HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-15 00 RESIDE~AlALoo. " APPLICATIONYffRMIT 225 North 5th Street Spri ng f'i e ld J Oregon 97177 Building Division 7,~G-37 5'3 . ,....., ...... ,,, ,... -&.,...... ...", . SPRINGFIELD rob Loa:lti::)71: b335" ..0A-/s: '1 # / z ""2- 16::c830r:: Map H /70 2- 3"3 00 Tc;:r Lot II Yi.bdivision: 0/ 300 ::unCI': WAa(b4-) WM V LJ ~k:-A I 7~/- O~9:2- 4ddress: 5/Irr16 Phone: City: c:::.,;::;A?/ d R ,?/e( () I'J#< Zip: ~?479./ ...,. '--' -l I -~ Nr>w .1ddi tien Il<:mo;! (! Z ssr ~("IOb-:: Zc lIoma ~ ... Date of IIppZicatien___ :on t rae tors .:eneral Receipt .'1 . \~6\~ ......... ............... .... ..", ....... lit Describe r\'orl~: i/,P /11,// D. \~.qC) )AJ /A/e~ \I-.l\) Address, Lise. n Bidrs I/cf,,;}/ ;~ r ~~ ~ <.\- srro.s t'(!3)\ l. , " (.01 ,q-m SLf.) tJ::,./lti&A._1 ) J.ulIlb:i.ng ~leclHlnica.l ~J.t;:c t ci.!;u 1 511peL',..-:tt;;r.l,g Elec t r:ie iLln ----.- - , Value ...- ' Signed: ....... Date: /().~.Lf() H~~,~~~(;"4'A4'"tJ/~~/4K~ , . , I It is tho responsibility of the permit hoUder to see that all inIJpections are made at the propep time. that each ~dress is readab!e ' [rom the street, and that the pernrit cal'd is located at the fl'Ont of the property. ~!Jui!di,'1g tr:vi::io~ approl:ed plan s1u;U remain on the Building s.it$ at aZZ times. [!,70C.<:DU!?E FOR [NSPECTION R::QUEST,:CAll 726-3769 (pecorderJ state your City desi!Jnated job nwr.ber, job address, type of ill3pea~ic/l l'cque8ced ar.d wherl YOIl will be ready for inspcction. Contractors or OWners name and plwne number. Request8 peceived before 7:00 cr:I ~'ill be made the same day, requests made aft~r 7:00 = LliU bcmade the next :JOrking dny. qD/~5} . &2aHZ:llcd TnSr1(YJt1:cntl I sn.~' INSN.Y.."."JON: To be made after --1 excavatioll, but prieil' to set up of [m'ms. ' -J ~"'.~F.R~LA,B PU'~\IBING, ELECTR~C,1L & ,,!r.. I. II..L 11 1..i1 L: To be made before any ---- wol.k is ~ov(Jr'ed. _.I t'(JI!'l'TNG ~ FOUND.1TTON: To be made ai't.el' tJ'i::>lU;'CS (H'e excavated and i'm'",:; QJ'C crectad, bllt prior to pOZil.'>tltj ccnCI'et.s. __J U!ID~!I(;!IO//;;,D P::UM,'3 [NC, s.<:rff.!?, W,1TF.!/) li,'!~U.!!!.l(;!~: 1'0 be ",a::1e pJ'ioJ' to Ii l- I,,',:tj !.l'(!1lchef:. --- I 1III/lE.'!."'f.OO!! 1'[,/JI,!!l[,VG ,~ MECHANICAL: t.' .'hi mll<le pJ"ioJ' to 'irwtallation' of {I ~".".imJilla t'ion or deeking. I'O:':'!' :111/) BF.,1,',I: To be made prior to 7~';,Jt;;l/.~ticlI of fZool' i71sl<lation 01' I "'~l'II" ..t.... :,. __,I =J .'IO!'{;.'I ,"[,(I,'!lif:'.'C. Er.F:CT.'1!CA:: ,~ MF.ClI- .,111' r....X!-::'.. ,'ia - :J01'1: 'ia to be <,:o~'ered ;;;~!"Tl'i;lJ{)se 'illspeet1:or:s have beer. mnde ,ulll apPl'ove.:!. --I ,. r1H'I'1 11''''' .~._'.,;~:..._~!_":;!..:... . . . tf!.; C:t)~': (f t:: (:in::. P['1:or to plaeir.g facing IlIld be[or'e fJ'(Uning inspec- -J ,".'1..1.','1:';,,;: ;'!J/::t be reqllBIJted aft;ep ;;;..j;-;~;,'~~I. Dr I'ouah plwr.bing, c:Zectri- "..zi ..; :::.:.:hllli~a7... Ill! rOOfing 1"'W'i"..1 ,~ <:hi/fmcys, et~. nr.18t be G(,ll!l!,I.:r.,:/, Nil IJ:Jl'k 'ia to be eOTl- c.1<':I.../ :<llt,:' /. t:l1l::: 1:1l8pcation has . lh'l''i -:l.il' ,nl.! appt'ot.'cd. [ J 1-'///..1, "':I':!I/:.'I: 1---1 I-' 1:''',1 I ',I.'" 