HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-9-24 .. RESIDE IAl" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd3 Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 LYA\.Q~Q\.)(\~&Jt b\\\Q2t..; '" H \flO/d~CA- l}~~ wt t1()~{ro ~n.~~~ , \ \ -, 1 ,-::; .--......., " 6'C Date of I1ppZicaticn Va.ue ~~, ).1[' t" I" t ::x: 1\ I-Ir ~~<. \1'\SO""h; \ ,I'\~,\,r~' ~ I~l')",~r(l^ l)e~'c' F:\ql~^;"'I)~~i5S c9.1.at:rl ~~)OO~~2AO"l' 1;,:ne;'~ f-;\::'('f\\)Q'~\~~~\ti\th l -.:) ~ "-",,no lAJl' J~ V w=i .. ~ 0 cr ~(' T!ulllbin?, .lJAM~~ ,A., 'CQ.I~f\5 ~J.9J Hechall LCCl1 ,~.- ~--. r-u. _ j.....~ .c....;'~-~..... -~. ...,., I'" . . .. .'ob Location: AS:1;:DGOrZ Map Suhd'I:V1:siorl: Cl:t!l: r-"\ [----1 l" '--j [ I tJ."I,) .~d(:ri f;7.:cn 'R,~mo.:!r.I\ oJ :-~ob-:: Ie .~!(l,"71.'] .. ...-- l){o1~ \ \ SPRINGFIELD aiiPt .'1 J C\\4\8 I' , '. . ' .- Desc1"':be rioY'k: '\ , . (X)YLfl C U\., .~, r w '-{ , 'N4 .q(') J~ co' d ../l-gr.e : -; Date: i~J,':L: t I: ,L:~<I1 _S 111)(' r,"'.r:.r1.;;!,~g_ Elec t I' ,i l' [:1 n It ia :he resronaibility of the per>mit holdeY' to see that alZ inspections ar>e made at the proper time, that ecch ~ddress is readab:e Irom the atl'cct, and that the permit caY'd is located a,t the fl'ont of the pY'opeY'ty. '!!z"(:.(h:~U i)ivi::l:0~: (]ppr'ol:eJ plan slu.:ll l'ema1:n on the: lJu-:.ldinU S'itc at all times. P!!OCEDU.r?E FOR INSPECTIOtJ IIEQUEST.:CALL 726-3769 (recoY'deY') state your City designated job number, job add:1'ess, type of in3pecticIl l'aqur.'S t:ed, a.-:d when !jOt, wil Z be l'eady foY' inspcct-:.on, COl1tY'actoY'S OY' OzmeI'S ncme and phone number. Requests ived before 7: 00 <r.I ~'i ll. L'G made tht; Drone dey, requests mede after ?: 00 am wi l l be made the next :xJrking day. no' \ (\ YOUY' City Desigr.ated Job Ntunber Ia: '-"l \. I j.~!IlG~Unflr(l(~ t:.~:r,n[: '-...] :,:JTE ItI.';j'EC':'j'iJN: To uo made , CJ:crzv:ztiol1, !Jut p?l'io}l t:; set -- forms. D aftel' up of U,VDERSDIiIJ PLlJ!,illING. ELECTRICAL ,~ ,.,!!':CII;l;UCAL: To be made befOl'e LJo}'k is .:!ovc}'cd. any L..J fOOTING ~ FOUND.1TION: To be made !I/I:"I' tl'clwhea (v'e cxcnvatcd and )'0/'.':1:; ,U'C erected, hut ['rior to /'{'lIl'hi(] Gencret:::. t_ J l'!m:::Rc,r::OU!!D P::'UM3INC. S:::r.fER. r/.1TE.'I, 1','!ilINAGF:: '['0 /,e made pl'iol' to f1:l- TD:u-i-:;'clII:l!ef:. \.._,.1 u:ml-.:!!/;,wot? !'w/.!rUNC ,r, f.!F:C!lANICM.: 't" he made pl"ior' to irwt:aUation' of "' . ..,' I k J I (''''1' ~IWll/.(:t:'~Ol1 01' (ec 'ing. [I {'I'):',"!' AND BEAI.!: To be made pY'ioY' to ,,,,;t;aU"lt'i,CI! of flooY' in/H:lation OY' .1., .l"; r!r ..1 , ,~.. .J' [I /' r.':!.:r'I,/lcr:: P1'1:0Y' 'to p lr:cir:g facb1g 'n :-/'~ :~.7~'1 !;;- and hcro~'(! flyurrin'J -inn[Hx'- t i,II:. '-",% /'!!.,1.'.'