HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Temporary 1989-12-13 (2) .' ' ... e . SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT December 13, 1989 Ms. Juanita Mueller 5335 Daisy Street #74 Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Ms. Mueller: Your request for an extension of your temporary occupancy at the mobile home located at 5335 Daisy Street #74, Springfield, Oregon, has been reviewed and approved. This approval may only be granted one time and will expire 30 days from the date of your current approval (December 30, 1990). 'If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. ~Sin:.erely, ~( V Building Technician cc: Dave Puent, Building Official lh 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 r'". . I ~#', - ...:'1 .. . SPR~ELO - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 October 27, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER Ms. Juanita Mueller 5335 Daisy Street #74 Springfield, Oregon 97478 RE: Temporary Occupancy Dear Ms. Mueller: On October 26, 1989, a temporary occupancy was granted to you to occupy the mobile home at 5335 Daisy Street, Space 74, Springfield, Oregon. As a condition of the temporary occupancy, you are required to complete the following, items within 30 days from the date of this letter. 1. Permanent steps with handrails need to be constructed. 2. The skirting must be placed around the home. 3. Th~:required ventilation under your home must be installed.' An inspection will be conducted 30 days from the date the temporary occupancy was granted. If the items are not completed the temporary occupancy will expire and legal action may be taken in order to ensure compliance. If you have any questions, please phone me at 726~3790. Sincerely, luiu~' Lisa Hopper Building Technician QJ?J cc: Dave Puent, Building Official ,,------.... , lh .. . - \ . SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 ,when additional services are desired, and complete items 3 and 4, ' Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the'reverse side" Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return receiot fee will provide vou the name of the oerson delivered to and !he date of deliverv, For additional fees the lollowing services are available, Consult postmaster for fees and check box(es) tor additional service{s) requested, 1. XJ Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address, 2. 0 Restricted Delivery (Extra charge) (Extra charge) 3. Article Addressed to: 4. Article Number Ms. Juanita, Mu\eller . ..--\) .-'" ~,v 5~35 Dalsy~Street #74 Springfield, Oregon 97478 ;, ..,. ~ ~ 5, Signature - Addressee X ~ siCX~ct:nm~i 7. Date of Delivery / 1 ~ . tv () ~ t---1 ' PS Form 3811. Apr, 1989 \~IOOf ~ 578621101 Type of Service: O.Registered fi Certified - " o Express 'Mail o Insured o COD' o Return Receipt for Merchandise Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED, 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ~ UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV ':t P M ~\ OFFICIAL BUSINESS l') ~O , \'? 28 OCT ~~''i SENDER INSTRUCTIONS V' / 0 ./ Print your name. address and ZIP co~ ~~.,.... In the space below. · Complete Items 1. 