HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-11-2 .. REslrlNTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Nor>th 5th Str>eet SpY'ingfield" Or>egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job l-oeation: ..5 2 g I (> ~ ~ ~--A..A/t Assessors Map II \ \'b'2-~3 ~4 T= l-ot II . ., Q..~ T ,$ ~s:d W ~ G.....:J ~,~ -G-~.p~ /~~ ?~ .4,.Lr=> b/.A-~-II<J . 11.2,- g ~ Value tIS!). ()() Subdiu,,-sion: C\.mer: Addres3: Ci ty : ---t;P.'') Addition Remoc:el i~!obiZe l':1om3 Date of Application Con-cract;ors -~- General Plwnbing Electrical Mechm:ic::. Z C01l8t1'Uction l.ender . ........ SPRINGFIELD ()O'L~ 'L Pr.one: C /Y7-~ 7 77 L(77 . ~ .. .ii., ..ece-:'i't ~ ~ {7'i.{t./ ~ Zip: Describe r"ork: Address' ~~~~ '110 I~. O?J .~(J ~ I r-. '0 Sigr.ed: Date: ~ Jl- z.- Si3 Lise.!1 Eroires Phone U is '!:he responsibiZity of the permit holder to see that aZZ inspections are made at the proper timE:, that =ch ::.ddress is rer.":"":e from the stl'eet. and that the pePmit card is 7..-x1ated at the front of the property. .!Jui!dir.g Divi::io~ approved plan shaH remain on tha Bu,,-l.ding 5it~ at all. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorderJstate your City desifJ7'..ated joc number. job adi:!oess, type of inspec-;icn rsquested w.d when you :.Jill. be ready for inspection. Contractors or Ow'ners ncme end phone number. Requests received cefore 7:00 c::: :."i.Zl be made the same day. requests made afta' 7:00 am :.JiZZ be made the na:t :x;rking day. ~22LJ3 Reauil'sd rnsup~ticn~ SITE INSPECTION: To be rrrzde after e:rcavation. but prior to se'!: up of f01'ms. o D' o o o o D D D UNDfRSLAB PLL'MBIllG. ELECTRIC,lL .~ l1ECHA;/ICA[,: To be made before any work is .:ovared. FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be rrrzae after trenches are e:cavated and ferms are erected. but prior to pouring ccncrete:. U.'!DSRGROlP.!D ?~UM3ING. SF'.lER. ;{'1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made prior 1;0 fU- Ziro.g trenc".es. UNDERFWOlf PW!.fBr.!G 1 MECHANICAL: To be made prior to ins~aLlation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be made prior to installation of {1..oor insulation or decking . FlOUGH Pf,WfBING. ELECTRICAl:, .~ !-fECFI- ANICAL: No ~ork is to be covered un!;i l these insrJections ;...aV'il ceer. made and appr?v~.:i. FI.~EPLAC::: Pz->:.or to pla::-:.ro.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. FRANING: Must be reC'~e3ted after approv.;;Z of rough pZr:m..hing, eZectri- c:al & mechanioaZ. AZZ roofing bracr;ng & chimneys. eto. r.r~st be corrroletad. !!o work is to be con- - ce<.iZed until. this inspecricn has 'been made and approved. lour City. DesifJ7'..ated Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BA!'iRIER INSPF:CTION: To be made after all. insul..=twn ar.d '. required vapor carriers are in place Cut cefore any Zath. gypsum boazod Ol' wZZ couering is applied, and before any insuZation is concealed. . D DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after a z.z. dzo.:flJa z.z. is in place, Cut prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel. beamG. grouting accordance un,th . 241r-- n JJOODSTO'IE: After l.L.d acmp leted. .., Zocation, bond or uerticaZs in U,B.C. Section instaZZation is DEMOLITION OR .'.:OTfEJ aUILDIHCS :J Sani tar'J se'.Jer ::apped ::t ~ope;rt":i Zine ~ Septio tank ~~e:d and f,,-ZZed un,th gra~eZ --, Pinal - [{hen abcve ite.':'!s are ccmvZetc:a ---l ar.d when demclition is complete or struo- ture moved and pr=ises cZeaned up. D CURB & APPROACH AP!:()N: Afte:, forms ca'e ereated but prior to pouring concrete. Mobile iie:r.es ~ BZocking and Set-~p :=J Plumbing connections -- sc:wer and water ~ EZectricaZ Conr.ection - BZockiro.g. set-u? ---1 and plumbing connections r.r.;.st ce approved b "' ' . '.... l' .. . eJorc reques";ng e~ec~~aa ~r.spec_~on =:J Acoessol"d BuiZ-iing ~ Fi=Z - ,1ft;;r ;orcr.es. skirting. dec....s, t ' "'~d e c. are ccmpLe~~ . o AZZ project cor.ditions. 