HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-10 ~ '.... .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERflIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield3 Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ' 'i ~'e CiJOO '7 '7 ::> ., ,~, ,.cce:.:::)); SPRINGF'eLD ! , : , - ~ St f1 0 J/3:, IS?O .lJJO J!/S.(DO 44 d..'-J n . ,~ \,- O?...p3~ · UWDS1OVf- qqo 1.UXI C\oV\ 0 n L\q~\{ UO(t(~t &- Sr~ri ) oe Job l.oc::.tion: Asaesaorz Map Subdivision: C-_~el': Addzoess: Ci t:y : IVf I I I I ~lt:!"~ T= wt # o LJ4ZD Phone: '1 LlI- L/Qr"l'7 L1,\{l7 Zi?: Desc1"':be f>'ork: Addi ticn lJJCDd Stt, ve., JLn~'('t Remocel ,'fobf.la .=loma Date of Applicaticn Contrcc:;ors lZ~-82, General " PZwnbi7llJ I ~lectrical. I Nschar.ic::.l I Constl"'.lcti01l C;:ruier C<)(J..)~ -'- - , . , V ~/ CJJh ~lue ;I~~ X"K Siqr:ed: ~olUG /2--/0-[(') Date: Address Usc.# ExPires Ph.on;: [t,i8 the responaibil.ity of the permit hal.dezo to see that aZ! inspections are made at the proper tilll€. that ;;:zeh .:::id:ress is re~:e ll'OM the street, and that the pcrmi t card is l..ocated at the front of the property. A3ui!di~.g Divi=ior: approved Flan shaH 1'emain on the Bu-:.Zding Sit::: at al.l tim€s. ?'10C::DU!'!:: FOR INSP:;CTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recordezo) state YOUI' City desigr.ated job numbe1', job adi:ress, type of -:.napecticn requested a~~ when you will be ready for inspcct-:.on, Contractors 01' Owners r~e and phane numbc1'. Requ€sts received befcre 7:00 C7l ..'iZl. be n-ade th€ same day, requests mcde afta' 7:00 am wil.Z be made the nat :.JOrkirg day. Re~dir~d rn~~~ct-:.r.n~ o o o [J, 0' o o o D SITE' INSp~C':'r(JN: To be n-ade ajter e:rcav::.tion, ;,ut prior to set up of forms. UND~::rSL:"'B ?!U,'.fEINC. ELECTRIC,tL .~ ,'.rECH,J,,'IIC;.[,: To be made before any work is .covered. F'COTI?lG ~ 20!!NDATION: To be ,mee afte1' t1'enches are e=ca-Jated a~A forms are e1'ectac, but prior to pouring C=l1cret~. U.'lD'SRG:~ormD P~uU!3I:VG. S::'./2."!. W,1TER, DRAINAGE: To be rr:a:ie prior to fiL- lir.g trencl:es. UNDERFLOOR !'!.m,,'EElG -1 NECHANICAL: To be made prior to inataZi.ation of 11001' insulation or decking, l'QST AND BEAM: To be made prior to insrall.ation of 11001' ir.st.:latior. or decki11fi ' ROUGH ?LU?~B!:IC. Er.ECT.~!CAI: .-1 .I,~CH- ANICAL: 10 ~ork is to ce co~ered untiZ tr.cse ins=eatio~s have ~eer. made ~A appro1Je~. n:"!:;PCACE: mol' to placir.g faa-:.nq materiaZs a~~ b€fore fY'ar.rir.g inspec- tior:. F'RA}1I.'lG: Mu.st ~e re~ue:Jted af~el' ap?rov~l of rough pl~~i~.g, electri- cal & mec;'.ani.:al. Al! Y'Oojir.g braainq d chimncys, et.:. ;'''~sr be , COrrTD leted. ;'10 '.;ark is to be con- ,cealed until this insoec:ion ras 'been ~~a and apPY'Oved. [], FIliAL PW'aJI:iG O. FINAL NE::iWIICAL o [], FINAL 2LE:C'!'fIICAL CJ Your City, Desigr.ated Job Numb€r Ia: S' d6S \b a- o INSULATION/VI1POR BARRIER INSPE:CTIGN: To be made after all. insul::.twn ar~ requ-:'1'ed vapor carriers are in place but cej'o1'e any lath, gypsum board or wZZ covering is applied, and befoY'e any insulation is concealed, DEUOLITIO;V OR ;',JOVE; BUILDIiiGS :J Sani tCU":J s(!'.Jer ::apped =t rn:.opcrty l.ir:e :==J Septi.: tank p~~;;d and fill.ed with gra~eZ D ~ Final - f/hen abcve i.te:ns <n'e ccmoletec "J ..... .. ... "'" and when ~enol:.,"or. "s comp~eje or s.~~.c- ture moved and ?r~..,~ses ~Ze~ned up. , Nobi Ze Hcmes ~ Blocki~.g erA Set-~p ~ Plumbing connect-:.ons s~er ar~ wateY' ~ EZectrical Connection - Blocking, set-u~ ---.J and pZtunbing connections m-..st !;e approved. b . . 