HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-17 I v .. RESI~TIAL.. APPLICA21VN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 974?? Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: Otmer: Address: City: ~ ,Supe1:'vising_ Electr:ician Receipt ,II IB~O Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: I' .. Il,1 INSUl,ATION/VAPOFl BARRIER iNSPECTION: To be made after alZ insuZation a~~ required vapor barriers are in pZace but before any Zath, gypsum board ,or waU covel'ing is' applied, and befol'e any insulation is concealed. D I DRYWAl,L INSPECTION: To be made ..---J aftel' all dl'ywall is in p14ce, but priol' to any taping. O MASONRY: SteeZ Zocation, bond . beams, grouting or verticaZs in accol'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D r.JOODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is ccmpleted. .~0(oO /)a/A~ Assessor::: Map"U .{ ~.~ v~ . tJ . . I" J Subdivision: [lJJ. 0 eW '((I'iI. l<;hJcs / Me V(P31 , , I' New De~ r:';t /J -, // ~ 10' , . Addition ([Jv/:?t1 f/L/ /? ~ -I- I I RemodeZ '/JIll - ciV-t)J fU( , tt:-J :1obilo F/~,fA>"'Ii"'Sl' #-c_ #";lS i -' S'f&1 {lj'C siO".a, Date of Application l( - s;- . - ~ y vaZu? '-;2 3,. 9 () r; , Date: Cont.ractors I"'" Address.,h y.ss: l '. ~di:~ Boa_rd Reg. ,General 'z"~h1 e1..-rQ I!rI J .//1. (Jf?4,A 17 IV tJYJJI..LJ ;Plumbing ~~ i H~chanical ~ Electrical ~~, , I II I I (JtJM /lA ~ ) ... (/ !~/ I SPRINGFIELD -* , d.. . 4--1-,1 -89 Expir,es ?:l?' 'l6(,,; I Phonp t /9tfJ f . 7i J- fO "- Tax Lot U - "'"' /~(...~ .'l\:.j\~ . . I L7-()2-33~- Phone: /16 Jl/9' ,c;/k? I I It is the responsibility of the permit hoUier to see that alZ inspections are made at the,proper, time, that each ~ess is l'eadab:e fl'oin the street, and that the pel'mit card is located at the fl>ont of the pl'operty. *Bui!ding Divi~ior. apppoved pZan s~lZ l'emain on tha Building Sits at aZZ times. Pl?OCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION REQPEST:CALL 726-3769 (recordel') state your City designated job m07:ber, job addIoess, type of inspec:;icll l'oquestcd ar.d when you wiZ Z be ready for inspcction, Contractors or Otmers ncme and phone number. Requests received befol'e '1: 00 ,~ :.'iZZ be made the.same dcy, l'equests mcde after '1:00 (WI wiZZ bs made the ncxt :JOrking day. o o Reauired InsDp.cticns SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but pl'ior to set up of forms. . llNDERSl,AB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & NECHANICAL: To be made befol'e any work is ~overed. IKJ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to poul'ing concret~; ~x.1 UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING, SEI.JER, W,1TER, I (l2RA1NAG[':~ To be made pl'iOl' to fiZ- . 1---*=-.1.' . Zt.r.g tl'enches. o o D D D UNDERFLOOR PWNBING & MECHANICAL: To be made pl'ior to instaZlation of 11001' insuZation Ol' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instalZation of floor insulation or. decking. ROUGH PWMBIllG, ELECTR!CAL ,~ MECH- ANICAl,: No work is to be covered untiZ these inspectior:s have beer. made and appl'oved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing matel'iaZs and before fl'aming inspec- tion. FRAMING: Must be requelJted aftel' approvaZ of rough pZumbing, eZectl'i-' caZ & mechanioaZ, AZ! l'oofing bl'acing & chimneys, et~. ~~st be ,compZeted. No work is to be con- , ceaZed until this inspection has 'been made and approved. Zip: /l IV AL../' ,'l(~~ q /) 'grC; () ;;1~ ,il." , , I, I'll . , D CURB & APPROACH AP.'?ON: After' forms . are oreoted but pl,ior to pouring ..:!on:Jr'e te. DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS ,. ~ Sani~ary sezJel'..:J~ped atp:.opcl,ty Zir:e ==:J Septic tank p~cd and fiZZed with Gl'a~eZ I FinaZ - [,'hen above items are compZeted ..