HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-9-24 .. RESIO_TIAL-.., APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 5l.t>~CJ J)d.tS4 Sl:. # ift:1 H [g O~04L( T=wt n Mt \) \e\A.) rY\. \..\.. '. . ,'Job Location: AsaesGol's Map SPRINGFIELD Rcce~pt .II I X,~q \ . .' ......... .I.~......... ._...... .-........ .,. ...,... . QX,; tdM f (1~ 1:~-\1rlq ~ , () '+_ --/~ cI~C'~) Ol.mer.: \'<\(). "( -\-,'"'f\ ..:..-r~ 0. 0 ~~V] e'\ (L')pJ, ?'Iq - "2 ~""'? J Adcb>ess:~~~\~ <;. Un-r1"\" (\o\.~y Phone: 121o-S~q4 City: C)\WJ we 1/ J \. Zip: 17'1210 /lfw~ p<t?7~~ r~/~:5 JX I ,'10bi le lloma : Date of Application 15-/f>'~o ' Contractors Ot"\')(\JlcY' Ad0:r:-ess . General (!u.J~ 'f () w i'\2.. V- I, Hechanical r\\\.) N ..,.. EJ.~ctri.!:al f)\^~ ,I Sl1De!i~c:.fi;;r_lg_ E~.eetr~eian ~, Subdivision: I .-' '. . , NeLl '" .:-.,., .. ...~ . ~ . I Addition :, ~~ ~~ . . ::<,- r ~a~~d~'Z,:':0 '" ,,,,,_., " j Plumbing Describe f,'ol'lc Value /'7/'-'- - . -0 I' ~4r' \S.5t100U Bldrs Board ~ ""' ~ 1 . Sigr..d, 0\\(0) . . Date: Y -&:4- ycJ , Reg. Expir.es Phnnp .' , Lise. 11 It is the responsibility of the permit holder to SBB that aZZ inspections CU'e made at the propel' tims. that each .:ddress is l'eadabZe fl'om the stl'eet, and that the permit card is located at the front of the propel'ty. ~Bui!ding Dtvi=ion approved plan shall remain on the Building Sit$ ~t all times. PJ?QCSDUP.E FOn INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccol'der) state your City designated job nwr.ber. job adcb>css. type of in3pec:icll 'J-equcstcd ar;d when yvi,A wi:Z be ;::~ady fer: -i....::;;:.~c..-:,;~v;;~~ Co.Tt;paato"ps 'Ol'-OiJnc;rs- nL;J71e~ ~;:d pJu;r:a. ,n~l.hc11. - Re"vues"i;a :"w"!eived cefcre ?:O{) .':":'1 l..'i ZZ be made th~ same day. requests made afta' 7: 00 am wi ZZ b:J made the next :xJl'king day. Remlil"ed ITlsDecticTl,q O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after exoavation. but prior to set up of forms. , O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,1L & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcl'ed. ' r:::r FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made ~ aftel' treTlches al'e excavated and forms CU'e ereoted. but prior to pouring concrete:. ~ UNDSRGl?OUND PWM!3INC. SEWER. W.1TER. L.:J DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- Zir.g tl'enohes. o UNDEl?FWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made pl'ior to inctallation of floor insulation 01' deoking. POST AND BEAM: To be made priOl' to installation of floor insulation 01' decking. ROUGIl PLU.'1BIflG. Ef,ECTRICAL & MECll- ANICAL: No work is to bc oovered ,until thcse inspeotions have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: ?riOl' to plaoir.g facing matel'ials and befol'e ;. ....,.:ng inspec- tior.. FRAMING: Must be requested aftel' approual of l'ough plwrbing. eleotri- cal & mechani~al. AU l'oofing bracing & chimneys. eta. nr~st be ,oompleted. No w:Jrk is to be con- , ceaZe~ until this inspection has . bsen made and approved. o :0 I : , ;0 o YOUl' City Decigr.ated Job Nwnbel' Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation ~M~ ., l'equil'ed vapor bClI'riers ClI'e in p laoe ',;:'," ;'.';: but b'efore any lath. gypswn boal'd 01' wan covering is applied. and befol'e any insulation is oonoealed. DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: To be made after aZZ dPywall is in place. but pl'ior to any taping. 0, MASONRY: Steel location. bond beams. grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415~ D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpletsd. D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms CU'e crected but p,'iorto poul'ing aonarete. 