HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-6-29 ..' .. RESIDENTIAL.' '-._ I , , , SPRINGFlE1.D APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield3 Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 " I' Job Loca.tion: tf-3' ~ :5 f} ~,[5 V 5 (- r C' i~d t.U2 I 3cO Asaessorz :.tap Ii ../ leI Tex wt# Subdil.l-:.sion: / f-();2 -()S' -;(0 J~~~ Cw"?1er: L/-J Cjyo,tr-o, 11:5 :J-?- D ~ /-<; /' 5p/!-~ Ics ,r; f- D CoX 7 Cft '-.3 ~ 1'-; . .y'L/ '-'3 St' ::>~C::J"'"""r. .~ -/ ~ a.f,;. '-' "':~;.; ACtL'"ess: City: IAI I I rl f, ,vt?'.J Addition RemodeL ,~fob-:. La .'?oma (b-;;q-~2 Phone: Zip: VaZue 9~~ , . . . BoP. ~r,OO ~% /,92. "' f>S/.f9.92. Date of Application Contrac=ors_ t:"- GeneraL (I)[LJ J..J ElL- PZu.'1lhinq ELectricaL Me::har:i.c:;l CO"st~~ction ~ender ,~, Add.-es3 I Sigr.,d, Aa--1. Date: c.. ~Z (;- -~:i. Lisc.1I P}-.on~ E=oires Ie is the resFonaibiZity of ths perrrtit holder to see that azt. i7Wpections a:t'e made at the proper time, tr.at each .:zdd:ress is re"":,~;":e from the street, and that the permit ca:t'd is kx:ated at the front of the property. ABui!di~~ ~vi~io~ appr~~ed F~ shaZL remain On the BuiLding Sit~ at aZl times. PTI0CEDUI::E POR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorde2'J state YOUI' City desig7'.ated job nw;;ber, job address, type of in3pecticn r~questcd ar.a when you ui:L be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' Owners ~~e end phone n~~cr. Requests recei~ad befere 7:00 ~ :.'az be rr.ade the SCffoe dei!. requests made afta' 7:00 am rdZZ be made the na:t :.JOrking day. Re~~i~~d :~R~P~t~c~s O SITE INS?::C-::O.'!: To be made, after e=cava.tion, but pY'ier tc set up of forms. II U!lDF:RS[,AB Pr.~',',fBI:Ir;. E:U:CTRIC,1[, ,!l ~--1 "..'EC~A,:ICAL: TdO be made bej'oY'e any WOr!( ..s .::overe . [K] D o o D o [tl POOT!.VG ~ FOUNDATION: To be =de after trencnes =e e=cavated and forms are erectad, but prier to pourir~ ccncret6. U.'!DSRGROUHD ?[,~'giJIHG, SE~R. W.1TE!'?, DRAIlIAGE: To ce rr.a.:1.e prior to fi L- ,Zir~ trenches. fJrlDE.'?PWC,'? P[,W13I:1G ~ :.r::r:,rrANICAE: To be made prior co ins.aZZation of j100r insuLa.tion or decking. POST AND 3EAM: To be made prior to instaLl..ltion of flooY' 'insz.:Zation or ded.iTlfj . ROUGH ?~W1EI:iC. ~l,E~.qICA[' ,1 ,'tfECti- ANICAL: No ~ork is ;0 be coveY'ed ur.tiL these ir~oecticr.s ~~ve beer. made ard a.ppr?v~d. FIREPLACE: Prior to pLa.cir~ facing materiaLs and before [raming inspec- tior.. pR.4HnlC: Must be recuea.ed after approvcZ of rough pLu".~ing, eZectri- cal. & mechanicaL. At! l'Oofing bracing !l chir.m(;ys, et.::. nr.lst be ,comDZeted. ;'10 u:)r,l( is to be con- 'cea'Led untiL this inspection has 'been made and appl'O~ed. Your City, Desigr.ated Job NUJr'~e2' Is: ,0 IlISULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I.'lSPECTIO:l: To be mad.e after aU insuZ.:::ti:)n ard required vapor barriers are in place Cut before any lath, gypsum board or wU covering is appZied, and before any insuZation is conceaZed. >J:2075;2 DENOLITIO!.' OR ;'.:Ov:.:; 3UILDIJCS ~ Sani tc..