HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1993-6-16 \-., --M ,I ~ , . ~.~I~~in!!l-prti)m:~~.'~life'ti~~WlltoW~ ,., ~tm,gl ,a~d does II'<o:'C: l-~~'l~'~ -:: ...."':.:..-: olftC .~~~ 225 FIFTH STREET ~~YeJ. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGPIEW, OREGON 97477 7-; 00\2- INSPECTION REQUEST: 726_3769.o/J.no=::.=...-__-- OPPICE: 726-3759 tMl'l ~ IIPI C\3a _ lwUl~d.....acJ SlnnAtll1' ~ . COMPLETE PEE SCHEDULE BELOV 1. LOCATION OP INSTALLA"1'1.'Ulr"- .._0. .. " '"" I. ..I! ,.,,1 '1?(;;(;' 7?A/S~ cfiy-, . A. New Residential-Single or . .... Multi-Family per.dwelling unit. . ." LEGAL DESCRIPTION Service Included: ) 7*"r!!!>Z -;r ~::yy t:::> ~~ ~ - r JOB DESCRIPTION -1&/:~~~ r-/5k: ~~~~ '- . Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical Contractor ~16:b~ Address City Phone Supervisor License Number Expiration Date " Constr Contr. Number :'( ,~~ Expiration Date . Signature of Supervising Electrician Owners Name P8~€ :~~bI!::::~ Address q/~~;") ;~~RC~,..~n__ Clty.~~?/Y"~Phone 7~?P'9? , or -.. OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: ~ C -&. --- DATE: RECEI PT I: RECEIVED BY: .. SPRINGFIELD City Job Number 72// -=>_-? 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof . Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder Items Cost Sum $ 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 Services or Feed~rs Installation, Alterations or Relocation: B. 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only V $ 50.00 ~ #flIIC> $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00. $ 40.00' C. Temporary Services or'Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 D. Branch Circuits 'S 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 vol.ts see "B" above New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 . Each Additional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Permi t (-"7_ $,2.00. <'I~ E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 40.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 40.00 Limited Energy/Res $ 20.00 Limited Energy/Comm ' $ 36.00 5.. SUBTOTAL OP ABOVE 7~ -> 5% State Surcharge ~_ ~ TOTAL ' 7!7-7a.. . -- -- . Permit No: qz.//~=?5 Address: 9'2L~ ~~~:f- .. Issued byd~__ Date: &7'~93' // FOR OFFICE USE ONLY STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential construction permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. This state- ment is required for residential building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial boxes 1 and 2, and either box 3A or 3B: 1 . y I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. I understand that I must register as a construction contractor if .the structure is sold or offered for sale before or upon completion. , "' 2. 3. A.I I My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the struc- ture must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR 3. B.I I I will be my own general contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construc- tion Contractors Board. If I change my mind and do hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. ~ C ~ Signature of Permit Applicant - II- Date -.::r v,,",- '/3 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 8/91 WHITE COpy TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE