HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-19 .. RESIDaNTIAl" APPLICA~N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Ol>egon 971J7? Building Division 726-3753 SZ("o 1)41'(1 Iv( Iff- tES1A--1?~ , , - '(7 -/)&", 7<- (/,D :5<600~ S1ro ,_ LerF 7J W6'O//Ctl)?7~ p~ l5z::.~?J~;'5UoDIJI.f1'krllOne: --1J,~-'1'719 :sPR IItJOJ he-{ /) , ' Zip: Q-;c.(77 , ( ~4f2 Po4<-t -+ <so to Rvt;e: ,~ ooN\ Job Locatio/I: Assessor:; Map H SUbdivision: Ai rUIGtAJ Ol.mer: Address: City: IYI I I I I I I NmJ Additicn RemodeZ ,',lobi le !loma o-4-8C( Date of AppZicaticn Contractors General ; Plumbing i Hechanical I Eledrical S'~6- I Suoervisinz_Elel'tl'.ic inn SPRINGFIELD '-/;h !~ Descnbe rl'orh: VaZue 4_~ 0 \ c; r; Li.se.}It Rcce-:.pt ,1/ '"(/:/-/1 ~ J ,~ ' 1~~ ~() \' \\\i\ (0' d ...,l,gr:e : '. Date: I,m) . tl.. 10 (y) IC(~G[- Exbires Phnnp Address , Bldrs Board Reg. ~~ -:> ~~ q-? - . It is ~he responsibility of the permit holder to see that aZ~ inspections are made at the propel' tim€, that each ~ddress is readab:e from the street, and that the pe1'TTlit card is Zooated at the [J'Ont of the property. ~Eui!ding Divi::io!". approl.-'eJ FZan shdl l'emain on tho:: BuiZding Sit$ at aZZ times. PIWCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QPEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job mq;;ber, job address, type of inspectic/J requested ar.d w~en you ~iZZ be ready for inspection, Contractors or OWners name and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ~ :.'iZl be made the same day, requests mr.de after 7:00 am wiZZ b$ made the next :JOrking day. '. Your City Deaigr.ated Job Number Io: f1=1nd '\ ~ , - - ,- - - ,- - \.-....- . .' ~ ., t . 1 ' ' ,A,ZZ proJect conditions, such as tile i.nstaZZation 'of street trees, CO'":1pZation of the" .. .. "',' requiY'ed Zandscapir:g, ctc., muS.t be satisfied before 'the BUILDING FINAL can,' be raquastad.:, ! !?em/il"ed TnSD(!(!ticn.'l O SITE INSPEC,"ION: To be made altel" excavation. but prior to set up of forms. D UNDERSr.AB PLllftfBINC. ELECTRIC,1L <~ : MECHANICAl,: To be made bejol'e any work is covered. . ").. ~ ~OOTING & FOUNDATION: To be IIIade L.Y1 ~fter tl'enchelJ al'e excavated and . forma are erected, but prior to pouring concret~. UNDERG!?OUND PWMJ3INC~ SEIfER. WATER, DRAINAGE: To be made priolO to fiZ- Z1:r.g trenchee. o o Ut!DERFLOOR PWM13ING & MEC!lANICAL: 10 be made prior to installation of j100r insuZation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to , instaZZaticn of fZoor insl.Zation or decking. 4)- I ,v I ROUGl/ PUlMEIl/C, ~,EC'l'RI(c'~" MEel/- I^- ANICAL: No wor!: is to be eOl.-'el"cd ur;ti~ these inspectior:s have beer. made and approved. D FIREPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g J:acing matel"iaZs and before framing ~nspec- l.p tior.. ~RAJ1INr:: Must be I'equeoted after ~ approval of rough plumbing, eZectri- caZ & mechanicaL. AU roofing , bracing & chimneys, eto. ~~st be ,compZeted. No ~ork is to be con- , ceaLed until this inspection has . been made and approved. o o ~ '![J '- FINAL PWMBIl/C & D INSlJLATION/VAPO.r? lI,4/lRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aZZ insuZation ar.d required vapor barriers are in pZace but before any Zath. gypsum board or wa~~ covering is app~ied, and before any insulation is conceaZed. DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sanitary seLler oapped at p:.opcl'ty Ur:e ~ Septio tank pumped and fiZZcd ,With gra~el I FinaZ - mIen above items are compZeted ~ and ~hen demoZition is compZete or Btru~- ture moved and premises oZeaned up. : I' . : , , , , o DRYI';AU. INSPECTION: To be made after aZZ drywaLl is in pZace, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: SteeZ Zocation, bond beamo, grouting or verticaZs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODS7'OVE: After instaZZation is acmpZeted. MobiZe . Homes ~ BZocking and Set-up ~ PZumbing connections sewer and ~ater ~ EZectricaZ Connection - BZocking, set-u;: --.J and pZumbing connections m".Ist ce approved before requesting eZec:rioaZ,ins?ec~io~ , =:J Acoessol"i BuiZding --, Final. - Aftar pbJ.ches, ~ etc. are compZetcd. skirting, decks, o D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: AfteI' forms are oreoted but Pl'ior to pouring ~on:!,.,ete. o , ,I I " , , , _.'