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Permit Electrical 1981-1-28
. . ':'''''::'.~.' ; ...... F;:?~;:'.i.':'::~::;';-;!"~~;,:'.;~~~~~":~:r\?;c~"~''~'.~: '.~: ::: . :..:: .;.~."". ,:.. . '. ;<, .f.>\C.-:.;.. :.'.:......>>... .." '":':''' ',_ ~:;:.".. o! .,-.' . ~.' >, ~ , . ., ". a'_: '.._"_' ....,._ ':' ." . ..... "". . " 1 r'" ,\ i.~.t ._ '. '. . .. ~: ..' . '. ,> . .- " .; . ,.. ..... Mr. Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent Building Division Department of Public Works .' 346 Main Street .' Springfield, Oregon 97477 . "~.'. ~ ..." .'..". . . ". . .." ..~. . .....,":... '." .. . .'- . '.' . . RE: Authorization for Industrial Plant Electrical Inspection _ ~eml-AnnuaL, ~nua0 Dear Mr. Clark:' FOllowi,ng our discus.sion with' . (P4t1'.;J",.' . ~~, Electrical Safety Inspector, this letter is to confirm authori- zation for the above indicated inspection of our plant in accor- dance with OAR 22-120 Subsection 3 or OAR 22-125 Subsection 4, State of Oregon Electrical Saf:ty Law_. '~_ It is requested that '~~ ~~ be contacted prior to~~ inspection to insure tnat personnel .will be available to(:5'ompany the inspector. ". . . .', ~ " . . . " .', . ~; . '.4 '. ." ".. , .' " " Signed, ~. . . . .-'".:"'".;/. ." :..r \ o'i' , O/)A' ~~~ -/ @-4./ .aA . Compar Name 3C-(?&V~ Address " Supervising Electrician f/Jnt ;!c?rY/ Limited Maintenance Electrician . " .~~ c-o COVY\.(V\.. ..