HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-10-13 ~Vi I LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORI<: StolpO DAISY i:t 10 17 0 ?-3~u'-f (') 1409 OWNER: 'Le.es t Pd PR.AV ADDRESS: 5"4,b :D4JSY #- 10 CITY: ~rLJJ.qfLd.d DESCRIBE WORI<: TNSTALL HEAt 'PLLmP REMODEL V" ADDITION ./. ~,\i RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 ASSESSORS MAP: LOT: NEW CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: .. .. SPRINCFIELP ~'VlIl."...;,.~ JOB NLJMOE/l <11' 139 C; I 225 Filth Streel Springfield, Orugon 97477 OLOCI(: TAX LOT: SUBDIVISION: -, PHONE: '7Z.Io-b 74-J ---.- STATE: DR ZIP: __,!141e DEMOLISH __. OTHEI1 ADDRESS CONST. CONTRACTOR II EXPII1ES ~ PHONE PLUMBING: MECHANICAL: CDmfor"t F~W jqSI DON srJ SuITE D ELECTRICAL: LJ.bD 6.. 27 "Dl' '1Zb--D/W ----- - OFFICE USE - NOTICE: LAND USE: TtflS PERMIT SHALL EXPI~EbIF.lliftr~ORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT lJUIVIIVlcl'JlJcU UH IS ABAN'O~QlFOFt~E: At~'1'-48&B1W-PERIOD. HEAT SOURCE: ______ QUAD AREA: If OF SLOGS: OCCY GROUP: II OF STORIES: WATER HEATER:_ -.---- FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: " OF BDrtMS: SECONDMIY HEAT: ___..... RANGE: ___ SQUARE FOOTAGE: "'_,_.._. To request an Inspection, you must call 726.3769. Tills Is a 24 hour recording. All Inspections requcsled before 7;00 .un. wll/ be made tho same worl<lng day, In:;pcctlons requested afler 7:00 a,m. will be made lhe followln~J worl< day. D Temporary Electric o Site Inspection - To be made after excavallon, bul prior 10 set ling (orm::;, o Unders(nb Plumbing I Electricnll Mechanical - Prior to Cover. o Footing - After trenches are excnvated. ' Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting, o Foundation - After forms Me erected but prior to concrete , placement. o Underground Plumbing -- Prior to 1I111ng trcnch. o Under/loor Plumbing I Mechan/cn! - Prior to Insulation or declcing. o Post and Deam -Prior lo'lIoor In:;ulntlon or decl<lng" .', ' o Floo':,lnsulation 0,- Prior to '.. decl<lng. \ o Sanilnry Sewer - Prior 10 filling Irench. D Storm Sewer - Prior to Oiling trench. o Water Line - Prior 10 tilling Irench. D Rough Plumbino ~ Prior to cover, REQUIRED INSPECTIONS D Rough Mecllanic.11 - Prior to covcr. ' o Final PllImbing - When all plllmblng werle Is camplel.e. o Roug,11 Electric,,1 - Prior 10 COVCI. D r-ilHlI Elecltical - VVl1en all ulectrical worl< is complete. ,--,/ ( @~!~~~,I Mechanical - When nil Il1cclwnlcal wOrl< 'I s complele. o Electrical ServIce - MlIst be approvecl to obt::iin perrrwnenl electrlCul power. o Final Ouildin(J - When all required In::;pecllons have been approved and building 13 . Tl complcted. , ~\Il' i'li'. ,'IC'l', 'U. I . " '. .' ""-'1' 'J'" ; ',' l \i ,\ . """ ""\\1' .,r.... ". ','q-~. "oJ 1 f"'. 'tf' t... f ,. . t, ,ll(i"" Z',! e~ .' , ,I '.' ,.. ....... ~:.. ,1~) , G;]' Other" "~'" ,', , ,'.. ',' .'~ll, 'r";-' . . . .. . ....... " '\: '.4~'it:....\-.U u- . .. . . I I,..' o WalllC'ellinG Insulation - Prior lo~ ",d.,' ", ',~~-;;,"" ,;,c'r, hll cover. , 'y;~r, ",.., ";-'1' r " ~ "',. .' ~"'e \., '.~ I . .~" " 1 t... 1 .' >oJ. ,,. ~ _ l . ".,. ~..." ...' . . " . " ca" II' , .' , " )'~' atioi1 ' b' ;~ to" ,,.~. Iv.' ?',::f. i ,> ::tL', ,~'U"lIIC ~ll'l"",~ " '.., ,. w .'.11 .J.' . ..' ,.,~.