-ry se'..Jer capped :::.t p~opo:rt:':i lir.e ==:J Septic tank p~o:d ar~ fiLZad ~th ;ra~2Z ~ FinaL - rthen above ite~s are cc~Zetei J J> 0..,.. ~.... and when ~e~ot.....or. ..s compLete or s.ru~- ture moved ar~ ?r~m-:3es ~Zeaned ~? MobiZe Homes ~ BLocking and Set-~p ~ PZumbing connect-:.ons sewer and ~ater ~ EZectY'icaL Connection - BZockir~, set-uF --l and pZumbing connections nr~st !:e CI?pr~~ed bef:)rc request~ng eZectricaZ insFectio~ ~ Accesso~i 3uiLi-:'7'-l] ~ Pinal - Aft~r p~r~~esJ ~ etc. are ccmpZe=~a. sk.~rt;"':n.gJ :ieck3~ D DRy";lALL J,'ISPECT!CN: To be made afteY' aLL drywaU is in pZace, but prioY' to any taping. D All project cor.a~;~cr.s, J~C~ as cae instalZccion of s:raet traes, :=.~Zati~r. of the required land3caping, etc., must be satisfied bCjore the aUILJI~G lI~AL c=n be rZ~~asr.3C. D, PIUAL ?W,'.fB[!IG 0' FINAL ,..fECHANICAL o FINAL :;EEC':RIC:'E. ,0 ~ o MASONRY: Steel Location, bona beama, grouting or verticaLs in accordance ~th U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'IF:: After instaZlation is ccmpZer:o:d. PI~4L BUILDING: The Final 2uiZdir~ Inspection ~~st be re~~ea"ed =:t~r the Final ?!~~ir~ Elea:ricaL, and .l'!ecr.c.r::.cc.l Ir..specticY::J i:a1Jc3 been mc.ce ar.d"::.p-prcvad.. '.. D D CURB & APPRCACH AP.9.0N: After forms are erected but pY"'~or to pcuY"';ng aon.::re te. ~AL~ MAtlHCLES A/I!) Cl:.EAllCU""''=' 'IU<::'1f ;:}r:o 1CI"'r;'~C";-~r~ ,tDJ!./(~-.r:.~'T' '1''''' ~:- ".1,""'l:" ,'''''' "0 .........-,... '.'7'1"1 CI.r:"Y ....... ..,... ....c. I'l .....-....""'-.....-...., .'1. ""........_.._"'_ _'..I ....OJ ;........_ ... ,I :....."'_ J __ _ I =>-:-<? . of :1 D SIDEr-lALK & DRItra-lAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-way, '.:0 be made after aU exca- vating compZete & form WOY'k & sub- base materiaZ in pla:::e. D fENCE: ~'hen compZ6te -- Pro-.;ide ga"es OY' movabZe sections '.:h~ough P.U,E. o I I JOB SOLAR .ESS OC~..J.=ar.c:J IJI'?.A~: M - J I : Zcr:e: NO, gJD '1€) a. R-L L:Ot Sq. Ft.;. SI,zS'o : ~f Zat C~er~g~ :; '. co. . '.. oJ ~.Ol"':.es ! :'otaZ .'feighe I Topogra;;hy II':E:.J l,\!ain I::'~~ce , i i ,......,..........yt.. . .......... _\,,00.. , I SQ. lTC q~e:, I I i , I. , .-iC~€S3Cr~ TC:'A!: '1AWr !S.D..C, I 1.5= i :"C~UE:j EuiZd:.r:g ?e.."'mi t State Surcr..:zrge Total. (;;-.a:oge3 , T'"~'! 1 _",:" NO. 1;'t'~ .. -~ Fi.....-::uz.es ,Residential. (1 bath) I , 1/ A J.. A I It I San:i. ta!":! Sewer r.'ct~~ I I Pl .. tl . :..un~r.g ...e1""1i:1.t State Surcr.arge '!'ota ~ C",..c.~;::es I T,,:",C",.! , .....-. I Res. Sa. fta. r NGLJ/E--tand Cir(:Ui ts I Temporary Service ,va. I ;.