HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1991-8-9 ,"' , _1; f'" , .'4 '.':'\: " .~~~~ . . >. :. " ~ 07/15/93 .3 z: 503 256 4572 '~TOM 8ILT #5 05 -tl5 - I)~ LABORATORIES -....--,.----.. ...~- ", ,'f: . . ."..::...~ . ::~t .. EASTSIOe DIVISION :'" . 18939 . , 20th A'i'enue N.E. Suita 10i Bethell, WA 98011 " , (2061451-8438 FAX (208J 485-4611 ,." 3S05 COMr<\lEV'd~ <:t 1 Oct.l3~. ExeCUTivE OFFICES 3220 -17th A'IlInu8 Wllllt Seattle, WA 98119-' 790 , '(208] 282.0S88 ,FAX (206) 282.0710 'I..,",' ",' AugUSt 9, 1991 Certificate No. 9107-9045 ,Hr. prew Popson OJ.:>J.Uo{-B!LT MErAI.S 315 Third Street N.W. ~Ilhlun, wash.i!qton 9EJ001 Subject: Ul tiinat:e road Test.i.rJ; of Stationary Anchor. Clips n.-,.. Mr. ~: .. , ..' ,.-:.... : , .\ Pa.cifiq ~tirq T~h0ratc:ries \was. ...~.JBStad by Mr. Drew Papson of Olstam-Bilt Metals 1;9 ~01;In pul,1c:ll,J:t test' on aric.hor cliPs. All testi.r.q was done on our BlldY!in universal Testin9- Mad:l.1ne (SIN 69025), \lJhich is in current calibration ar4 tr;\t;~?il;:lJ,e to tht= National Institute or StaOOards aro TechnolOjies. 3:,11 ~nd 1 1/2" anchor clips tVhere submitted by the client alon;' with 3/4" wood &.....,,;;;;ws, 1 1/2u inc...'1 woo:i s........""wolS ard tek. ~c...'S~ to Pacific Testing T E1Mratories f.or the p.u:posa of fincting the ultimate load of the clips. The clips WIoU.'-e at+"-.ached to th.ree diff~c..uL materials:, 3/41' COX by 3/4" "'vcd s......t..c;w'S, 2" x 4" by 1 1/211 ~ ~~ am 18 gauge sheet metal by tel< ~<=W"S. '!he test.was perfo~~ to simulate the int.e.rneQclip orientation arrl a uni-axial tensile load (see at'taChed detail) was applie::luntil failure oco..u:-red. Please see attact~ test ... -..u ts. . ~..' :"; .......... "This test has Lc..::..l made am ..... ctA-'J.. l,. t"'.4- c~ bl~ UfXJn the specific saIIi'le provid.eci to us by the client for testi.n;]. We assuroo no responsibility for variatwns ,in quality of sal11ple,s roade by persons or under ,.......u.litions, <?Ver which we ,have no .........Lrol. ' I . . CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION' SOlL5 ANALY5LS NON.OEST~UCTI"e EXAMINATION . ENVIRONMENTAL ORILLlNG CONSULTING ENGINEERS . LlTIGAnQN CONSULTATiON . CHEMICAL ANALYSIS . CAU8RATION , STRUCTUj:lAUMEC:I1ANICAL LAB A Wasi'lingtofl CDI"~rIlCion furnishing Engineering lorv/aeB by llnd under tho;, supervision of ~e9ia~l'1ld proiesS;OI'lllI Qng~ee/"S, . 07/15/97 .4 :is 503 256 4572 .TOM SILT 115 ",6 ., . '" ~ . :'.';4 -'~. '.. ~.' I:J:.u'~ :,', . ; "~,, . .,,11;\ " ':" it'ii ~~ ... ~ . is ,,"W iided for th8 1:nfomation of th8 client orJ. y. 'll>e rep,...;, lction .:A~!; j, "",_,'~..~...rt by artj methcd and its transmittal by ant means to a third party, ,\:;~~:,.