HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Pioneer Parkway EmX 30 % Design Corridor Review Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: February 4,2008 Work Session Public Work,S OC Tom Boyatt ~3 - 744-3373 90 minutes AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: PIONEER PARKWAY EMX 30% DESIGN CORRIDOR REVIEW ACTION REQUESTED: Review design detail and project issues from 30% Plans submittal and provide LTD and City staff direction on project design review and approval. ISSUE STATEMENT: LTD has submitted 30% Plans for the Parkway EmX project. City and ODOT staff have reviewed the submittal and identified key issues that are further explained in Attachment A, Council Briefing Memo. LTD and City staffwill present project design, discuss key issues, and answer questions about the project. This review is anticipated to be the fmal Council review prior to completing design and constructing the project. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Council Briefing Memo Attachment B: Project Graphics . (There will be severallaige format graphics at the meeting which are not included in the packet. These are: Corridor Schematic indicating stop locations, Photo of a constructed two sided station from Phase 1 - Downtown to Downtown, and the complete Roll Map of the Median Landscaping. In addition LTD staffwill distribute the list of property owner contacts and concerns at the Council meeting on 2/4/08.) DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMP ACT: On November 6, 2006 Council again endorsed the Pioneer Parkway EmX Environmental Assessment Locally Preferred Alternative for design, and ultimately for construction. This corridor is the second phase of bus rapid transit implementation in the metro area, and wilI connect downtown to Gateway including RiverBend Medical Center, Gateway Mall and the growing employment center on International Way. Council directed that the design and construction of the new EmX facility be reviewed and approved using the City's Public Improvement Project (PIP) process. Council further directed staff from both jurisdictions to pay close attention to the impacts of the new EmX facility on the existing built environment, particularly any impacts to private properties, loss of on-street parking, and changes to the Pioneer Parkway median and median landscaping. The purpose of Council's 30% Plans corridor review is to highlight the proposed treatment of these and other issues along the corridor. Next steps wilI be for LTD to submit 70% Plans to staff, iron out any final details, and then prepare a 100% Plan Set for City PIP approval. . Following PIP approval by the City Engineer, the project would begin construction. Construction is anticipated to occur in 2009 and 20 I O. MEMORANDUM City of Springfield Date: To: January 28, 2008 Mayor and Council ~ . \..- . Tom Boyatt, Transportation Manager Pioneer Parkway EmX 30% Design Review COUNCIL BRIEFING MEMORANDUM From: . Subject: ISSUE: LTD has submitted 30% Plans for the Parkway EmX project. City and ODOT staffhave reviewed the submittal and identified key issues that are further explained below. L TD and City staff will present project design, discuss key issues, and answer questions about the project. This review is anticipated to be the final Council review prior to completing design and constructing the project. BACKGROUND: In late November 2007, LTD submitted 30% Plans to City and ODOT stafffor the first iteration . of design review for the Parkway EmX Project. City and ODOT staff reviewed the plan sets and provided comments back to the LTD design team at the end of December 2007. Two "Plans In Hand" meetings were subsequently held