'I! 1.'1/ t '..11. L,_ o FINA! ,1.'"",,', '1'.':'!i';~L o Your City DeIJigrnted Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VAl'OFl BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation a~.d , required vapor barriers are in place " "but l;'efore any lath, gypsum board 01' wZZ covering is applied. and before any insulation iIJ concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: Te be made aftel' aZZ dl'ywaU is in plaoe. but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beama, grouti7lg 01' vertieals in aceordallce with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After instalZation is cempletcd. DEMOLITION OR gOVED BUILDlilGS ~ Sanitary 8B'.Jer ::apped :It property line ..-J . ", ',I ItI"~ 1",'tl'h"'t~"1f.h~\,.'f":" 1.,1; iki... I~' :=J Septi~ tank p:imped and [i Had wi th tjl'Cl:Jc l I Final - m,en above items are ccmpZeted --1 and when demolition, is complete 01' stn,-'- ture moved and pr~mi3es ::leaned up. Mobile lIemes ~'BloCking and Set-up / , b . . ---' :~P~um .ng oannect.ans -- sewer a~ wa~er "~lcctrical Ccnneotian - Blocking, set-lip , and plunwing oonnections nr~st ce approved efopc requestiTl!J elec~rical inspec~io~ =:J Aa::esGory Building ~ Final - After porcr.es.' skirting, ~etc. are completed. I decks, D D D CURB ,~ APPROACH AP.'WN,: Afte~ forms al'e cre:Jted bl4t pl'iol' to pouring "on~re te. ~ - - D SIm;rIALK ,~DRIt'Er/!.Y: For all oon- crete paving within street right- of-wcy. to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- bane material in plaae. AU pl'o.fect conditions, :me.': aa tile ~',nstallation of stl'eet treea, "eo,~pleti.on of tne l'equired lmld::r:r.p1:ng, etr!., rmwt be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL aaTl !Ie r~qllelltsd. FJNIl!. BUnDING: TI1C final Building Inllpeetion nnlOt be requeIJtod after tltC ,~'i'l(!l PlwnbiniJ Elcctrical, and Mccllar:ielll Inspectio7ls }zqVC beeTl made cj.ul approvad. :"-"1 I ':11.1. f.l.lN/lGU:S ..1Nf) r.U:i1NOIJT:: II/I,".'T m: .1CO:s:;mLP., IID,IUST!!.':N'!' TO BE f./AnE ,~T NO r~ST TO C['!'Y I'r:1~~'~ ' of :! D fENCF.: J.'her. compl.>te -- Provide gates or movable sectionlJ throug~ P.U.E. o . -;1.... .' Lot Sq. Ftg. S af lot Caverag~ ,~ of Stories Total. Height Topography Interior Setbacks /loUGe ' r.arane I AaceSll. , L-COC;" Iledroomo: ~""),. Ener17/f So,wees ~ '/';I/'(! Heat Water !lea tel' Ran(1e , Firovlacc Wood:;tove ~ JOB NO. q()/{)5,1 SOLAR ICES S :EQ,- OccupanclI G : R.~ ~ WT 'TYPE -1 [,at Faces - I I P.L. North East South fvest Tyve/Coy:st: . Zone: Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Fees TTEM SQ.FTG / X Va lue Building Value & Permit This pemit iIJ granted on the exprells condi tion that the :;,!l:,i ,~(lI1" I ,'ilL' I,,:on shall, in all respccta, confom to the Ordinance adop ted })y d,,) : 'i I I, ',l[ Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulatill(J the ':<::111;/)';"'/1:':11 and uoe of buildings. and m:;.y be sucpe'lded 01' revoked at r.;I:Y t ;:"1'< 1Ii',}11 I) 1:';-', lation of any provisions of said Ordinallces. , , Main I Ga:raGe Caroort Accessoru '. Is.D.c. ~ ,_. __.n. .____ State Surcharge Total Charges ~ , Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Recdpt II: Sig~ed: , ' --..-..-.- -- Buil.ding Permit lITEM I Fix,tures IResidential. (1 bath) 'sanitary SeLJer , I Water 1Lf0 ~ '" NO. FEE CHARGE -- Plumbing, Permit No person ohall conlJtruct. instal?. at.ter 01' challge allY lleW C/' e;::il;t;i,lI(1 pl.umbing 01' drainage syste.