PINK COPY TO APPLICANT -- M INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES . .. NOTE: Tl1isl.nformati9n Notice to Property Owners About Construction Responsibilities was developed by the Construction Contractors Board in accordance with ORS 701.055(5), passed by. the 1.989 OregQn Legislature. If ~ou are acting as your own cba1fi"aC10r to cons~ruct a new home or make a substantial imp:-ovemiSrJt to an exist1ng structure, you CBln prevsni mBl~y problems by being aware of the foliowil1g respom~ib:!2!ee~ am:! ClfeBlS of concern. ~MPlOVEA ~E5)~OG\S5)O[8)OL01f5~Si: If you hire persons 7'tO~ f'eg~s~0:~::: \f'J1~h 1(<'\0 Cons~t:JcHc:1 Contractors BOBlrd to de labor ill c0i1str~c~:~~8 or @~~!S;~:1g '" (>ri"l~. .7 -(,>'1"" 1"'{>: " ':nr'!' rr~"'IYf,,' r' ,'-''''If -1 _ ~("'~, ~ ,,:1'\'\..;0!"'1'1~ ':-7'.,.o.~ ,~~::" .,:. ;'f'\-{\ ~:'~~ ~~, ".',,,,,,.'.; \.t.~ ,-,.,1" III l':~ CO.10l>., v-".\""r. or ....p. ...\lv.'l.C... O. a r"'~IC0. ,I,ul s.. ....clure, yeu W,.., .11 muSI ,. ,~.ar:c,,-,.., u" r"'"'....~ 10 "v ,,J. l'-,,=,'"!"" l 'Olrr" 'rr,t (:oro -""'0' r~'~ \ ~. 'r":rr~. tf\, :.. .,....'C', '!Q.,.,.....,~. J~<"'l~" A {lo~"..,., ,'1"l" 'r, """" "-\'1', 7"""': ~ ;{>~'l1'>:)...,.I"'" ~j,,:'''''~'. vI; .::>.ayv. a. ,U...." ..,~n,,,.,", ~rL. . ... v J~i.. w'v v., ,."'C~ ......~ . f'iS U.e E)r7:.".oye.: Yvu m"";;,,. C3. ,,~<1,Y w",. ...., ,0..Ob'l:.. .S. ,......-~t'"'<,'if"o-'t'" 'I'').::(..,....,~~ ',~: i"~ ., '''1' A ,.~ ~~' I ":"lr'!' J~. "~Y, .^~ 'At..("'I.' .: ,,4"'t.'J" iOl o}.....'" , ",.,......." ,....,-r.':o.'r..!,-<~t.......,.... '''f~1''''l'''''''''~ ,..,.^ .....,,,.........3 vv,.....o~n.J1(O'1 .~i{ "z.... nS 8... ...,...C.Dy...., \<)"" ~,;"'. WI.."!I;".O .:1v.,,7';... 1(;,){0S (,O... ...:,J,,,,,<.J,~;...; C\i:c.."~.I..) ,,,I __",--'~_ ....' _ .-,1} . JI ..... \'.~~, "'"71r'1' _. r"Jj ,'~"""T"\r""~"""""'" 7f1::'l ~;'1-.;:?:~ \,""" , (\ ~:'~ :..,,~ 'I:r-'''''~''_' ": ~ t;;r ,v, ' _,'l"'"'~~ ~" .'\, .~ ""~.,,..,~ ,J\,- ~.rt''''J':-''''', r-';(>' ,'"",,,,",,' ,. ^.~~ ",,-, dl.lO ....1.'_""'.1'.",,5 El..... ;--.......,.. ..A.! \)(1... ,~v ,,:._:...:...... \0. ..'"Ie li3J{ paymo,.lOJ "van II Y'V,", ""or;. "'.....~.~..V \iv. ....."t:, .1... t-~ t""n'l""1'\ .~,.,.,. n-",:'7"l'! ~-,."" 'i.'_.., ~-'''''''''- ~:...,...';".,......'l";t"r\"':~. ,..e>,~1 ~',.. 0."""" "'-("'i\iMJ'-'~ rl""~~* '~I:""\\f"V"""''''''''' ''''/'' ~.,.(/:,,~ ".}~:tt-h. t:....i.... II\"';,.~ '1v.......t v...~,n~,.::..,""s. ~v. r:_..~...:; ....v....~:..V'n, vQ~ urtZ r"",g,Dn U....,P(tl..~l~~'H~. .\"';"J't~_h_J...j :_~ t.tv~;;""';'~)~~4'th I'r~.'r' """";'0 ~~'""""t. '~1"1' ,~, 7'.....~r?l:?"' . A_ ~r , ,1,n. ~ .' .~.~.. * t 1 rr 'r._~: ' . '.~"1->,/~..,.~6 :.""""'" ';::"/"1'''''-, ""'.......1b"'~ y..J....., .'"~l.nTe..."".... .8m, ~ ~il emp,"'Yvr, you are .eqWi"0Q LO p81Y a a){ o. une,,,p,oy......,... ...~...{"~.:,," P. 'r:c'"'o"'I'Y>S o~ M"."" W""""~'" of. ",~r ,.'''I....rr'''.''''\I~'9's f^:cr """o~e 'Inf.or""''''~'lon c",u ~'11'''' Orego"'" "="""""~"'\17~~. rt~ ~""v'~''''n .,"'. ;~, ,j,J..~i;)':; ..l~~" ~~"'~ I~OV..~.v.vy'V'U.. .I,.k r... .~..f;dt 1 Cli~r,J,..;;. allb'~'.~'JI'~y...v.]:,J'.,,"",.v,,,'-4-.~.t at 378-3224. Workers' ComponsEl~ioJ1 ~L1S1J:~~C3: As an emp!oyer, you a.re subject to the Oregol1 WOi"~ers' CO:"T1pei'1sw~:cn Law, a\~::: :":~lisi :Jb~81[!'l tA!