in early January to review staff comments and resolve as many issues as possible at that time. The majority of review comments have been resolved, and a set of pending project issues has been identified. In the discussion below these project issues are divided into three basic categories. The first heading is 'Key Issues'. This group of issues is more fully discussed below, and includes the items which Council brought to staffs attention during the final Environmental Assessment work session in November 2006. The second heading is 'Engineering Issues. These represent the group of unresolved issues that staff expects to be able to work through with the L TD design team during the normal course of project review (70% and 100% design submittals). The third heading is 'ODOT issues'. These are provided for your information. One fmal note on the PIP review process that has been put into place for the Parkway EmX design and construction phases is that theCity and LTD staffhave agreed to a problem solving protocol which attempts to resolve issues at the lowest staff level possible. If issues cannot be worked out at the project stafflevel, then it is agreed that LTD and City staff will meet with the City Manager and L TD General Manager to attempt resolution. Should a meeting with the two chief executive officers for both organizations not be able to find the solution, then it is agreed that City staff will bring the particular issue back to Council for discussion and direction. DISCUSSION: Kev Issues Each key issue is identified and described below. LTD and City staffwill discuss each issue and answer questions at the work session. 1. Property owner/tenant notification of project and identification and resolution of issues. Description: During the EA process, L TD staff states all property owners affected were notified by mail or in person. L TD is now working on contacting the property owners regarding parking removal, driveway closures, property acquisitions, etc. and hopes to finish by February 4,2008. Because all contacts have not yet been completed staff is not aware of all property owner issues which could potentially result in project delays and/or increased project cost. Even if all property owners are contacted by February 4, the possibility remains that some issues may not be resolved by that time. ' Attaclunent A - Page I of 4 2. Bike Path treatment crossing EmX . Description: The southbound EmX lane and the bicyclelpedestrian path cross just north of Countryside Apartments. The crossing is not located near EmX stations or intersections, thus the EmX vehicle will be traveling at full speed where the lane ~d path cross. In addition, the southbound EmX lane will be on the east side of the bike path, whereas the southbound general traffic lane is located to the west of the path. This could cause false expectations of the EmX vehicles' direction of travel. Due to safety concerns, extra measures will be required to improve safety at this crossing location. The following options are being explored: use of landscaping and barriers to keep pedestrians and bicyclists on the path, angling the approaches to the crossing to orient the pedestrian/bicyclists line of view towards oncoming EmX vehicles, illumination at the crossing, and ADA detectable warnings at the bus way edge. L TD is also considering the use of a vehicle audible warning, but that has yet to be determined. Further discussions and analysis need to take place. 