2. 3, and 4 on the reverse. . Attech to front of article If spaca permits, otherwise efflx to beck of article. . Endorse article "Return Receipt Requested" edjacent to number. RETURN TO . . .. ..~(,.~~.~,,~ ~;~-I' ~m~~'l,~ , ,f .~-]}]. . : y;~ It(l~?:" fJ !;iJil.~,:, , '~~a' ~~,-;, ~;~. <;1A;"1~')~"d': ~~U' ..\ t~,' -;>u ~ r. .fl:..'lo"l~ ~e ...... 'J:J ~'. \/1 '''. U.S. MAIL '- -:., PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. .' rity Of 'r~in,~rl-Rld9-lliY;,;nn 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ,f ~. .J ILD ING D 11.,.' IS ION JOtl::~ 89'. -LEGAL'" LOT xnoc:< I\. ("Y' T V Y' 1~'1 .J ........ .~':' ... (.~D1;1 HESS'- 53"s'5 :0 A HI Y :[: 7 4 -. VALUE,.., I) DESCR:MOBILE HOME SU !~90911 I 891026 688..5193 .- ENERGY- HEATl- H20- r~ANGE- _ C "l' ^ '\" c:' - 'oJ. lOt J."oJ ...OWNER.- JUAN ITf..' rlUELLEF< 1200 PI~R~~ I~VE ." IJ i' E' N ~, O'lJ Cl 7 4 . 4 i.~I\ ..:1 I .1:. ~I K\:J 0 '1_ .u B'l r: .. J I 1';.:1 ZOi'!E P:'OODPLAIN Dce CH< P l~'ro~' IEl' ..J . ~..." BEDRM IJN '['I'" '. . ,J SQ l:'EF::l' - INfO.... C()N("" .. ,J.... .- C ON T RA C T 01'<S'" r~N'_1-1urUES I-lOMc~ oJ..!.:' 4... .Jf1 4.::...) CONTRACTOR PHONE- PLMB-' ELECT,- M\:. "H E. C .... DESGN... TYP~ NEW RESIDEN:'IAL 1150 REPT CAT :~112 SEQ-REQUIRED PERMIIS-----------fEE-SURCHARGE-DAIE-RECEIPT-PERMIIi-------,VALUE--- $ o C- O C 00],'''031...M H PLUi"lB lNG 1~5.00 o ",' C' B90'jl ], 14853 a I ~J 002-032-M H ELEeTr~ lCAL 15.00 Oa'?5 890911 ' 481.....~ .L ;:;\01' 003...017",:'1 H SET UP 8 9 '~) L"' 4.46 890911 14853 tt .........} 004....044-MH PER~iIT ISSUAN 1 ~'5. '7 5 0.79 B90911 1485~3 ~) !t> <':. I' SEQ-MlN!MUM INSPECTIONS + REQUIREMENIS--------------------EXP DATE---ACT DATE- OOl-050-MOBlLE HOME SEIU 002-053-~OBILE HOME PLUM 003-052-MOBILE HOME ELEC (' 04 O""C' -. INAL ". 'C> "I' lJI' ) ....".....J...);: ,::ix:.J.......1 8(;) 1 026 891009 8~H009 SEQ--INSPECTIONS-------COMMENlS--------------------------DATE----RESULI--INSP--- 00 l'.' 052.... MOB.!L E HOME CIrl' B91009 (H{ ?P .L.. .I :....1 A,I '" 002,...050....i"ICl[lILE HOME C'fIlI 891009 NOIm< ':>8 '\,,) , . A.' 003....053-.~HH: ILE HOME PLUM 891009 () ~{ ')8 .. 004,...050....MOB ILE HOME SElU I/O '1 '! /')6/QQ / 891026 CH< ''')(:1 ... _ A.t '1.00 ..I 6',t . "'~ a . _.... I . . . Job No. L9tJ 9...:1:. 7 JOB ADDRESS U 3 3.::s- ,j) e{ t 5 ( sf CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services 225 North 5th Street S/J1t- '74 . , Date 10: ~1A..'p,Aj / 7;..;-;</ /D 6L C t'?n/k~J h~_/~i:JV- e~pIV~'l'f; i.tva iY Ie --;-;7 - 0 (:1 Llf C,J,1 if I. s7)f Ii j(J S ~,rx CA t J..s .2, _) Ie-: ....11 1'1.18 ~ L?-n d(Vv"' n7 ~ 10 I 4- l:l !LA'] t1 a I, d-w_ ~PEcroRK . ....CALL FOR: - INSPECTION 726-3769 - INFORMATION: 726-3759.... CALL FOR REINSPECTION , Building Division /o/u/c.c," I ,LfF-l , -. e . .' \' ( .' , , , ~iJ ,-/'" , fU..JL" ~ /d-,S"J7 (j.fA- /!JUl Z1J ('. .' _ ) a:.LJ c;J. I Cl4--;f.1 ~ YlfLd2 ClaJ', _ ~ . cfYl ~ JJ; >?JIfJ~Lcp~ I/r--r:ti.J:n Ii- /IW.il:Ln:~_UJ:i-uc ~ f/-;J';;'-Y'l )~~ '( J 1...0 1. . t1 1. /JUmtyu:f a.... , . , ' . 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