HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-4-26 .. RESIDE"IAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location.: !Y7~ ) (~~~~ 17 -f) 2,- :z,~ -/ J Taz Lot # ~:..X'\..5L..- !lJ/IJZ- ASG8SOOrS Map IJ Subdivision: Add:reS3: \ ~I,::l,\ ~-lA c:L' V h.-u-o...Jl rL. n. n\ ~(5+0J:..L-, ClQ )[SOf\ La. no Phone: 01<2- Ct.mel' : City: Q,VP1" n Addition n Remoda7. n ,'!obi1.a !Iomo Zi'g: qf1Ljli Describe rl'ork: ~~ </-c9(P -Jd Date of Application [..'ontl'actol'S General PLumbing (YWY\...Q.....y i electrica z. I. Necltar.icaL Constn.4ctian Lender VaZue Addres3 - .ce-::pt ,if. .L)g'9, ~'Y 'PP /5--: 66 .&0 Sigr.ed: Date: L-nci<"p--, q':.. 2/,,-,f.<.-- Liaa. # J j I I I Ezr,irss Phone It is ths l'sspanaibitity al tJui pemt hol.t:Uuo to sse that aLL inapecti01t8 are r::ade at =he proptu" tir.u~~ that ecch -=dti:ess is rea.::ab~a from tM Btreet~ and that the permit aard is Zacated at ths front of ths propert;y. "Bui!di~.g LJi.vi:;io~ approved ptan shatz. remain on t~ Building Sit:; at all times. . PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALl 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated jot ~ber, job cICQ"C'SS, type of ir.3pec~icn l'aquestcd ar.d wl':en you /JiU be ready [or inspoct'.:on, Contractors 01' OIJ7'te:'s name auf phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 (;':1 :.JiLL be made the same day, requests made afta' 7:00 am wizz. ba nnde the n~t :.JOrking day. ~ir.pd T'11'2~'1t;.1~r:"l'l O SITS INSPECTION: To be nr:uis after excavation, but prier to set. up of forms. D . UNDERSLAB PLlJ,'.fBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made befors any work. is covered. D FOOTING !i FOUNDATION: To be lTrlde after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to LipoUring cencret;. I UNDSRGROa.fn PUJMEIN.~. SEWER. W.1TE.~ ! DRAINAGE: ~ prior to [il- 1.ir.g trenches. D. UNDbERFLOOR PL~/.aJnlG & MEa;~~IC:AL: " To e made pM-or to insta"'l.U.twn 01 fZaor insu l..ation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be r1Ialk prior to . instaZz.ation of fl,oor ins~l.ation or ~Cki"li' ' RO{}CH0u.:~~ ELE;RICAL & MECFl- ANICA . rk is to DC cot,'ered untiL these inspec:ior.s have beer. ..naae and approved. D FI.r?EPLACE: PM.or to pkcir.g fa.cing .' materials and before framing inspec- tior.. D FRANING: Must be requested after . appl'oval of rough plwr.bing, electri- caL & mechanical.. AU roOfing bracing d chimneys, ate. must be . completed. No wol'k is to be con- -:. csaled until this inspection has . bs.::n roods and approvBd. ~ FIliAL PWNBIIIG D FINAL tfECP.ANICAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL ,Ll Jour City Deoigr.ated Job Number 18: D INSULATIONIVAP08 BARRIER INSPECTION: To bs made alter all insu k.ti..:m w.d ... required vapor car'1'>iers are in place but csfol'e any l.ath, gypswn boa:rd 01' lXlZL covering is appZied, and befol'e any i7U1ular;ion is concealed. O DRYWALL I!JSP~CT!ON: Tc be :nade after all dl'ywall is in pl.ace, but prior to any ta:pir.g. O MASONRY: Stee l Z.oaati07l, oona beams, ~ting or r;ertiaaLs in accordance !.Jith a.B.C. Ssctwn 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After instalZation is . ac'"PlBt~d. o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Alte:o forms are ers:Jted but prior to pouring -'On...--ret8. SIDEWALK & DRr-TWA!: For alL con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y, to be made aftel' aU exca- ~ating compLete & fo~ work & ~ub- bass mc.teriaL in p Uu!e. ?3' 2038v> DENOLITION OR ;'.:OVE~ 3UILDIiiCS =:J So:n.i:cry se..Jer ~apped ::t ~opc:rt":i Lir:e ~ Septic tank p~~ed and filled uith gra~2Z. ---, Final - r'hen ab.:ve ite:ns are cc....roLetc:d ~ ar.d when de~litior. is complete or st~~c. ture moved and ?r~3eS :leaned up. Mobile Hcmes o D !'ENCE: WhIm complote -- Provide gates or movable secticn.s through P,lj,E. D :J Blocking and Set-up :J Plumbing connections SaJ9r ar.d watel' :J Electrical CCrI7:ection - Blocking, set-u.p and plumbing aonr.eations nr~8t ce a.ppl'~ved before requesting eZec:ri:al inspec:ion .