3. Need for a fence/barrier due to conflicts between EmX and Rosa Parks path. Description: The EmX facility and the Rosa Parks bicyclelpedestrian path are in proximity of each other along portions of the corridor. Measures to ensure safe separation of the various modes need to be introduced. The City has directed that a physical barrier be constructed wherever EmX enters the median. L TD, in conversations with the City, has agreed to prepare a range of treatments to separate the path from the bus way. LTD has proposed installing a single rail fence along with vegetation at locations where the EmX lane is 12' or less from the path and in proximity to station locations along the path. 4. Tree removal and replanting on Pioneer Parkway Median, Parkway East and Parkway West between "F" Street and Hayden Bridge. Description: The project will remove a number of trees from the median and along the sides of Pioneer Parkway due to the widening of the corridor. The project plans to preserve as many trees as possible and will have an arborist examine the potentially impacted trees along the entire corridor. Tree preservation and removal plans will be developed and submitted with the 70% plan set, showing the trees to be removed and those to be protected. Additionally, landscape plans will show tree replacement. LTD has provided a draft of the tree removals for discussion with the City. 5. Project betterments to mitigate corridor wide operational impacts. Description: In a few locations along the route there are opportunities to add vehicle capacity or improve vehicle operations concurrent with EmX construction as an offset to the reduction in vehicle capacity caused by EmX throughout the corridor. The Pioneer Parkway and Q Street intersection is at or near the lowest ievel of service in the EmX route and may be enhanced by several measures described below. All of these ideas can be done in existing right of way. · Trim the north median by several feet, convert the westbound curb lane on Q Street from right turn only to a through/right combination lane, and move the bike lane to the curb. Added capacity on Q Street will increase the 'green time' to be reallocated from Q Street to Pioneer Parkway and reduce congestion. · Re-shape the north and south medians so that northbound and southbound left turns may operate simultaneously. Current geometry prohibits concurrent left turns and as a result the signal timing is seriously constrained and limits the efficiency of the intersection. · Add a northbound, channelized right turn lane. Many vehicles exiting Highway 126 eastbound turn left at Pioneer Parkway and immediately turn right on Q Street. An additional lane for these right turns will reduce spill back of vehicles in the northbound through lanes and avoid blocking the northbound left turn lanes. Attachment A - Page 2 of 4 · Some intersections have small curb radii that don't accommodate truck traffic. Increasing the curb radii will allow for smoother truck flow and reduce congestion to a limited extent and reduce damage to sidewalks, curbs, sign and light poles 6. Pedestrian activated signal crossing south of roundabout. Description: LTD has proposed a signalized crossing of both Parkway East and West at the . Hayden Bridge station about 200 feet south of the roundabout. Staff has not fully investigated the proposed signal concepts and recognizes that this signalized crossing option could also be a follow on project improvement, particularly in the southbound direction, should there be a demonstrated need to address the crossing requirements of L TD customers with certain disabilities, such as sight and hearing impaired or wheel chair bound. Staff understands that the Parkway EmX Subcommittee has shown little interest in making this improvement as part of the initial project. Eneineerine Issues I. Signal Operations and intersection designs. Description: Multiple signals throughout the