HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-7-10 ~~ __..fi,"'D'__"'''''.'- ~.....".....__ ~ ~.'''.'''LU'__'''''''''''''''''_"''''_' .. __._.~ ~ __..""'....,.."n...,...~...~>Wr~..,.ofr.tt~'oJ..... ........,.lIi~' "-~,, .. RESIDENTIAL.. SPRINGFIELD APPLICA./PERMI'l' 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job l,ocation: ~f..pD 0/6 U A8sesIJorz Nap # l? ffi 04 \ ~ I Subdivision: Ouner: ~UF:F &r-fld Address: 43/tJ A-5+er <:.5{ Ci ty: S1Cd. V I I II RemodeZ IVI :.lobi Ze Home I Date of Application Cont.ractors i General , ' iPlumbing \ Hf:,chanical Electrical N"w Mdition ..i.t/ ~ 9/~0; f I I?ecdpt ,q J -5 t;' , ~~~Jj ~ cfLuJ0 . It ~ 1- :;~ Value J.,1, ~ ~ li2;.VJ 4-s~ 7'c;x Lot /I 0(0 l \ ~ Phone: 1~- Od-4-3 Zip: 17cfi? Describe 1>'01'7c Signed: Date: '7/ IlJ - r;--t1 ti ( , EXI)ir.<~s Ponl1P , Address , ,Lisc. II BIdes Board He!'!.. ,Super~ising Electr~ci<ln It is the responsibiZity of the permit hoLder to see that aZl inspections are ~ade at the pl'oper time, that e~ch ~ddress is readabZe from the stree t, and that the parmi t card is Zocated at the f1'ont of the property. *Bui?ding Division. approved FZan shaZZ l'emain on tha Build'ing S'ite: at aZZ times. , PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769(I'cco1'der) state your City designated job mu;;ber, job address, type of inspec:icn requested and w,l:en you w'iZZ be l'eady for inspection, Con'tractoT'S or OlJners nCll/e and phone nwnber. Requests received before 7: 00 ~,' !J.'iZZ be made the sCUlle dcy, requests made after 7:00 CUll wiZZ be: made the next :xJl'king day. , I I, ,RemliT'p.d TnSD"ct1:cn,q D: SITE INSP/!7C'I'ION: To be made after excavation, but pl'ior to set up of , forms. O "UNDERSLAB PWMBING, EGECTRIC,1L <~ : MECHANICAL: To be made befol'e any . work is covered. ' ..\.' D' FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made , after tl'enches are excavated and forms are erected, but p1'iOl' to pouring ccnCl'et~. [J. ,UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING, SSIIER, r..1TER, ,DRAINAGE: To be made priol' to fi Z- ,Zir.g trenches. 0: UNDERFWOR PLUMBING <~ MECHANICAL: .. 'To be made prior to instaZZation of [2001' insuZation or decking. O POST AND BE.'AM: To be made prior to instaZZation of fZ001' ins~Zation or decking. , D ROUGH PWMBING. E~EC7'RJCAL & MECII- ,ANICAL: No work '~s to be co~'el'ed ,ur:ti l 'these inspections have beer: made and aPP1'ove.::. D FIREPLACE: PrioT' to plccir:g facing mctel'iaZs and before fmllling inspec- tior.. D FRAMING: Must be T'equested after appl'ovaZ oj' rough plwr.bing, aZect1'i- caZ & mechanical. AH l'oofing bracing & chimneys, et~. ~~st be ,; compZeted. No work is to be con- ,;.",:ceaZed until this inspection has , ' ',~,been made and approved. - ,.'.-- -.- Your Ci ty' DelJ'igr:ated Job NIUl/bel' Is: D INSULA'I'ION/VAPOl? BAI?RIER INSPEXnON: To be made after' aU insub.tion aro.d , required vapOl' bal'1'ieT's are in pZace " ' but before any la th, gypS1Ul/ boaT'd 01' =ZZ cove2,.ing 7:8 appZied, and before any inlJulatiorl is cOIICeaZed. D DRYWAU INSPECTION: To be made aj"tel' all dl'Y1JalZ is in place, but priol' to any taping. vq() (p &; ct ,,. o MASONRY: Steel Zocation, bond beCUIIs, gl'outing 01' vel-ticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After instaZZation is completed. . DEMOLITION OR :~:OVED BUILDINGS :=J Sani-:Q1'y sewer oapped at p~operty Zir:e =:J Septi:: tank pumped and fi ZZed wi th ;]l'a;;e Z I PinaZ - rl'hen above 'items are compZeted ~ and when demolition is complete 01' sti'u::- ture moved and pNJmises cleaned up. Mobi Ze Hemes ~ BZocking and Sat-~p ~umbing connections sewer and wa-:er ~ectrical Connection - BZocking, set-up ~~~d pllUl/bing connections nr~st be appT'oved before l.equesting eZectl'icaZ inspection ~ Acoesso1'1j BuiZding ===: ~- Aft~r porches,' skirti~~~ decks, '~~~~~~e compZeted. D AZZ F'ojeot co~dit'ion:J, auch as the 'i,nstallat'~on of stl'eet trees, co,':?pZetion of tile pequiped landsccpir:g, etc., ImlSt be sat'isfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requestscl. D FINAl, PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL D FINAl, ELEC7'RICAL o D D CURB & APPIWACII AP.'