3UC~ as the ins:aLlation of street trees. c~~Zation of the required landsec:pir.g. IJ:tc., must be satisfied before tr.e BUILDING F[;'IAL can be nquest.zd. o FINAl, PW,~fBnIG ~Al, ME~Eui.'lICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL i:=J o D SIDEWALK & DRn'"E'-IA'!: For aZl. ccn- crete paving :.Jithin street right- of-ux;y, to be made after aU e:rca- vating aompZete d form work & sub- base mat;ezoial in pZaoe. PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after' the Final PZumbing Eleacrioal, and Mechanical. Insvections ha;ve been made and aovrolJed. . .. D fENCE: When compZe:te -- Provide gates or movabZe sections through P.U.E. 'AU, MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS .'lUST BE ACCESSIBl,E, ADJUSi'.'!Z,'IT TO BE :.MDE :IT NO C~ST TO CITY I Pc:.?e 1 of 2 o NO. ~ 4,27JJ3 SOLAR_CESS I JOB I Zor.e: Lot Sq. Ft.;. I:: ~f !.at C~Jerc:g~ Ii of 5tol"';es l:otaL Haight I Topogra;;hy OCC".l~anc:J GrCU::1: LCTZ'YP~ r. . .7::eM.cr COl'ner PanhandLe CuL-de-sac I ,,"'.... .._...."1 I.'.lain I ~r:ce I .~ . .. : ! ::::r=cr~ en ;''''G ........... x Value I I .4CCC880r-:1 I I I I S,D.C. 1.5= I 1'OT.4[' VALUE I , ~'aLUC) I I * ElJ.il.dir.g Permit State Surc~e TotaL cr.a...~ges I IT2.~ NO. I :'i... -t:ure s IResidential (1 bath) I Sani taro.{ SeLler FEE CHARGE I I I I I I , CHA.::':CE ilcter Pl:unbing Pern:i t State Surcr.arge Tctal Chc.!"aes , ITE.\! I Res. Sa. fta. I NaJ/E...-tend Ci.rC".li ts IrempcraMJ Service I . NO. . FEe I I I I I E!ecmcal Permit State Surc ;..a:ra e Total cr.t::f'ces 1T2.'-1 ;lC. ~C"l:' I 'ww F'u:rr.:zce ETV'S I E::haust !lood I I I Vent F::n I I I . , I I I iloods to'Je I I I J Pem t Issu::::nca I .'.fec r.anic::. l Permi. t I C!!Ai:rCE \~.t)O State SurcJuzrac , (/0 Ie. uO I I To"tc Z C1-.a:r-::es -- ~NCRCACHA'E;.!T -- SeC".lI";~ De~03it Stor~e I Mcintenc:r..::e I Parmt I TotaL Ch.c.raes I Cur,;C'~: Si.d=Li< I Fen::e I E7.ectrica L ! .\fobiZe Home Labe L I I , I J <;,.(t)O - - TOTAL A.'.fOUNT DUE: * :>-0" 2 ... ,...\ ~ REQ.- " L-COG~ I Lot Faces - I I 2.[,. jtlor-r;h lEast /SO"..:th IWest T~,?e/Cor.st: BeC:roon".s: I I E:nerau Sources I I I I I I I TJ.loe fj'eat Setbacks I House I Caraqe I I I I I j Access. Water .'!eat2r Ranq2 Firep~ace WoodGtove Faes Building Value & Permit . This permit is granted on the express condition that the said. construction sh~~l, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of ,Svl"';ngfield, ina!udina the Zonina Ordinance, reaulc:til~a the ccnst!".I.::ticn ana use of buiZdings,.arA m~y be. suspended or r~voked;t any time upon vio- Zation of any pr~vi3ions of said Ordir.ances. * Fran Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: ISig1-:ed: Plumbing Permit No person shaLL construct, instaLZ, aZter or change any new cr e--i.sting pllJ.mbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person i.s tr~ legal possessor of a valid pLumber's license, except tr~t a pe!"son may do plumbing work to proper~~ which is owned, leased or operated ~y the appli- cant. / I I * Electrica I Permit I I I I I , * Where State LaLJ requ.ires tr~t the electrical work be done by an E!e!Jtrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shaLL roOt be valid untiL the Label has been signed by the EZectrical Contractor. Mechanical PermH ... * PLan E::::arrri.ner uar::e I I I HA VE CAREFULLY EXA.'1INED the comp Zeted app Lication for permi t, and de ,. hereby certify that aLL info-:'l:".ation hereon is true and correct, and I f.lrther certify that any ar.d aLL work performed shaLL be done in accor- I dance ~th the Ordin=nces of th~ City of SpringficZd, and the [,~~s of tho * State of Oregon p~rt...-ining to the work described herein, and that .vo occu- PANCY ~ZZ be made of any struc~.l1'e without permission of the 3uiZding rr;- vision. I further certify that onLy contractors arA ~L.::yees wr.o are in compliance with CBS ?01.05~ will be used on this project ~ ~n, ,,\, (y{'w ~ J 1,...2--f(? ~~ Date Sign$d .