EmX project including Pioneer Parkway (PP)I Centennial, PP/Hwy 126 Ramps, PPI 'Q' Street, PPI Plaza, and the Main Street! South 'A' coordinated corridors may be adversely affected by the EmX vehicles. Time will be taken from the existing pedestrian and vehicle signal phases and given to the EmX vehicle for queue jumps and separate phases to eliminate conflicts between general traffic and the EmX vehicle. L TD is to provide the City with signal system modeling that demonstrates the desired operation does not adversely impact operation of the signals. One strategy to mitigate signal operations impacts is to pursue the concept of project betterments described above in Key Issue #6. Staff would work with L TD and the project team to find the proportional balance of impacts to betterments. 2. Manage safe vehicle turn movements at International WaylSports Way near double sided Sports Way EmX Station. Description: The Sports Way EmX station consists of a double-sided station east of the intersection. This location is on a curve and presents sight distance concerns for vehicles turning left from International Way onto Sports Way and vehicles turning left from Sports Way onto International Way. Stopping sight distance analysis was done for these movements but did not include decision sight distance. Further discussions and analysis need to take place. 3. Need to provide utility plan showing existing and proposed locations for all utilities. Description: The existing location of utilities has not been provided on the plans. Because the utilities have not yet been shown, we are unaware of the possible utility relocations which could be very costIyand impact project design. Staff has made it clear that costs and design impacts of addressing utility locates wilI'be born by LTD and will not be used as leverage to influence staff s engineering judgement in reviewing and approving final plans. 4. Lighting the Rosa Parks Path. Description: The EmX facility and the Rosa Parks bicycle/pedestrian path are in close proximity of each other along portions of the corridor. The potential for path users to stray into EmX areas is high. Measures to ensure night time visibility need to be introduced. L TD has agreed to provide adequate lighting in and around station locations in the median, and also at the path crossing (see Key Issues #2 above). LTD has also agreed to include conduit for future path lighting which the City could use for a subsequent path lighting project. Attachment A - Page 3 of 4 5. Mid-block pedestrian crossings. Description: Several mid-block crossings are proposed along the route, including Pioneer Parkway, River Benp Drive, International Way, and Gateway Street. The City has directed LTD to include pedestrian activated warning lights, signs and markings at each of these locations to provide vehicle drivers warning that pedestrians need to cross the road to access the EmX transit servIce. 6. Construction Phasing. Description: L TD has not developed a plan to describe how the project will be constructed, how many contracts will be let, how long the work will last, etc. Staff is concerned that a large scale and short duration project will adversely impact the transportation system mobility and the public will suffer delay and inconvenience. A detailed construction phasing and traffic impact mitigation plan must be submitted and approved. ODOT Issues I. ODOT & L TD Inter Governmental Agreement Description: An IGA is needed between ODOT and LTD. Items included in the agreement will include right-of-way acquisition and transfer to ODOT, signals, ownership and maintenance of . BRT facilities and utility relocations. Access Management Strategy Description: Division 51 rules and ODOT's directive PD-03 direct that the project segment within ODOT's jurisdiction must have an "official project access list" and "access management strategy" that outlines if modifications or closure of accesses will be required. Lane geometrics and widths Description: Proposed lane widths, shoulder widths and shy distances are non-standard and will need to be resolved through meeting standard design requirements or through ODOT approved design exceptions. Bike lanes and connectivity Description: The proposed design reduces current shoulder widths and eliminates the option for future addition of commuter bicycle lanes. It is preferred to allow commuter bicycles the option of traveling in a bicycle lane next to traffic. The connectivity of bike routes is not clear; L TD has been tasked to study the bike route connectivity. RECOMMENDED ACTION: L TD project staff and City staff will address these issues a! the work session and answer Council questions. A set of project graphics is included as Attachment B to the AIS. The outcome goal for the work session is for Council to make a determination that Council, public and staff identified issues are sufficiently addressed so that the L TD project design team can commit significant resources to final design, with the understanding that City staff will be the approving authority for this large and complex public improvement project (PIP). Attachment A - Page 4 of 4 .., ~, )> -0=1 0))> ego .....I oS: -...m CJ1Z CD--j CD Springfield City Council 30% Design Review February 4, 2008 l )> ~~ coo 0:1: 1\Js: Om -z ~-l OJ Linking Destinations 4 . Corridor Overview -0)> ~~ COo OI w~ s'm (}1Z CO-j OJ 1 ~ 'I .. Ili \f ~ Building on Franklin Corridor:~success ~ Addition of seven miles offacility to existing route ~ Continuous travel between Gateway area and Eugene ~ 14 new stations ~ Exclusive transit lanes and mixed-traffic . , ~ 1 O/20-minute frequency i\\ ~ Thematic corridor landscape design \ \ l' .. 'U I I I. -..,~ - './ ..: ':, . ~ ~: _.~._ ,r_ ~~ '. - ~",~' - -. ~'" j ~ ". _' _t.,~" - ~;:. ~'~~~r~:;:~~~~l~ Schedule )> lJ~ ~)> roO 0:1: ~s: Om -z ~-! CD Dee 2006 ~ FT A Issues FONSI for Parkway EmX Jan 2007 ~ Franklin Route Opens Nav 2007 ~ 300/0 Design Submittal Apr 2008 ~ 700/0 Design complete Spring 2008 ~ Public Art Selection Jul 2008 ~ 1000/0 Design Complete Mar-Dee 2008 ~ Property Acquisition Jan 2009 - Jul 201 0 ~ Construction Fall 201 0 ~ System Operational .'~':'..' ,.~' "":"'~'::" '-. ".' . ' ..,:' ',:,~,.,~' '. "' . '.' '''''~:~'--;'''',:.:'''~",'' ",'~',..,!~:~:",,~it<~ ~ j An updated status list of property owner and tenant contacts will be provided at the meeting. )> lJ::j ~)> coo oI CJ1:s: Om -z ~-1 ro Property AcqUisition tor the Pioneer Parkway EmX Corridor A Guide for Property Owners ~ "i{~ Path Crossing )> "U~ ~)> coo oI O>s:: Om -'z ~-; III , '~ ''''''... / 01 ~ "'1'1 r ....--, .......-"""""" ", ~. I ,.r " ( \ "'" . ~. "L . ! , '\ \00--",,', -<:--.-:~ . ; t " :-. .. ....... -.,.. ."'f~?.~" ',_ I "', I rfI' ~-J.. "~?' .......... (I j '\~~~..... ..,.~ -,:::-. .. !"-' '-~ ~~.. ,....~~.:...;,..~..., \ ,,',.' Lf"~ t-:'~'~ f' - ~- -'-. ~t'... ,', '" I'" ...\.0', ~'-r... r 1~.,...~ ' ~--..,__"-J'..r'" .. ' \ \.J-';-";;'~""""J_'''J.\'~''~' to ~,.<""'~~..""'"'" ; ~-~"i.~~-~' 1_> ~t..~o:-'{'~..,r~...~-;-~ "'~"'~1.~ .:'::~~,.__ r ~ ......~.._-_._- ~ -. ..~- ~......; ..: .. 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I ~ hi li.q J CJH DESIGNED ~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR f"'n'dC""TDIII"TI"... DB BRT DESIGN DATE ARO ~ DATE ",-. lllVBllUND , ~11 ..'