~:t.... ..t:~4, MOBILE"~i6ME "rN'S'PECT'IONS o Flrepl':1ee - Prior to facing materials and (raming Insp, o Framing - Prior to cover.. o 'Drywall - Pdor 10 t.lping. , 0 Wood Stove - Afler In:31alla:ion. o Inzert - Afler fireplace approval and Installation or unit. o 010c1\illg and Set.Up - Wilen all blocl<ln~1 Is complete. . o o Plul11bin!J Connections - Wilen 11Oml) I)OJ:; been connected 10 W;,lter ;IIKI sew(:r. ' Cllrbeut & Appro:Jch - A(ler torms are (.'rce led bul prior to placoment Qf c:oncrct(l, ' D Sidewalk & Drivew:I\' - Afler excavation Is complele, forms ancl sul).bnse,ma!crlnl in place. o ElcctriclIl COllllectioll - WI1Cn 1)loc)IIII!J, SUI'up, and plumbing In:;peC:ll()ns l1;wc been approved ilnd llle 110ll1e ir. connected to lhl} :.>crvice panel. .' 0 Fence - Wilen completed. , 0 ~Hrool Trees - When all required trees arc planted. I I Final - Arter all required Inspections arc approved and porches, sl~lrllng, dccl<s, and venting have been Instnl/ed. _.~---- .-.._- ~ Lot laces Lol TY,,- Setbncl15. Accl . P,L. HSE GAR Lot sQ. ltg, Inlerior' ,\ Lot coverage Corner N ~--_. Topogrnphy Panhandle S --- Total height Cul.eJe.~ac W ,.----.- --- ---- , . IS THE PI~OPOSED WO~< iN THE. ., '"'HISTORICAL DISTRICT,.OR O~ ' THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? II yes, this application must be signed and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permit issuance. E' ^ .' ./ APPROVED: BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO, FT, X :t/SO.FT, ,. VALUE BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Garage . . TIlls permit is gronted on tile express condition that the said con:;truction shall, in all respects, conlorm to 1l1e Ordinance adopted by the' Ciry 01 Sprin'grield.' including the Dcvelopment qode, regulalingthe'construclion and usc 01 buildings, and may be suspended or revollcd at any lime upon violation o( any provisions o( soid ,ordinances. Main Cnrport Plan Checll Fcc: 'Dale P:lid: ; . , Total Value -......--..-.-.- ---.- Receipl Number: Building Permit Fcc Received By: Stale Surcharge Tolal Fcc (A) -. --...--.... .---.-------- Plans Reviewed 8y Date SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) l . (0) \ ' Systems Development Cl1arge is due on oil undeveloped . , . , ,properti9s w,illlln the Cily limits Wlllcll ore being Improved. , ': PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FEE Fixtures Residential Oall1(s) " NO Snnltary S!'lwer WaleI' FT, FT, Storm Sewer FT, Mobile Home Plumbing Pormil Slale SurclHHoe Total Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT \ Furnace Tolal Permit (0) .j[r b. --- ~1.Q-,--==_ - LO:~r- ~_lf.~ ~~.~ ( Oy signature" I slale and agree, lhall haye carelully examined the compleled application and do hereby certl(y Ihat all In(ormallon hereon is true anel correct, and Ilurttler cerlJry thai any and all worl< perlormed shall be done in accordance with tile Ordinnncu:; or llle Cily 01 Sprlnglleld, nnd the Laws or llle Stale o( Oregon perlninlng 10 the worl< described heroin, and that NO OCCUPAJ-.JCY will be made o( any structure willlout permission of the Building Snrety Division, I further certily lI'l::J1 only contractors and employees who arc in compliance'wi1l1 ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. Exhausl Hood Vcn'l Fan NO Wood Slove/lnserl/ FI ref'll ace 'Unit Dryer Vent Mechanical Permit Issuance Slale Surcllar!)e Sldewall< II, I further agree to cn~;ure Ihal all required inspections arc requested althe proper time, thai each address Is roadable (rom the 511' crmlt card Is located al the Ironl nn the orJproved sel 01 plnns will remain all imes d ring cor "II' ctlon. Ct /0 ,,/,3 --99 MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Stale Issuance Stnle Surcl1nrge Slonnt Date ~ Curbcul It Demall tlon ~1111C Surch;Hge VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUM8Ef-1 n '3 S<Xt ,_ , TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excludina electrical) (A, 0, C, D, and E Combined) 10 -\?