/!!i;: :.tll/;t be T'equeatcd afteY' l_~,J ;li~7;-;;~-;':;!. oj' I'oualr plumbing, dectY'i- ca/ ,.; mc,-;lrmzi::al. I1n l.ooring /'z,o/,!'i ng ,r, cld"mcys, et~. m:wt be ('(lIIII'I.,;ted. No u);JY'k ,is to he con- e,:,; I..d l//lI.i I. this inapcction has h,;t.'.'I "Ieul.:: (llll! approved. [~Fl:!tl/, !'I.II.':!II//C II-l --.J !;'1/1..1I, ,'/!,:::/I;l:JJC;1[. ,-] /,'1,'1;1/, i'/.i:C'J',','IC..,J. 1_- !---'j o D INSIJJ..M'ION/VI1I'OR [WIRIER INSPF:C'fION: To be rnade afteY' all insulation aT'~ Y'equ-:'Y'ed vapoY' bm'Y'iel's ar>e in place but befoY'e any lath, gypsum board or LXllZ. coveY'ing is applied, and befol'e any inau7.ation is concealed. DEMOLITION OR ,',:OVED BUILDIilGS :=J Sani tar>y se'.Jer :!apped at p:.Op~Y'ty Zine :=J Septi~ tank p~~ed and fiZZed with al'a~el G DRyr{AJ..J, INSPECT!DN: Te be made after' aU dr'YIJaLZ in in place, but pY'1:or to any taping. --, Pinal - f,'hen above items ar>e completed ~ and when demolition is complete OY' stY'U~- tUY'e moved and premises cleaned up. D MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, gY'Outing OY' veY'ticals in aocoY'riance with U.B.C. Section 2415. 'Mobile Ilemes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections sewer and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections nr~st be aPPY'oved befoY'c requesting electrical inspection ~ AccessoY'!j Build-:.ng . . o WOODSTOVE: AfteY' inatallation is completed. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms ar>e eY'ected but pI'ioY' to pouY'ing .::Jon{!'Pote. o SID!\fMJ..K ,e DRIt'E:W;Y: POY' aU COl1- cY'ete pav'ing within stY'eet Y'ight- of-wey, to be made afteY' aU exca- vatin(] complete & foY'm lJOY'k & sub- base mateY'ial in place. I Pinal - AfteY' porches, ~ etc. ar>e completed. sk-:.rting, decks, ..' D !'ENeE: ~r]zen comple:te -- Pr>ovide gates OY' movable sections thY'ougr. P.U.E. D o ,- 11 U pY'oiect cond'i t1:ons, HIICh as tile ?',nstaUation of street tY'ees, ,co:':1pletion of the Y'equired landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC PINAL can be requested. PINAL BUILDINC: T}!e Final Building Inspection must be requeoted alter the final Plumbing ElcctY'ical, and Mechar.ical Inspeotionn have been made and appY'oved. '..lI.r, n.1.','/lGT./':.': ,INn CU-:,lNou'r:: tI/I,'."r m: I1r:CF.'''.','JTll[.I':, AD.TIJS7'!f,r::NT TO tlF. 1.IADE I1T /10 CJST TO r:T'!'Y , ~a(7(, ! of ;) . -_. ~ .- -. ---~ ..- ~-_. .. -_...~,_.,_._.-._--- : \AC)~f~ <3/.50 J ~ ~n'1d rl JOB NO. I Zone: SOLAR .ESS Occuvancu Group: , . wt Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f Lot Coverag~ # of Stories Total. Height Topography WT TYPE Interior Cornel' PanhandLe Cu1.