HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-11-2 (2) .. RESIDfATIAl..., APPLICAT I~PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 I Building Div~sion : 726-3753 I ~~.~ ..,' ......... ..._............... ._.,.... "I "."" ~ ~0/11 ~ 5lJ>f.oD 1)a.tS;1 / :*. # Jj.q N 1$ O~O 'tL( Taz wt n {\I\ i: \) \ e \.~ ) rY\. \..\.. 1: c:, -\-0:\ 0 , . ~,~. g ..\ ' () '~--J'. (/~.cz,.I:.C"" Omer.: {\(\f\ "( ",",,' "'<\ '\'~ 0.. 0 ~ '\ (L'/9J,&- YC/I-/-7 ~ ~ ? Add1'ess: ~ ~~ \ ~ S;. UJ)'(' 0(\" (\()\ . V Phone: 12lo - S ~q 4 .. Citlj: ~lL2.D we tI J' Zip: q 712fo /IIt:t?~ r~,~e r~/~5 , " ~ ,. '~ " .. 'Job Location: ASDesaol'S Map SUbdivision: , I I .'. ",. L .... ,"- " ., 'Nm.J .,:..... ,"-'.", .," :"': \ . ....., . --" I ,Addi ticn"~;' ~;:_,~,:..' , 5<:' .,' 'I ' ~e~;d;l.,:~.".~ " '".,." j ~ /"" ......-:'. -c\ / 5'>.Dro \S,SO() , Lise." Bldrs Board Reg. SPRINGFIELD fdM f ('1~ ~... Describe r,'ol'l{: , , I )( I .~fobi le lIoma "D~e of App7.icaticn.15-/5~"t:::> :Cont.rac tors OO..HU2.V' Address General ()W ~"f Plumbing ()w i\S.V'" ~Hechanical ("\\\"\ ~ \("" fEJ,~ctr:i..!;C11 fH,..~ Sl1pep'~('.n;j',1,=__~~ec tr~eian ~~ ' Value .f . ~ ,. .~ '.' , .. , i " , " , , . .... Sigr.ed: Date: \., \00JJI jr# r) Expi'c.es Phnnp It is the respono~bility of the permit hoUler to see that all inapections are made at the proper tim&~ that eaoh =ddress is readabZe from the street. and that the permit card is located at the front of the propel'ty. "!Jui!.ding lXvi::ior. appl'ot:ed plan sha7.7. l'emain on tha Building Sits at a7.7. times. PfrOCSDup.E FOR INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ecol'der) state yoUl' City design:lted job nwr.bel', job aad1'ess, type of in3pec~iclI N!qucsted ar.d W,!;f111 YUk wn.'l. be r.aady r;;;r'l'iGi;';;;i;;t;~,;;;,.. Co.ltmctO'i'B '01" 0lJr181'B' n.::J1,e-.:;;nd phc,;1'l3 1I"~.bel'. ,.Reques'i:i3 l'c:':eivea befcro 7: r.0 .::::1 t.'i7.Z. be made the same day, l'equests made alter 7:00 am Lri.7.7. ba made the nut :.JOrki1l{J day. Remli'l'p.n r"'BDP.cticn,q '0 SITE INSPECTION: r TO.'be made aftel' excavation, but prioJ' to set up of forms. , O ' UNDERSLAB PWMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANIf..'AL: To be made befoJ'e any WOl'k is ~overed. ' r:::::r FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made ~ after trenches al'e'e%cavated and f01'l1ls are erected, but prioJ' to pouring ccncret~. ~ UNDSRG.rroU.'!D PWM8INC. SSWER. w'1TER. L.:J DRAINAGE: To be made priOl' to fil.- 7.ir.g trenches. o UNDE!WLOOR PLUMBING & MEC!lANICAL: To be made pl'iol' to inatallation of j1001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made priOl' to installaticn of flool' insulation or decking. . ROUCII PW.'!BING. ELECTRICAl. & MECH- ANICAL: No wo1'k is to be coveJ'ed ,ur.til these inspections have beer. made and appl'oved. FI!?EPLACE: PriOl' to placir.g facing matel'ials and before J~.....:ng inspec- tion. FRA'!INr:: Must be requested aftel' appl'oval of l'ough plwr.bing, electPi- cal & mechanical. An roOfing bmcing & chimneys~ et~. nr~st be ,completed. 'No L1Ol'k is to be con- : oealed until this inspection has . been made ana approved. !D !O '0 D - o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECIIANICAL o FINAL ELECT!iICAL n o Your City Deaigr.ated Job Nwrrber Is: D INSULATION/VAPOH BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made aftel' a7.7. insulation a!".d ,'. J'equiJ'ed vapol' barl'iel's are in plaoe , ";,,.', :''",:. but l:'efo1'e any lath, gypsum boal'<! 01' w7.7. coveJ'ing is appUed~ and befol'B any insulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made afteJ' a7.7. dzoylJaZl. is in pZace~ but pl'iol' to any taping. ' O. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beama, grouting 01' vel'ticals in accorodanoe Lri.th U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After insta7.7.ation is ccmpleted. o CURB & APPROACH AP!?ON: AfteI' forms are cl'ected but pliol' 'to pouJ'ing aonal'e te. 9cC' /tt!/ 3" '7 DENOLITION OR NOVED BUILDINGS ", ". --, Sani~ary se!Jer ~apped !Jt propCl't.:J 7.ir.e --.-J " ". , ' ",I'_to """I.'h'~'W':'o'\lll',!",:" J'AiM,:..,~, :=J Septic tank p:.:u:rped and fined Lri.th am:Jel ---, Final - ~~en above items are completed ---l and ~hen demolition is complete or Bt1'U~- ture moved and pJ'emises aleaned up. Nobile Homes ~lOOking and Set-up ~lumbing connections -- scweJ' and ~a~el' ---'_~lectrical Conneotion - Blocking, set-up ~and plUmbing conneotions mr~st ~e apPl'oved befol'c J'equesting elec~rical inspec~io~ ~ Aoae{Jsol";j Build~ng ~in:ll - Aftcl' pOl'ohes, ~ etc. are oompleted. skil't~ng, decks, o SIDE//ALK & DRIl'Er/AY: Fol' an con- Cl'ete paving uithin stl'eet l'ight- of-r.x;y, to be made aftel' all e%ca- vating complete & fo1'm wol'k & sub- base matePial in pZa::e,' , o .'.' -. - -, .- - All~pl'oje~t ~onditions. Ducn as tIle installation of stl'eot tl'ees, 'co~letion of the l'equil'od landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied bcfol'~ the BUILDINC FINAL can be l'squeots4. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l'equested aftel' the Final ~Zumbing Electl'ical, and Mechar.ical Inspections have,been made and apPl'oVod. . AAT,L MANllOJ,ES AND CLF.ANOUTS Ul/8T lIF. ACCESSIBLF., ADJUSTlfl':NT TO BE MADE AT NO C~ST TO CITY I Pa!~e ! of 2 D PENCE: When complete -- PJooviae gates Ol' movable sections thl'ough P.U.E. o .' . .....,- ... JOB No<JOI030 SOLAR ~CESS REQ.- V 1 ) 1 ) Occupancy G. fcJ r ~ LOT TYPE L-COG~ Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac P.L. North East South ,West -- Fees Setbacks /louse CaT'a(1e Access. Bedrooms: ~ ~ ,,9' I EneT'IJ}/ SouT'ces r-' /' Tlt[le I !leat r C-J WateT' HeateT' ~ Range tiP __ ,..J......FiT'ep~ ~i.l,,!s~ " / ~ Lot Sq. Ftg. S "f lot C"1Jerag.: !I 'of Stories Total lleight Topogrophy Lot Faces - Type/Cor:st: . Zona: ITEM SQ.FTG x Value \4Y.).~) , . Building Value & Perm it ~'Qi " \"i\\4 , AcCeSSOT'll ~~ \ ') ~'TOTAL VALUE This permit is gronted on the expT'ess condition that the said construction shall. in all respccts. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of ...",' ;~ Spr~ngfit!,ld. including the Zonina Crdinance. regulating tlte ccnstructicn , and UDe '''f 'bui7..dings. and may be suapended or, re1Joked at any time upon 1Jic- ',:", '~" Zation: of if1y pro1Ji~jons of said Ordinances.: " '\SftJ~Pi'" \-~~/'Q I c:Q?xQ ..s6- ~ r()5,C:O , j .~5.. cPl.o.6tS ~ Gcraae CarpOT't S.D.C. IIXHucJ 1.5 :& lITEM I Futures I Residential NO. FEE CHARGE Plan Check Fee: /~ . '<'S- Datc Paid: !@-/<;' -~ e:> . Recdpt H:/~/ .. " Si,gned:$' ~~~ _ Plumbing Permit ' ~~ Building' Permi t sea te Surcharge Total Charges (1 bath)' No percon ahall construct., install. alter or chp.nge any neLl cr e:::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in 'part. unless such person is the legal possessor of a 1Jalid plumber's license. e:&cept that a person may do plumbing work to property which is or.med. leased or operated by the appli- cant. ~~.oo Watl!T' .., . -r<)~, C) 0 01rnYm ~l1l~'/J~ ,DO. Plumbing perr.:it" -- - md- fj ~ .00 State Surcharge ~ ,I) 5 '7~, 1CSl ~ Sani tary SeweT' Total ChaT'nos . ITb'M NO. FEE CHARGE Electrical 'Permi t Ros. Sa. fta. Naw/ertend Circuits Where State La1J requires troat the cl.ectrical. woI'k be done by an Eleatl'ical Controctor. the el.ectrical. portion of,this permit shall r~t be 1Jalid until the Label. has been oigned by the Electrical Contractor. Temporary Sel'lJice EleatT'ical Permit 0'(\ State SU'f'ahar'Qe Total Charges ~ ITEM .. NO. FEE ClIARGE Mechanical Permit Fur7'J.'lce !!TU' S E:haust Hood Vent Fan Woodsto:Je ~.~' . ~,. . Permit Issuance '~.., Meahanical. Permit '" State Surcharae Total Cha'f'qes -- ENCROACHMENT -- ~)~ So~~rit~ Dep03it I Sto'f'age I MaintenanC!e PCl"mit Pl.an E:cann..ner ua~e Curbcut ~ C21 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compl.eted application foT' permit. and do . hereby ceT'tify that all i~fo~tion hereon is true and corT'cct. and I furthel' certify that any ar.d al.l. Llork perfor:ned shaH be dO:1e in aecor- *~nce with the Ordinances of the City of Sprinafiel.d. and th.: ~~s of tho > ~ 'State of Oreg"n pertaining to the work described heT'e~n. and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiH be mde of any struatuT'.3 ",ithout permioJion of th~ Building Oi- 1Jision. I fUT'thoT' ceT'tify that o:1ly contT'aators aroll empl"yees wl:o are ill co~pl.iance with ORS ?01.05~ wil.l. be used on this project Total. ChaT'I7CS Sidewalk I r~n::e I EZectT'ical Label. I Mob~ le Home . ''10to)~ t1\Jb I TOTAL A/fOUNT DUE: 4 I ,. ! ~/,LJc:; t~. -_C:; 'Q,A~ 4f\:-) l~- ~ P,'";... ,,"'" . . ..-/ Permit No: . C{() \()~f) , Address:. 'Jj\..oloO \'Xli' . . . Issued b{9i~ . Date: .." . STATEMENT: ,,/''''''-' . . ..INFORMATION NOTICE'TO PROPERTY, OWNERS. " 'ABOUT CONSTRUCTION: RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon LawjORS 701.055(4}; requires'.residential building permit applicants .' who are not registered with the' Construction Contractors' Board to sign the following statement before.the.building permitcan be issued~ Licensed Architect ,and Engineer applicants, :exemptfrom registration under ORS 701 ~010(7}, need not submit this statement This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, 'and initial box 1 and either box 2Aor 2B: '" 1; I \ "....'1 I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A.. I . My general contractor is Contractor. registration number ., will instruct my generaL contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be' registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR / B. I Vl I will be my own general contractor. . If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. If I change my mind and co hire a Qeneral contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered With the . Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. / I.hereby certify that the above information is correct andthat 'have read and understand / ' the Information Notice to ,Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. c 'Akd~ ~ fviajJ:v~ ettRa':4u (: Ignature of P.,3rffi{t Applicant ',() .S . (OeVAJh:LfYj,. . ' . CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS SOARD'. ."" 0244J 10/24/89, . ": <:, . /I-?-q() Date '<...... ," ..-,~. ..~ r' l.- ...~. . ", WHITE COpy TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT, FILE ::....-..- . . PINK COPY TO APPLICANT. "'~ ..... " ,'. -. .. @)s