~ in whale 01' in part,' udess Glwh pel'GOII I:'; 1:11,.. legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except that a perGO'1 mail Ii,;, plumbing LJork to property which is owned. leased or operated by tho apl'l.I:- cant. ' Total Charl1es \ % .00 ( 6,bO l'l~ J~ .rt<:; .. FEE CHARGE Electrical Permit 'Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.arge , 1 n'M I Res. So. fto. I NalJ/Ertend Circuits I Temporary Ser-vice I NO. Where State LarJ requires tr.at the electrical LJork be done by all E,'lectl'ic,r!. Contractor. the electrical portion of this permit shall not be vaLid wztiL the label has been signed by the Electrical CO'ltractor. El.e~trical Permit State Sur~har!1e Total Charges i A 1T5M NO. FSE C/lARGE Mechanical Permit Furnace ETU' S I E:haus t /lood. Vent Fan WXJdstove Peoot Iasuanc2 Me~hanical Permit State Surchar17e Total CharQelJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- .. SCC'".lritu D2D03it -' Plan Exam1.ner vate Stora(Je Total Chal'ges I .. ,I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aH i~fo~ation hereon is true and corr~ct, alld I further certify that any ar.d all. work performed shaH be dO;'le in aC::Ol'- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springficl.d. and th:: La:.;s of tho State of Oregan pertaining to the work describcd hel'e-:.n. and that NO OCCI) PANCY wi LZ be rmde of any structure LJi thout pemis3ion of ti,e Bu i ldinfl Di visian. I further certify that O:1Zy contractorlJ' a,:d e'77pl"yees wl:o are ill c~~pliance LJith ORS 701.05S LJill be used on this project Maintenanl,e Pcmit Curbcu~ I Sidm.J.:J. lk I Ff!"~e EZectrical Label - B'1.:.JS l 'S. 'IS I S,A.S . I /;:)/ ()tX) J ~ V ~A/1AJA' j '?J.iall:ul u'L!,.~ ;/ .i/) - 1-.:) -1~ [1.11,,: tJ\e\io, . ~_ , I ..S~ I TnTAr. AMOUNT DUE: 4 - , SP.FiEL:J . 'i 'IIi ~_'1!ll.!1.i 1..=:'"6' l E.Hiscellan~ous (Service/feed~r -Each installation ' Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Signal Circuit or limited energy panel ,,~ . I ",,- 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD" OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1;. LOCATIOJ!, OF ~ALLATION J...L. \ n h ' ' ' S6u~' \..)(\~'"M' ~ A. LE~ DESCRIPTION' , ~~/'\ ' \ r (''>7_'2> 3 a:) (/\\ o....AJ '(\" JOB DESCRIPT. ~t<?N _ -1\ -LJ \ . \:::\: : ~,~ Permits arenon~transferable and expire if vorkis not statted within 180 days of issuance or if vork is, suspen~ed for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY , " Electrical Contractor Address City Phone . ' Supervisor License Number Expiration Date Constr Contr.Number Expiration Date . Signature of SuperviSing Electrician Ovners Nam~(L--\-\tffi ~Uctn )0. ~ddr.ss 5.")?>..C; tu ~ ~ lzi: Ci 'y 0\}~\&' Phon. 'l41-{)2Cl Z, OWER INSTALLATION' the installation is being made on ' property ,1 ovn vhich is not intended ,for, sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: ~.21fl /Y74~ '/ t! ~f'~ ~~~~~----T!)-~T- ,~----------~---- RECEIPT .: ' /~1I1 . I \A i ~-=-o RECEIVED nY:~/\ ) 5'. ' ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Job Number' qO 1c9b- 3. COMPLETE PEE SCHEDULE BELOV Nev Residential-Single or ' Hulti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: Items Cos t Sum 1500 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof ' Each Hanuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $,85.00 $ 15.00 \ $ 35.00 ~~ B. Services or Feeders Cio Branch Circuits included). Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts , f Reconnec t Only , $ 35.00 $ 60.00 $ 90.00 $130.00, $300.00 $ 35.00 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 35.00 201 amps to 400 amps $ 40.00 Over 401 to'600 amps $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or'lOOO volts see "B" above Branch Circuits Nev; ~lteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addt'l ten or portion thereof $ 35.00 $,50.00 $ 15.00 not included) $ 36.00 $36.00' SUBTOTAL OF' ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL $ 36.00 ,,~ CS ~ ~)~ I 1-', --'--- ' , I_t I ' , i ' , . ___=----- ,__ --~t-.- t----c _+-===_-=========- _== I--J --C:::~=----l------- ==_ ,-.L-_- ---------- ----=-+---- I 1---.--------,-",------ 'JI . -----=============-u-~ft('l--!-ttfn:J~)-=-~=::.=~--- - --I F-o:-e I -6--~-- ------,-. --, -- .---, I ,-- ~ --, --- ------ --------- __::S:3:35--JJ&~~L_3,T-- ( 1 I I -.-..- ,....-.,lr ---.,.- -_.- -l ---- , ----. '.' -----,- -0 _In -, --'(-- -1-- r ...---..............-------- ...0..-...0..0..;;.;; ---~ "..... ,- -I-I' I I . j - ......... ,,' --:~------ -~--, I ~'~L i ! _-1-_ j I -1- I -- -.- --------. f'.....-- 1--- .--- -,+, ------, -~-- ----- ,-------:--,---- ."-- I~- --~'I _..._,-['-=,==~'-- ---- ---=~=~-~~...~~.. ==i-----.-~ ~--- F\ '-Ie. -r ---<:r-rL -- ~/J!1r#, ~1 , - __H ...h.,.. , '( ...:-. I.. , , I r -- ----- . -' -..,. '~ --- I==-=_=~- :__, I -= 1=~ _ _-,~ ~=_~',~ ~ =_~.. _ -~ =~~, = _~ =_ '- -(( '- . \\Q ) -'- ~ I' -- f '--1- ----- -,--- ,-,- ______ _1__- ___,_ ,___0 __, ,__ Q- ,~ , I I \, , 1 ", -,--' I I l -I ~ , . f -- -----,- WNC- I )) 1./(/ , G" -= = =1' - ,- -0 ---jt- --.---'- -- ---. .. --ro. --.~ J 1."'-\0-+ ' ("I"'~lP -6(f- -1 __L __I ;{-- _____l__~_._ (. - , ~. i -0' '-f ~~ -=c-:= ~~~~~~~-_~I=,~L-,~ ~ ~_4=_.,~~~~=~~,~ J__ L- , --'. , '=1-~ ~= -o~ ~ ~ ~tj~= '__ _ _ __ -0 .-1__ -I -,-' --- --'.'''''[' -t.--,..- _ L" _ -1.__1__ --l-.. _.1 -1-----1-. -1._ _-1 _~L_ 1_1 L " , , _.L " ;...:. . . ...t..: . . Permit' No:C'.,D \~ CS \ ~"" 'Addr~ss: ' h?;?~S ~~' LDAA ~r2Z Issued bc::1~ Ol) , Date:, }O/''6f1o / ' ST A TEM ENT: ,.'INFORMATIONNOTICETOPROPERTY OWNERS 'ABOUT CONSTRUCTION ,RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law; ORS701~055(4), requires residential.buildfngpermit applicants ,'who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before,the,building permit can,be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submi,t t~isstateri1ent. This statement,will be filed 'with the permit. 'Fill in the applicable blanks; and initial. box 1 and either box 2A or 2B:, / 1. I \I I I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A.I \//, My general contractor is' ~S;,\\.S'~[',..~ _ Contractor registration n~mber ~ \ C\\a4- 4 \ 4ql ~&1s I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR / B. , ~/ I I will be my own general contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. If I change my mind and (jo hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor, who is registered With the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. ., ,I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand , the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the 'reverse side of this form. ' Signature of Permit Applicant Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS'SOARD 0244J 10/24/89 ' , ,,' ," ~ ~ /), --..J " , E COpy TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE K COPY TO APPLICANT ' " <!!i.