El.eot~ical Pe~it St::te SU1'oha:rae ~. Tota l Ciza.1'ces -7'':;''1 ;"':0. , -- C.::';j~[;=- ='U1'r..:zce PTU' S :::::haust Hoo.: ;rent Fan ,'=,odsto:Je PeT'T77'~t Issu:mc;J Meoiu:.r:ic::.! Permit State Surchcrae 'Potel Cr.l7r"aq~ -- El/CROACH/.1E~~I7' .CC"..Iri t:J Dzoosi t 'torapc 'I. '.1intcrioCr~,~ '.. C1'1r.""~... Total ChaT'oes :a-;:'cu: ide'.J.:z l k 'C'n~e 'lcctrico.l Label '"bile Home 7)oP;B::..t!= ~~ -f r5~ .... ....."...., ....n~ ftJ.'.oJl.Jo'J,. I~~-= I /.7S- I ?/&:B.C; I vii:;: .. T"peICor.st: Beiroo~s: En!i!rr.:; So:,rcer! Hcat T:,,:,,c P. L. tlortn East IsO!< th IWest SethacK:1 I House Cara(}c I I I I k'atr.ra .'!Ga:c'!" Ha1tr.:c FireDlace Woou::t;ot.'e Access. -- 'Facs ., . Building Value & Permit This permit iG granted on the express condition that the said. construction shaH; in all. respects, conform to ,the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning C'rdinance, regulating the cenGtF..I.::t;ien and UGe of buildings, and m~y be'suGpended 01' revoked at any time upon vie- Lation of any pmvisions of said OrdinanceG. . Fee: //'!1,t:), <6-('3 ~~/ 100lS C-c.- P~umbi,ng ,Perrrdt 1- Plan Check Datc Paid: I Recdpt #: ISig~ed: . No per~on GhaZZ construct" instaZZ., alter or change any neu cr e=isting plumbiT'~ or drainage syst~~ in whol.e or in part, unless such per:;on is the legal possessor.of a valid plumber's license, except trAt a pe~son ma~ do plumbing ~orK to property ~hich is ow~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ,~ Electrical Permit Where State Law reauires trAt the electrical ~or~ be done b:; an Sl20trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pe~it shall not;'be ~::.Zid until the label has been signee: by r:he Elect;r'ical ::.'Ollr:rcctor. I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I IVlechanical Permtt 4 . P?,gryxc.miner ~---? - /' - ~-//-~? iJate ' - I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that al l i~fo:'mation hel'eon is true and correct, an.:i I further certify that any arn all work performed shall be do~c in ac~or- dance with th2 Ordin.:znces of the City of SpringficZd, and th.:: Lcr..:s of the ~ State of Oregon pert.:zining to the ~ork describcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PI:NCY ~iZZ be made of any GtructUl'2 ~ithout parmission of thc Building Di- vision. I further certifij that only contra.::tors and c.~pbyecs who arc ir. compliance with ORS 701.05S will be used on this project -I) ~ '. , , xiii '1 -". - y I . 3 -/3 -'t/