~,.:.the ~tten pemission O~ ~cific TestbY; T ~hnratoriesis ,prohibiterl. .''::'o;'If./ycu havearrj questions, pl~~8~ ,ccntac;t: us at (206) 282-0666. ,': , ,t.,: ': .. . ;!~,\" I i~ by: G. Michael ZL._., Mocmnieal/CiV~ te~ ~ sin::erely, ' . &~ Alan C. 'l'opinka, P. ,Manager ~/Civil ~ ~ ACr/laj Enclosure . . . . "- \- ~ :.. " \, .\ , 'i " \., PACIFIC TESTING u.eORATOR1ES .J . ~ I, .rr'lL ,/', ~:.' .' .~. .. ,i',: .\" . . 137/15/97 .4 .TOM 8ILT 115 X 5133 256 4572 1217 -'--0' "" C1l.::>.L u,. o{-l:fIj rr !>.u:.uU.S Certificate No. 9101-9045 '. 111 CUp (9&'J.vanizfl4) At~....l'I~ by 3/411 L-..JS (wood) to 3/4u C)X .nr Sanple ,Number Ul tiznate lnad c..r.....,cnts _"-.....~ . ~"'h ......~...__. _...._.~~..._'_, 2 4 , 598 lbs (i~9 ~ ~.-s pulled out of COX 1st s........o;,v/ pullEd th.rouqh metal bracket 2m s........:.w p.1l1ed out of wtx:d &.....OW02 Pulled out of cox &.....uWS pulled tl1rough meW. bracket 7 9 482 lba 473 l.bs Avenge TnAli.: 563 l.bs . 1 1/211 Clip AttAchs4 by 3/4~' $__".". (~) to 3/4" COX " " SaItple Ultimate Number tfOl"d Ccrmnent.s ,0 1 478 ll:ls. fL.ows p.1l1ed out of cnx. 3 . 584 lbs '. 5....-..ws pulled out of COX 5 603 lbs; s.........lS p.l1led out of CDX 6 696 lbs ',. ~aWB pJlled out of COX 8" 574 lbs. Screws pulled out of COX ,- . ~.- . r' .... Averaqe Wad: 581 lbs ,- .~ 0<_" ...." '.' '-__", .,.n....-_..~._._____...'_..._..._..._._r..._...~._'4 _ .._.... ~. " . * szmp:Le '~c ~"''''c.=.t-..l to part groups teste:i \. , . , PIl.CIFIC TESTII'(J LABORATORIES __..J . . . . . .. - ,312 'i 07/15/97 .2 .. . 5'.:x) . , , , f 'I I, I " \ .5-J ," I 1 X 503 256 4572 ~TOM 8ILT #5 04 ______ 4..__.._."___. WID~ S,51500 PANEL '~ \I . 31?' i I , ---r- _ A.I I J (; , Ide. ~.1 d.. . 0(00 I " \-4--1 ,", :v ' 1[;' ~ I h ,1"3: :; t and \(13 S,::: J,'({\. Po.t.~ \ , -:eamed Pane \ d etc.;j .,' .. " t.. . . . . "'7/15/97 .1 z: 5"'3 256 4572 .TOM EiILT #5 Fax leDer 1 hcln ;: "-;) , A,..J(j) - ~,...Jt:.., ~,J1'-( ~1~'~~ 1 ,.Jsf~~~ ~'. ~M Custom-Bllt Metals . PIlOllC SO} 2'6 J)~8 Mobile '037111 Y216 I' u '03 :I" 4572 Fred M Nard!JGl ROQfinl SalCIIIT echnical II.,~ ., ,. Btivc r--.' DM - Wb()j} . ~ ~ G,"^rr'(~~- ... 01 . II K4' N.E, Marx pon.land. ~on 97220 U,SA , 07/15/97 .1 Z 503 256 4572 ~TOM SILT ij5 ~L , . . CUS~O;V1-B LJ ME7ALS 1 JI<;/n " ' , , C> . ~'. '1 OM w~t)' _u ~~ ~I 't r../4f S?4,.1c. FtfE:'{:) ~,~p ~k:-S{.L.1 ,G,.J~ y>~~ CL..-.f CS9A~,JG ~.,,.....C.,J () MiaJ ~ . "-{.." \ C I' '~lG. * v-rA-JO,,.,)'.' S~ t, I _ II n r'J \.p )t'~~(- ~y~e... , , ,?-1.-r-- (.cr,,) 8A-WA-JI'c.(.b ~ (_b'1./ ~/PAa'-.lr ') , 4(..U:)-'Atlu- W..J() W L./~r L.oAV -..3b If o.C- 6t-. t.,..bs f'(A- ~~ ~r 'CE~~c.os (2E:.