. f1' , . f , I I ,'11 I' , HL I' J t '1 .... . f ,'" ,...... , ... - I L-r..? LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT 3500 E. 17TH AVE. STATION STAll ON PLATfORMS CONSlRUCTEO IN AREA, RESERVED BY PEACE HEALTH FOR THIS USE G /' - :;0-- .} , .1\~ .. --- ATTACHMENT 8 Page 35 of 59 ====- "'==::=- =- =-- / ~ 50 0 25 50 100 ~--- . SCAl...E:1....50. . 3 . 4 . 5 . 2 I l, r-~ , I --- LEGEND: ~'..). /...':;;:)'-.. ...:~. ';,-r: CONCRETE BUS LANE ~ STATION AREA r.<l'bl~ ROW ACQUISITION ..~ . t ... <> .:J- -c -e> e;1e1> .~..~...f. '~~. ~ '" . . II .~~ . t .~. , , ~.10 lilY.. "' ~~lIll e> ~ ~ I CJH DESIGNED ARO ~ DATE ~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR DATE DD BRT --= DESIGN i . i .~ "'~ - ~ " ""=~, L , ,- B.&RlDW' ROAD d,bl I , , . ~ f')~, , - ~ n- -<-- -' .. - - - . L-r..? .~l f. !"!!I .:J- I II :- . .~ ~'1~' " ~. ~ .\ f I' 3500 . 1 7TH AVF I.. \, LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT 1IJ " .'. -c 'lil -c ~. '" ~ ~ ,. .~ ~ ~. 50 02550 ~-- SCAl.E:,. ..so' ATTACHMENT B Page 36 of 59 '" \ '---..-/ .... . I J -:::: N o 100 , . 2 ~ ~ . 3 . 4 ~/ ./'~ ~ . LEGEND: ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ \ \ ) .. ~ IWU.Or RD .$' !! -;- , ~ f. - - -\ ~ "" ~- -~ ~ --------- I CONCRETE BUS LANE STATION AREA ROW ACQUISITION CJH DESiGN'ED ~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR ftD BRT -......- DESIGN DATE ARO l5RAWfiI DATE o III/ ill jI STATION . . =~ ii ~ . STATION o l!> (iJ l!> ROW ACQUISITION \ ~ L-r.:> LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT 3500 E. 17TH AVE. F .$' ~ ~ 50 0 25 50 100 ~-""""'- I SCALE:f-=SO" ATTACHMENT B Page 37 of 59 . 2 . I ::"I: .~ )( ~;- . 3 :1' !!! :1' J i, .. . ... L L. II. . , f " "'~ " \. ~ .\ J . I " " ~ .... , ~ ~ I ... L.~'A , ,\ , . r 4 ~ t ~Io . ~ ~~~ LEGEND: ~':':".'l. ",.....'.. .......,. CONCRETE BUS LANE 5 ~ ~ ~ ROW ACQUISITlON STAll ON AREA "d' ,--- . "'lIt ~ -.. . ...JI '~I - " - ....t. " ", . '" ...... ".- ~ -I ",. \ . . \ I .. \.~' [~~ ~ :'_.;~. ~ ~ // . " '1:'_ . ..: ." tlJUW.W . --- - - J.',j <\f' I . 1 ~ i" I \ \, \. . .. .) ,'"- ,. r T ...' " ~ "f .., ,.t ~ ,. .. - ,.. f '" CJH DESIGNED ~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR DD BRT =- = '= nFSIr.N DATE ARO DRAWN DATE \ \ .... ... T1 ~ .J , ~ "',. L ..:1.. j'~k~ ."IL /, ~ '#~~~;~:\~;..--~:' ..,,,," . .. STAllON' ==="= :1' !!! , , 1 ~ 1 .~..:) \,:,-. "' .f , . .. :1'1 .. , I LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT o.l I. -: ..j \ 1 .. "'\.1 t ~...?' , I I. .'\ ~ II -.-J 'j 1 ], f :1' ..c . I ..0... .. .. ... {. ':1 .. ..... . -\; . j >. ~ I J I I I I I , I ! , I ,- . ,. ..,.' .. 2' !!! 2' ~ ..;.11 'r 'I.. - ).. . \ , ,';' .. _......,....... """-I ... ....~ I" - " ~ 50 0 25 50 100 ~--- I SCAL.E::1-..50' ATTACHMENT B Page 38 of 59 . 2 r \ :,~. -- . ..,; . - ,< - ~ ,. .: ~. .,.. .. I .: I r . , ~" .~ I ...- ...I I . - ,. 3 n) ~ It-r.; ~I A ~-~ ~t . '- " . !!! .:/'- 1= '" \ . 4 .'> ~ p ~. L.. .. _' _, ~.. ........ ..... ! ... .. . "'t, \. ~ ,.. . . I LEGEND: ~<.., ;.;....;.:.t.~. .....f.l~ CONCRETE BUS LANE 5 ~ ~ ~ STATION AREA ROW ACQUISITION - -..... f; .. - .=",,-~-: I oJ '" J .. t'11' ) ~ ~..'" , ""..... f 1 · I r ~ ... u, -.= iL. '" ., ..~~ l 1 ~) ~ . .' , ':~'\.1 _..&...~ CJH DESIGNED ARO DRAWN ~ - .. I . ~ .. II"!"' -- . s--' \~I L n ,(.l . , . . . . .:!' ~ . '" k I .. l ... '\ . r- - l.. - I - i-h : t 1 \ ~'.. r-' "'>.~ ~ ') :. ~ I'!! .:!' ...... ..". )~\ W"FUST~nON ,.,. '-' I L ~ J ~~ \:" 11.. . 'J >~ '\ '(:. - ..... ...' . .... { . .. . 6. 1 lor I I'" '" . L t . -- DATE ~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR ("f'I"'<::Tl:Il I("TI"'" DATE aD SRT DESIGN ..,...r-a' . ST A nON ii, ~~ ~ "t. I I J .. 4 L ".. _-:"'- .... l.t. I r I - ' I --=11 \: ~~ ~ w \ "r I D., j L",:) ""~ .. 