1..' l' ..' e;ore Y'equest:.ng e.ee~~ca~ "nsgec~"0~ D SID:;WALi<. & DRIVEWAY: For all con- cY'ete paving wirhin stY'eet Y'iqht- of-ux:.y, to be made after aZZ exca- vating compZete & fo~ work & sub- base mc;terial. in ?l.ace. :=J AccessQ.';;' Buil..:i-:.r<{J I Pina.l - Aft;;r ;~l'cr..es, ~ etc. are ccmple;~d. sk-=.rting, decks.. o ?ENCE: When c~~pl~te -- Provide gares or movable sections through P.U.E. D o All project conditions, ouc~ as the ins;allation of street tY'ees, ~~~Za~iQn of the requiY'ed l.aruisccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied bafore the BUILDING FI;':AL~an be 1'2quest.zd. PINAL BUIWING: The Find Buildinq Inspection must be Y'equeoted ,::.fteI' the Fi~.al PZumbing ElectY'ical, and Neehar.icc;l Inspeetiona have been made and appY'ove~. 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS ,'lUST BE: AC::ESSIELE, ADJUST;'!:::i'!' '!'O 3E: ,~~'1DE !IT !lO ::JS'I' TO CI':Y P::.::.e 1 of 2 I JOB NO.g ~~8)R I i ZO'7'!e: SOLA6.CESS GCC".l'Canc'J Grou::;: wt Sq. Ftg. I~ ~f lot C~erag~ ; ,;; of stories 1m t 1 u . . ,.0 a. ..e1.(jm; I m . ..opo(jM?ny IT~N l,\fain I~,~ca I I Car-"l'''' I -'-" '" I. I ,~c~essor'J I I I Is.D.c. I SQ.FTG TOTAL ;'AWE I vc.~uc) 1.5 ::: Building 2el'm";t State Surch.xrge Total Cr.a-:oges I IT::M NO. FL-tures Residential (1 bath) San.itary Sewer I "at er - I Plumbing Perr.:it State Surci-.arqe Total Charoes I T;Pr;-,[ ".~j' ,VO. Res. So. fto. N~/E:::tend Circuits I Temporary Service EleatricaZ Permit State Sur~haroe Total C'lUX!'ces I 1;::M 'He. . Pur=ce 2TU'S E=haust Hood. I I / I I Vent Pan iloodsto:Je Permit I3=a Me::r.anic::. l <'em t State Surchc::roe Tote. Z C1-oar'1"!1 , c,VCRCAC.~?~'!:~.!T Ie 't D . ~e~~~, ~ 2POS~t Storage I Ma-:.ntenar~e I Permi t I Total C'naraes I Curbcut I Sid=lk I ?e=e I Elecr;rica Z I ! Nobi Ze Home Ld;el I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE::' LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac X VaZue "~~ r:::.c. :;":;"r;" . -~ .:':'t' ....~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHARGE I I I I I I CHARGE I I I CHARGE I I I I I I I /s<?o I I /5.00 ,(00 I /5.100 I. I I I: I I 1- $ 15. &;0 I · P::.qe 2 ", . "1 . 'L-COG~ REQ,- T:;oeICor.st: Bedrooms: I &at Faces - I Setbacks I P. [;. Il~'ou.3e Garage !North lE:ast ISou th IWest I ~nerau Souroes I Heat; i I I i I I I I I I T'Jr:a I Access. I I I Water ,'!eatar' Range Fir'eoZace Wooci~to..,;e I I: Faes Building Value & Permit I I I I ~ I I I I · , I I I I I This pel'rnit is (jr>anted on the e::press condition that the sa'id,constY'uction shall, in all Y'espects, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted. by the Cit~ vf Sprinaf':.etdJ :.nc!uding the Zonina Crd-:.ncnce, l'eauZc.tin.a the. acr.str:.~c~~~~7': and ~;~ of buildings, end m::.y be. suspended or Y'evokec ;t eny time ~?~n vic- ~tien of any pY'ovisior.s of saic Ordir~ces. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Reczipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shalZ construct, instaZ!, alter or' change eny new Cr' e=isting plumbing OY' drainage syste~ in ~hoZe or' in part, unZess such person is the legaZ possessor of ~ vaZid plumber's Zicense, e=cept tr.at a pe~son may do plumbing ~ork to proper~d which is owned, laased or' operated by the ~pZi- c:ant. I · Electrical Permi t Where State l.c:LJ r'equiY'es tr.at the electrical work be done by an Elect1"':cal Con troc toY', the electrical pOr'tion of this permit shaH not be vaZid until th2 ZabeZ has been signed by the Electrical Contr'aotor. I I' . Meche nical Permit Plc:n 2:=iner l)ar;a I HAVE CAREFULLY ::XANINE:D t.w compZated =9pZication for permit, c:nd de heY'eby certify that aZZ injormation hereon is true ar4 cOY''f'ect, ar~ i f.u>ther certif;; that any ar.d aZZ wOY'k ;:eY':,"or':'ned shaH be dO:1e in accor- dance 'JJith tha Ordinances of the City of Springfidd, and thz [,c;;.;s of the State of Orec~n oer~inino to the wor'k described herein, ar~ thet NO OCCU- PANCY Wizz b~ ma':::e of any. structura without pamis3ion of the 3uiZdir.q [)-~- vision. I further certify tr.at onZy contY'e::tors and ~Zoyees wr~ ~~e in c~pZiance with eRS 701.055 wiZZ be used en this pY'oJect -..-. ~/ I"~' :/~g1d J?d~O/~.J- ~te '