-de-saa ITEM I SQ. FTG X VaLue I Main I I Garaoe Carport AccessoY'l/ TOTA& VAWE ~~ S.D.C. (vaLue) N/A 1.5 x ~ Building Permi t JS,tP# State SlIY'aharge .7~ TotaL Charges I' ~'\lS. · ITEM NO. I FE'E CHARGE Fi:ctllY'es I I Residential. (1 bath) I Sanitary SeweY' I l"ateY' I I P1.wnbing Perrr.i t I lo,CO State SlIY'a r.arg e I ,lCS Total. ChaY'ges LI 'C).l(S ~ ITEM I NO. I FEE I CHARGE Res. So. fto. I I New/EXtend Circuits I I Temporary Seruiae E1.ectrica1. Per>mit State SlIY'charge Total. Charges ITEM I NO. FEE Furnace ETU' S I I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove I I I CHARCE Permit Issuanca Mechanica 1. Permi t State SlIY'char(7e Total Charoeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~"rity Deposit Storage I Maintenance I Par>mit I Total Char(70B I eurbout; I sidewa1.k Fen::e Electrical Label Mobile Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ ----=i . --.J.. REQ,- . L-COl:' B,~c! room:: : T,~,ve/Cor.st: I Enerf/1/ .')o;irceo I !feat 1 I [,lateI' !lea t(!l' 1 I Range I Fireplace I"ood:; tove '1'; Ii ',.' I wt Faaes - I I P.&. Worth East South II"eot . Setbaaks /louse I Carage' Aacess. .-- .---.--- .._---,---~- -- Fees Building Value & Permit This perTTli t is gY'anted 0/1 the expresl1 aondi tion tha t the Ilell:d ,:l.ill:: li'lle'l i';lI shall, in all respectlJ, conf.onn to the OY'dina1;ce adopted I)y tile ci:'!f ,'J' SpringfieLd, incZuding the, Zoning Ordinance, l'egulc.till!] thl) ccn:;LI';i,'1 (,1/ and use of buildings, and may be GUlJpended 01' revoked at GIl!} t~IIl,' IIi',,; pi, latiol1 of an!} provisions of said OY'dinances. I Plall Ch~ck "'e,': ~ ~- IDate Pa'td: .f' \r\ ) ~n___ ,J IlIecdpt II: ~ \~i:g~ Plumbing Permit " No pel'con chall cOIwt1'UCt, inataZZ, aUer 01' change GIl!f /lCiJ CI' axil; U'IJ - p1.wnbina 01' drainage syste:71 in ;,;hoLe 01' in pCll't, w:Zesc lJuch pel'soll i:; the LegaL possessoY' of a valid plwnbeY"s licenGe, except that a persoll "'(Iii dc' p1.wnbing wOY'k to p1'Op(!l.ty which is owned, Zeaced 01' opcl'atcd bi} 1;1:.; "Pi ,li- cant. Electrica I Permi t Where State Law requires that the cZectY'ica1. iJorK be clone b!} a'l EZectl.ieezl ContractoY', the electY'icaZ pOY'tion of this pe1'mit shaH root be valid wltil the l.abeL IUlS been signed by the EZectricaZ COlltY'aetol'. I ~ Mechanical Permit ~ I r Uate Plan ExamineY' I HAVE CAREFUL&Y EXAMINED the completed application foY' peT'mit, alld do hereby aeY'tify that a1.1. ir.fo:71lation heY'eon is tY'ue and C01'Y'CCt, alui I further ceY'tify that any ar~ alZ work peY'fo1med shall be done in accoY'- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Spl'ingficZd, and th;; Lcr.;s of the ~ State of OY'eg~n pzrtaining to tho work ce8cl'ibed here:.n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structur8 without p8r>misJio.>t of the BuiZdi,lg Di- vision. I further certify that o:-z1.y contY'actors al;d e:npZ.:;yees wl:o al'e i,l compUance with ORS 701.05S wi1.1. be used on this P1'OjZCt Q.a:tlf ~-- 9 _~l/' q() Dd!:t: