HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-11-2 .. RESIDEN:atoo, .. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 No~th 5th St~eet SpY'ingfield, O~egori 9'/477 , , Building Div~sion : '/26-3'/53 I toc:Jtion: 5(P~6 Del/Sq St. '-:If I.fq . saor: Map K [g O~O 'W ilJ~sion: 0t\ t \) \ e \k "\ fY\. \-\., ~) . SPRINGFIELD 'fa Lot n 1 . fd1Jj f (1~ "t,f.. '. <t~ ',' ,.......,......."..~....... .-. ..' ......... . \ <bLo'l , ~ . ~~ ~ '?~ -\,,:1 Q , ~ ~. () .~---=./' ~~C :~) !' \'(\" "( -\-,\ Y\ y<' (l..il~ HL"A'U: ~V<l-7~ 'I? / 'ess:P1~~\~ S. U()'(1'\', (\~ . V Phone: 1?ln-S'tq~ - J :..t.P QD we 1/ zip: C(7tj2.fo . . LMJ ." . ....... .' ". " ,... J .1dditicn,: ," l' ~em~d~l": , . , . " " Descnbe "'01'1:: /#t:rc?/~ ~e r~/~5 J .'!~b~ lo l10ma te of APpZicaticn.$-/5 .~c:> tnJccors r)q )iwv', Addre9S ernl ()W ~.:Y mbing ()\..\)"(\.Sl~ hanicDl r\\\"\ 'V'.t.\ \(" ccri.!;a 1 I)\'h\~,~ ~eli'\l/..t't.;;r,'g Elec t r~c i3 n (r'\.~ I ..,..... t'~/~r:-.o-. /yc>~ --0 VaZue, Li.sc, IJ Bfdrs Board Re~, \ .... ,\"1\ ::~):,~ \J)o;?~(e~() Expices 1j,ul!l{> ~. -ehe' responsibility of ths permit holder to see that all inspections azoe made at ths proper ,time, t1:at ec:ch ::deb-ess is }'caf-aoZe , the street, and that the permit card ie locatsd at the front of the property. :!di~ rr:lJi::ior: appro!:ed Flan shall remain on tlJ8' Bu~Zdin!1 sits at all. times. . :~DU!~~ Fon INSP~CTION R~Q.UEST.:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} stato your City .:lesi!]nated job nwr.ber, job aadJ'css, typo of in:JfJca~iclI lasted arou ..,'!;,m !IV" 101::':' bra "dady f"r: :.i:;~;';;'c:.~;.;;;. Co.itra"to,'s or Q.1"CJ'S n.:n,,, .:ind phc.11:J rr.lll.bct'. Rt1cplli::rl.iJ :o.:',-:eilJcc bcfcl'c :' :('!1 .'::'1 ~ be made the same dcy, requests made alter 7:00 am uilZ b:! made the nc%t :.JOrkirL] day. ciren TrtBf'lpr.t.ir:'111 SIn' INSPEC':'ION: To be made alter crcalJ.:Ition, ~ut prior to set up of forms. UNDF:nSr.AO PWMBINC. ~L~CTRICAL 8 N~CHA.'/ICAL: '1'0 be made beJ'ore any work is ~ovcred. _ FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be made aJ'ter trenches are excavated and form:J azoe erected, but prior to pouri"!] cencret~. ,1" ' U."DSRC!roUND PWM:JINC. SSJn:!I. 1I.1TF.!l, D.'lAINAGF.: To be made priOl' to fH- l.ir.g trenchee. UND~.'lF'LOOR PW/.aJI.vC .c M~C!/ANICAL: To be made prior to in:Jtal.lation' of J100r inou!c:tion or decking. POST AND B~A"': To be made pnor to instaLlatien of rZoor insulation or deckintj. ROUCII pr.W11/ING. ~r.F.CTnICA!. & /ofECf/- ANICAL: No :.lOr/: iD to be cOI.-ered ' .ur.tiL these inspections halJe beer. made and appl'OlJe:!. FI~EPLACE: Prior to plaeir.g facing mc:teJ.iaLs and before framin!] inspec- tio~. . I .