." ..~..r') "';:~'~.I"~~ i ' ',' /\, ',' " D SIDgr{ALK ,~DRIl!EW:Y: ForaZZ con- crete paving within street right-, of-way, to be made after aU exca- ' vating 'oompZete & form'L1Ork & sub- base materiaZ in ?Zaoe. , , , ." , " I'.' !;O':' ""." .....; ......., , D fENCE: h'her. compZc:te -- Provide gates or movabZe sections through P.U.E. ~ . .... , ,( o i._ FINAL ME(;HANICAl, FINAL BUILDINC: The FinaZ BuiZding Iriopeotion must be requested a!tel' tllO FinaZ Plumbing EZeatriaaZ, and Mechar:iaaZ bispeotioniJ have been made and approved. , ' .. FINAL ELt:CTRIC!'.L v\~ "AU ',fMIl/OTRS AND CLF.ANOUTS nllST nF. /iCCESfJIBLF., ADJUST!lENT TO BE ftf.~DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa~~c 1 of :; t -, . r , JOB NO. I ;;onc: SOLAR ACCESS Occupancy Grou~ ,"" LOT TYPE Interior , Corner. PanhandZe CuL-de-sac REQ.- L -CO G-1t Lot Sq. Ftg. Z .:;f Zot C.:;verag:; .'1 of Stories. TotaZ Height I Topography I I TTP.M SQ. FTG IMai~ I GaraGe I Carport 'fype/cor:3t:. Bgc!.l'ooms: Lot Faces - . I F.nel'(II1 80arccll TIme Sethackn I jieat . P. D. 1I0uHe Gal'a!1() AccelllJ. I r';ater !lea tel' North I I Ranuc East I I Fircplacc South I ,I Woods tove r';est I I 1 1 I I I 1 -- Faes X VaZue " Building Value & Permit '" This permit is granted on ,the eXpreas condition that the said construction shaU, in all respects,. confol'171 to the Ol'dina/;ce adopted li!J the City of Springfield, inc!.uding the zoning Crdillance, reaulating the'colIstruction and use of buildings, and m:;'!J be suspended or revoked at G/:!J time upon vio- Zation of allY provisions of sai~ Ordinallces. '\ 4-lolQ() AccessorII TotaZ Clrar'ges ~ '\ ,4l o,l Or) I. ~ ~~D ' r:::J:l ~ y ~ . s_~ :- " . -:.~~, 03 l ~ S.D.C. TOTAl, VALUE (va~ue) 1.5 x ITEM Fix,tures . , , NO. FEE CHARGE PZan Check Fee: ~Q_. &~ l~_LLm~ I.- Date 'Paid: .} .. r Recdpt I/~, A 1-:<' () b() 'ISigned: ~1.M-:> Plumbing Permit Building permi t Sta te Surcharge ResidentiaZ (1 bath) No person shaH COllstruct, instaU, atter or change any new or e:::isting pZumbing or drainage syste.71 in whoZe or in part, w:less such pel'son is the ZegaZ possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a per'son may do pZumbing work to propel.t!J which is oullled, leased 01' opcl'ated by the appLi- cant'. , Sanitary Sewer I Wate~ I PZumbing Permit State ,Surcr.arge 1 . ~ . .... I , ' TotaZ charqes ~ j I'l'EftI I #es.hSo. fto. '., N~;E.xierid Circui to I Tempor;~ Service' I 'NO. ' FEE CHARGE Electrical Permit ::<~~- Where State Law requil'es tr.at the eLectrical worK be done by an EZectl,icaZ Contractor, the electrical portion of this pelwlit shall not be vaZid untiZ the ZabeZ has been signed by the ElectricaZ Contractor. TotaZ Charges , c1J ~SO ~..~ ~\-( I. /3 " ~81lo..-=) I ~ Ez'eotricaZ permit,..: St:;.te Surcharge IITSM I FUrl1.:lce NO. F88 'CHARGE Mechanical PermH PTU'S Exhaust Hood " Vent Fan ':. I . '.. I Woodstove I " 1 ':; , '. I I .01, I " . '.... .~.. Permit Issuance ~ \ f ;: 1 I I Se~~rity TotaZ Charaes': -- ENCROACHMENT -- " \ '\ .,I " ,\ , . " , ,. " '1.1 !' " .;. I : " ~ . 1'.'" 'I' ....... .' ,"" " MechanicaZ Permit : '-:-,;' ~ ."~ '..:.qrp',.. " ....' \. '-'. '" . State Surcharoe . Deposit 4/;-9~~d'~ /'Ip11 Examiner · - , K'l4? ~r:; . uate Storage Maintenanoe " I, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED thB completed application for permit, and do I hereby certify that,all ir.foromation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aZZ work perfomed shaZZ be done in accor- I dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th;; La:.JS of tho ~ State of Oreg.:;n p$rtaining to the work describcd herein, C:/1d :Jrat NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the BuiZdi/1g Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors a;;d e:lIpl.:;yees who are in compLiance with CRS 701.05S wiZl be used on this project Pcrmi t TotaZ Chargos eurbcut I Sidewa lk Pa1z:)c.'j .. ., . , "". , EZectricaZ [,abeZ I Mobi Ze Home I ,:' .:.~' ~ 3:': ~' L' i.' . '. ." ,1 . . "W~"'A T_ .Hll1l1NrJ1 n!lJ;'. Jt t1Jntnl". ~' / . Ie? /j' n te ./ /{,fj'