---J and when demoLition is complete or stJ'U::- ture moved and premises oleaned up. I Mobi Ze Homes ~ BZocking and Set-~p ~ PZumbing connections sewer and wa=el' '1J7l EZectricaZ Connection - Blocking, set-u? ~ and plumbing connections m"~st te approved before requesting eZectricaZ inspection ::tJ. AcoeSsol"d Bui lding . VI FinaZ - Aftor pOl'ches, ~ etc. are compZeted. skil'ting, decks, o SIDEro/ADK & DRIlJEro//',y: Fol' aZZ con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after alZ exca- vating compZete & form work & sub- .base inatel'ial in pZaoe. D' , , " A ZZ pl'o.iect condi tions, such as the {,nstaZZation of street tl'ees, ao....'pZati.:;-n of the 'required landscapir:g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can,be'requcstsd. IX I FINAL PWMBIlIG o FINAL MECHANICAl, D FINAL ELECTRICAl, [J e),'. O !'ENCE: h'hen compl"te -- Provide gates or movabZe sections thl'ough P.U.E. [KJ?711~c/- //r~~ -. FINAL BUIWING: The Final Building Inspqction must be requested after ,the FinaZ 'Plumbing ElectrioaZ, and Mechar:ical InspectionlJ have been made and approved. ~A['[' MANHOl,ES AND Cl,EANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBl,E, ADJUSTNENT ~O BE MADE, AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa!7c ' of ;; SOLAR ACCESS REQ:- OCcUpancl./ Grou~&>a"..c~ ~~ LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - I JOB No.'tf0c9'l1 I Zone: LOR / ~N~ . ( , Lot Sq. Ftg. ,% .:;f lot C.:;verag~ II of Stories 1'ota l Height' I Topography I I ITE:ftI I Main I Gar~ae I CaI'por't 111000ssol'l/ ?- l~n~.5'. r SQ.FTG x S.D.C. TOTAl, VAWE (1Ja~uc) 1.5:i:~$O?7G Building Permit State Surcharge Total Char'ges I ITEM No.1 FEE I~~~..~-~CJ?::' I Residenti:l' (1 bath) I Sani tary Sewer I I~t~( I ~/~t'~ ~A,~~- . PZumbing Permi t, State Surcr.arge Total Char{1es I ITEM I Res. Sa. fto. I Naw/Extend Circuits IT~~~PQ~ Service A~.r,k'vp , NO.' FEE ( ,/ EZeotricaZ Permit State Suroharge TotaZ Charges IITSM I ~nace PTU' S I Exhaust flood I Vent Fan I I Woodstove I I NO. . FEE Permit Issuance MechanicaZ Permit State Surcharoe TotaZ Charaes I -- ENCROACHMENT _:.. Ise~~rity Deposit I Storage ' , I MaintenaMe I Permit Total C'hcirqes Curbaut I Sidewalk I, Fenoe I EZectricaZ LabeZ I Mobile Home 5~ 7J.ua~' 'I ~ I T07'Al, AMOUNT DUE: * Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-saa Value . -:< s-'a:::t ~ 195"7. /'S ~ '58. So /. ~ '3? ~~ ~;:; * I CHARGE /5~ -~ ~.~ ,? 5- C$t!!!> ~.'- e 70-~ 5' -lye> 7::i:So * CHARGE '~s:~ t5=c~ ~~ --...- /...5D I Y/~S:-o ~ Cl/ARGE . 36.'--' ~ /2> d~3~"33 u Tijpe/Cor:st: e L -co G-1t Bedrooms: P.l,. North E'ast South Iro/est Setbacks House Garage Aaaess. I I E:nerml Sow'ces I Heat I ro/atel' Heater I Range Fireplace Wood:; tove T.1/r>e I II -- Pees Building Value & Pe r m it This permr:t is granted on the express condition that the said aonstruction shaU, in all respects, conform ,to the Ol'dinanae adopted b!! the City of Springfield, ina!uding the ,~oning Crdinance, l'p.gulating the aO/lstructicn and use of buildings, and may ,be suspended or revoked at anytime upon vio- Zation of any provisions of sdid Ordir.ances. PZan Cheak Date Paid: Reaeipt #: I Sign.ed: Fee: ;;L5, 0 -3 '-{ -5-';(9 Plumbing CL Permit No person shall aonstruat, instaU, aUer or change any new cr existing pZumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the Zegal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do pZumbing work to property whiah is owned, Zeased or operated ,by the appli- cant. Electrica I Perm it Where State l,aw requires tr.at the eZectrical work be done by an EZeotrical Contractor, the electriaaZ portion of this permit shall not be vaZid until the Zabel has been signed by the ElectricaZ ~ontraator. Mechanical PermH ~ 4 ,ait Examiner 1-/?-8'3 uate L I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appZiaation for permit, and do hereby aertify that all info~ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d alZ work performed shalZ be dO:1e in acaor- danc~ with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the L~~s of tho ~ State of Oregon p$rtaining to the work cescribcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be made of any struature without permisiJion of tl1(,i Building Di- vision. I further> certify that O~lZy contraotors a;;d e~pZ.:;yees who are in compZiance with ORS ?Ol.05S wilt be used on this project . ~ .y~kr ~1t'l Sigflad