HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-12-3 -r.- . RESIDENTIAl. CC~BINATION/APPl.ICATION PERMIT . FECErPI' " "77/ ;J- - SPRINGFIELD err1 :;~':" SPRL'lCFIEl.!J 2~S ;:O.1?TH torR $-::~!ET SPRI:,'GfIELD, ()REC.().'1 ~74'77 auitdir>.g Divi8i~ 726-3753 Subdivision: Job l.ocation: 300 r;a~e.. farM e..l f(A.{."'l4~ ~H. P4,.k.ft1/ ~ (/Jocd sfrrK- IS'. 08 , f;O C<.- /5:/PO .4.SS3880rs Uap fI Ta: Lot ~ C\Jn.,. Addt"flfJS ~ity Walk,,- frek .s~_ P1lorIe ~ 7 VJ... - q (J/ 'L u~ 37Y77 ."'"~-~_.~-.--"- " DescM.];s work 0 Nt/'.] ~s~1! W~~ rUl Addi tioll D. .flemoda Z. ~ ShllC .;1-101 AddreS8 Liscll C&__ Aueho~;:ed Cit<:J Agent E3:pi.res Phone # GlVl,ral. :o~tmct"orB Narr';! ?Y/--r~~. Pl:.unbing ~l.gc'tri ca 1. Uechar.i.ccl K,Itr-- '. W7i;'for (_'5 t- 5~'lF-g L /31(0 J?,,1.-tm Cons~tion Londe,. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibility of the permit h~lder to se~ th~t all i~spections are made at the proper time. that each address is readable fTem the Stt'ect. and. that the permit card is locat~ at the front of the property. 6 All =anholes and cleanou~s are ~o be adjustsd at no cost to ~he City " O SITE nrsprCTICN: To be made after 0 FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing ~WOOOSTOvtS: After ins~alla~!.on excava~ion, but prior to S~~ u? or materials and before fr~~ing inspe~-~ is completed. fon"'..s. tion. . o o o o o o D ~D \0 I : 'Po!go 1 t)f 2 .,..\ ~ mmER.stJ\B PLUMBING. rL!:c":''?ICAt & 0 MECHAIHCAL: To be made before any work is covered. FR.o\HI!m: Mus~ be reques'ted after 0 approval of rough plumbing. electri- cal. & mechanical. All "roofing. bracing & chimneys, etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- 0 cealed until this insp8Ctio~ has be~n made and a~~~_._J. SIDrwALK & DR~wAY: For all con- crete paving within street righ't- of-way. t~ be cade after All exca- vating c01DPle~e & form worl( & sub- base mater!.!..! in place. CURB & APPROAC!i APP.ON: Af~er forms are erec~ed bu~ prior to pouring concrete. FOOTntG t FQUUDATION: To be mado after trenc!"ies are e::cavated and forms are erecud. but prier to pouring concrete. UNDtRGROUND Pt.UMBING. SEWER: WATER. 0 DRAWAGE: To l::Ie made prior ~o fil- ling trench~s. INSULATIONIVAPOR 9ARRIl:R INSPECTION, To be made after all insulation and required vapor bart"iers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and befe._U any insulation is concealed. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code. to be indiC4~&.:! in rla~ or by no- tice from Building Inspec~or. L'NDtR~..oOR ?tUBBING ~ Mr'=HANICAL: To be made prior to ins~alla~ion of floor insul.3.tion or decking. POST & BEAM' ins~lllla~ion or deCking. o DRnlALL InSPECTION: To be IlI3de after all drywall is in p~ce. but prior to any taping. . :0 be cede prior to of floor insulation ROUGH PLUMB!NG. ELECTP.ICAL & HECH- ANCIAL: No ~ork is ~o be covered un~il these inspec~ior.s have been Mde and approved. D MASONRY: S~ceI loc3tion. bond be3mS, grou'ting cr ve~icals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2"15. FINAL PLUMBING All project condi~ior.9. such as the installation of street trees, cooplc~ion of the required landscaping. etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be reques~ed. o nNAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be reques~od after the :-1n3.1 Plumbin& Elcc~ical, and Mechanical Inspections have ~een made a~d approved. F!NAL rLtCT~ICAL No occupancy of ~he premises C3n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved. anc a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BE~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVI- SION ~~D POSTtD ON THr PR!MISES. FINAL MECHANICAL PRocrDURE FOR INSPECTIOn REOUEST: Call 726-3769 (rec~rder)s~ate your City designated job number, jOb ad~ress. ~ypc or inspec~ion reques~ed and when you will be ready for ins?ec- tion. Contracto~s or Owners name and phone numbers. Req~ests received before 7:00 a.o. will be esde the saT.e duy, requests made sfter 7,00 a.m. will be made th'1Pext working day. YOUR CITY OESIG,jATED JOB "UM~ER IS, 5? J oN NL'}!EER 'X IO<XlfOl . I I'.:.go! :2 I . . IJOB REF!'RENCE NI'MBERS L-cor; " ZONE OCCUPANCY (,ROUP TYPE/C01"STll.UCTION BEDROO~!S , :"J?'7't ,. ;~'::.ter Heater .