~RA/~TNr.: Must be requeated after apPI'olJ.:ll of rough plwr.bing, aZectri- cal & mecluni.-:al. AH roofintJ bracina & chimneys, et.-:. nr~st be ,completed. !lo wrk is to be con- : cealed until thia inspection has 'been made ana appl'OlJed. - - ] FINAL PWMBI/IC ] FIlIAL /.rEef/ANIC"" 0 ] FINAL EC.~C1'!/ICt.L All 'proje~t ~onditions, ouch as 'tIre 1~nstalZati.on of street trees, "cOr.,platiort of tile required Zandscapir:!]. etc., 1Ift/St be satiofied befo,r~ tl:e BUILD/Ne 'FINAL can bo r::qllcllt:rd. Your City Deoi!J1'.atcd Job Nlunber 10: D INSULATION/VAPOfl lIARlIlf.'R INSP!:CTION,: To be made after all. inoul.ati~n a~~ .'. J'oqui.red vapor ba:t'riorfl are in place ,;," :.... but ];'efore any lath, gypoum board or uall. coverin!] is applied" and before any inoulation is conceaZed. O DRYJlAT.L INSPECTION: To be made after all drylJaZl ie in place, . but prior to c:ny tapin!]. D MASONRY: Steel location, bo~d becuna, !]I'OU ting or vertica Zs in accordailce vith U.B.C. Section 2415. O IIOOD5TO'lF:: After instaZZation is ccmpZetcd. O CURB & APPROACH AP.'?ON.~ Afte,,:, forms azoe oreoted but ptoiorto pOllring . .-:onorete, o 5IDEflALK & DRII'F.1/t.Y: For all con- crete palJil1!1 lJithin' street right- of-IJeY, to be made after all e%ca- lJating cOmplete & fo~ uork & cub- base material. in pla::e, . D !'ENCE: When complete -- ProlJide gates or mOlJablc sections througl: P.U.E. o - - - 9a/tP?:7 DEMOLITION OR NOVE!) 8/1/LDI,'/CS --, Sani-eCU'y sBlJer aapped :It property l,:r.e ----I " ,.. . ,'.,"........I~lu'w-:"'..,'~.'.:ll 1.'Ji!.l...,~. ~ Septi:: tank p":v.T?cd and fi.llOJd lJUI, ara:Jel -, Final - mien az",lJe items arc r.cmpleted ~ and IJhen demoHtio~ io compZete 01' otru,,- ture mOlJec! and prcmi3eo ::le.:zne:J up. ,.lobiZe IIcme8 ~lOcking and Set-~p ~lumbin!1 conne~tions sCIJer ant? lJa~cr I_~lcctrical CCJ'Inection - BZockina, Bct-up ~dnd plUmbing conneotions mr~st ~e approved , before l'equestin(1 elec~ri.cal illl'i'r.c~io~ ~ Ao.-:essol"; Built!~11!1 ---;;t1il1.2. l - After porches. .--J etc, are completed. sk~rt~n!1, decks, D - - - - -- FINAL BUILDINC: Tllo Final Building Inspection must bo reqileatad after tlla f':lUll rl'I",llill" EZeotrical., ana Mechar:ical Inspect~ona halJo been made and approlJed. ' I.. " , , ' "f :! I __.. ......_ .... JlIlI.1I"'"" ....... Jlh ,,""''''''.'''''' ".n n," .'.4"" ,1". I!n r~!:T Tn rr',"Y Lot Sq. Ftg. % "f Lot C"verag~ !I 'of Storieo TotaL !!eigllt Topogl'aphy Interiol' COl'nel' PanhandLe CuL-de-sac 1'. [,. North F:as t South '''est L-I..;Ul,. r~ BedroomS: ~ Eller'l" so;~rccs.,: 0 !Ieat WqtCl' !''!!}f.1l1' e-. Rallan. .p .J .-l....firp.I'l.~ '~d,,'igl'~ Ti/l'e , JOB No.Q'D/030 SOLAR ~CCESSrRE~- t1/ ) ( ) OccupallC11 .: Ie'" ~ LOT TIPE c..ot Faces - 2071C: "- /1 Faos ..... Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the expreoo condition t/~t the said construction shaLL, in alL l'espccto, conform to tile ordinance adopted by the City of SprfngfieZd, including tllIJ Zonina Crdinallco, reguZatillg tile cella tructien . and uoe '()f buiZdi'1!Js, and m:.:y be suopended or revoked at CI:y time upon vie , l4tion' of any provi8~ons of said Ordina1lces. ' " ' . [Tm ~/Qi_ f'\ ~ SQ.FTG x Va luo . \ 4 f'f),0- ) .J Garace Carpol.t r'" , , ' ACCCSIIOI'II ~ '.'~ TOT" VALUE ~ S.D.C. I va,ue) 1.S :t: PZ:AIl1bing Permit IN~,OO IrO'6 .00 '~~ ,DO. f) ~ .00 ~. No percolI ohaLL conotruct, instaZZ, az.ter or change any new cr e:::isting pLumbing or drainage syste~ in whoZe or in part, unLess such peraon io th LegaL possessor of a vaLid pLumber's License, 6:t:cept that a pe~son may do pLumbing work to property which is olJned, Zeased or operated by the appLi cant. PLan Check Fcc: /~ .-;z:r- Datc Paid: !f?-I' ~ --;; c> " " Receipt H: /gc:r~;2 ~ \ ISigned:~~~-~. plumbing Permit BuiLding Permit 11J~.d) . J .',QS ..d)~. Sta te surchm'!1e TotaZ Cha~gea I ITEM NO. I Futures FEE CHAME ResidentiaZ (1 bath) Sanit.'ll':I Sewer :5kNm 00 State Surcr.arge TotaL cMrnos . J1!!.E,:Jg.:.-.fl~ N3IJ/Extend Circuito Wllere State Law requires tr.at the ci.ectricaL wCJI.k be UQlhI by a1l sZect-J'ie, Contractor, the eZectricaL portion of ~his permit shaLL not be vaLid unt tile l4beZ has been Digned by the ELectricaZ COli trac tor. Electrical 'Permit NO. \ FEE CHARGE: \ : Tt.'M EZootrical Permit StGtn SUl'clJllr(!e 0(\ Temporary Service ~ TotaZ CIJlll'gell IITSM I f'urll:Ice ETU' S E.;:IIaUO t 1I00.:! NO. FEe ClIARGE Mechanical PermLt Vent Fan ~ . '" W.7odnto:Jtt Permit [:lsuanca MechanicaL Permit Statc surcharne '~)~ Tota Z Charaes __ ENCROAClIMENT -- Ie' . ul!C:H'1-tJ~ D2PO:Ja.t uac.e Plan E.ri;ma.ner (l) c:!f I 1JAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted appZication for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL irofo:matioll IleJ'eon is true and corrcct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shan bl1 dO:1e in accor dance "n.th thB Ordinances of the City of sprinaficU, and t/l~ La..;s of . State of Oreu"n p.sl't;ainina to tho work describcd heroin, cnd ~/~e NO 0 PANCI wilt be mdo of any struotura withO:At parmisJion of the Suildin(l vipion. I further certify ,that O:1Zy contractors ev.d e~pL.7yoe8 w1:o are c~~pLiance with ORS' 701.0S~ wiLL be used on this project StorfJrT/1 Nnin t/?lJlln..~1! I pcrmi.t I 'TotaZ Char!]cs I curbcue sidm.JJ.Lk f .~f!n::rJ , I Electri.cnl [,abel Mobile lIome ,)J\o.X 0 r~ "j) I . ~ I TOTAL A~'OUNT DUF.: 4 ' ~,8C; . , ~.l-~ '5.A~ L\L\~ I~ ~ ( OCU-<5j t\;h 0 " _ ( . ,~~ fYcepftve f ftt~0,ttJ8tJ~/)z-I' (,yt~ ' 0 (l'~' 00. -QII A,d, qo Si(]II:1C1 ~