HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-12-20 f.,. -~ " ",' ~'JOB ADDRESS: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL: 3533 ~ l':1m I1rl. ~;p!1d. \JW3::ii Subdivision: LC-33";Q-7:J 17-JJ3-15 0 27(14 This permit for the referenced property is hereby ollP?':'1Vccl Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be ~trictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction OrdinRnce, and/or other remedies allowed by law. . Appl,icant/ Address:St= t!. UnlVin:=. 570 II 6th Avo. J\21cUOI1 Cltty. Owner/Addre~s: Ilonold no Alb:ccl. = ao .1ob Contractor/ Address6= 00 a!Y)lltCll!lt Contractor's OS # !~S2 . " Construction approved by this permit:,., .... .'..04 .,_ 1 -. >:cw....y roon a........c:..un ~ 30B oq >:t. X'=Glol . Gt~tl1ron I:l.= ern 1,llrOj:oR'cy: CollOa Water Supply: ::::!::: # Bedrooms: :; PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Telephone: Telephone~9lJ-35.71/ Telephone: C~ogon 1}7t:4GO<Xl Total Construction Value: $lO.22tJ.OO co.X'O[;O gOE' livinG ottc::l J dool) GlJ 2t. # Plumbing Fixtl',res: # Employees: .. Zoning: Partitioning # Parcel # Paceel Size: Minimum ~uired structural setbacks, from: ce.Werline of rORd, from: = ; centerline of road, 20<1' n ~O. side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: SO. Special InstructiBRs: S' S' llo cdUiticmal bodrc=o/nA OC~ W r::lp T:J-lO/lO/79 For information call 687-4394, ::uJU~ L.~~U Site Inspection # Installation specifications: lineal feet of drailffield required; max. depth of trenchesp Special I ngtructions: no gal. min. septic tank capacity; C.!J t:1.I:t':10 Setbacks Septic Tank Iterior property Iiqes ' 10' . - e of roag,r.i9ht-of-wav,: 10' Ming foundation '5' Wells, other water sou reFS 50' CONSTRUCTiON PE RMITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call between 8.00 - 9:00 a.m., Type of Construction: Instructions: 5-:3 ;;-..., &'C'g3E'CO aido lJJjl llomo Use Classificati0n: Group: n-3 .J 02 vcroi.e 2o'l' ~cq~c:! collcx! !o.iJi)cowno. Fire Zone: SfflJlMm For plans information call between 8:00 a.m, and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of3tlff?*i1mit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. ana:5IOO:p.m. Directions to Site:"olt""'- ~ ro. n - r. ' l' -1 · ,,,J,' ;> .o..=.u.... '^'c.:;). ~ano earn L.04f; O::! I.::l= = n G;l ~cZ\: ~ 13ido. 2 bloclto >:~::J Dclitlino Date Issued: l~ 2"-.... By n___ '" ~'^- ;"'-I'~ "'- .,..", OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT : = ..l:~ ""-' ~;y COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING C55-13 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE. EUGENE. OREGON 97401 6ne county . " .,'{ i- . SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED L:::7 DISAPPROVED L:::7 DATE REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED L:::7 DISAPPROVED L:::7 DATE REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED L:::7 REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED L:::7 DISAPPROVED L:::7 DATE REMARK 5 FINAL PLUMBING . INS PE C TOR INSPECTOR DATE :J-. ., ?_Jt? I NSPECTOR~ INSPECTOR DATEJ"':. .,).;)-~ NSPECTOR J1f'f./- ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED L:::7 RCMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED 1:::7 DISAPPROVED ;---? DATE REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY INSPECTOR READY TO ISSUE 1:::7 NOT READY TO ISSUE ;---? DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR .4. ~""', ~, - "/JOB ADDRESS: TRS, TL: -., ~ - ~ I~" :~'?'._~ POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ,'. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # ~'./.' .:(' -/.. '/- o t. I'" Subdivision: This permit for the referenced property is herebY"'7,',y_i Setbacks and other conditions'of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address:..;~..-,~~_ -.... - "':n"Hr ...-\ r-'7" \"' ,':....,~ "'V' -'_n "{-"~'.- '-. .... -.,.... \ -~7l.".",','-"'-"-'" Owner/Address: :-~-~':l-;: :_:0 .:~--:;~:~~;l_'J~::>. .~ ::., .~:~:. . '. ~'D #,..:...... .'_.~ .-.:~:;~ ::_....L-.i~. . Contractor/Address:;: -', : I '.~.:_,d.:: '~ .