1 ". ~,~ ! "C J ~~'*--C" I~.. .. LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT 3500 E. 17TH AVE. r:- .c Ii .., - - "~i - ~ -- ,~~ "'~ i \ \ 11 ..'~ ..,. " / .:/' .:!' .:!' I .:!' .:!' .:!' '. ::? ;;r ~ I.: :J L.., . Ii . <> -c . .. '-.. ~" ...... ... ~z-- 50 0 25 50 100 ~--- , SCAlE:,. ...so' ATTACHMENT 8 Page 39 of 59 t " " ;'" iJ "" '{ ~. :' ".t III ~ ~ fmX 1M ~ TRIIIit Plvjl (International Way Segment) LANE COUNTY 'AR11<<NT Of' PUIIUC WORKS KNOINItERINO DM"ON L ~ .!. ATTACHMENT B Page 40 of 59 '1 I'iaMw Pmay fmX IU ~ Tra1 PnljI (JntematIonol Way s.gment) (,I I ..., ATTACHMENT B Page 41 of 59 'E i ">...r."I-.;lrIl _.......'" J::J .I.nJ ,'L . fT9.y,:Q-a ~'(lube.pi:I 'Way, IA.JUI1/1I'dt .~: .! .:' ~i~"":. 7f- {'ft," " k~ .'.t....,. t; I" II' PioneIr PtIbay [mX 1M Iqid Tnni Plojl (IntamatIonal Way Segm8nt) LANE COUNlY "ARTMENT Of PUllUC WORI<S 1EN00NltE"INO DM8l0N ~\ .t tol I tol - .. -I -.. ~ ATTACHMENT 8 Page 42 of 59 'I' ~ Pmay EmX 1M Rapid Tnnil Pn (international Way Segment) (,l I ... - -- " ATTACHMENT B Page 43 of 59 i . " Piaaelr PcIbay &nX .. Iqlid Tnnl Froj (International Way Segmtmt) LANE COUNTY PNmIENT Of' PUBLIC WORKS ENCIlNu..tNO OMSlON .t M (,I I 01 - .. - ATTACHMENT B Page 44 of 59 . t6+f)D \\:tY ;o'i .~ ~~~~ ~l "~~ .~ LANE COUNTY R'NENT OF PUII.IC WORKS i'lOINDI'INO DM.ON 1 -- ATTACHMENT B Page 45 of 59 r- ,. -, PIal.- ~ rmx 1M Iqlid Trnil Plojed (lnt8matlonol Way s.vm-t) (,l I ..., -- ATTACHMENT B Page 46 of 59 -- - LANE: COUNTY rnIENT OF PUIIUC WORKS IQlNIEIE"ING DMtIlON ,*. Di1 .. "':... :. 4 ~ {'i .w_ .~.~q'i\~_;, ~:~!;...",/.~,;: '" ~ ,~ ,"t",70.....~~"O:'" ..li;.,._ S t.-' <.e -'" _ "; .. I -. ,-' ,i" ,..'..'."......'-..: r I I~ I ,. .'" Ii, l<<t I I I I I I '...-..'.' ~'"> J ., , 1 A :, 4 '1 i/ .~. '.', \' t, '} o , .............J it.." ... ii..- it f i'-~""q ~ "I".~,' ? . ---~ '~_.~ -.' ~ ~ .1... JI Aaw flcIIaIlIy EinX b Rapid TrnI Pro; (lntamatlonal Way Sevment) LANE COUNTY FWmoIENT OF' PUBUC WORlCS 1EN00NIElEl'llNO DMeION t.f I CD .. -.. " ATTACHMENT 8 Page 47 of 59 II - .. . it. "'.'X",' i:. ":' t;.~~-.: ~~ ,~ 1I III pq. Parbay EmX IU Iqid Tnnll'lvjel (IrUmatIonal Way s.gm.rn) (,l I co - .. - ATTACHMENT B Page 48 of 59 r *1 - Alopie /.- L:> /8;;;;;:" FlOOd ~ Cb ~ ~ ~ (:)' ::) a ~ ~ ATTACHMENT B Page 49 of 59 .. L "" lot ~ LANE COUNTY iEPNmlENT Of' PUBlIC WORKS _N~'NO DM.'O.... fj .. . :J q;- ~ lot Q I ~ c). " ~ '" S!. ~ ~ .. Piol.w ~ rmx .. RapiI Tnnill1 (h,t....otloclol Way SegrMnt) (,l I ~ ~ ATTACHMENT B Page 50 of 59 Corporate Way LANE COUNTY :JEPNmIENT OF PUBUC WORKS ItNOINURINO DM.ION r& - _. PloMw I'GbaJ &aX ill RapiI TIlIIIl Pro) ! (tnt.maUanol Way. Sevrnent) II.) .. ATTACHMENT 8 Page 51 of 59 .. :"', .. . III Planer PlIbay fmX ,.. IllIpd TrnI PrujIe (Int8malIonaI Way s.vn-t) '" , - '" -- ATTACHMENT B Page 52 of 59 .1 .. .. ~ I'lIIaIay fIIlX ... Ilapid TnnI fin (lntMnatIonol Way SegnMnt) (,t I - .... - ATTACHMENT 8 Page 53 of 59 . flb.- ParbaJ fmX ... ~ TIlIIil PIt (Jnt8matlonal Way Segment) LANE COUNTY EPARTtolENT Of' PUBUC WORkS KNOINUftINO OM8l0N ATTACHMENT B Page 54 of 59 ~t .. -41 (II I ..... ClI PlaIK PcrIcIay [mX 1M RaPd 11'1IIII P/I (lnWmotIonaI WfIy SegrMnt) L.ANI: COUNTY EPARNENT Of' PUBlIC WORKS DlOlNIEE"INO DMSION :1" .. - .. , -- ATTACHMENT B Page 55 of 59 .. . III PionelI""'" &IX a. JqIid TRIIII PIi (Internatlollal Way ~) (,I I -..j ATTACHMENT 8 Page 56 of 59 .t III PIDneIr I'crtKJ Em)( 1M IqIid TIIIlIit PIoje (1nWmatIono1 Way Segment) 1; .. (ol I - III ATTACHMENT B Page 57 of 59 .. .. ... I: . .. .. ATTACHMENT B Page 58 of 59 .. ......,.. ' ,~ ~~~ iI'~ Oeadmond Ferry Ra~. '1 ""- I'lIbaJ &nX b ~ TnIIil ProjIct (1ntIImatIonal Way Segment) (,t I ~ "",,. LANE COUNTY mtEHf Of' PUBUC WORKS _NUltINO DM8lON ;1 ATTACHMENT 8 Page 59 of 59 ~