-~ 'i AMOUNT RECEIVED c:JI O-~. <S'""2) ~ u...-:> FlECEIVED OY TOI:!1 Mlscellnneous Permits (El DATE PAID " NOTICE: , has the following T#!~~iQMfM~fl~~~~ic.land use A~~ID~~~~ I HE WORK ahlQrov8.l, UNDERW 225 FIFTH STREET CUlVlMEN~ C ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON tfi7..;7l, qq I ? a,~,' INSPECTION REQUEST: r"~(g! ~ Gi ty Job Number S> I " ( OFFICE: 726-3759 ,\'lO Signature - ALllflOll , 3, COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOY 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION 5' ~ ~ (.... (\ (.:}- <I :< '-' -;tt:b I . " '. t:'.:,.'.,.... ,,::,': 1,', -~:. .' ~:t, " SPR.FIE~D I '," , "', ;"1 . New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dwelling Service Included: ' . A. ~GAL DESCRIPTION 17~'J- ~ 34'1 f)/t(o 9 Items JOB DESCRIPTIOND ATTEr'fnON:C)~eCic.:l ;aw rec1.9.P;.Q; 1;S_q!..tfilt. or less J.:J,p~' p(}~ fnlln,^, rlll~~ ~Hin~t~d by the (~s<F,t1riaj~q~~t ional .500 , ~, \ Notification Cer"'Rr.l~r~,;;:. ~u!s~g~~; !:.+~,!'8}-1hPortIon Permi ts are non- transfeh~\~~~ER ~!l2_r1t~.p.J'~'r~itr"rOIJ('I;1 C~~E7~~2PJ01- if ~ork is not :tarted Y.>b~~~~'~18(lqa~~~@in c~pi0Sf)f8h~ r-HW.bl~jyd H~me. or of Issuance or If work IS susp,e.naea"nfRr (1\Ic.....\.h()~.olduf.areDwell1ng 180 d call1r,g .m~c.... t'"'~' ,," ...... n~S\' .-,.lJ..UII F d ays. number'forthe Oregon Utility l\lt1~iCafiOl~r ee er 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALJ..A,TION oNfymteris 1a800:J192-%~llfJices or Feeders J,..IC- Installation, Alterations Elec trical Con trac tor. J(.Sf....if.l.>T12(Lfb,LJCO,vSu.:f~r Relocation: . A, ddress P D G O~ .}-t-( q ~ 3 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Ci ty~., ' Phone b8 [3 -('ot t( 401 amps to. 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Supervisor License Number ~ L{ q) 5 Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only Expiration Date JIJ- I.'-D I ,. . , uni t. Cost Sum $ 85.00 $ 15.00 .$ 40.00 $ 50.00 $ 60,00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40,00 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation Constr Contr. Number "00 gf?q Expiration Date j'#- ~ 0-00 200 amps"oT less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80,00 volts see "B" above Signature of Supervising Electrician r~ v.-AJ/- Owners Name /1/:1 c::L~,a r D, Branch Circuits Address S~(O 0 Dw--I5.~ , \ Ci ty ~(JftA'1f ft-i,(J OVNER INSTALLATION Pf2t8::::j -:/::I:-cP 7).;..'-' -b?<{ f , ," New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel , One Circuit t Each Additional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Permit Phone $ 35,00 3S.Qu $ 2.00 not included) The {nstallation is being mide on property I own whi~h is not intended for sale, lease or rent. . Owners Signature: Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm E, ---------~1--7------------------------- DATE: /0/ (11~ . RECEIPT tt: 0\ 5"~h'~ ' RECEIVED BY: AI v.>~ 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 $ $ $ $ ~QE . /. 0<......, :z </:. <; TJ --' ~ ~