--- -. , "' -., Contractor's OS # 1'::~-5" .' ~, ' Total Construction Value: " ,,;'2(.(;) Telephone:::;')';~:>5TI Telephone: · Telephone: Construction approved by this permit: ' _ ./d" r , , ~ " 'Water Supply: _ ."1" PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION i-~.j ::--;::; i ';"'<'1('--. r-' ;;~. ,..,,--~ "..J -~l) -:t~~i..,;:...::' .., - ......,t .~. 2:~: ~;:;~ ,}r}.i". ":.rr:,:."c rc~' :i_:~'J::. '; ..., -I --;t:"."=: -"'::"::,:"j ::_~. ...... -; 'r! L~~:{;Jl'g , '.~1.~.:..::.~ # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: , " # Employees: Zoning: "' Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: ceHrerline of road, front: ~...! ,:,~4t side exterior: .,; interior property lines: "0 ;rear property line: _, Special Instructions: :J ,) ..~] ......I...'..I:.~C1......] '-~"~?----~-'ff!r, .....,....n.('.j11" {)oo,,-.. .~...~~ "'~JOD"l"f" -17, -... ............- - .. -'- . ''''n_V'-' ~ ........ ~...._,....... ,. ~.v t~r A .;0...,1 J. __ ;" Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, ~Q1JO :: ar,Q For information call 6B7-4394, - ..\;.,;.~ ...j.;,.~'__'h~:J Site Inspection # . Installation specifications: lineal feet of draitifield required; max. depth of trenches':", Special I nstructions: ~". gal. min, septic tank capacity; :...~;j'; :~~ Setbacks Septic Tank 'Interior property lines 10' ,_,l! of road right-of-way '10' WIding foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: .c.'~"~~_""j :;, C55-13 Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., For information call Type of Construction: '. Instructions: :.;-.1 '';...~, rG~.1.~t:~ n:b.i'...: c.;:; _:-;; L:~u.~ Use Classification: 51i,"; t, ~''1 Group: Fire Zone: 1l~3 3 10:\ r:c~clsc'~ c:i!i.c.:1 "/C=t.s~ i:!G':~'Cc::.o:::=o For plans information call between 8:00 a,m. and 9:00 a.m" r .." "".--7 - For inspections (see back ofthiSpei"mit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m, and 5:00 p.m. bne county . ". ...." "..:..', '0 ~; ~..::;',;c::n [;,.':;' ~ ,,::-J.Cd_";~.:.:: ~: --~ ....07~ !';-~ (' ',' "~ t..... G:"'. .... DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: '''~1'''l/- 1"'- !>O_...~ ~... .4.._~y - .A. /~ . . .. " " ApPROVED D,SAPPROVEO CI DATE 1-31.=&'NsPEcTOR~ SITE I NSPECT I ON REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED REMARKS c:::::. J - ~ LJ -~. ~ ,.,. ............... ( 1 '" ~ -:l- jJ .A-_ ~ ,r. X~: ~.......-:-, INSPECTOR IV/ h-_.IL ~ r- / / DATE /- '5/- FRAMING INSP::;~ ApPROVED l DISAPPROVtD /7 DATE;:! - 2.. 7-f?e; I NSPECTOR~ ~ _ REMARKS LA TH OR SHEETROC I NSPECTI ON ApPROVED DISAPPROVEO 1--1 DATE.3..::...J2 -Bt>INSPECTOR~ REMARKS FINAL I NSPECTI ON ApPROVED ~DISAPPROVEO - . - #j-}J_V,) RCMARKS.Q _ C ..Lo-._--_P- , It) /"1 ~"'''(~ b.-u-fT:.( (f:"'" 't--'- - / .r. .17 ;-. -- ( , CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE_ 4 J -flY INSPECTOR ~ ~'~I <-=-e~-~ ~ .j",t7". n. ~i i- - ~ ~ .-'lr ~\.../ - C7 , READY TO ISSUE CI NOT READY TO ISSUE ! I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS .... LANE COUNTY, OREGON . CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ",DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANtl .v'lENT . & INSPECTION DIV. (g: (Q) [gJ [gJ Ie (g:jjD (Q) lAD U\II (QJiJD ~ IE JOB ADDRESS 353)( &~.. ...~ /2L DATE ":S- ~/-51~ TO: ~ BLDG. PERMIT: ~ ":I;4-t.,I- 7q NOTE: Iii ~_~I. ~'~14~'.J . _.~~ t4..r~c ~~.P', 7- -/~ ./ .. A~ ~. ./..L _../i l/~-:'" P .~-.J/ . ~: tLe':;;J2:~~pf;~ .A.,._ ~__. ~ u:l1E-li\!SPIECTIOi\! u:l1El2UIu:lIEO ~lnlClnl5l lEilEl#,-~(Q)lEi5 FOu:l APPu:lOVAL INSPECTOR: 9tJ~/r-- C 55. 7 3 ,t~NE COUNTY, OREGON . , / ,DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MAN MENT " (g (Q) [gl [gl[E (glrO (Q) 1M . lM(Q)lrO(g1E CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION DIV. r;;,/) ~,.? . ~ JZtJ DATE ,~-2.3-5?d BLDG PERMIT: ""5 ':s <-/1./ - 77 JOB ADDRESS Yf""3' <;7 TO: ,~,,,-,, - NOTE: ..;)-r-a 7::~..P. h~~:,1? IA~ /T~'- __P' J2-...Lq ~ ---- " ~e-/-rr r:J~ I~ (~kUJ . -I-p J~- '2,,.() - .df;~/~ C55 73 1l<li:-INS[l:IIi:C710N Il<li:GlUIIl'li:1O l:'lJ~tClll"lllEl (Si(EJ#,-~@(S)S L"O:;:ll A[l:II[l:IIIl<lIOVAI.. INSPECTOR: d I ~. , ~A };;(~ -