HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-6-29 (2) .. RESlrlNTIAL.' APPLICATION/PERfilT 225 North 5th Street Springfield3 Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 J I 1f.3 ~ ~-LJ ot'[S ,5 ~J !~d tlJ2 I f--6:l -os -;)0 Job Location: AS3es8~,~S Map /I Subdivision: SPRINGFJEl.D r . ::)" .,' . .~, ,.~ce .pl; Sqd3~ , ,. V / 5 (- r T= Lot Ii 3()C) , . : 13,P. ~r,oo "1% /,92- ". r/.f9.9:l. . . . ChC1tr- 0. les D CoX r Cw'71eY': Lf-5 j I Address: L,LJJ-,- n &1 /~~ ,~f- Phone: ? '1-6 - J <X ,-I I \,/ i / , City: 50 ~ "'- Zip: I.KI I I I I I I d~WO"k' ,v<?!J Additicn Remodel. j~!ob{' la .1oma (b-;20; -j' 2- Val.ue 9~,J:1 sigr."" A a ...1. Date: (;-Z9-f'2 Lisc.1I Phone Date of Appl.icaticn Contractors_ GeneY'al. tr:)CLI AI ElL Pl.umbinq El.ectrical. Mechar:ic~Z. 'Constt"'.lcti011 Lendel' , -,-, Add...~ess EroiY'cs It is the l'esp011sibil.ity of the permit hoLder to see that al.l. inspections are made at the propel' tim€, that each =ddl'ess is ren~~~"e from the street, and that the permit card is l..xated at the front of the property. ~Eui!di~4 Divi~ion approved F~ shal.l. remain on tha Buil.aing Site at al.l. times. prlOCEDUfiE pOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job nw;:ber, requested ar4 uhen you uiZl. be ready for inspection, ContY'actcY's or Owners ~e end phone n~hcr. :.."il.l. be made the same dc.':f, requests made after 7:00 CZ7! rJil.Z be made the nat :xIrkinq day. Reoui~~d T~sDp.~tic~s O SITE INSPECTION: To be made e=cavation, but pricr to set fo1'TTls. o fKl o o o D D Ltl after up of Ul/DERS~AB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL <3 NECHfl..'IICAL: To be made before work is coveY'ed. any pOOTING ~ POUNDATICN: To be made after trenches are excavated and fc1'TTls are erected, but pr>ior to pour>ir~ ccncret~. UNDE:RGROUND ?WMBING, SEWER. W,1TE..'I, D..'IAINAGE: To be made prior to fil.- ,l.ir4 trenches. [JNDERpLOOl? PWI,$D1G ~ NECHANICAL: To be made prior to instal.l.ation of j100r insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instalLaticn of j100r insuLation or ded.ing. ROUGH PWMBI!lG. ELECTRICAL & .I1ECFl- ANICAL: No work is to be co~'ered until. these insoections have beer. made and approv~d. FIREPLACE: Prior to pLacir4 facing material.s and before framing inspec- tion. FR4!!ING: Must be requested after approval. of rough pLwr.bing, eLectri- cal. & mecr.anical.. An roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. ~~st be ,corrrpl.eted. No wOY'k is to be con- ,ceal.ed until. this insoection has 'been made and approved. Your City, Designated Job N~her Is: D IflSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after an insu.l.ation er.d " required vapor baITiers are in pLace , but befcre any Lath, gypsum bcard or wall. covering is applied, and befoY'e any insuLation is conceaLed. D DRY',./AU, INSPE'CTION: Tc be made afteY' aU drywaU is in pLace, but prior to any taping. job a~ess, type of inspec~icn Requests recei~ed befcY'e 7:00 ~ ,;):2075~ DENOLITION OR :,JOrr:;:; BUILDI:lCS :J Sani tary se'..JeY' capped at p~opeY't;-:1' Une :==J Septic tank p~ed ar4 fil.Led with ;ra~eZ ~ Final. - f/hen above ite::'ls are cc=Leted ;J ....~.. .. - .. and when ~e~c~~.oon oS corrrp~ete OY' s.ruc- ture moved ar~ premises cl.eanea up. Nobil.e Hcmes ~ Bl.ocking and Set-up :J Pl.umbing connections s~er and water ~ El.ectY'ical. Connection - Bl.ockir~, set-up ~ and plumbing connections ~~st =e approved before requesting eZectricaZ inspectio~ :=J Accessot"'d 3ui7.Cin.q ~ pi=.l. - ,1ft;;Y' ?orc.r:es, etc. are ccmoZetea. .. s kiY'ting, dacKs, o MASONRY: Steel. l.ocation, bond beams, grouting or vertical.s in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'IF:: After instal.Lation is ccrrrpl.e'Ced. D AlZ project conditions, auc~ as the instaLZa~ion of street trees, ~Q.~Zativn OJ ~ne requiY'ed l.andscapi~g, etc., must be satisfied beJoY'e the BUILDING FINAL can be Y'equesr.ed. o FINAL PLW.f8ItlG o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o ~ D D CURB & APP.'