~;;,~J'~' CO:"1."':Js~satio~ inSl.1ral1Ce for your o;nployees. ~1 YOli 181!1 ~o oh~0.ii1 \j\jc:':{:;:'i~' comp0tlsa'i:a:: i:'1G~(I'~T:c:J, lie;,,: me.y 0C S:.1C;cct to penalties end wE) :J~ liable fo; al~~ dab,,: cos~s j~ 0:'8 c; yr~L:T ~r.~7'>' "''''' ' ',"1."'''''' n"r -':",,,,, ;..,:~ -~~ '...,.....~<:\ ;_r., ~; 7 II ~h . W I. ,,' C ~'''' _-~(""" ~""'.' ~'..,. c""'fC -~ "4/':'::U "A ~ . 'I".OYG~S .S .. .,_' 'OJ,,", ....,. .. '.,J ,........ ,~. .. ..... ~ .. .,OrmlhIO.I. ca I e Orf\er;:) C.. 't-'e, .;::>0.(......:'1 W'.\1.s....n .J.; .,.. v ". 1'-.-., t. , . ~ """'.';~'t'7"'ile~._~:~-'~ '/':"lr;;\.~ '.- ~f"'"'-n. :,.,.....-,. A".., -...... - . I 7 0.' . \>. :I;o;';,..h !d ~ .~~ I ;71'rf"'o ~~ 1-'.~' ,?-7'-"" ~n.,..... -' .......A'...... l.J.~~~.:,.,. .<4' . :VV~. . ""..;:;.:;j;,,,c \f'....... H~ 0..1 "mp eye., y "mUSl W~U ~ 0 le",vT81" ....0" ,.... ,w){ dom ....,. ,p....y"c~ t'\ItJ.:."S. V:C. ...~:' .'"'~ .::-......"',''''~ r:.M\7 fl.>:lr') \"'''''~.'1''''''""'\''(;i'',,-..,.....'' _f~"'" t.': ...,,....,.. r.'~ ~ ,~,." ~~~~lt. .. rl\1Fi~.:'I^~(' ,-,r,"" . \>- ,~~?' 7'101 :7....''':''.........~_.:.:''"''''''' -.. ,'1 ~ 'fIJI.. IV':' ..~.WI....., '.v. ...~ ~\-"..~y(-.,:<:..-,.. .".." .,.....\fv, j ,j .I,V...)! \,.' ..:In t. ~C..,-,jtQ.. lY \J'J.~'. JJI.\\';..,':}, ..,.s 1.~.J{. I'"" O. mo. v .. .t'\..... I. ,4............'.1 ,~, H' . - , t',.."" ;n~"'.,."'<>l ::?...,,'r,~"'nc"" ~f"",,,i,,..,,,, ",,\ '1l"''''''~O'1''' I r_ .. fo'eJ, 1 ~101' ~ 'iO"",V'v~ JIi.J.~..... 1Io.");>l,..t~ v~~......, 01'1. c.~ ~ UVVV. O'C'U."-l~',r~,C5) '5(~R':pYb,rY~1ro,nn ''1 ,"CS(Q> f;),~~::5' 0 foifs I) R' ")'rs: 0>'lS',\:0>~r~,,1' ~ _.-->._" L,'l..:~~", \\:::VL'0<:0.Ju.Q)I.JL..J ~ \,,--,~ h\.....,..:/ t<-:J.J'J.::,~~ Vii ~'LVu"~LS..'l:~v,, ""~....;<> C"'.,......,:;!:'..."'e. A~ c'CC'I"" ,",-=",,,,,,,,,~ '~,,',,:',,",,~ 60~ "('j"S ,...""""iec. you -"00 T"'SG'1'o'"'s:h!e ~O1' 7o.r;:-O'VI'7"Ig "''''y ~"';I"O''''' "0 Ml"Jo.'," ,-,,,",,,,,"\;j v.._~J..~J.V. _ ..~IV ...,_...~l.. 1.,,",''-'-_ 1 f... . i""'.'J; l, c....\;i v ~ I. lu. . Jvoi;;1, .1 0.'1. 10.. L.!1\Ci.. II;u,,",,~ code requj(::".~~:1t5 ~(:81~ r:t3.V ~o Oro~g:'110 YC~i' Clltsntion through inspectionS'. Liabi~::y a.r.(~ :'!:--C.:;3:-:Y :Ja.:,'B:~Z ::';S~Tar.C3; GO~~C:1ct yo~r insurance agent to see if yO'-1 (:e;vB ~d?a.uate insurance cov""rar1-' .~'" ~"'1";",:"",,,;,,,,, ""1',,' ~~~:;ss;"",~~ ""ch "',~ 6~1"7"Ig ~OO'<' p",jn~ o"""rSi"F"\I w,.,....""r r1"'.'r'~c"'" ~..",c"" ",;~" ""u"c- v bv I~. c..<4oJ"",_~,"",.inWl ~.."........... d. ..__.~" ~\.l' ~\:t It:.. ..11 \ .~, D.. L u,.,.,. .....1C4)', l"..i..\l,"'" u::;;:d..:r...~v ..Ol'il ~.l""~ ".):1 iures, fire, or W:JT~ ~hai ffi\iS'l be re-done. T~me to S:.1~:;3rv~2Z Emir;lio::s: Me.:{0 sure YO'J have s:Jmcisi1t time to su~eTvise your 8r.1~!oyezs. Expertise: ;V:a:{e sure you;rt~ve ~r:o e}{pert1ss to act as your own general con~rac~or,lo coord;nate t;'e work 01 rough-in and iin~sh ~rades; and to i1(J1~iiy bU5rding omciais a.t the appropriate times so they can perform the required inspections, If you have additional questions, write to: Construction Contractors Board 700 Summer S1. NE, Suite 300 Salem, OR 97310-0151 Phone 503.378-4621 0244J 10/24/89