-:: I I; Y h Allrl,f / I I Electr<;cal. Permit St.=te Surc;...a..~ae Tota l e'".azoc:e s I ~,:,:-v -.-.. ,,'ia. ;"t"::' .....- F'gr..::ce ETU'S E::haust Hood I Vent Fan j I iloodsto'Je I " J I ,iI I'; ( Ii- I I Per:rri tIs su:.:nc e ,l1echanic=l. Perr.r:. t State Surchc:rae Tot:;,], ~.ar'Z€!J -- ENCRCACb.'J"..'E:/T -- I;e~~~tu '2~03i: I Storc:qe t :'.!a~r:;1;erar"",g I Pcrr.rit I Tetal ~.ar~cs 1C'A'b(:U-; I .. l' I S1.aez.la.i( I ~ence , ; ~!€ct~-:.c=! '[.c=el. I ; ,l/obiZe i!:;me I :::::TAL ANOU,'lT CUE:" L"". 'i"r:;l:' i..I. _ 4" oJ X Interior Corner ?mharuiZe CuZ-de-sac x VaLue J , '1- Oa::;C~ I I I t' ~ ' I -; Ot'JddO I I , * I -Y'9:' 00 I )/- 921 ~9( 7.2 * Ci!!ARG~ CH~_RGt I I I I I I ' CHARCE . I I I I I I I I I, I I · I I J 'I I I I 1/992 . '?--=.qa 2 . 'L-COG~ R EQ.- Lot :a~es - T~''Oe/Ccr:st: -rz -tV All) .er# I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I 3ed:'Jor.:s: Slr=ba~ks I Car>age I Access. 2"!'!erG~ SOU!'r.:8S .'!eat Watt2!' .,,!{Zt;lt:J!' Rar.qa .:oire'OLace Wood:;:o!','€ T:J':'e P. L. Hcuse INor,:h I.:ast South West Fees Building Value & Permit This permit i:; granted on the erpY'ess condition that the sciid,construction shal.l, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of SpringfieZd, i~~!uding the 2oni~4 Ordinance, regul~ting the ccnstr~cticn ar~ uaa of buiLdings, and m=y be suapended 01' revokec at any time uFor. vic- U7tion of any provi3ior.s of sa:.d Ordir~ces. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt II: ISi~ed: Plumbing Permit No person Gh~Zl. construct, instalL, atte1' or change any new 01' e=isting pl.umbing :;1' drainage systen in whole 01' in par>t, unless such Ferson is ~r.e l.egal possessor of a valid plumber's l.icense, except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is ow'7!ed, l.eased 01' operated by the appl.i- cant. /" I * Electrical Permi t Where State Ea1.J requires tr~t the el.ectl"';cal. work be done by an El.ectrical. Contractor, the el.ectl'1'~al. portion of thi3 permit shaLl not be vaLid until the label has been signed by the El.ectrical. ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit /1 ~ PLan ~~zc:mir.e2' (p-29- f! J- uar;a I .riA VE' CAilSFUL[,Y EXA..'1I:1F:D the co,,? l.eted !I!'P l iaatien for pe1'm"; t, I:7ld de hereby certijY that all i~jo~a-;ion he~eon :.S true and cerrcat, cr~ I f.l.rtr.er ce:!'tif~ that any ar.d aZl. work per!o~ed shal? be do~e in accor- dance :.Jith the Ordin....-ncas of the City of Spl'ingf:.;;7.d, and th~ La-.;s of the S~te of Oregon per~ining to the work described herein, ar.d tr~~ JO occu- P,~lIC'f wiZZ be r.-a.ie of any st:-uct:a>e without per>missio~ of the 3uild:.ng 0-:- viaion. I fUr~her ~ertif~ that o~Zy ~ontra~tors ar~ ~~ye€s wr.~ ara in compliance ~~th ORS ?Ol.D55 will. be used on this project '. u?~,/,0-h- ~ f-::2q-g-2- Da~a Sigr.za