?OACH APRON: Afte-:o fo1'TTls are erected but prior to pour>ing concrete. FINAL BUILDING: The P-~naZ 3uil.ding I~spection must be Y'ea'.leGted r;fter the Fi=.l. Pbmbi,...q El.ectrical., and Mechanical InspecticnG r4ve been made a,...d'aPPY'cved. ~ D SIDEf.JALK & DRIlTZWAY: 1"01' aU con- crete paving within stY'eet Y'ight- of-way, to be made afteY' aU exca- vatina corrroZete & form work & sub- base ~te:riaL in pLace. ~ALL MAl/HCLES AND CLEMlOUTS HUST BE ACCESSI3[,'E, ADJUST::::,./'!' 'TO 3E ,\t1DE !1'!' :'f0 C:JS7' 7'0 CITY I "'~:'<! ' of 2 D PENCE: When compZ~te -- Provide gates or movable secticns tr~cugh P. [J.E. D JOB NO, gdD"'E; a. 1 Zone: 12-L SOLAR _ESS Oec:u:oancu Group: :M - J wt Sq. Ftg. SIJZS'o ~ of lot Coverag~ "~ of Stories I Total Height I I Topography I ITEM I SQ.FTG Main I C..:='ace I ! Ca~c!'t I. I.'!cc:essoru I I Is.D.c, qs{p. TOTAr, VALUE (vc:/-ue) 1.5 = EuiZding Fermi t State SW'ch.:JI'ge Total cr.arges I lITEM Fi--tW'es I NO. (Residential (1 bath) i I Sanitap':f Sewer I rv'at eZ' I /11 ^ A 1/1' t I I P~ .. D 't .WIIa-tng . e1'l7:7. State SW'cr.arqe Total Chc:raes I Tfj1l';'".1 ._4../,'1 I NO. I FEE 1 Res. Sa. fta. I Naw/Extend Circuits I Temporary Service II Y J1 JI' I r /,.;- I I I Eleotrical Permit State SW'C:lu1rae Total Cha:!'ces ITEM I NO.' FEE I I .J / I II Nrln- I I I I Furn.:lce !3TU' S E;:;1ua.lst Hood j Vent Fan I , woodstove I Permit Issua:nce Meohanic:::.Z Perrrrit State SW'chc:rae I , I Tota l C'rar'aes -- illCRCACHNENT -- lse~~z-~tu De~osit I Storc:qe I J.'.faintenancg I Permit Total c;,.o.Y'qes I C'.ubcu:: I ., l' I St.aeLJa.K. I Fenoe , I -z '1 i u ect2"'!..ca... , i MobiZe Home Lc.bel I TOTAL M!OUNT DUE::' LOTTYFE X Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value 9.oa::;CtC':O I I Cj O(()Octr:b I · I 1/9:' 00 I I //921 1-s/9r 9.2 · I CHARGE FEE I I I I I I " , 'C....'A' "ro"- rt I..HJC, I I CHARCE I I 19,92 I I I I I I I I I / I I I · l I I I P=.ge 2 REQ.- e 'L-COG~ T~pe/Cor.st:~ --/\I Bedrooms: j I Lot Faces - A/~21"H I E'nerau Sou:rces Tu::e I I Setbaaks I Heat I I P.L. I House I Carage I Access. j I WateY' ,'!eater I 1N0Y'th I I I RaY'.ge I lEas t I I I ?iY'e~ Zc.ce i ISouth I I Wood;;tor:e I IWest I I J -- Fees Building Value & Permit This perrrrit is gr>anted on the express condition that the said.cons::ruction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance ado~ted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the ZoniY'4 Crdinance, regulc.ting the constr~aticn ar~ use of buiZdings, and may oe suspended OY' Y'evoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any pY'ovizions of said Ordir4nces. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: /Recdpt #: ISig:o:ed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instalZ, aZter or change c.ny new or e=is::ing plumbing or drainage systen in whole or in part, unless such peY'son is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is ~~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ,. . Electrical Permi t Where State LC1lJ Y'equires trat the electY"';cal wOY'k be done by an Electrical ContractoY', the elect!'1'~al pOY'tion of ::his permit shail not be valid until the 'Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. . Mechanical Permit /) ~ nan E=ine2' ftJ-2.9- f .:L uar;e I HA VE CAREFULLY E:XAMIN'E:D the co,",? leted app l ication for permi t, c:nd do hereby certijy that all injo~ation hereon is true and correct, c:r~ I f~rther certify that any ar~ ail wOY'k peY'Jorrned shalZ be done in accor- dance ~th the Ordin....'7lces of the City of Springfi;;Zd, and the; Lc:..;s of the · State of CY'egon per~ining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCV- Pr~NCY IililZ be rra.ie of any structW'e without permission of the 3uilding /)"':- vision. I J~ther certify that only contY'actoY's ~~ ~loyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this PY'ojsct '. ~~/~ o<'J~ 4 1-:2t:t-gQ.. Date Signzd ;