--:ar.ge I Pool I I .':':.:o~:'~c~a I I I :.0::":' 5;:)".)0 . I I Lot Sauars Fta. :~ 'Jf iot CovB~ed fi o;~ S;aries 7otal. Hf1iah:- ':a?ograp":y r.ot Ty;Je Intonor Lo~ Corner I P. r.. PanhandL!1I:'1o?",,;h Othgr I EalJ 'C ISO'.,/.th I West Setbacks .:-a.~es: I HOUB8 'Alr!:f1E"1 llCC'3S,J I I I I FEES Energy So:.:'~e3 .;)()~.;2' BUILDING VAU/E!PERHIT ls". r-'h. '.'~il1 rSq. Ftg. C-aJ'c...]B :~=--!.:lJ;.~or~ Sq. :t~ A::C!:!!.:-y ~q. Ftc. ." :: :: . " . " '!'his pcrr.ri. t is grantgd on th, "pl'e.n c=-:'Uii :~;on ~hc.~ ths said cons'tr'..lO'twn shaU, in al~ 't'(lS';BCU, con.f.'l":"": :0 ths 0!"d.i.""U%r..::8S adopted by the C':"';'j o.J Sp:o-.:ng.7'.isZ.d, wl:.td.i:tg ths Zoni.ng Ordin.ancs, ree-.4Zat':"n.g ;;",s -::~- stro.tC'tion and uss of u.l.iZdings, ani "!a'i ';6 ~.4SFer.deti or NrJokgd at any tims ut'07I I1iolati.;n of ~ ?ra'Ji.. Biens of Raid Jrdinancssr ~~:,:e_~_.___~~tr ..:. .~'2.~.. CJtdMes I - ":f;:rt-~ Surf!:'IT'tV1~ ~-- I TOTAL CH.4.RIJES --, ~ PULl Checl~ :-tlQ -...--.-..-.....--..... ~~18tem Devel.orment C1>.a.....ae '1.5::: 7abo1' . I !!ate Paid !cceipt !!~"_ -"--:::1' -:J PLUMBING PERHIT ;"-i0. I I I I I !"eE CHARGE :'~~~J~ r{ater Servt.t:!1j S-:;ni tar!! SiNf!Z" No parson shaH construct, instaLl, t%l~al" or chang. any r.ew 01" B:J:i.sting pLur.:bf.ng or ~:.rrage s!js;Jm in L1hoLs 01" in pc:rt, unl4S8 such persc~ is :ha ~sgaz. PCBSgSSOr of a. valid pl:mzbsr's u.csr.ss, r=c~t tira"t a ptlrson may d:J pLumbin.g r..'<n"k to prc-;.r~! 1iJ!:-";ch is Olm(ld# Leasgd 01' CTpSN"ted by ths a;::i~c.:nt. SUBTOT.~L Stat. SuzocJtart:Je TOTAL CHARGES I 190, I I I I ELECTRICAL PKP.MIT 153. Pootace J FeE !fIN or e.--:ter.sicm/Ci~J.i Te::rool":Zr'.1 CO'!":s~.4c:iO'ft TOTAL C!lARr.ES I CHARGE I I I I I I I Whsre State Laz.' NquiZ'tlB that ths sZtlCt:oica! liJork be dans by an Et.:zctrical C~ntractor, tha .z..ct;:o-.:cat. por- tion of this p.mt shall not bit va.~{.d unt':"Z tluJ la- bo! has bean a"i.g"lled by the ~1.sctric=Z Contr"'"-'tOl". The E'LBctM.caL Saf.i;y Um1 does not r.qu~rtl ::: ,?Ir.'"SO'ft to obtain a license as an .,tsetriciool ar.d/o!' fIlliIC- meal CO"l~:or to make aI'1 el.sctr-::cal -:':rnr;.:Lt.=1:ion on property IiJhich is !]lMod by himse:J~ or a .~rill:O of kis imrtedia-:tl fClJ'ffily which is not ':"r.t~.d .-.~1' saLs# ldaSS or rant. SU!!TOTAL St'l.Z't~ Surcharf'1e MECHANIc-a PEl/HIT I:,'f'). I~?~ - ,!;,!,TJ'S E.ri!auBt Hood Vent Fan wood Stove/H~ter I . FEE . CH.4Ilce SUBTOTAL State SW"chaMC TO'!'AL CHARGeS I 1...-. 00 I i I J C:. QI'2. I . ~ClI i /c::::. i..a F:!ICI/GACI/NElll I Seeur-: ty Deposi t I Searage I Nainc114'tCe IPenorit I TOT.1l. A~U!lT DUE , I C'..tro-:out I Sidm.x:r.Lk .!:'f?n.c-z PLan ExQmi."lIlJ' Oats I HA\'1l' C-1RF:FTJLLY F:.TANINF:D the """",wted application fl7%' pemit, and dD hBr'eDy certify that an inJ.~.........~.:.:an hereon is truCl a.nd corrsct, c:nd I further certi.fy that any and all OX1rk performed shan be don4 in aceor- dant:!e utih the Ordi.nances of ths City of Springfield, and the La:.Js of ths I -! Stats of Oregon pel'"ta.in:ing to ths w:ok described hBrs1.11, and that NO OC- ~ ~ CUPANC1 Llill be mad. of any fft:z-~ctuN r..rithout pe~si.on of tM Building :; Division. I f'.U'th6r ~t1l'tifY that o!"tly ~ontroct02"8 and ~l.oYQB8 who arliJ 11 " -'~ ~ "'.u ~" .w -~ - ".::41 j'C t:./f l.,ta;;;' .~;~~.~" ~ - ~ .,"'~ ,ff.~, ." ~.. ~ tune8. = , o : ~lBctrit:al Labsl. l"OTAL AJ./ou'rr DUF: .. .' ~ ~. . ',:... ....:',..: . ..:.'.~'~' ;..~_.;-;.:.'-........~~ ;.~...