?ON: Afte;o forms are erec'ted but p1"io1' to pouT'ing .::onorete. o PINAl, BUIl,DING: Thc Pinal Building Inspection nmst be requeated after the PinaZ, PZwl/bing Electr'ical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiolw have been made and approved. D SIDEr';A[,K ,~DRD'/WAY: F01' aU con- crete paving w'itJdn street l,ight- of-way, to be made after aZZ exca- vating compZete <~ 1'0= work & sub- base mateJ"ial 1:n pla::e. ";1[,[, !,/;lNfWU:S' AND CU:/1NOU'I':'i !I/I.'iT m: llCCI'::;,::WU::, M),IIJD'l','ii':,~'!' '1'0 !II': MMW ,~'!' NO CO,~:'I' '1'0 r:r!'Y P,l!':i' 0]' 'J D PENCE: f,'iwr: CO!l1pZ;,te -- Provide gates or movable sections tll1'oug1: P.U.E. . D' . .1' \ 1 I \ , . I I , I \ L -co G-1t I JOB No.~aolo4S0LAR ACCESS REQ,- . Zone: (J'f J ' Occupancy GrouP.r~ Lot Sq. Ft;:- ~ , WT TYPE I Got Faces - I % .:;f lot C.:;verage Interior I P. L. II of stories Corner lNorth Total Height Panhandle lli'ast South Topography Cul-de-sac ITE:M I SQ. FTG X Va lue I I I 1 !fXJOcxJ Main Garac? Carport I AccessorII I I I S.D.C. , TOTAl, VALUE 1.5 x . , Building Permit State surcharge Total Charoges lITEM I NO. FE'E ~f'::.. l- I;U. t;.. S f'ft{-\ ResidentiaZ (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer I roJatar . ~JT\ !JDJXJ 70.00 (.!)n, cxJ rJ{) .CD , l3.< 3. PZumbing Permit State Surcr.arge . 'TotaZ Char es .1 ITE:M t.m"s. a(J. ~tq. "'.t\.. I New/Extend Circuits I T~orary NO. I FEE CHARGE . \~ .Cf-J \2:>; qu 30.L.V ' , II:SO 9/ .0()1 * State Surcharge Total CharGes IITSM I FUrnacll ETU' S I Exhaus~ Hood I Vent Fan Woodstove I NO. I FEE CHARCE Permit Issuance Meohanical Permit State Surcharae TotaZ Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~~rity Deposit I Storage I Maintenan~e I , * .f'\ '9? ) I (\ 'LL/ I I I Permit ..... TotaZ Charqes Curbcu~ Sidewalk Fet1~e EZectricaZ Label Mobile Home 3S. (J.J 1. r~~ I rnJ"1mA T (~411J.~. * JI ur.ll111m nlll:'." " . 1 E'nerq1/ Sources I_ I Heat J- 'l:-/ I Access. I r roJater .'I0dter ,2:': ~nge <-f"'Fipeo lace 'I I Woods tove I I I T,me Type/Cons t: Bedrooms: _ ~ Setbacks House I CaJ'age I r';est Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the e,rpress condition tl~t the said construction s ha ZZ, in a ~ l respects, conform to the Ordinance adop ted b'y the ci ty of Springfield; incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at c.n!! time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Plan Check Fee: -tfF:!Ji!1 Date Paid: I.,/;;..q 1<<7 R~cdptA: '11-~?2,~. ,S1-gn.ed:~ Plumbing Permit 1(. ~7J No person GOOll construct, instaU, aLter or change any new or existing plwnbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do pZumbing luork to property which is owned, Zeased or operated by the appli- cant. .' * Electrical Permit Where State Gab) requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an ElectricaZ Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be vaZid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit' I I I I ~ P~"~~ \*~? 0 V 'l~1~' 8~ uaCe .. I l/,1VE CAREFUL!'Y 5XAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all inforomation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ara aZZ UJork pel'fo1"11ed .ghaZZ be dO;1e in accor- dance with the ordinances of the City of Springfiold, and th<: La:.Js of the State of Oregon p,9!'taining to the work desc1'1:bed herein, and that< NO OCCU- PANCY IJilZ be made of any structul'e withou.t permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that 0:1Zy contractors and e.~ployees who are in co~pliance with eRS 701.055 will be used on this project 7-/0-8-1 Signed Date