=J Accesso1"'.:i BuilCing ] FinaL . Aft~r p~rcr.es, sk~rt~ng, decks, eta. are ccmple=~d. D ALL project conditions, such as the instaLlation of street trees, ~o~tativn of the required 'La11.dscapir..g, etc., must be satisfied before tr~ BUILDING FINAL can be rtZquestad. o PINAL BUILDING: Ths Final BuiLding Inspection must os r-equeoted c.fter the Final ?~wnbi7""; Electroical, and Mechar.ical Inspecti.ono have been made and approved. -+ALL MANHOCES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIELE, ADJUST:!ENT TO BE t.!.1DE ,IT NO C;:;ST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JOB I Zone: NO. g2032?c'o SOLA.CCESS OaculXlnC!l Czrouo: Lat Sq. Pt(;. S of l.?t COllerag' ,i/ of Stories Total Height Topography WT TYPE Inteno:, Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac I lITEM I SQ, FTG X Value I I ,'tzin I I Ga-aae I I Carxl't I I Acaessoru I I I I TOTAL VALUE I I S,D,C. 1, S '" (VaLUe) , ' BuUding Permit State SUI'charge Total ~e. lITEM I Fi--tures 'Re.idential (1 bath) I Sanitarli SelJel' I Water I'j'j I I I I I I)f)d . S"oJJ>P{ _' Plumbing Permi t Stats Surar.arge Total Chazoaes lITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I NSl.IIEztend Ciraui t. !Temporary Service I I NO, I I I I I I I EZe::rtl"'icat Permit State Surcharae Total C'rro:rc:es 1 ITEM I FUrnace ETU'S I F..:hau.st Hood I Vent Pan I WOodStO"J6 I I NO, I I I I I I I Psrmit Issuance Meahanica.l. Fermi t: State Surcharae TCJtal Charf'1I1S -- ENCROACHI.!E:,rr -- I Sec-.a""';tt; Der:osit I Storage I Mainteru:rn.cs Permi t Total. Chal'aes I Curbcu!; SideLJalk Fe~e I EZectrica Z. Labs 1. I Mobi Ze Home I I I TOTAL ANOUNT DUE: ~ PIT CHARGE I o"':J-:COI I I I /0.00 I / 5.0() I I .1//0 I I /5-. 0/J1, FEE I j I I I I CHARGE FEE CrlAReE I I I <.$ J'J. (PO I. Page 2 REQ.- L-COG"l.' T"oelcor.st:. Bedrooms: I Lot Faces ~ I I P,&. INorth lEast ISouth IWest I Enll1'ou Sources I Heat I I I II II Tupe Setbacks I House : Caraqe : I I I I Acoess. I I Watel' Hp.atpr" Ranqe Fil'eplace Woodstove FOlee Building Value & Permit This permit t3 granted on the express condition that the sdid. construction 8hall~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding :he 20ning C'rdinan.ce. regul.c.tir:g the ccnstl"'.4cticn and use of buiLdings, and may be suspended 01' l'Bvokec at cr.y time upon vic- Zatiar!. of any pl'.?visior,s of said Ordir.ances. I. /Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Recdpt #, I Sigr.ed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct. instaZZ. alter or change c.ny r.ew or e--isting plumbing 01' dPainage SY8t~ in ~hole 01' in part. unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a vaZid plumber's license. except that a person may do ptwnbing lJOl'k to propsl'ty which is 0lJnSd, leased Ol' operated by the appli- """t. I I I I I I I , . Electrical Permit Where State LazJ l'equires tr.at the electrical. work be done by an Slec:tl'ical Contractor, the electrical pOl'tion of this permit shaz.t not be valuZ"until. the Label has been Signed by the Electrical :ontractol". -- I I I I I I I I I I. I Mechanical Permit PUZri Ezc:;m..ner l)a~e I HAVE" CAREFULLY ::XA.J.fItlED t,w compl.eted appl.ication for permit, c:nd do hereby certify that azz. ir:fo:rmation hereon is true and. correct, c:nd I f'..lI'ther certify that any ar.d cl.l work perfom/ed shal.l be done in acc:or- dance :.n.th the Ordinances of the City of Springficl.d, and th,z La:.;s of tho .. State of Oreg:Jn perta.ining to the work d.escribed here~n, end that NO OCCU- PANCY :.l'ill be lTClde of any structura without parmissio'!'l of the 3ui'Lding Di- vision. I further certif:,j that cr.:ly cont1'actors ar.d e::rpl.:;yees who are in c~liance with ORS 701.0SE will be used on this project ~Jd (J,}//A/J(abJ Sign:ad i)~~