9a/tP57 DEMOLITION OR ;\IOVED BUILDINGS " \ ---, Sani :ClI'y SB!Jer :1apped at propel'ty Zir:e ---1 " " , , ' ",t IVIo~ "".,l'lIw~r.f~"'I,I",al r.,ll'iM;"I;~' ~ Septic tank p;:crrped and fiZZed with gra;;eZ I Final - f{hen above items CU'e completed ~ and when demolition is complete or Bt1'U~- ture moved and pl'emises cleaned up. Mobile Hemes ~lOCking and Set-up ~lumbing connections -- scwer and water ---'_Electrical Connection - Blocking. Be~-up ~and plUmbing connections nr~st ce appl'oved before l'equesting elec:rioal inspea:ion ~ Accessory Bui lding --.;;;rfinal - Altar p:Jrcnes. ~ etc. are completed. skirting. decks, D SIDErtALK & DRIl'Er/AY: Fol' all con- crete paving within street l'ight- of-way. to bc made after aZZ exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material in plac~. . ~ AZZ "projebt ~onditions, cuc!: as the 1~TlstaZZation of street trees. "co.':7pletion of tne required landsocpir.a. etc.. must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDINC FINAL oan be l':JquBstsd. o FINAL PLUMBlfIG 1:,'0 FIliAL MECHANICAL i lD FINAL ELECTRICAL , I ICJ. I' , o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspeotion must be requested after t/1C3 Final Plwnbing Electl'ioal. and Mechar:ical Inspections haue been made and approved. D !'ENCE: r.'her. compl.::te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. ~A['[' MANllOLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BF. ACCESSIB[,F., ADJUST!fENT TO BE ~MDE AT NO COST TO CITY Par7e' of 2 o JOB Nof{OI031J SOLAR eESS ~EQ.- I Zona: f...Jl ) I ) OccupanCl/ Group: fcJ ~ ;-) Lot Sq. Ftg. WT TYPE :r; vf lot Cvvel'age: Interior # of Stories Corner Total Height Panhandle Topography CUL-de-sac ~ -;1'" ... T:;pe/Cor:st: . L-COG~ P.L. North Setbacks House Cal'age Access. Bedrooms: :~ I Enel'fJ}! Sources r-' /' . I Heat r C-/ I Water Heater ~ I Ra/lge .p -' I e-l....J'irep~ I ~J,,!61~ I /'" T,(r>e Lot Faces - East South West -., Fees Value I \4JD'~ ITEM SQ.FTG x -Ifg; 'J \(\~ Garaae Carport 'I ACCe~SOl'U ,-..1 \nD \ 'Y ~ TOTAL , - -~.> C-- " VALUE .'\~FO?,) \'~~'Qj 1~~..s6 A ;LJ5 . c:t5 - J.~s .cPlo.~5- A S.D.C. (vaLue) 1.5 x Building Perrrri t State Surcharge Total Charges \ I I I N~.OO Water . rQ~ .,00 ~ OO~,~r9~.()~ Plumbing Pern:i t Q. - f) S .00 i (), .')5 IJ R. '1'\ A ITEM I NO. I FEE CHARGE Fixtures Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer State Surcr.a.I'ge Total Chal'aes ITEM NO. FEE CHARGE ~:2!L~lL:._ Naw/Extend Circuits Temporary Seroice Ele~tl'ical Permit State Surcharge Total Charc:es ITEM NO. FEE CHARCE F'urn:lce PTU' S I E.::hau8t Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove Pernrit Issuance Mechanical Permi t State Surcharae Total (,haralJE! -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~ritl/ Depo3it I Storage I Maintenance I Pcrmi t f'\JO Total Charges Curbcut Q5 ~ SideuJalk I Fence I Electrical Label I Mobile Home I ,,110 +- Q ) -~ f'\J) I-'.~ ~ I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: A . m,(is 1~.1~. ' '5 ,A.~ L\41 :l~. A Building Value & Perm it This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall. in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of ~ Springfield, indUding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction ,- . Cuid' use ''or 'buildings. and may be suspended 01' revoked at c.ny time upon vic- '. , Zatio.n"of It~y pl'ovi~i-ons of said Ordinances. .._-..... ,. .IPZan Check Fee: /~ .-::<~ I Date Paid: %4/<;'.'7 e> IRecdpt H:./$i'~~ ~ , ISigned:~~.p"'>r~ _ " \" ' 1'; r. ~ .Ph~.~bing Permit ~.. No pereon GhaH constI'Uct" instaZZ. aZtIii,r or chp.nge a.ny new Cl' existing plumbing 01' drainage syste~ in whole or in 'part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a vali4 plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned. leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Whel'e State LaIJJ l'equil'es tr.at the eZectrical work be done by an El.ectl'ical Contractor, the electrical portion of' this permit shall r~t be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. 0) 0'(\ A Mechanical Permit ~. J: . '~ )A Pl.an Examiner Uate I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do I' hereby certify that al.Z information hereon is true and corrcct, and I further certify that any ar.d aZl. work pel'fol":'fled shaH be do:-ze in accol'- I dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springficld. and the: Ur~8 of tho A State of Ol'egvn pCl'taining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZl be madlii af any stl'uature without permisaian of thlii Building Di- vision. I further cel'tify that only aontl'a.:!tol'S ar.d e7lplvYliies who are in co~pl.iance with ORS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this project 0f1;(Q!i SiO/l.'ld ~'t->~ -$#6