HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-12-10 ~:.'r :~,. .~:~t,',~j\1;{ ']~.:"'~,:~ ~ . I '.', " . -:::.~~~.. ... ~ .- :~, ~ ...,-"~:' .' ',~ ".'.'. ~.. ".' ~'~~I , !S,~;,.~>,i "'-. -- SPRINGFIELO ~...;,' ~f~ ')" .' 'l;J;-S. .,"-' ,; .' ,. ~..-... ."\\\.~" .~" . "" . '.;::..':" '., --~- '-:-:~:i,:;~:..~ - ';".c.. ., .-,:,.'. : .-::.~.'~~: -' . The tollowing project as submitted has the tollowlng zonmg, and does not require specific land use approval. 225 FIFTH STREET Zoning L-D fL SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 9740Jte 1"2..-10 -"I "\ INSPEcrION REQUEST: 726-'769 _/ \ OFFICE: 726-3759 Autfiorrzed Signature Cf'M-J 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION l3.cA -:b:::>Q..l 'S"~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ 17 n 2-- ~S ~ I..{. 0 =5'10() JOB DESCRIPTION t...:) I..f-.L k P ("! .L n . "f II t. *P.- Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started .ithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days, '" "'""RICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Ci t)' 'Job Number qq I 5 '? '), --- 3, COIlPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELO\l - A. Ne\.' Resiciential-Single 0:- Hulti-Fam:~y per owell:n& unit. Sen'ice Included: 1000 sq,ft. or less Each additiQnal 500 sq, ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home, or Modular 'Dvelling Service or Feeder' I:ems Cost Sum S 85,00 S 15.00 $ 40,00 2. CONTRAcrOR INSTALLATION ONLY .B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations __ ~lec tri cal Contrac tor6::!2Et",irl~~rvlc.t. or, Reloca tion': , Address \)0 ~n ~ ~~':("1 , , ',. c: ~2.QO,ampl; or ,:tes;c' ,,: ,$,50.00 ....; " .:- ," ,..,' :' ::.-<",-::-_ '_';'-"",,~~')?Ol:,~p~,~ to.;:400;,atppso ;;::, ,~"C:$:::60.00,._ -, u_ _, '..' , '_>'0 ~ltY~~~~hone'~4:~ "',Ilk': ~'-::'~;:Ci91i~H~~t.~,.60().;a!1'p.s.;>"~__" _. SlQO:W: .' ,_~:':,:='--',::-- "'~"::'.:.:" '::~~"\' ::L.,"-,',,:, ~:;-::<,;;,::cf:' ;~;";;'<~iE';r.-;.~J.'oamp.s~~~J=10!l()::amps~,:~._ --""2 $130=.00-__ c:' ., ,< :.' '_,. ~~-j::";:::Supervlsor:Llc.ens.e Number ~""iS&.."- _'.,.'::::-,:,'Over-l000 amps/volts' '. $300;00. ' - . -. - , Reconnec t Only S 40.00 Expiration Date \0-0\ - D\ Cons t r Con tr. Number ::::'I.S<CI"'\ \ Expira tion Da te Q - 14 - b("l Si6D1ture of Supervising Electrician 7JM/Vl/t...o/k /(~ lk/ , Ovners Name (<:>C:U'-~ l IV'.. (' A"',..,u.')l~ Address ' ~ Ci ty Phone ,Ll:b- a\~ O\INER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I 6"'n vhich is no: intended for sale. lease or rent. . e!1ers Signature: .._, .. ,. - - ' DATE, 12-10- "1'l_ '. RECEIPT # - , CY 1<1." ',/... '-~ , .~ .. " " , - _lrl _'f;.T":,~~;--;'., .. --~ - . - < ~,.,~:.":;:..:~--:; RE..~.r.u .BI. --'.cK." ,,_ '.... ','~ ~:" .,......,., C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amos"or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 D. Branch Circui ts $ 40.00 $ 55.00 S 80,00 Vo~ts see "B" above Nev, Al.eration or Exte~sion Per Panel " One Cireui t Each hddi tiot.al Circuit or ~ith Service or Feeder Permit E. -L S 35.00 o":S 0-<,) S 2.00 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump 0: irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Lillli ted Energy/Comm 5. , siJBToTAL OF ABOVE ")~{State Surcharge ':3%tAdministratlve~Fee \~ ,~;~: S 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 S 36.00 :;l.~- ~'-ls I .~, A~;~O :1~" .....-