().A~ ~ ll~, WI~li~ VArvJi-y ;J~->~ ~&.....1 ~ - 5'-1:7 L.65 V'sr:: (e)(~ ra~UI~~n-) 8~:=- 30 =- ~,f3 Sert-H ~11- I~''...'' G",~ G..P~-C St.L. fTL~....) Wl~ We ~o f5F X P,4.J~ WPrIJ-- (J.~1;))( S'~(3H.~-) -= I2.D ~..-:. Pu- ~, ~r 0,,;. -- JJ'~L'+;;'v~J'('" ~ CCo,...~,,J41?~ of G.,p ~ ~<t" We-co S~r) -- .s-S7 L..O~- ItA- ~p 587 + /~ ~ '1. 8'1 ~N ~'j1},c.... C..>c..~I~.J: CeM (lAW'l- u--'M ~....U) "'(?- y./, ~ ~ c)Cc..a:.o ~~KA~~' ~tL w'..JD, . 22211 76th Ave, South P,O- Bolt 1777 Kent, Washington 98035-1777 (206) 872-7330 F~X (20G) 395-7782 812 North Madella Spokane. Washington 99202-2845 (509) 533.1703 FAX (509) 533-1182 11845 N.E. Marx Stre61 Portland. Oregon 97220-1085 (503) 256-3328 FAX (503) 256.4572 ",.:.~~, ..... ..- ' '. . .' ., e7/15/97, .2 Z 5 e 3 256, 457 2 . TOM 8 I L T 115 - 03 CJSTOM-B-LT /I1E"AlS I rJ 11 tt:- 3~ "O;J SP4<tJ~ ~'.:u> ~I <....)~ c,Cr.Jf1V(.. (afL' k~$). ~ f~ CLIPS , W,..l!) LAA-C f~v..K.- 's 517,.J, ,:i CJO-J'I\.,:-r f""'Iorta ~. ~o ~ ~""("S !""O"'J' ~. I ~ sr ,..v ~ , S~ D p~ o(L- ~~ f' S'~l1<h,JC$. (~~ 0"; na.. ,~AfJ€A-' t ~~~.. ,~'--.--C&s) L€~ ~\t-t.J ~,.~ p~1Ut.... r_ ..-;.~ r'!" , .,b ~ ~ ~ l~~ ;;') a.. ~.o 11 ~ C-~L."'.' - I F= Ya.__ r' [cIA I 'wr.~- '''-- I ' ~ ~ ~,,- S \,;1 M~ 812 North Madella Spokane. Washington' 99202-2845 (S09) 533.1703 FAX (~Q9) 533.1182 11845 N. E, Marx Street Portlllnd. Oregon 97220.1085 (503) 258.3328 FAX (~03) 258.4572 22211 76th AVe. South P.O. Box 1777 Ken\, Washington 98035-1777 (206) 872.7330 FAX (206) 396.7782 . ,~.;;!i . '. PANEL UAUGE PANEL WIDTH ALLOWABLE: WIND UPLIPT r..OAQ (PSF) FOR: z- PANEL FORM 551500 - #OF PANEL SPAN (FT. ) ",'....". '"'I EQUAL.. .. ....--.. ~~...~.... . ...... ....... I SPANS 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 1 155 99 69 Sl 39 31 I 25"1 2l 2 158 101 "to .. 51 39 31 25 I 21 3 184 lt~2 -~ 46 '36 29 I 24 1 240 15 '-.I.~""" 78 60 47 38 32 2 238 152 106 78 59 47 38 31 3 277 177 123 '91 69 55 44 37 1 340 216 151 111 85 67 54 4S 2 305 195 136 100 76 60 49 40 3 356 228 158 116 89 70 57 47 . ---...--.- ..... - ..... . "..,..-..-.-...... 26 GA 16" STEEL ' 24 CA 16" STEEL 22 GA 1'6" STEEL NOTES: 1. All calculations for panel p~operties ~~v~ been made in accordance with the 1986 edition of "Specification for Cold-Formed steel Design Manual" published by Amedcan I~ol1 ang, steel In~U1;ute. 2. Value3 for 3 or more spans tre' base4 Qn 4 .qual gpans. 3. These load capacities are for the panel itself. Frame~, purlins, clips, fa.stener~, and all support~ must be designed to resist load imposed by the panel. 4. Matet'ial: ASTM A446 , grade "e'l ~. All loads are in PSF, 6. Above capacities have been increased by 33-1/3\' as p'er J\!SI 'sec. A4. 4. 7. Minimum panel support bearin9 le~9th ~ 3,00 In. .,.