HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Assignment 1998-3-10 . . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 March 10, 1998 McCabe Investment Company 1200 Gateway Loop Springfield, Oregon 97478 RE: Additional Street Address Assignment Due to a recent remodeling project of your building located at 1200 Gateway Loop, Springfield, Oregon. also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032220, Tax Lot 02408, you requested that an additional address be assigned to your building, The remodeling project included a separate exterior entrance for your lease tenant which enables the City to assign' an additional address as you requested. The most southerly entrance to your building will be commonly known as 1202 Gateway Loop, and your address will remain 1200 Gateway Loop, Springfield, Oregon. - . I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of this additional address by sending them a copy of this letter: Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department U,S, Post Office U,S, West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfie:d News/Register Guard Please change your street.address numbers on your building prior to occupancy of the newly rcmodeled lease space, If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. \~~2&~J}\cVyt~ Lisa Hopper Building Safety Coordinator ~\'-; <. '~-[1S-1'9S8 ",. __.-...1Hfr.JH t 11M 09:01' FROHeOCER'r '6'503 726 36&~ CARTS. INc. 74.7 6726 SPF1> DEV, SER, e 1'" :: ~QO~ 8 , 35M,I ADD;TION~ ADDRESS ~QU~ST Property Own~z': , MC.CQ.he +l'\vo$:-r,,,,....t- Co ,1niliog Ac:ld.css; ,:;Coo C.<< +f vv' 'l'J t..o_c P Ci,t:y: SO, ;"o+i<ld .j Person or Agency requs_tinq ,State: oR %ip= 97'-177 chanqe if o~her Chan o~ne=: PnonQ numb.r ~here you c~n be cQn~acted; iI.J7-C,'1% AddrGGG of property you ~r~ reQ~e~tinQ ~o have an addieional addr~ss assigned= 1;20 0 G-o.. +t'-J'{ y /...oaf /l...eosor Mal? I: 11-03 - 22 - ;z c '5.0 r \f'J~\' € lei Tax Lot #: ).~o8 pl.e:age explain ~peC'.i.fic.slly \J'hy you feel 'tho lDcat..i.on need~ an a.ddi~ional addre~5 a5~ig~Qd: 'S (lClC~ o;,.,J v.;olAld \,1<... <, pat'e (.JOI.,dd bu: 1&; {\o .J VYlOV iJ\c J +1",,+ -k QC cc;""ccld-t 0. >'\0 +h.r w~ ar-e dl'J,dll\G "+"\'t J h".o;,;".SS, W~ l.vill be ,'YI-to -the Vlew\-I "tlMoJoirci +0 be ').oc (_~W-'<I/ UJoP, T~,~ .J..he !\tv.; odd:",,<;:<;;, ~ ;<\'S+\f\Q J feciclie " Property OWner5 Signature:. "r 1;).0:1 . ,~' bl"ha1-i'VE-J ,,,> Q(:){)rf\(j. ia* f' I +'0 St'iv-e.lJH\"~). proposed Addce&z: IIq9 )YJ r CJ.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------_.~--- Of'FI CE USE oa~" l<eO;"ived~ .4. q<6' Reo;"ived By: Ref,m:no;" Number: l10,~'2-'2..W Planning ^P9roval: ~ HVf Tax Lot I: 021O?> Denial: It d~nied. please exp14in; PLanning Re~i~ BYI Approved: ~- Date. {Yl O..nied: '\1.D~ C;(\1\.f \0Pd~LoOD . , , oat:~U,,~ -In q( If approved, Revi12wed by: -;--'-/'-1998 9, 35M,I - '-. fi. ;_",-^...,;, U;" I ' ~ [(1 '61 ,:J,l '-' ~ J .J ';~- " ., "> I- t. J ,~ ~l 8 f', 11111 i : :-:>!ll FROI,.CABE INVESTt-IENTS 7<17 6726 ;01'.:.6 liO 'awr~!l3. om: :iIAOl!~ :n.lL:i 01:991; 'NOr.:.:lmIJ.SNO:l ::nrIINPK . -- P -, .~ '::":"7i..:; _!:Ie 'C:3~~Nlo_c~~:~~;~;-1 ::::): . ;., 'tN\~ \":: ...2tr.LI~' ,'. .~~In~ 3:)~O SltJ';':) ;"~3JD~~~-~t}" .' II t-I'-\ t:nl \ .. ' '__v' _"I,Il~U.i.,.jIJ"I;IOlI.,. .. "~'"'.,I''' ~1"'~I"IIIIIIl.~I.'IIIII".I~.,. ."..__ "...:.,".'b_ull._.~ ... III, II j, I ..J", tl, l... '" ~ t .u u ,) v <t- O>: .s:l -.s ~ 'L ~ ~ If! ." Ul '- -~ ~ v.J .. :f- ~ VI ~ ... Q 0 '< 0- "' :!: 1/1 ~ ~~ '" ... =-" '" u ~1I '" y'l j ;. en ,- III II: z:. '" ,~ <j "- ~ ~ v fi lC + ~ - ill .., ~ '" ... "3 "'" \~ " c.-, d .~ <::: ~ <- ], V -+ . ,. 0 I' '" ~ - v; , ~ ~ !iv II " ~ , ..J "" 0 :; l: '" ;r E ~ ,.) '" -A Ii , ~ I ' f " 1- <( ~ - ~ . .. ... I ,~ --__I LJ ~-_.,. ~T ~ -tIi - i ~ILi-'LJ , I : ; , 1 t! E r ::?-!l Ii ::: 15 1 , I, -\..jl ~ .' "!U~"- ~; ...J / - z.,..:'..~ ~ ~ " ,,~."""""1"""1 ~ l!! 5 ~ ~ ~ I I I _ f1r\ ~'t~r l'l ' Ii ~ I ~ - - I I , I U i J S~\e\0t\~ ..lIlJ..llif,....il I ; , ~~ '~V ~ ('- "- ~ il '. Ii . t! e ~ " ~ .. I~ i~ I - .... L()L>~ L i T I.' joqv ~ I , - , . , " . ~. Ii E / ! ~-.: 1-, 1 !J ! c M ! ..~ : ~ ~>-~ ,.- ~ ' I i L\ ' I · , IW -~ . "I , I ~ {l(i l' 0 ~ ' ~~.~ . \ 'J! : r